1970 verdict of the "Chicago Seven" trial...
Item #712774
February 19, 1970
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass. Feb. 19, 1970
* "Chicago Seven" trial verdict w/ convictions
* Conspiracy to incite Anti-Vietnam War riots
The front page has a four column headline: "'Chicago Seven' Lawyer Raps 'Compromise Verdict'" with subhead. (see images) First report coverage continues on page 2 with pictorial of the convicted persons involved.
Comple... See More
General Douglas MacArthur is relieved of command... The "red scare"...
Item #698370
April 11, 1951
LOS ANGELES EXAMINER--EXTRA, April 11, 1951 The very bold, banner headline announces: "GEN. M'ARTHUR OUSTED FROM ALL COMMAND" with a photo of him as well.
The front page also reports on the "Red Scare" in America at the time, particularly in Hollywood, with a report headed: "Hayden Lists Film Reds; Tells 6 Months in Party" with 2 photos of actor Sterling Ha... See More
Cherokee Chiefs in London... Handel's monument in Westminster Abbey...
Item #695156
July 15, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 15, 1762
* Cherokees Indians - Native Americans
* George Frederic Handel monument dedication
Page 2 has two interesting, yet brief, items: "The Cherokee Chiefs have been invited by the Lord Mayor to the Mansion house, and are soon to go there."
In 1762, a delegation of Cherokee leaders arrived in Lon
... See More
Death of Joseph Haydn... Proclamation signed by President James Madison...
Item #692771
August 17, 1809
BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 17, 1809
* Franz Joseph Haydn death
* Classical music composer
* Vienna, Austria
The top of the front page has: "A Proclamation" signed in type: James Madison, and also: "French Piracies" which takes an entire column. On page 2, under the "Deaths" is a small announcement "In Vienna, May 31st, Hayden, [Hadyn] the celebrated musi... See More
Premiere of "Beethoven" and "Thunderheart", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #690994
April 03, 1992
LOS ANGELES TIMES, April 3, 1992 (Calendar Section only)
*Beethoven Opening Day premiere & review
*Thunderheart Opening Day premiere & review
*Other popular movie advertisements
This issue shows a full-page movie premiere advertisement for "Beethoven" and "Thunderheart", both accompanied with reviews. Other popular movie advertisements include "The S... See More
Lasted for only seven issues... Lengthy eulogy on the death of Washington...
Item #685753
February 01, 1800
* Very rare publication
* re. George Washington's death
* Funerals - eulogy honoring his life
A very rare, short-lived literary magazine which lasted but seven issues, from January through July of 1800.
The predominant article is: "An Eulogy on the Late Gen. WASHINGTON, Pronounced Before the Inhabitants... See More
Pre-release ad and images for Fantasia...
Item #683331
November 09, 1940
NEW YORK POST, NY, Nov. 9, 1940
* Pre-release ad for Fantasia
* Premier Broadway Theater showing the following week
Page 5 has two overlaid photos with an extensive caption and a separate ad for the premier Broadway Theater showing of "Fantasia", Walt Disney's 4th feature length film in just 3 years, and the first to star Mickey Mouse. The film's score was all famous... See More
Ludwig van Beethoven and Handel...
Item #680809
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1813* Ludwig Van Beethoven
* George Frideric Handel
* Early 19th century music
Under: "Review of New Musical Publications" is: "Mary's Warning: an Arietta, composed with an Accompaniment for the Piano-forte, By Lewis [sic] van Beethoven." The review includes: "We are much pleased with this song. The vocal melody is ... See More
Great map of Montreal... Death of the King of England...
Item #676720
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1760 * Great foldout map of Montreal & more
* George II of Great Britain death
* French and Indian War
Perhaps the prime item is the very nice foldout map headed: "A Particular Map to Illustrated Gen. Amherst's Expedition to Montreal with a Plan of the Town & Draught of the Island".
The map has a very nice inset of the... See More
Stanley Kubrick and Barbara Streisand...
Item #664196
February 08, 1976
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York, February 8, 1976
This issue has two feature articles which begin on the front page: "Kubrick: The Dazzle Minus the Razzle", which includes a photos, and "Hello, Handel! Barbra Waxes Classical", with inside photos. It's especially nice to have the latter in the newspaper from where Barbra Streisand gained her fame. See image... See More
Fish-Culture in America...
Item #659630
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, November, 1868. The front page has the beginning of a multi-page article: "FISH-CULTURE IN AMERICA", which has considerable text and related illustrations in regards to the controlled raising and breeding of fish. A background history of Pisciculture is included.Additional articles with associated prints include: "THE HANDEL FESTI... See More
Classical piano greats...
Item #656924
June 03, 1883
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, June 3, 1883
* Classical piano players
* Beethovan, Bach, Mozart & more
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 16 has an article headed: "PIANO MUSIC" "Sketches Critical Estimates of Its Greatest Masters" and more with smaller subheads. (see) Text takes up 2 full columns.
This issue is no... See More
The Modoc War... The tobacco trade prints...
Item #649014
May 10, 1873
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York May 10, 1873 Full frontpage: "Oregon--The Modoc War--Schonchin and His Associate 'Bucks' Killed By An Exploding Shell In The Lava Beds." Inside are: fullpage has two halfpage illustration "Kentucky--The Tobacco Trade--Scenes In The Louisville Market." Another fullpage illustration is "New York City - The Great Musical Festiv... See More
Item #625978
March 01, 1785
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1785 Articles within include: "Notices of Handel" the famed composer; "Dr. Johnson at Cambridge" and a wealth of other British-themed articles. Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which provides the latest news of the day, as well as: "Proceedings in the Present session of Parliament".
Included is o... See More
Death of Haydn...
Item #621567
August 19, 1809
BOSTON PATRIOT, Aug. 19, 1809
* Franz Joseph Haydn death
* Classical music composer
* Vienna, Austria
Page 2, under the "Died" is a small announcement "At Vienna, May 31st, Hayden, [Hadyn] the celebrated musical composer, aged 76." (see)
Most of the front page is taken up with the continued: "Correspondence of the Late President Adams"
Four pages, sca... See More
"End of the World" showing...
Item #607804
August 24, 1937
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 24, 1937
* Hayden Planetarium
* "End of the World" show
* Henri Poincare
Page 20 has an editorial with the heading: "End Of The World" at the Hayden Planetarium. See images for text here.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 42 pages, nice condition.
Niagara Bridge...
Item #596160
February 20, 1875
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 20, 1875 The front page of this issue features "The Proposed Niagara Bridge at Lewiston, N.Y." and an associated article. Inside the issue is: a text article "Flying Machines"; "Irrigation in Colorado - Letting Water Into a Sluice Way"; "Measuring Mountains"; "Cameron's Plenum and Vacuum Pump"; "H
... See More
The Great Flood In The Connecticut Valley, Massachusetts...
Item #565207
May 30, 1874
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, from New York, dated May 30, 1874 This issue features "The Connecticut Valley Flood" across the masthead. The full frontpage is: "The Flood In The Connecticut Valley" "Scene In Haydenville, Near The Brass Works Of Hayden, Gere & Co. At The Time The Flood Struck The Village." The tipped-in doublepage centerfold has six scenes: "The Great ... See More
Mischa Levitzki death...
Item #565174
January 03, 1941
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, January 3, 1941
* Mischa Levitzki death
* Russian Pianist composer
This 40 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 19 that include: "MISCHA LEVITZKI NOTES PIANIST, DIES", "Known As Child Prodigy", "Composer, 42, Made His Debut Here in 1916 After Giving Many Recitals in Europe" and more with one column photo. Other news ... See More
Item #561929
May 01, 1935
THE ETUDE Music Magazine, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, dated May, 1935. This issue features a duo-tone color cover entitled "Beethoven".
This publication is filled with various types of musical advertisements and articles including "Music and America's Greatest Problem" which also includes a photo of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Also included are several piano so... See More
Bombs at Philadelphia's Bank....
Item #177428
January 19, 1907
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 19, 1907
Henry Mills Alden's 70th Birthday... Mark Twain....
Item #177423
December 15, 1906
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 15, 1906 This issue is in two parts. Part 1 includes a front page illustration,"'Merry Christmas'" by W. B. King. There are many illustrations stories and poems including "The Night-Watchman's Christmas Eve" by Edwin B. Child; "The Sudden-Wealths Hold a Christmas-Morning Shooting-party at Castle Billions&quo
... See More
Mark Twain as Satan...
Item #177299
April 08, 1905
HARPER'S WEEKLY, April 8, 1905, New York. Of particular interest is the quarter-page letter titled: "A Humane Word from Satan" which is prefaced with: "The following letter, signed by Satan and purporting to come from him, we have reason to believe was not written by him but by Mark Twain." Also included: front page illustration "A Shining Mark&quo
... See More
International Automobile Racing...
Item #177295
March 11, 1905
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 11, 1905
Item #177170
October 18, 1902
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 18, 1902 Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, Robert M. La Follette; A Fuel to Supplant Coal; fullpage illustration "The President's Attempt to End the Coal Strike"; Darkest Siberia with photos; Types of Modern Portrait-Sculpture; Laying the Corner-Stone of the New York Custom House; fullpage illustrations Side-Lights of the Coal Famine;... See More
Famous & desirable Frederic Remington centerfold...
Item #175384
April 06, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 6, 1889 Very nice full front page print: "Hunting Wild Turkey by Moonlight: Prints inside include: "The Late John Bright..."; a terrific doublepage centerfold by the famed Frederick Remington: "Cheyenne Scouts Patrolling the Big Timber of the North Canadian, Oklahoma"; "Robert T. Lincoln, U.S. Minister to England (and Abraham... See More
Item #175394
May 11, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY May 11, 1889. Not included are the two 4-page foldouts which are rarely present. Request a quote if wanted.
Front full pg. illus. of "The Centennial Celebration - President Harrison Landing at the Foot of Wall Street, Monday, April 29." Inside are two full pg. illus. of "President Harrison Reviewing the G. A. R. Parade in Front of Governor Green's Hous... See More
Washington Square... Oklahoma Territory...
Item #175392
May 04, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1889 (excluding multi-panel supplement prints) This issue contains a great full ftpg: 'General Washington at the Close of the War'. Fullpg; 'the Washington Arch at 5th Ave. & Washington Square'. Halfpg: 'The Great Fire on the River Front Between 59th & 65th Streets'.
Doublepage centerfold: 'The Morning of Inaugu... See More
The surf at Asbury Park... The Klondike gold fields...
Item #176264
September 11, 1897
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 11, 1897 Full ftpg. shows the surf breaking over the boardwalk at Asbury Park, N.J. Fullpg. shows 6 photos of "Scenes in Kansas City's Great Grain & Cattle Market".
Fullpg. with 7 photos of "On the Way to the Klondike Gold Fields--Scenes at Dyea & Skagway, Alaska" & another fullpg. on the Klondike. Fullpg. with 7 p... See More
Chinese Opium palace, San Francisco...
Item #174442
April 03, 1880
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 3, 1880 Front full pg. illus. of "The Explosion in the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg - Scene in the Guard Room." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Preparing for Easter." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The 'Salvation Army'." 1/4 pg. illus. of "The Rev. Robert L. Dashiell, D.D."
Dblpgctrfld. containing many illus. pertaini... See More
On the assassination and funeral of Abraham Lincoln...
Item #172886
May 20, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 20, 1865 The front page has an article: "The Assassination" and another "President Lincoln's Funeral" and also includes illustrations of: "Ruins of Garrett's Barn...Where Booth Was Shot: and "Garrett's House, Where Booth Died" and: "Harold's House, Near the Washington Navy-Yard".
Inside has a ful... See More
Item #172042
April 25, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 25, 1857 Most of the front page is taken up with an article: 'The Mormons'. Inside contains several illustrations of Chinese entitled "Some Celestial Paradoxes". Several illustrations on: "A Ranger's Life In Nicaragua" and two on carrier pigeons. This is a volume one issue, with smaller illustrations than found in later iss... See More
Death of Jefferson Davis...
Item #175456
December 14, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 14, 1889 Nice halfpg. shows: 'The Late Jefferson Davis' and a halfpg. of: 'Jefferson Davis' House at Beauvoir, Miss.'
Nice doublepage centerfold: 'Sketches Along the Line of the New Croton Aqueduct'. Fullpg: 'Sketches of a Transatlantic Voyage'.
Complete in twenty pages.
Americans occupy Havana, Cuba...
Item #176404
January 14, 1899
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 14, 1899 Fullpg. with 4 photos: 'American Occupation of Havana'. Two full pgs. with 14 photos: 'Santiago Under American Rule'. Nice full pg: 'An Apache Raid--The Ride to the Rescue' shows a cavalry charge. Fullpg. photo of: 'Gen. Nelson Miles'. Quarter pg. photo of the Michigan Univ. football team
Other news and advertis... See More
Horace Greeley...
Item #173132
September 28, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 28, 1867 Full ftpg: 'Horace Greeley Delivering the Opening Oration' of the American Institute. Great fullpg: 'Hop Picking--A Western N.Y. Sept. Scene', halfpg: 'Registration at the South--Scene at Asheville, N.C.', 1/3 pg: 'The Sangerfest at Indianapolis'
Complete in sixteen pages.
Real estate in New York City...
Item #175442
October 26, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 26, 1889 Front full pg. illus. of "Joseph Jefferson as Bob Acres in 'The Rivals'." Inside are two full pgs. of illus. pertaining to "Real Estate in New York."
Doublepage centerfold of "Selecting a Saddle Horse." 1/3 pg. illus. of "The Proposed New Republican Club House." Full pg. illus. of "Skermish ... See More
Tuxedo, New York...
Item #175676
January 23, 1892
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1892 Front full page illus. of "In a Public Dispensary - Treating Patients of La Grippe." Inside are two 1/4 pg. portraits of "The Late Duke of Clarence and Avondale" and "The Late Cardinal Giovanni Simeoni."
Doublepage centerfold of "Battledoor and Shuttlecock at Tuxedo." Several pages of portraits pertainin... See More
Great Hawaii prints... Gold in the Klondike...
Item #176254
August 07, 1897
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 7, 1897 The full front page is an illustration of: "Rembrandt's Father". Terrific doublepage centerfold: "The Hawaiian Island--Scenes in Honolulu & the Island of Oahu" with 11 scenes, being very displayable. Nice fullpg. with 8 photos of: "The Gold Discoveries in the Klondike, Northwest Territory" with a one-third pg... See More
Lawn tennis...
Item #175632
August 22, 1891
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1891 Nice full front page: 'A Salvation Army Wedding at the Barracks on 14th St., New York'.
Nice full page: 'Possible Lawn-Tennis Champions' shows 8 men. Nearly 2 full pages showing: 'The Racing Yachts of '91' at Newport.
Complete in sixteen pages.
Gambling houses... Election Fraud (Thomas Nast)...
Item #173554
October 07, 1871
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 7, 1871 The backpage has the Thomas Nast cartoon: "That's What's The Matter", captioned: "Boss Tweed. 'As long as I can count the Votes, what are you going to do about it? Say?'", which draws attention to election fraud.
Also present are: the frontpage 2/3 pg. illus. of "A London School Board Capture." (Homele... See More
Sisseton Indian reservation in the Dakotas...
Item #174338
April 05, 1879
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 5, 1879 Full ftpg. Nast political cartoon. Dramatic fullpg: 'Tenement Life in New York--Rag Pickers' Court, Mulberry St.' Nice dblpgctrfld: 'A Cabinet Meeting at the White House' includes Pres. Hayes. Fullpg. with 5 scenes of: 'Issuing Rations at the Sisseton Indian Agency, Dakota'.
Other news and advertisements of the day are... See More
Battle of Chancellorsville...
Item #172678
May 23, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 23, 1863 Nice full front page print of: "Major-General George Stoneman" on horseback. Prints within include a full page: "Capture of the Heights of Fredericksburg by the Sixth Maine Regiment, of Sedgwick's Corps" which is very displayable; a full page: "The Battle at Chancellorsville--Cough's Corps Forming Line of Battle to ... See More
Alligators on the Upper St. Johns, Florida...
Item #173866
October 03, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Oct. 3, 1874 Nice halfpg: 'Shooting Alligators on the Upper St. Johns, Florida'. Also halfpg: 'The Louisiana Outrages' includes a fullpg. print on this as well. The ftpg is "The First Gun - 1861 - 1874". 3/4 dbpgctrfd "Shakspeare Before the Justices, Charged with Poaching". Fullpg "Indecision".
Complete in sixteen pages.... See More
Great print of a baseball game in progress...
Item #173422
July 02, 1870
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 2, 1870 Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the upper half of a doublepage centerfold which shows an expansive view of a baseball game in progress, between the Brooklyn Atlantics and the Cincinnati Red Stockings. The caption reads: "Base Ball.--The Match Between the 'Red Stockings' and the 'Atlantics' " In this historic g... See More
Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty... The Greely expedition...
Item #174898
August 09, 1884
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 9, 1884 Front page print: "Lieutenant A. W. Greely". Full page with 4 scenes: "Pelham Park, New York". Two full pages on "The Rescue of the Greely Expedition".
A very nice fullpg. illus. of "The Bartholdi Statue of Liberty--Beginning the Work of Removal" of the scaffolding, showing half of it above the rooftops. 2... See More
Buffalo hunting in the Wild West...
Item #174896
August 02, 1884
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 2, 1884 The full ftpg. is a Thomas Nast political cartoon: "The Key-Note of the Great Presidential Trial". Inside has a fullpg: "At the Mouth of the Columbia River" which includes a view of Astoria, Oregon. There is a terrific fullpg. print: "Buffalo Hunting" which shows 9 scenes. Also a full page: "The Rescue of the Su... See More
Beethoven... Death of Charles Dickens...
Item #173420
June 25, 1870
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 25, 1870 The front page is a great illustration of: 'Beethoven'. Within the issue is a nice full page illustration of 'Charles Dickens', and a page 2 editorial concerning the death of Charles Dickens. "The New Masonic Temple" article also includes a halfpage illustration "Laying the Corner-Stone of the New Masonic Temple in New Yor... See More
The revolution in Chilie...
Item #175594
April 11, 1891
HARPER'S WEEKLY New York, April 11, 1891 Front full pg. portrait of "The Rev. James McCosh, D.D., LL.D., Ex-President of Princeton College." Inside are four small ilus. pertaining to "The European Powder Mine." 1/4 pg. illus. of "View of Pisagua, Chili, Where the Civil War is Going On." Dblpgctrfld. of "The Fountains at Versailles." 1/2 pg. illus. ... See More
Thomas Nast print...
Item #173774
November 15, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 15, 1873 Full front page Thomas Nast: 'The Consoling Truth'; Two halfpage illustrations: 'Scene on the Great Flour Docks, Coenties Slip, East River, N.Y.' and "Grain-Elevator Transferring Cargo from a Canal-Boat to a Ship"; Halfpage: 'The Coming Storm'.
Doublepage Centerfold: 'Papal Retainers at the Vatican'; ... See More
The Navy at Key West...
Item #173816
April 11, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Apr. 11, 1874 Dblpgctrfld: 'The Naval Review at Key West--Torpedo Practice'. 3/4 pg: 'Driven from their Homes--Flying from an Indian Raid'. Fullpg: 'Sketches in the Far West' shows a view of Ophir City, Utah, and a stagecoach. Ftpg "The Cradle of Liberty in Danger" by Nast; Halfpg "Settler's Cabin on the Side of Bald Mountain" an... See More
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