Web Results (26)



Lewis and Clark begin their epic Voyage of Discovery...

Item #702702

November 26, 1803

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL & MASSACHUSETTS FEDERALIST, Boston, Nov. 26, 1803 (at a slightly reduced price)

* Lewis and Clark Expedition begins

* Louisville, Kentucky - Ohio River

Page 2 has several items concerning the recent Louisiana Purchase, but certainly the most significant is a report from Louisville noting: "Capt. Clark, and Mr. Lewis, have left this place in the prosecution of th... See More  

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Huge map of the Mississippi River dated June 1, 1775...

Item #700671

January 01, 1783

COURSE of the RIVER MISSISSIPI [sic] from the Balise to Fort Chartres; Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1763 by Lieut. Ross of the 34th Regiment: Improved from the Surveys of that River made by the French".

London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775" 

A noted map dealer
... See More  

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Great on Jefferson & the Burr Conspiracy... A very rare title...

Item #695008

February 07, 1807

THE FRIEND, Salem, Massachusetts, Feb. 7, 1807  

* Very rare short-lived publication

* Aaron Burr conspiracy - Thomas Jefferson

A very rare title as it only existed for 29 issues, from Jan. 3 thru July 18, 1807. This is the number 6 issue. Only 5 American institutions have any holdings of this title, two of which have just a single issue.

A fine issue on the Burr Conspiracy, as a... See More  

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One of the best issues on the Burr Conspiracy, with Jefferson's famous message to Congress...

Item #687488

January 31, 1807

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 31, 1807 

* President Thomas Jefferson

* Special message to U.S. Congress

* On the Aaron Burr conspiracy

A terrific issue on the Burr Conspiracy, as any number of websites can be found with the full text of this special message to Congress from the President, in which he discloses to them to full details of the conspiracy and his intents to prosecute A... See More  

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Confirming the Louisiana Purchase...

Item #685041

July 02, 1803

NEW YORK HERALD, July 2, 1803  

* Louisiana Purchase confirmation w/ France

The front page has: "TWO MILLIONS!!! An Act Making Further Provision for the Expenses attending the intercourse Between the U.S. and Foreign Nations" which is signed in type by he President: Th. Jefferson.

Inside has no fewer than two reports concerning confirmation of the Louisiana Purchase from Fran... See More  

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Official report that the Louisiana Purchase treaty has been concluded...

Item #685039

July 23, 1803

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 23, 1803 

* The Louisiana Purchase Treaty

* Signed by U.S. & France ministers

Page 2 has: "By the President of the United States...A PROCLAMATION" calling for a special session of Congress, signed in type: Th. Jefferson.

This is followed by a very historic report headed: "Louisiana - Official" which mentions in part: "Dispa... See More  

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Jefferson letter on the Tripolitan War... On the Louisiana Purchase...

Item #684875

November 11, 1803

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 11, 1803  

* President Thomas Jefferson

* USS Philadelphia capture

* Tripolitan - First Barbary War

Inside has a letter from the President concerning the capture of the frigate Philadelphia by the enemy in Tripoli Harbor, during the Tripolitan War, signed in type: Th. Jefferson. Other correspondence concerning this event as well including a letter signed: William... See More  

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Debating the Louisiana Purchase...

Item #684526

August 01, 1803

BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 1, 1803 

* Louisiana Purchase close

Page 2 has an editorial headed: "Louisiana" in which the writer debates the merits of the Louisiana Purchase. Some interesting commentary.

Four pages, some foxing, archival strengthening at the irregular spine, good condition.... See More  

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Official report that the Louisiana Purchase treaty has been concluded...

Item #684523

July 25, 1803

BOSTON GAZETTE, July 25, 1803 

* The Louisiana Purchase Treaty

Page 2 has: "By the President of the United States...A PROCLAMATION" calling for a special session of Congress, signed in type: Th. Jefferson.

This is followed by a very historic report headed: "Louisiana - Official" which mentions in part: "Dispatches from the American ministers at Paris...contain ... See More  

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On the 1803 Louisiana Purchase...

Item #684518

November 07, 1803

BOSTON GAZETTE, Nov. 7, 1803 

* The Louisiana Purchase Treaty

* President Thomas Jefferson

Page 2 has some nice reporting headed: "Louisiana Treaty" and: "Louisiana" concerning discussion in the Senate & House of Rep. over the recent Louisiana Purchase.

The first is a bill beginning: "Be it enacted, etc. That the President of the United States be, and he i... See More  

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Missouri Compromise... Mordecai Noah & his Jewish refuge island...

Item #678715

March 11, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 11, 1820 

* Missouri Compromise

* Maine and Missouri become states

* Mordecai Manuel Noah... Grand Island... Jewish settlement

The top of the front page has an article which announces the approval of the Missouri Compromise: "The bills for the admission of Maine and Missouri into the union have been respectively signed by the president... See More  

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The Manhattan Bridge... Louisiana Purchase exposition...

Item #631921

July 16, 1904

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 16, 1904  The front page has "The Festival Hall, the Central and Dominating Structure of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The New Manhattan Wire-Cable Suspension Bridge Across the East River as it Will Appear When Completed"; The New White Star Liner 'Baltic' - The largest Ves... See More  

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Opening of the St. Louis World's Fair issue...

Item #611401

January 31, 1904

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 7, 1904  The front cover of the issue is entitled "The Opening of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition" which is comprised of two photos with additional photos inside the issue. Within the issue is "The Russian Ice-Breaker 'Ermack' Capable of Forcing Her Way Through Ice Twenty-Five Feet Thick"; "High-Velocity 6-inch Wire-Wound G... See More  

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Opening of the St. Louis World's Fair issue...

Item #589445

January 31, 1904

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 7, 1904  The front cover of the issue is entitled "The Opening of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition" which is comprised of two photos with additional photos inside the issue. Within the issue is "The Russian Ice-Breaker 'Ermack' Capable of Forcing Her Way Through Ice Twenty-Five Feet Thick"; "High-Velocity 6-inch Wire-Wound G... See More  

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Item #561292

September 03, 1904

SUPPLEMENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, from New York, dated September 3, 1904. (print only)

This is a double-page print of "The Festival Hall and Colonnade of States --- The Architectural Masterpiece of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition".

The page is approximately 15.75 x 21.75 inches and is in very nice condition. Please see photos for details.... See More  

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Women's Golf Championship...

Item #177275

November 05, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 5, 1904 Front page illustration "Either is "Good Enough for Me" by W. A. Rogers; Mr. Dumont Clarke, President-Elect of the New York Clearing-House; Prominent Contestants in the Women's Golf Championship on the Merion Links at Haverford; The Last Days of the Campaign--The Fireworks Display in Madison Square at the Republican Mass ... See More  

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John D. Rockfeller...

Item #177273

October 22, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 22, 1904  Front page illustration "Uncle Sam. "Enough Head-Lines--Produce the Evidence!" by W. A. Rogers; John D. Rockefeller, The Richest Man in the World; Ceremonies at the Notification of Frank W. Higgins, Republican Candidate for Governor of New York, With Photographs Taken at His Home; How Russia Treats Her Prisoners--Scenes in the R... See More  

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Bird's-eye view of the St. Louis Fair Grounds...

Item #177270

October 01, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 1, 1904  Front page illustration "Oh, the bulldog on he bank, and the bullfrog in the pool; the bulldog...." etc., etc." by W. A. Rogers; Frank W. Higgins, Republican Nominee for Governor of New York State; Photograph of the Delegates at the Republican State Convention in Saratoga on September 14; Members of the Eighth International ... See More  

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Item #177259

July 09, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 9, 1904  Front page illustration "A Critical Moment" by W. A. Rogers; An Incident of the Evacuation of Newchwang--Russians Removing Siege-Guns From the Manchurian Stronghold; A Recent Photograph of the Czar--Nicholas II. Holding A Review at the Navy-Yard, St. Petersburg; American Golfers in Britain by van Tassel Sutphen; Double page Photo, S... See More  

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St. Louis Fair...

Item #177254

May 28, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 28, 1904  Frontpage illustration "What Are You Doing Here?" by W. A. Rogers; Russian Wounded in a Japanese Red Cross Hospital at Chemulpo, Korea; Honoring A Japanese Naval Officer, Lieutenant-Commander Hirose, Who was Killed at Port Arthur; Double page illustration "A Daily Scene at the World's Fair--Sketch Made on the Grounds From t... See More  

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Oepning of the St. Louis Fair...

Item #177250

April 30, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 30, 1904  Frontpage Photo, Opening the St. Louis Fair---Night View of the Palace of Varied Industries; The Russian Battle-Ship "Petropavlovsk," Sunk by the Japanese at Port Arthur, April 13; Opening World's Fair; Multiple articles on the Opening of the World's Fair; "Bird's-Eye View of the St. Louis World's Fair"; ... See More  

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Item #177207

June 20, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 20, 1903 Frontpage illustration "The Presentation of the New Chinese Minister; The Havoc of the Western Floods; A New Invention for Our Next War; The Assassination of the King and Queen of Servia; Doublepage illustration "They're Off!" by George Wright; The Gate Way to Nevada; other news and advertisements of the day. See photos for full ... See More  

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Ralph Waldo Emerson...

Item #177202

May 16, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 16, 1903  Frontpage Photo of Ralph Waldo Emerson; Impressions of Emerson; Photo, The Dedication of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis; Across the Continent in Ten Hours; Fullpage illustration "The Finest Race-Course in the World" by H. M. Pettit; Mr. Borglum's Broncos and Bronco-Busters; 4 page illustration "The Supreme C... See More  

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Geronimo, a Free Man...

Commemorating the Visit of Prince Henry of Prussia...

Item #177139

March 08, 1902

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 8, 1902 Frontpage illustration "The Christening of the Kaiser's Yacht" by Rogers; doublepage of photos of The Launching of the Kaiser's Yacht; fullpage photos Prince Henry in American Waters; doublepage photos The First Reception to the Prince on Shore; fullpage photos The Prince at the National Capital; fullpage sketch of Prince Henry of... See More  

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Louisiana Purchase Exposition...

William McKinley...

Item #177114

September 14, 1901

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 14, 1901 Front page illustration William McKinley; The Shooting of the President; How New York Received the News; St. Louis - "Most American of American Cities"; The Louisiana Exposition with photos of personnel; The Automobile Races at Newport; fullpage color ad Ralston Purina Cereals; and other news of the day. See photos for full details.

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"Trout-Fishing in the North Woods" by Frost...

Item #177104

July 06, 1901

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 6, 1901 The Sad Story of Philadelphia; The Disaster in West Virginia;  doublepage centerfold "Trout-Fishing in the North Woods" by Frost; The Woman's National Tennis Championship at Philadelphia; and other news of the day. See photos for full details.

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