Celebrating the 4th of July... John Paul Jones... A "cure for hard times"...
Item #705358
July 01, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 1, 1820 The entire front page is an editorial headed: "Independence" concerning the upcoming anniversary of the 4th of July.
Some great reading, with one paragraph beginning: "Nearly all the great actors in 1776 have made their exit to another & a better world, but some venerable men yet remain to bless our land with their prese... See More
Beauregard takes command...
Item #688078
October 27, 1864
NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 27, 1864
* 20 inch Rodman Gun first tested
* John Paul Jones Park - Fort Hamilton
* Brooklyn, New York cannon
* American Civil War
The back page has a very interesting report headed: "The Largest Gun In the World" "Successful Trial of the Twenty-Inch Rodman Gun at Fort Hamilton" (see) This 20-inch version in the largest muzzle loading cannon ever ... See More
Burgoyne & Saratoga... John Paul Jones: King wants his ships back...
Item #685874
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1779 * Battles of Saratoga - New York
* General John Burgoyne defeat
* Captain John Paul Jones
The first 8 pages are taken up with "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Parliament" which includes some discussion of the affairs in America.
But the prime content would be the excellent coverage of events relating to General Burgoyn... See More
Burgoyne & Saratoga... John Paul Jones: King wants his ships back...
Item #685869
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1779 * Battles of Saratoga - New York
* General John Burgoyne defeat
* Captain John Paul Jones
The first 8 pages are taken up with "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Parliament" which includes some discussion of the affairs in America.
But the prime content would be the excellent coverage of events relating to General Burgoyn... See More
Rare mention of John Paul Jones...
Item #681166
October 08, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Oct. 8, 1782
* John Paul Jones
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 3 has a report with rare mention of John Paul Jones: "...letters were received from New York...when every thing remained quiet...It is said to be the squadron under Paul Jones, which sailed from Boston in August last, and not three French frig... See More
Diplomatic attempts to prevent war, but the printed presumption would prove true...
Item #677270
June 06, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 6, 1812 Inside has the beginning of what would become a continuing article on: 'Paul Jones", the famed John Paul Jones. Also several correspondences under: "Public Documents" signed in type by: J. Monroe to Augustus Foster and Jonathan Russell, British & American diplomats respectively, all relating to what would become the War of 1... See More
Preparing for war...
Item #671563
July 11, 1812
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 11, 1812 Reports inside include: "Militia of Virginia" which mentions going to war against England. Also part of a continuing article on: "Paul Jones" being the famed John Paul Jones. Also: "Military Notices" and other tidbits which relate to early events on the War of 1812.
Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 3/4 inches, nice condition.
... See More
Last survivor of John Paul Jones' crew from the Revolutionary War...
Item #671411
December 31, 1842
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, December 31, 1842 The back page has an item: "The Last of The Crew of Paul Jones" which concern the death of Thomas Chase, the last survivor of the crew of John Paul Jones: "...when engaged with two British ships of War..." and noting his hearing was impaired: "...having been injured by the concussion by the guns...having exte... See More
Ben Franklin letters...
Item #670618
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, Sept., 1790 * Benjamin Franklin letters
* Dangerous lightning deaths
A nice issue with a full title/contents page with an embellishment at the top.
Included within are two item by Ben Franklin: "Letter on the Death of Persons Struck with Lightning--by Dr. Franklin" and "Extracts of Letters form Dr. Franklin to Monsieur Dubourg, the ... See More
The whereabouts of John Paul Jones...
Item #598288
November 06, 1779
EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 6, 1779 Page 2 has a report noting: "...gentleman...from Holland declared at a coffee-house near the 'Change, that he saw Paul Jones at the Hague last Thursday evening. He says he was dressed in scarlet, trimmed with gold, that he is much caressed by the Dutch, and that he saw his ships all lie in the Texel..." (see).
Four pages, folio... See More
Georgia has left the American cause? John Paul Jones...
Item #594930
March 18, 1780
* American Revolutionary War
* Georgia to leave the cause ?
* John Paul Jones
Page 2 has a report which includes: "...but New York is to be the grand point that is to be essayed. There is not a single line of battle ship now lying there & but one frigate; all the regulars & foreigners were drafted off for the expedi... See More
Frustration with lost reinforcements...
Item #592265
November 02, 1779
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Nov. 2, 1779 The entire front page and a bit of pg. 2 are taken up with: "The Justifying Memorial of the King of Great Britain in Answer to the Exposition of the Court of France". This lengthy piece concerning the French involvement in the Revolutionary War, a few bits noting in part: "...During the disputes that had arisen between Great Bri... See More
John Paul Jones... Revolutionary War...
Item #588494
April 16, 1781
ARIS'S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, England, April 16, 1781 Page 2 has mention of the noted John Paul Jones, with: "Paul Jones arrived at Philadelphia the first of March with only a single frigate. It is said he brought some very important news which had not transpired..." and further on is a note from St. Eustatia: "The Americans that fled to the woods & attempted to make a st... See More
Talk of John Paul Jones...
Item #587845
June 10, 1780
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 10, 1780 Inside has a brief item concerning John Paul Jones, with a dateline of Paris and mentioning: "The celebrated Paul Jones is to sail from L'Orient with one frigate and three large privateers. He will carry back the Bostonians who have arrived here from Denmark within these eight or ten days. This intrepid Mariner must be highly gratified wi... See More
Reference to John Paul Jones... Reference to Benedict Arnold's defection...
Item #567395
March 27, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 27, 1781 Page 2 has an item referencing the famous naval battle involving John Paul Jones, with: "...Displeasures of his B.M. in regard to what has been done for Paul Jones is equally groundless...". Another item on pg. 2 extending to pg. 3 includes: "...negociation intended to lay the plan of a treaty of commerce to be concluded between th... See More
Item #177643
February 03, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 3, 1912
The front page of this issue is a photo of "New York's Royal Visitors."
This issue has an illustration of "Weighing Out--Is This Mr. Bryan's Real View?" by Kemble. There is another illustration of "A Dickens Portrait Gallery" by all different artists. There is a photo spread called "Of Interest to Play... See More
Color illustrations.... Christmas Theme...
Item #177548
December 11, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 11, 1909 The front page of this issue has an illustration of "What a Chance!" by J. A. Williams.
This issue has many illustrations, some of them slightly colored. There is one of "The Lighthouse Keeper's Christmas Greetings" by H. M Brett and there are some colored ones, such as "All the Fault of the Wright Brothers... See More
Item #177546
December 25, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 25, 1909 There is a color cover on this issue. The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Passing of Leopold." This issue has an illustration of ""There Will be a Decided Uplift to the Democratic Party in New York State When the Newly Formed League Gets into Action"-Daily Paper" by Kemble and there are photos of &quo... See More
Famous baseball umpires....
Item #177534
August 21, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 21, 1909 The front page of this issue has an illustration of "Gossip" by W. J. Cahill.
This issue has an of "The Rulers of the Game--Some Famous Baseball Umpires and Their Ways" by E. B. Moss. There is also a photo of "A Mistress of Varied Roles--Louise Closser Hale" and there is a double page photo spread of "Followin... See More
The Aftermath of the San Francisco Terror....
Item #177390
May 12, 1906
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 12, 1906
Niagara Falls and Power Companies....
Item #177386
April 07, 1906
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 7, 1906
Admiral John Paul Jones...
Item #177317
August 12, 1905
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 12, 1905 Front page illustration "A Twentieth-Century Plant" by W. A. Rogers; The Disastrous Boiler Explosion on the Gunboat "Bennington" in San Diego Harbor; Japan's Chief Peace Envoy in America; The Reception of the Body of Admiral John Paul Jones at the Naval Academy, Annapolis; Photographs of the Russian War-Ships Which Fled t... See More
Autobiling... Bohemian Club of San Francisco... Motor-Boat Racing...
Item #177316
August 05, 1905
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 5, 1905
Item #177315
July 29, 1905
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 29, 1905
American astronomers...
Item #175974
December 01, 1894
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 1, 1894 Full front page illus. of "More Work for Victorious Reform." Inside is a 1/2 pg. portrait of "William T. Walters, of Baltimore." Full pg. of illus. of " In and About Korea."
Doublepage centerfold of "Thanksgiving Week - 1621." Nine portraits of "Prominent American Astronomers." Full pg. of illu... See More
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