Web Results (49)



Death of Brigham Young, and three more Mormon reports...

Item #704856

September 06, 1877

AMERICAN SOCIALIST, Oneida, New York, Sept. 6, 1877  Page 7 under "Items Of News" has 4 Mormon items, one noting: "Brigham Young died on the 29th ult. after a brief attack of cholera morbus & inflammation of the bowels. He was buried on Sunday, the 2d."

Another has: "Brigham Young discouraged free schools, but he sent several of his children to the best educa
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Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Last sermon of Brigham Young before Utah... Nice on the capture of slave ships...

Item #704483

March 21, 1846

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 21, 1846  The front page has an editorial concerning the Mexican War: "Shall We Have Peace or War?" Page 3 has a report: "Slavers Captured" being an account of the capture of the slave ships Panther, Patuxent, and Pons. Note that although slavery continued until the Civil War, the importation of slaves was outlawed in 1808.

A... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Creating the Naval Academy at Annapolis... Arresting Brigham Young...

Item #704478

January 31, 1846

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 31, 1846 

* United States Naval Academy is born

* Brigham Young arrested - Mormons

Near the back is a nice article on the establishment of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, headed: "The Naval School At Annapolis", which includes: "It is generally understood that in September last the military post at Annapolis, Md., was vacated... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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The Mormons have abandoned Salt Lake City...

Item #701071

July 15, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 15, 1858 

* Brigham Young - Mormons - Mormonism

* Salt Lake City evacuated - Utah War ending

Page 3 has: "The Latest From Utah--The Mormons Abandoning Salt Lake" which notes in part: "...Young and the rest of the Mormons...had evacuated the city and gone south to Provo. The city looked almost completely deserted. Peace... See More  

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End of "The Mormon" publication in 1857...

Item #700971

October 08, 1857

THE CIRCULAR, Oneida, New York, Oct. 8, 1857 

* Brigham Young sermon on Women & provisions

* The Mormon (newspaper) ends publication

* Mormons - Mormonism - 1855-1857

This is an uncommon periodical published by the Oneida Community, a Utopian commune founded by John Humphrey Noyes in 1848 in Oneida. The community believed that Jesus Christ had already returned in the year 70, maki... See More  

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The Mormons vs. the U.S. Army...

Item #699168

July 24, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 24, 1858 

* Gen. Albert S. Johnston

* Utah War expedition ending

Page 3 has: "News From Salt Lake City" which notes in part: "...Gen. Johnston was entering the city. The Mormons were still at Provo...Communication between the Peace Commissioners and Brigham Young was kept up daily...The Mormons would not rent their hou... See More  

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Death of Brigham Young, and three more Mormon reports...

Item #698906

September 06, 1877

AMERICAN SOCIALIST, Oneida, New York, Sept. 6, 1877  Page 7 under "Items Of News" has 4 Mormon items, one noting: "Brigham Young died on the 29th ult. after a brief attack of cholera morbus & inflammation of the bowels. He was buried on Sunday, the 2d."

Another has: "Brigham Young discouraged free schools, but he sent several of his children to the best educa
... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Brigham Young's Proclamation... The Great Eastern...

Item #698152

March 06, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 6, 1858  A full page illustration: 'Sleighing In Broadway' is very displayable. An article: "Skating, From a Lady's Point of View" features a half page illustration 'Skating In New England' and "Skating in the North of Europe'. "Hon. Henry Wilson, U.S. Senator of Massachusetts" is featured on the front page.... See More  

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William Hooper Young & the murder of Anna Pulitzer...

Item #698051

September 23, 1902

ALLEGANY COUNTY REPORTER, New York, Sept. 23, 1902 (2nd section)

* Searching for William Hooper Young

* Former Mormon elder & Grandson of Brigham Young

* Re: the murder of Anna Pulitzer

The front page has: "SEARCHING FOR YOUNG", with subheads: "Believed to Have Been Arrested in Derby, Conn.", "Man Resembling Young Found", and "Supposed Murderer Desper... See More  

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Mormon attack... Brigham Young on the Indians & U.S. forces...

Item #697822

November 17, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 17, 1857  This issue has multiple reports regarding the Mormon tensions of mid-late 1857. Page 2 begins with a full column article headed: "A Reply to Brigham Young" which kicks off with Young's detailed letter on how to handle the Indians, followed by the response of J.W. Denver, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Both letters d... See More  

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Quite uncommon Mormon publication...

Item #696883

September 01, 1881

THE CONTRIBUTOR, Salt Lake City, Utah, September, 1881

* Very rare publication

* Mormons - Mormonism

 This is an uncommon title from the Mormon press. It was an independent publication associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) between 1879 and 1896. A monthly periodical, it sought to represent the Young Men's and Young Ladies' Mutual Impr... See More  

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Mrs. O'Leary's cow and the Chicago Fire...

Item #692190

November 29, 1871

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 29, 1871 

* Catherine O'Leary's cow legend

* Chicago fire started from her barn

Page 3 has a very interesting article headed: "Mrs. O'Leary's Cow" "Attempt to Get at the Truth as to the Origin of the Chicago Fire--Statement of Neighbors".

Keep in mind that this was just 7 weeks after the fire, and it is rare to find contemporary... See More  

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Brigham Young's Proclamation of martial law... Much more Mormon reporting...

Item #690286

November 18, 1857

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 18, 1857 

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Governor Brigham Young

* Proclamation of martial law

* Utah War declaration

Page 6 contains one of the more historic documents in Mormon history, with the report headed: "The Mormon War" which has a report from military officers on the situation: "...confirming the destruction of the supply trains...".

This ... See More  

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Brigham Young awaits a revelation from God on polygamy...

Item #689975

July 24, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, July 24, 1865 

* President Brigham Young

* Sign from God on polygamy

* Mormons - Mormonism

The bottom of page 4 has a very curious article: "Brigham Young--A New Revelation On Polygamy" which notes: "It is reported that Brigham Young, the Prophet, High Priest and Grand Turk of Great Salt Lake, recently stated, in a conversation with Speaker [of the Hous... See More  

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The National Rifle Association is formally created... Mormon trials...

Item #689678

November 22, 1871

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 22, 1871  The back page has a brief & inconspicuous report which is very significant to the founding of the NRA, the National Rifle Association.

As the internet tells us, the NRA was founded in 1871 by Capt. Wingate and Col. Church, both mentioned in this report. Papers for incorporation were sent 5 days previous on Nov. 17, and this report notes: "The Rifle Ass... See More  

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The Mormons in Salt Lake City, Echo Canyon, and more...

Item #689438

February 05, 1870

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSDRATED, New York, Feb. 5, 1870  The front page shows: "New York City--Arrival of H. R. H. Prince Arthur of England...".

A full page has 3 prints on: "Across the Continent--A Mormon Farmer & his Family in the Streets of Salt Lake City" and: "Street Scene in Salt Lake City" and: "The First Market, Salt Lake City--Members of Brigham... See More  

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The National Rifle Association is formally created... Mormon trials...

Item #688824

November 22, 1871

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 22, 1871 

* Creation of the NRA, the National Rifle Association

The back page has a brief & inconspicuous report which is very significant to the founding of the NRA, the National Rifle Association. As the internet notes, the NRA was founded in 1871 by Capt. Wingate and Col. Church, both mentioned in this report.

Papers for incorporation were sent 5 days previo... See More  

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Orrin Porter Rockwell, the Mormon bodyguard...

Item #685085

March 25, 1843

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 25, 1843  The back page has a small report: "Mormons" noting: "Orrin Porter Rockwell, the Mormon, who has been accused of being the person who attempted to assassinate ex-governor Boggs, of Missouri, last summer, was apprehended at St. Louis on the 6th instant and committed to jail. He will now haver to stand his trial."

Rock... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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First of this title we have offered?

Item #684561

August 13, 1874

SAN RAFAEL HERALD, California, Aug. 13, 1874  

* Rare old West publication

An uncommon title from this city in the North Bay area of San Francisco Bay. This is the volume 1, number 3 issue.

A typical newspaper of the day with a wealth of local news and a wealth of advertisements as well. Page 2 has a brief item: "Brigham Young has been sending his emissaries among the Shoshones of... See More  

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Brigham Young's troubles...

Item #666641

April 21, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 21, 1857  Page 3 has a report headed: "The Mahomet Of Utah" which begins: "Mr. Brigham Young's prospects are by no means flattering. His hot-bed of infamy and corruption is at last to be overhauled. The false prophet...has braved all hints at extermination, stands an uncommonly good chance of finding his power suddenly v... See More  

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Brigham Young in prison...

Item #616648

February 12, 1872

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 12, 1872 

* Brigham Young in prison

* Salt Lake City, Utah

The front page has an item headed: "Utah -- Mr. De Long Explains the Visit to Brigham Young--The Prophet Sinking Under the Rigorous Imprisonment--The Elections" (see).

Eight pages, never-trimmed, minor binding residue at the spine of the back page, great condition.... See More  

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Brigham Young letter...

Item #607721

January 17, 1870

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 17, 1870

* Brigham Young as president ?

* Salt Lake City Utah prophet

The front page has an article headed: "Brigham Young on Turkish Baths and Presidential Aspirations" See image for text here.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, a little irregular along spine, otherwise in nice condition.

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Brigham Young....

Item #604994

October 30, 1875

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Massachusetts, October 30, 1875

* Brigham Young

* Contempt of Court

This issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.

The front page has a small one column heading: "Brigham Young in Custody for Contempt of Court" See image for text here.

Larger than normal issue measures 26 x 20 inches, complete in 4 pages, a little sp... See More  

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The wreck of the ship "Atlantic"... Brigham Young & the railroads...

Item #599694

April 12, 1873

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 12, 1873 

* RMS Atlantic wreck

* Brigham Young

The front page has: "THE ATLANTIC" "Valuables Found on the Bodies of Victims, and Now in the Hands of Magistrates", as well as: "Utah" "Brigham Young Going to Arizona--A Cook Shot by a Desperado" beginning: "It is known that Brigham Young will resign the Presidency of ... See More  

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Sitting Bull... Death of Brigham Young...

Item #583128

August 30, 1877

THE DAILY MEMPHIS AVALANCHE, Memphis, Tennessee, Aug. 30, 1877 

* Chief Sitting Bull

* Hunkpapa Lakota Indians

* Brigham Young death

Page 3 has as brief a report of the death of Brigham Young as could be found, headed: "Death of Brigham Young", The report reading: "Brigham Young died at 4 p.m. to-day." the same page has a lengthier report headed: "Sitting Bull... See More  

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Brigham Young content... Age discriminiation???...

Item #581276

January 07, 1874

DAILY EVENING HERALD, Stockton, California, January 7, 1874  The front page carries a small article "Mr. Brigham Young true to his name, has ordered his missionaries in Europe to send over no more old maids. Female saints over 30 years of age, he regards as unprofitable converts". Other news and advertisements, some with illustrations, are within the issue.

This is complete in fo... See More  

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Brigham Young warns the army to leave or be annihilated...

Item #565712

April 15, 1858

THE CIRCULAR, Oneida, New York, April 15, 1858  This is an uncommon periodical published by the Oneida Community, a Utopian commune founded by John Humphrey Noyes in 1848 in Oneida. The community believed that Jesus Christ had already returned in the year 70, making it possible for them to bring about Christ's millennial kingdom themselves, and be free of sin and perfect in this world, not ju... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln's life....

Item #563961

March 10, 1867

NEW-YORK TIMES, New York, NY, March 10, 1867

* Abraham Lincoln's personal life

Page 8 has: "Domestic Life Of Abraham Lincoln" (see)

Page 5 has: "A Letter from Brigham Young"

Other news of the day throughout. 8 pages in good condition.

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Charles Dickens... Five issue set...

Item #551084

October 31, 1857

Harper's Weekly set of 5 issues, dated weekly from October 31, 1857 through November 28, 1857, all featuring a serialized portion of "The Lazy Tour Of The Two Idle Apprentices", by Charles Dickens.  This is a great way to purchase the entire series, all five issues, for more than 20% off the single issue price.  The issues are individually described as follows:

Harper... See More  

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Item #177635

December 23, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, December 23, 1911

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Late John Bigelow".

This issue has an article with photos of "Persia's Five Yankee Props" and there are photos of "Three Prominent Members of the New Mexican Cabinet." There is a photo spread of "Civil War in the Dragon Land" and a photo of "... See More  

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Secret to Mormon success...

Item #177083

February 09, 1901

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 9, 1901  Front page "The Sabbath-Breakers" by Frost; full page "Breaking a Road Through the Snow, in the Green Mountains" by Hoyt;  The Philippine Problem; full page of photos "The Streets of New York at Night"; several pages "Pictorial Review of the Life of King Edward VII"; The Secret of Mormon Success by W... See More  

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Brigham Young's Proclamation... The Great Eastern...

Item #172134

March 06, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 6, 1858  A full page illustration: 'Sleighing In Broadway' is very displayable. An article "Skating, From a Lady's Point of View" features a half page illustration 'Skating In New England' and "Skating in the North of Europe'. "Hon. Henry Wilson, U.S. Senator of Massachusetts" is featured on the front page. ... See More  

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In a Mormon settlement...

Item #173902

February 06, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York,, Feb. 6, 1875 Ftpg. shows: 'Reading A Ukase in a Mormon Settlement', by Frenzeny & Tavernier.

Full doublepage centerfold is by Th. Nast. Several scenes: 'Christian Work in the Streets'. Complete in sixteen pages and includes a 4 page Supplement.

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Making wine...

Item #173566

November 18, 1871

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 18, 1871  Ftpg. Nast political cartoon: "Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg". Halfpg: "Python Swallowing a Boa". Famous fullpg. Nast: "The Arrest of 'Boss' Tweed--Another Good Joke". The Supplement contains: "Making Wine in Medoc" and "Horse Market, 62nd Street, New York"

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New York City Docks... Salt Lake City...

Item #173336

September 04, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 4, 1869  The front page features a hal fpage illustration 'Great Trot at the Buffalo Driving Park' along with a quarter page illustration "Governor Senator, of Tennessee". Inside the issue is a full page each of 'The Oxford Crew' and 'The Harvard Crew'. A terrific doublepage centerfold is 'Along the Docks, New York... See More  

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Charles Dickens... Dr. Livingstone... Brigham Young...

Item #172104

November 28, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 28, 1857  The front page article: 'Dr. Livingstone's Discoveries in Africa' includes a nice nearly half-page illustration of the famous 'The Victoria Falls of the Leeambye or Zambesi River, Called by the Natives Mosyoatunyo (Smoke-Sounding)'.

A text article "The Mormon War" which is dealing with the quarrel over hostility ... See More  

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Apostles of the Mormon Church...

Item #174180

October 06, 1877

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Oct. 6, 1877 Fullpg: 'The Twelve Apostles of the Mormon Church' shows all of them, including Joseph Smith & Brigham Young, Jr. Fullpg: 'Pres. Hayes at Louisville, Ky.' & 'The Boston Army & Navy Monument' shows four scenes of its dedication.

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Early portrait of Jefferson Davis...

Item #172118

January 09, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 9, 1858  The front page has a very nice and somewhat large illustration of Jefferson Davis, with the remainder of the front page being a lengthy biography of him. Nice item on him before he would be thrust into much greater prominence during the Civil War.

An article titled: "The Rights and Wrongs of Filibusterism" references William Walker an... See More  

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Financial panic on Wall Street... Brigham Young...

Item #172090

October 10, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 10, 1857  Front page features an article: "A Panic in Wall Street" plus a cartoonish illustration captioned: "The Panic in Wall Street". 'Travel Notes in Bible Lands' features two scenes in Damascus. 'The Woman-Artist' article also features a small illustration of 'Madame Rosa Bonheur' as well as 'A Rough S... See More  

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The Mormon town at Salt Lake City... Winslow Homer prints...

Item #172186

September 04, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 4, 1858 The prime content would be the two full page Winslow Homer prints, captioned: "The Bathe At Newport" and "Picnicking In the Woods", along with the great two-thirds page illustration of: "Salt Lake City - Brigham Young's Harem and the Deseret Store", being a very early graphic on the Mormons. There is a related article o... See More  

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The Great Peshtigo Fire more tragic than the Chicago fire... Victorial Woodhull...

Item #173568

November 25, 1871

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 25, 1871  The significant print is the very dramatic doublepage centerfold captioned: "Forest Fires In The West--The Burning of Peshtigo", Wisconsin. This fire, which occurred on the same day as the more famous Chicago Fire & consequently received much less press attention, was actually much more of a disaster,as Peshtigo suffered over 1500 de... See More  

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Brigham Young... San Francisco... Mormon Temple...

Item #172064

July 11, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 11, 1857  Front page shows: "Camp of the Pilgrims to the Jordan" and a half page: "Valley of the Jordan and Dead Sea" with a related article: "Travel Notes in Bible Lands". Small print of: "John P. Durbin, D.D." Nice two-thirds page print: "The City of San Francisco, California".

Nice article: "Salt La... See More  

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Brigham Young's wives at the Mormon Tabernacle...

Item #173864

September 26, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 26, 1874  Fullpg. Th. Nast cartoon shows a black man "The Commandments in South Carolina". Nearly fullpg. with 2 illustrations, plus text: 'Brigham Young's Wives in the Great Mormon Tabernacle' & 'Mormon at the Communion Table'.

Doublepage centerfold: 'Emigrants Leaving Queenstown for New York' at the dock. The fr... See More  

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Brigham Young... Malay pirates...

Item #172084

September 19, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 19, 1857  The front page "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" features close to half page illustration 'View of Nazareth' and a smaller illustration entitled 'Shrine of the Annunciation'. "The Candidates for the Governorship of Pennsylvania" features the illustrations of 'Hon. Isaac Hazlehurst', "Hon. David Wil... See More  

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Mark Twain's haunts... Mormons & Brigham Young...

Item #176500

December 16, 1899

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 16, 1899  Full front page illus. of "Santa Claus: These New-Fangled Chimneys are Very Trying to an Old Fogy Like Me.", by W.A. Rogers. "A Glance Ahead - Being a Christmas Tale of A.D.  3568" by John Kendrick Bangs takes 3 pages and includes several color prints.  

Inside are two full pgs. of illus. of "The War in Sout... See More  

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Brigham Young... Homer print...

Item #172290

September 03, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 3, 1859 Nice front page article and illustration: "Interview Between Brigham Young and Hon. Horace Greeley at Salt Lake City".

Inside has two gambling-themed illustrations; a very nice full page Winslow Homer print: "A Cadet Hop At West Point". Also a half page illustration: "The New Orleans Charity Hospital" along with two smalle... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at: guy@rarenewspapers.com

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Early Ku Klux Klan... Good Mormon content with prints...

Item #173586

January 27, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 27, 1872  The front page is mostly taken up with an article: "The Ku-Klux" which is early discussion of the clan, and also includes an illustration: "Mississippi Ku-Klux in the Disguises in Which they were Captured".

Also within the issue are prints: "Wood Sellers, Richmond, Virginia" nearly a full page Thomas Nast political c... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Death of Brigham Young, with an illustration of him...

Item #174174

September 15, 1877

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept 15, 1877 Nearly halfpg. illus. of: 'Brigham Young', with obituary. Two halfpg. scenes: 'Des Moines Rapids Canal--The Lock Above the Rapids' & 'Through the Veta Pass...', Denver & Rio Grand RR expansion.

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Great Mormon issue... Brigham Young...

Item #173016

August 18, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Aug. 18, 1866 Ftpg: 'Office of the American Telegraph Company, Corner of Broadway and Liberty Street, New York' Very nice fullpg: 'The Excitement in New Orleans - View on St. Charles St.' Fullpg: 'Sunday in New Orleans - The French Market'. Great doublepage centerfold: 'The City and Valley of the Great Salt Lake, Utah' is a fine view, plus illus... See More  

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