Web Results (24)



President-elect (Lincoln) enroute for his inauguration...

Item #710289

February 21, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 21, 1861  The front page has among its column heads: "The Incoming Administration" "Mr. Lincoln In New York" "His Reception and Speech at the City Hall" "How Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Spent the Day and Evening"  and more.

Among the subheads on Lincoln's journey are: "Mayor Wood's Speech to Mr. Lincoln" "Mr. L... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

(Added to Catalog #351 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Pony Express - collecting mail for the very first run...

Item #702621

April 02, 1860


* Pony Express - prior to 1st trek

* Saint Louis, Missouri

Page 3 has a very interesting article concerning the beginning of the Pony Express service, outlining the charges. The text is headed: "The California Pony Express" and is datelined St. Louis, with portions including: "We learn...that they commence receiving despatches for the Cal... See More  

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Much on the Presidential election of 1860... The Pony Express...

Item #693435

August 25, 1860

THE WORLD, New York, Aug. 25, 1860  Page 4 has a lengthy list of news items under: "THE PONY EXPRESS" with a dateline of St. Joseph, Missouri.

Over half of page 7 is taken up with much on the: "Political War" which has much commentary on the coming Presidential election, presented state-by-state, with much mention of Abraham Lincoln as well.

Eight pages, slightly irregul... See More  

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War is on the horizon... Election results by Pony Express...

Item #692521

December 20, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 20, 1860 

* Pony Express re. Abraham Lincoln's election win

* Pre Civil War Southern tensions - secession ?

Considerable reporting on national events that would soon lead to the Civil War.

Inside page reports include one beginning: "The Pony Express passed Fort Kearney early on Tuesday...with later California news. The official result of the Presidentia... See More  

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Capture of a slave ship... The Pony Express during its brief existence... Lincoln ...

Item #690610

May 31, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1860  Page 3 has: "Seizure of Another Supposed Slaver" with subhead: "Seizure of the Steamer City of Norfolk, Suspected of Fitting Out For the Slave Trade".

The top of page 7 has a report: "Capture of Another Slaver Off the Coast of Cuba" which is rather brief. This is followed by: "Arrival of the California Pony Express--The Expres... See More  

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Details on a new & shorter route to California...

Item #689594

October 06, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 6, 1859 

* James H. Simpson - U.S. Army officer

* Corps of Topographical Engineers

* Utah Expedition to California route

Page 2 has a very lengthy, detailed, 1 1/2 column article: "Discovery Of A New & Shorter Route From Utah to California" signed in type: J. H. Simpson. Wonderfully descriptive.

Simpson was an explore... See More  

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States consider secession from the Union...

Item #683220

January 26, 1861


* Pre Civil War tensions

* Secession talks in the South

The front page is almost entirely taken up with: "The Unholy Alliance - 

Wendell Phillips on Secession". Also a report from the Pony Express.

Page 2 has: "The Pro-Slavery Rebellion". Also various reports from Southern states as they debate the issue of secession f... See More  

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Boxing's first world championship... The Pony Express....

Item #682682

May 07, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 7, 1860 

* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers

* First World boxing championship match

Page 5 has a one column head: "Four Days Later From Europe" "The Prize Fight" "Letters From Heenan" "He Claims the Belt or Another Fight". This was the famous match with Sayers, considered as boxing's first world championship. "...Not h... See More  

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From the early months of the Civil War...

Item #676325

August 25, 1861

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, August 25, 1861  A wealth of war reporting on the front page with column heads including: "THE WAR FOR THE UNION" "Trouble Among the Rebels" "Changes In Commanders" "Peace-Secession Troubles" "A Fight at Fairfield" "From Fortress Monroe" "A Shell In the Enemy's Camp" "The Battle of Charleston"... See More  

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Its history tied to the California Gold Rush...

Item #644261

November 05, 1868

SACRAMENTO DAILY UNION, California, November 5, 1868  Although known to all as the current capital of California, this city got its start thanks to the protection of Sutter's Fort, which was established by John Sutter in 1839. During the California Gold Rush, Sacramento was a major distribution point, a commercial and agricultural center, and a terminus for wagon trains, stagecoaches, riv... See More  

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Preparing for the Civil War... The Pony Express...

Item #621065

March 16, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, March 16, 1861 

* Pre Civil War tensions

* Pony Express

The front page includes: "Mr. Douglas Mounts a High Horse & Descends Again" "The Proposed Inquiry Relative to the Southern Forts" "The Office-Seekers and the Appointments" and more. Page 5 has: "Later From the Pacific" "Arrival of the Overland Express..." with a... See More  

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Prelude to the Civil War... Georgia to secede... Much more...

Item #616536

January 19, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 19, 1861 

* Southern secession

* Fort Sumter tensions

* Prelude to the Civil War

Among the one column heads on the ftpg. are: "The National Troubles" "Animated Debate on the Kansas Bill" "Passage of the Army Bill in Committee of the Whole" "Latest Dispatches from the South" "Declaration of the Georgia Convention in Favo... See More  

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The fugitive slave John Anderson... Seceding from the Union...

Item #606331

February 04, 1861

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 4, 1861 

* John Anderson - fugitive slave

* Pre Civil War Southern tensions

Inside has: "A Southern Diarist" "Later From California" "Arrival of the Pony Express" "News From Kansas" "Movements of Mr. Lincoln" "The Case of the Fugitive Anderson", the latter concerning the trial of the famed fugitive slave... See More  

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Battle of Bull Run, reported in a California newspaper...

Item #595824

August 05, 1861

STOCKTON DAILY INDEPENDENT, Stockton, California, Aug. 5, 1861

* Battle of Bull Run

* Civil War

Page 2 has a lengthy editorial: "The Late Battle--It's Moral Effects" which is nearly a column. Page 3 has: "Details of The Great Battle which takes nearly 2 1/2 columns. The top of the front page has reports headed: "Arrival of the Pony Express"

Four pages, a bit ir... See More  

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Item #177664

July 06, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 6, 1912

This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "While the Democrats were in Session."

In this issue there are illustrations of "Convention Snap-Shots" by Peter Newell and "Jottings from Baltimore" by Kemble. There is also an article with photos of "America's Olym... See More  

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Frank Marshall White... W. J. Biggs... Kemble...

Item #177521

May 08, 1909

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 8, 1909  There is a color cover on this issue.The front page of this issue has a photo of "The New "Sick Man of Europe"--Mahomet V."

This issue has a photos and an article on "Fostering Foreign Criminals" by Frank Marshall White and "The New Order in Turkey." There is a photo spread of "The Opening of the ... See More  

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Item #210795

February 23, 1871

THE SAG HARBOR EXPRESS, Sag Harbor, Long Island, New York, Feb. 23, 1871 An uncommon title from this once-famous whaling town near the eastern end of Long Island, now more famous as a playground for the rich & famous who frequent the neighboring Hamptons. The ftpg. has a small, comical bit: "A gentleman having a pony that started & broke his wife's neck, a neighbor told him that he wi... See More  

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From historic Dayton, Nevada...

Item #209246

January 01, 1881

LYON COUNTY TIMES, Dayton, Nevada, 1881-1882  Nevada's first non-Indian settlement, Dayton's original residents were hard-scrabble prospectors who panned for gold in nearby Gold Canyon. By the spring of 1851, as many as 200 miners were living in the area. By 1856, the community was generally known as Chinatown, because a large Chinese population was reworking the placer deposits. In N... See More  

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The insurgents at Manila...

Item #176436

May 06, 1899

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 6, 1899  Full front page illus. of "Manila - A Respite from War in the Sanctuary of Peace - American Soldiers Asleep in Binondo Church After the Fighting." Inside is a 1/2 pg. portrait of "Mary Victoria, Baroness Curzon of Kedleston." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Manila - The Burning of Tondo and Part of New Manila During the Insurgent Outbrea... See More  

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Atlantic coast Great Storm... Polo..

Item #175432

September 21, 1889

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 21, 1889  Front full pg. illus. of "On the Porch of the Hotel Brighton During the Storm at Atlantic City." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "The Sham Naval Battle at Baltimore - The Bombardment of Fort McHenry." 1/4 pg. portrait of "The Late Samuel Sullivan Cox, Representative from the Ninth Congressional District of New York.&qu... See More  

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Flower Carnival at Colorado Springs...

Item #176262

September 04, 1897

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 4, 1897  Full front page illus. of "After the Jubilee." Inside are two full pgs. of illus. pertaining to "The Troubles in Northern India - Khyber Pass, Captured by the Revoltin Afridis, and Its Vicinity." Full pg. illus. of "The Emperor of Germany in Russia - The Imperial Party Visiting the great Military Camp at Krasnoe-Selo.&... See More  

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The insurrection in Cuba...

Item #176108

March 14, 1896

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 14, 1896  Full front page illus. of "The Looting of Jaruco - Cuban Insurgents Making Off with Booty After Burning the Town."

Inside are two full pg. of illus. of "The Italian Campaign in Abyssinia." Full pg. illus. of "The Cuban Insurrection - The Town of Jaruo, Sacked and Burned by the Insurgents." Two full pg. illus. of &qu... See More  

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Blackfeet Indians...

Item #175206

July 23, 1887

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 23, 1887  Nice fullpg. prints: "Lincoln Park, Chicago" & "In the Lodges of the Blackfeet Indians". Another full page print: "Manitou, Colorado" is very nice, plus "Nahant and Swampscott, Massachusetts Bay" & "Life Among the Tenements" in New York City. A half page print: "The Unbeaten Race-Horse... See More  

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Pony Express...

Item #173142

November 02, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Nov. 2, 1867 Nice 1/3 pg. illus. of 'The Overland Pony Express', plus a small illus. of a Pony Express Station in Nebraska, and some illus. of Ute & Snake Indians. An article as well on the Pony Express of recent years. Dblpgctrfld: 'Indiana State Fair at Terre Haute'

Complete in sixteen pages.

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