Great Tombstone newspaper printed ten days before the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral...
Item #704629
October 16, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Cochise County, Arizona, October 16, 1881 Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in popular culture. This issue was printed just ten days prior to... See More
Great Tombstone newspaper printed 3 months before the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral...
Item #704222
July 26, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Cochise County, Arizona, July 26, 1881
* Best Old West title to be had
* Pre Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept... See More
Billy the Kid, Pat Garett, Virgil & Wyatt Earp, Frank Stilwell, Johnny Behan...
Item #704204
August 10, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Arizona, August 10, 1881
* Best Old West title to be had
* Pre Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in ... See More
The most famous newspaper from the Old West...
Item #698453
January 06, 1882
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Tombstone, Arizona, Cochise County, January 6, 1882
* Best Old West title to be had
* Post Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral... See More
Much detail on Vasquez and his stagecoach robbery...
Item #693009
March 21, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, March 21, 1874
* California outlaw Tiburcio Vasquez
Page 4 has over half a column taken up with: "California Bandits" "Two Men Capture A Regular Station, Receive & Plunder the Stage, and Corral the Passengers".
The article begins: "... gives the subjoined account of the recent robbery of a stage by the notorious Vasquez and one other man..... See More
An ad for the O.K. Corral... In a Tombstone newspaper...
Item #692358
April 30, 1886
THE DAILY TOMBSTONE, Pima County, Arizona, April 30, '86 (1886)
* Gunfight at the O.K. Corral fame
* Rare advertisement of the famed livery stable
This may well be the consummate "Old West town" much romanticized in movies and television shows, perhaps most famous for the gunfight at the OK Corral involving Wyatt Earp and the Clanton gang. I would almost suggest that this titl... See More
Tombstone Epitaph shortly after the gunfight at the OK Corral...
Item #691509
December 04, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Arizona, Dec. 4, 1881
* Best Old West title to be had
* Post Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in po... See More
Rare Johnny Ringo mention in a Tombstone Epitaph...
Item #688937
January 21, 1882
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Cochise County, Arizona, January 21, 1882
* Best old West title to be had
* Johnny Ringo mention
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this to... See More
From perhaps the most famous town of the Old West...
Item #687598
July 14, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Arizona, July 14, 1881
* Best old West title to be had
* Virgil Earp report
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in popular cultu... See More
A different title from Tombstone, Arizona...
Item #687226
June 04, 1889
TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR, Arizona, June 4, 1889
* Very rare wild West publication
* Gunfight at the O.K. Corral fame
We have had a few other newspapers from the iconic Old West town of Tombstone, but this is perhaps the most uncommon. The masthead features a great engraving of a miner on a mule.
The content is much as would be expected from a mining town, including many legal notices co... See More
Review & premiere of "Wyatt Earp", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #686257
June 24, 1994
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 24, 1994
* Best "Wyatt Earp" film advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review
* American Western - Kevin Costner
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Wyatt Earp" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's prim... See More
From the fabled Old West town of Tombstone... Deputy Sheriff Earp...
Item #684212
November 18, 1880
THE DAILY NUGGET, Tombstone, Pima County, Arizona, November 18, 1880
* Gunfight at the O.K. Corral fame
* Rare Wyatt Earp mention
This may well be the consummate "Old West town" much romanticized in movies and television shows, perhaps most famous for the gunfight at the OK Corral involving Wyatt Earp and the Clanton gang.
This rare issue was printed less than a year before... See More
Various crime-related reports, including from Tombstone...
Item #682482
October 29, 1881
THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN, Portland, Oct. 29, 1881
* Rare Old West publication
A wealth of crime-related reports are found within, including a back page report from Tombstone, Arizona, on a prison escape. In a few days would be the report of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, some archival strengthening at the spine, nice condition.... See More
Wright Brothers Aeroplane Crash.... W.A. Rogers....
Item #177186
September 26, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 26, 1908 The front page of this issue has an illustration by W. A. Rogers called "Lovers Once, But Strangers Now."
This issue has photos of "The Fatal Fall of the Wright Aeroplane"; "The Candidates for the Governorship of New York"; "The Amateur Golf Championship of 1908"; "Presidential Ca
... See More
Chile Earthquake of 1960...
Item #221083
May 22, 1960
THE DETROIT NEWS, Michigan, May 22, 1960.
* The Great Chilean Earthquake Begins
This 60+ page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "Big Port Ravaged by Quake" "Fire and Panic Hit Concepcion; Death Toll 143". This is a early report on the great Chilean earthquake. Other news of the day throughout. Binding holes along the spine, otherwise in
... See More
* The Great Chilean Earthquake Begins
This 60+ page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "Big Port Ravaged by Quake" "Fire and Panic Hit Concepcion; Death Toll 143". This is a early report on the great Chilean earthquake. Other news of the day throughout. Binding holes along the spine, otherwise in
Item #177279
December 17, 1904
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 17, 1904
Tour of New York City's new Subway...
Item #177262
August 06, 1904
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 6, 1904 Front page illustration "Keeping Cool" by W. A. Rogers; Henry G. Davis, Democratic Nominee for Vice-President--A Snap-Shot Taken at His Home at Elkins, West Virginia, on July 14; Photographs of Scenes at the Annual Race Week and Water-Sports Carnival at the Larchmont Yacht Club; The Mayor's Inspection Party Making a Tour of the... See More
Item #177154
April 19, 1902
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 19, 1902 Frontpage illustration "'Stay with Him! Stay with Him!'"; fullpage photo The New President of Columbia; fullpage illustration Lunching of the Life-Boat; Something New in the Southwest with photos; "Home-Rule" in Irish Households; fullpage photo Lady Minto; doublepage centerfold "'Wall Street's' Famous U... See More
The Resurrection of Tombstone...
Item #177145
May 17, 1902
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 17, 1902 Frontpage photo Rear-Admiral Sampson; The Ascent of Mt. Vesuvius by Railway with photos; fullpage photo Michael Augustine Corrigan; fullpage "Wild Range-Horses In The Corral" by Dixon; fullpage photos As to the Charge of Ugliness in new York's Sky-Line; fullpage photo A Jamaican Century-Plant; fullpage photo Mrs. Arthur T. Kemp; The Re... See More
Black soldiers in the Spanish-American War...
Item #176336
May 21, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 21, 1898 Nice full ftpg: 'Out For A Fight--Adm. Sampson on the Bridge of the 'New York' ' is displayable. Fullpg. with 8 photos of: 'Scenes in the Capital of Porto Rico' & fullpg. with 5 photos of: 'U.S. Regulars at Port Tampa, Florida'. 'News from the Klondike' includes 7 photos. Doublepage centerfold: '9th U... See More
Shooting cattle at Standing Rock Indian agency...
Item #174324
February 22, 1879
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 22, 1879 Front page illustration: 'Anxious Moments'. Double page centerfold: 'Shooting Cattle at Standing Rock Indian Agency' is by W.A. Rogers, showing many Indians. Full page: 'Sketches at the New York Pigeon Show'. 3/4 page illustration: 'The Execution of Moncasi for an Attempt on the Life of King Alfonso'. Full page ... See More
Republican Elephant by Thomas Nast... great print for a lawyer...
Item #173880
November 21, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 21, 1874 Full ftpg. Th. Nast political cartoon: "How Many Times Shall Caesar Bleed in Sport". Halfpg. print of: "Samuel Tilden, gov. elect of New York". Great dblpgctrfld: "A Knotty Point--Submitting the Case to the Family Lawyer". Nice fullpg. Nast cartoon features the Republican Elephant.
Complete in sixteen pages.
Buffalo Bill... Niagara Falls...
Item #173964
September 11, 1875
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 11, 1875 Full ftpg. Nast political cartoon: "The Tables Turned" includes Boss Tweed., & yet another Nast cartoon re. Tweed inside. Two pages of prints of: "The Falls of Niagara". Small text-only item on pg. 746 headed: "From the Noted Scout "Buffalo Bill" wherein he endorses a patent medicine, signed: "W.F. Cody (Buffalo Bill)&... See More
Texas cattle in a Kansas corral...
Item #175286
April 28, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 28, 1888 (with supplement) The front page features a full illustration of 'Senator Hawley, Of Connecticut'. This also features a half page Frederic Remington print entitled 'Texan Cattle In A Kansas Corn Corral' and has an associated article as well.
Two quarter page illustrations of "The Late Ahunah S. Abell" and "Th... See More
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