Web Results (150)



1862 Battle of Fredericksburg....

Item #705343

December 16, 1862

EVENING STAR, Washington, D.C., December 16, 1862.

* Battle of Fredericksburg - Virginia

* General Burnside vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page has a few reports headed: "From Burnside's Army" "Graphic Account Of Saturday's Battle" "On The Battlefield-Fourth Day" and more.

Presumed complete with 4 pages, some creasing at the folds, a little margin wear, ... See More  

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The death of Commodore Uriah P. Levy...

Item #698598

March 25, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 25, 1862  The most notable content within this issue is the very brief, but historic page 7 report of the death of Commodore (Admiral) Uriah P. Levy, the first U.S. Jewish Commodore, war of 1812 war hero, and credited as to having abolished the disciplinary procedure of flogging.

The front page has a map titled: "WHAT GENERAL BURNSIDE HAS ACCOMPLISHED, Scene of Op... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Jeff Davis' address, and much more...

Item #697226

January 23, 1863

WESTERN SENTINEL, Winston, North Carolina, January 23, 1863  This is a very rare title from the Confederacy. According to Brigham only four institutions in the United States have any holdings of this title from the Civil War, most just a few scattered issues. The American Antiquarian Society has no issues recorded from this era.

The front page includes some items relating to the Civil War in... See More  

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Wealth of front page Civil War reports...

Item #696680

November 19, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 19, 1862  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Army of the Potomac Moving to a; New Line of Operations" "Warrenton Evacuated" "Aquia Creek to be General Burnside's Base of Operations" "Col. Vandever's Expedition & Success" "The War in the Southwest" "Graphic Description of the Battle o... See More  

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Battles at Culpepper, Virginia... Capture of Knoxville...

Item #695900

September 14, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 14, 1863  

* Battle of Culpeper Court House - Virginia

* Knoxville campaign - Gen. Ambrose Burnside

Among the many front page one column heads reporting on the Civil War are: "Meade's Army" "Union Advance Beyond Culpepper" "Skirmishing With the Rebels" "Culpepper Occupied by the 2nd Army Corps" "Troops from Lee'... See More  

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The war In Missouri--Federal Atrocities...

Item #695621

January 17, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 17, 1862 

* Rare rebel publication

Half of the front page is taken up with ads while the other half is filled with Civil War reports, headed: "Notes Of the War" and having many subheads including: "The War In Kentucky--A Yankee's Account of the Military Situation" "A Change of Plan" "The War In Missouri--Fede... See More  

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Two maps of Pamlico Sound & environs...

Item #695328

January 29, 1862

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Jan. 29, 1862  The front page has two Civil War maps, one: "Showing the Position of Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke Island" and the other a: "Diagram Showing Hatteras Inlet & Where the Vessels Were Wrecked".

Many front page column heads on the Civil War including: "War Against Treason!" "Great Difficulty In Passing Hatteras Bar" &... See More  

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Two front page Civil War maps...

Item #695274

February 13, 1862

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Feb. 13, 1862  A very graphic & displayable issue as the front page features not one but two Civil War maps, one captioned: "Albemarle Sound & the Point of Attack of the Federal Fleet", with related text, and the other headed: "Roanoke Island".

Both the first and last columns have nice stacks of Civil War headlines including: "VICTORY! ... See More  

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Follow-up to the Battle of Fredericksburg...

Item #693878

December 20, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 20, 1862  

* Battle of Fredericksburg aftermath

* General Ambrose E. Burnside

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are several on the recent battle of Fredericksburg: "From General Burnside's Army" "Rebels on the Plain Opposite Dispersed by Our Batteries" "The Investigating Committee at Work" "The Official Repo... See More  

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Final events of the historic Battle of Fredericksburg...

Item #693874

December 18, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 18, 1862 

* Battle of Fredericksburg aftermath

* General Ambrose E. Burnside

A wealth of front page column heads on the Civil War including: "From General Burnside's Army" "The Withdrawal of Our Forces" "Gen. Burnside's Explanation" "The Movement a Military Necessity" "Armistice To Bury The Dead" "Add... See More  

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Latest reports from the field of battle...

Item #693867

December 17, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 17, 1862  

* Battle of Fredericksburg - Virginia

* General Burnside vs. Robert E. Lee

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "From General Burnside's Army" "Retreat to this Side of the Rappahannock" "All the Army & the Wounded Safely this Side" "The Enemy Unaware of the Movement" "Further Detai... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Civil War map of the Vicksburg vicinity...

Item #693852

July 09, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, July 9, 1862  

* Vicksburg MS Mississippi

* Seven Days battles

* General George McClellan

The front page is dominated by a very large & detailed Civil War map headed: "IMPORTANT OPERATIONS AT VICKSBURG" with subhead: "The New Mode of Punishing Rebels--Altering the Channel of the Mississippi--Setting Vicksburg Back a Little".

Among the column h... See More  

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Battle of Mill Spring... Nice foldout Civil War map...

Item #692097

February 08, 1862


* Battle of Mill Springs - Kentucky

* General Felix Zollicoffer killed

The front page shows: "The War In Kentucky--Battle of Mill Spring--Conveying the Dead Body of the Rebel General Zollicoffer...". The doublepage centerfold is a dramatic print of: "Battle of Mill Spring...Near Jamestown...".

Other prints within in... See More  

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Jeff Davis' speech to the troops...

Item #691445

October 24, 1863

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 24, 1863 

* Jefferson Davis speech to troops

* Battle of Bristow - Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Late Southern News" "The Engagement at Bristow Station" "Apologies For the Rebel Defeat" "Burnside's Operations in Virginia" "Jeff. Davis's Visit to Bragg's Army" "H... See More  

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Latest reports from the field of battle...

Item #690944

January 23, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 23, 1863  

* Post Battle of Fredericksburg - Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "HIGHLY IMPORTANT" "Gen. Burnside Again Across the Rappahannock" "Gen. Hooker's Corps Thrown Over Above Fredericksburg" "Gen. Burnside's Address to the Army Before Moving" "News From Rebel Sources" &q... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln's general order...

Item #690844

November 17, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 17, 1862  

* Abraham Lincoln general order

* The Observance of the Sabbath

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "NEWS FROM WASHINGTON" "General Order from the President" "A More Strict Observance of the Sabbath in the Army and Navy Enjoined" which is signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.

Also: "From Gen. Burnside... See More  

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Astrology newspaper predicts the future during the Civil War...

Item #689803

June 01, 1863


* Uncommon publication

* Astrology - Horoscope

* President Abraham Lincoln

A fascinating and very unusual newspaper of small-size themed on predicting what would happen in the future as well as astrology and phrenology.

The front page has: "Places of the Plants Given Belo... See More  

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Item #688715

December 17, 1862

WESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 17, 1862  Although the title would suggest mostly religious content, there is also much reporting on the on-going Civil War.

Among war-related reports are: "Latest From Burnside" "The War For the Union" & "The Crossing of the Rappahannock Accomplished".

Eight pages, nice condition.

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Battle of Fredericksburg...

Item #688714

December 24, 1862

WESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1862 

* Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia

* Robert E. Lee vs. Ambrose E. Burnside

Although the title would suggest mostly religious content, there is also much reporting on the on-going Civil War.

The front page has: "The Great Battle At Fredericksburg" which takes nearly 3 columns with many subheads including: "Sc... See More  

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Much reporting from the Confederate perspective...

Item #688116

January 29, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 29, 1862  

* Rare rebel publication

The front page has advertisements and 3 columns on: "The Northern Congress--The New Treasury Bill--Interesting Debate on the War" carrying over to page. 2.

Page 2 has a very nice editorial in which they examine & discuss the "...four grand objects..." or goals of the Yankees for 1862: &q... See More  

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Civil War map of Cape Hatteras...

Item #688105

January 29, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 29, 1862  

* General Ambrose Burnside

* North Carolina expedition

* Cape Hatteras map

The front page features a nice Civil War map headed: "The Burnside Expedition. Map Showing Hatteras Inlet, Caper Hatteras & Loggerhead Inlet".

Several front page column heads on the Civil War including: "The Burnside Expedition" "Most of the Fleet &... See More  

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Large map of Burnside's accomplishments....

The death of Commodore Uriah P. Levy...

Item #687618

March 25, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 25, 1862 

* Uriah P. Levy death (1st report)

* 1st Jewish commodore of U.S. Navy

* American Civil War - Jews

The most notable content within this issue is the very brief, but historic page 7 report of the death of Commodore (Admiral) Uriah P. Levy, the first U.S. Jewish Commodore, war of 1812 war hero, and credited as to having abolished the disciplinary procedu... See More  

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On the Battle of Fredericksburg...

Item #687507

December 19, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 19, 1862  

* Battle of Fredericksburg aftermath

* General Ambrose E. Burnside

Among the front page column heads relating to the Battle of Fredericksburg: "From General  Burnside's Army" "The Burial of the Dead Completed" "What Rebel Officers Say of the Battle" "A Force of 500,000 Could Not Carry the Heights" "... See More  

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Lincoln on returning slaves... Civil War map...

Item #687503

January 24, 1862

NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Jan. 24, 1862  Page 6 features a nice map headed: "THE WAR IN KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE" with related reports including: "The Somerset Battle".

Other reports within include: "An Interesting Declaration - The President on Catching Negroes" "The Return of Fugitive Slaves" "The President's Position on the Question"... See More  

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Confederate newspaper... Court cases involving slaves...

Item #684731

July 14, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 14, 1864

* Rare rebel publication

Various Civil War news with a Confederate bias, making for interesting reading as such. Among the front page items are: "The War News" with subheads: "Still Later--Our Army Reported Within Seven Miles of Baltimore!" "From Petersburg" "The Enemy Mining at Petersburg" "Burnside--Whe... See More  

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Death of Jeff Davis’ son… General Polk offers pardon to deserters…

Item #684215

May 03, 1864

THE DAILY SOUTH CAROLINIAN, Columbia, May 3, 1864 

* Very rare Civil War publication

A very scarce title from the Confederacy. Page 2 has an editorial headed: “Extortioners As Soldiers” and also: “War News” which has a variety of reports & subheads including: “Fight In East Tennessee” “Good Reports From Mississippi” “Important Pr... See More  

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Jeff Davis' Proclamation on the Mumford controversy: death for Butler... Battle of Murfreesboro... A "Memphis" title......

Item #684211

January 03, 1863

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Jackson, Mississippi, January 3, 1863 

* Battle of Stones River - Murfreesboro, Tennessee

* Jefferson Davis proclamation

* Very rare publication

This newspaper had fascinating history as it was chased around the South--see the information below. The most notable content in the issue is the back page report headed: "The Battle At Murfreesboro" "... See More  

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Civil War news from the Confederacy...

Item #683386

January 23, 1863

CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, Jan. 23, 1863 

* From the origin of the American Civil War

Printed in the dateline is: "Confederate States of America", this being one of only a few such newspapers which did so.

Among ftpg. column heads are: "Official Dispatch from Gen. Bragg--More Brilliant Exploits of Gens. Wheeler and Forrest" which is signed in type: Br... See More  

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Confederate newspaper... Court cases involving slaves...

Item #683197

July 11, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1864

* Rare rebel publication

Various Civil War news with a Confederate bias, making for interesting reading as such. Among the front page items are: "The War News" which has several subheads including: "From Petersburg" & "Burnside's Movements". Other war news include: "Latest News From the North--Our Army in M... See More  

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"The War Tax In Virginia"...

Item #682901

January 06, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 6, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

Among the front page reports are: "The War News" which has several reports; also: "Averill Prisoners" "The War Tax In Virginia" "The Anti-Substitute Law "The Blockade--The Cotton Question Again" 'The Courts" 'The Mortality in the Yankee Armies" "T... See More  

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Female spy... Drunkenness in the Union Army...

Item #682233

January 15, 1862

 DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 15, 1862  A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The ftpg. is taken up with ads plus news reports from Europe including: "The Mason-Slidell Affair" and the "Funeral of Prince Albert".

Page 2 has a lengthy editorial which discusses several topics including how the winter has slowed the Yankee forces, and also: &q... See More  

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A fight at Cold Harbor...

Item #682073

June 03, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 3, 1864 

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Sharp Cavalry Fight at Cold Harbor" "Fitz Lee's Forces Defeated" "Part of the Enemy's Works Taken" "They Try to Regan Them but Fail" "Everything Going Righ... See More  

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Great map of Petersburg, and so much more...

Item #682016

August 01, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 1, 1864  

* Battle of the Crater

* Petersburg, Virginia

The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "PETERSBURG, The Work Done by Grant--What He Has Overcome...".

Additional there is a diagram showing the: "Profile Of Burnside's Mine" as well as another diagram as well.

Among the front page column heads on the war ar... See More  

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The latest from Ulysses S. Grant...

Item #681645

June 08, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 8, 1864 

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Battle of Piedmont

* Mechanicsville, Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT!" "The Fighting On Sunday" "Attack on Our Lines by the Rebels" "Our Success" "Midnight Assault on Burnside's Corps on Monday" "Another Repulse of the Enemy" ... See More  

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Vilifying the Yankees...

Item #680406

January 26, 1863

DAILY EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, January 26, 1863 

* Rare rebel publication

A nice single sheet issue (typical late in the war) with a full masthead, with front page reports headed: "The Yankees Across the Rappahannock" "Appointments In the Department" "The Nautical Jeffreys" "Our Military Resources with several subheads: "Latest News From the ... See More  

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Fort DeRussey... General Burnside on General Grant...

Item #678790

April 02, 1864

ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, April 2, 1864  As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts.

Most of the front page deals with reports on the capture of Fort De Russey, near the Red River. Other items inside include: "The Staff" "Life Boats for Vessels of War" &qu... See More  

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General Ambrose Burnside's North Carolina Expedition...

Item #678279

January 29, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 29, 1862 

* General Ambrose Burnside's North Carolina Expedition 

* Somerset, Kentucky

* Paris, Tennessee 

The front page has: "BURNSIDE'S EXPEDITION", followed by:  "Its Arrival at Hatteras Inlet", "Great Difficulties Encountered", "Official Report of Gen. Burnside to the War Department", and more... See More  

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Fortress Monroe, Jacksonville, Yorktown... and a new Delmonico's...

Item #678258

April 07, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 7, 1862 
The front page has: "FROM THE SOUTHERN COAST", "Threatened Attack by the Rebels upon Jacksonville, Fla.", "NEWS FROM FORTRESS MONROE", "Cannonading Heard in the Direction of Yorktown", "GEN. BURNSIDE'S OPERATIONS", "NEWS FROM WASHINGTON", and more. The inside has news regarding
... See More  

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The Battle of Mill Spring...

Item #678133

January 24, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 24, 1862  The front page has: "THE BATTLE OF MILL SPRING", followed by: "A Bayonet Charge by the Ninth Ohio, Second Minnesota, and Fourth Kentucky", "REPORTED RESIGNATON OF BUCKNER", and more. Additional headings include: "IMPORTANT FROM FORTRESS MONROE", "Rebel Reports Regarding Burnside's Expedition", "IM
... See More  

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The Civil War in Virginia...

Item #675160

November 28, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 28, 1862  Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "Army Operations In Virginia" "Fredericksburgh Not Occupied by the Rebels in Force" "Visit of the President to Gen. Burnside" "From Harper's Ferry - A Successful Raid into Secessia" "THANKSGIVING" "The Day - Its Observance--Its Duties--Its Pleasures...&q... See More  

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Latest from Chattanooga...

Item #674906

November 14, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Nov. 14, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "News From Chattanooga - Longstreet Marching Against Burnside with 16,000 Men" "Bragg Reinforced by Two Division" "Gen. Polk in Command at Lookout Mountain" "Wild Plans of Refugees in Canada to Devastate the Frontier" and more.

Eight pages, very light damp stain... See More  

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Movements of generals Lee and Bragg...

Item #674897

October 30, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 30, 1863 

* Battle of Wauhatchie - Tennessee

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Rebels on Lookout Mountain Flanked & Driven Back" "The Grand Flanking Movement by Lee and Bragg" "Gen. Burnside Threatened" "Important Movement Contemplated by Gen. Meade" and more.

Eight pages, light damp stain to a... See More  

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Battle of Blue Springs...

Item #674889

October 13, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 13, 1863 

* Battle of Blue Springs - Greene County, Tennessee

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The War in the Southwest" "Battle on the 8th at Salem, Miss." "4,000 Rebels Beaten by 5,000 Federals" "Kirby Smith & Price Moving on Little Rock" "Battle at Blue Springs..." 6,000 Rebels Rou... See More  

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Latest reports from the Civil War...

Item #673721

October 27, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 27, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Army Of The Cumberland" "Rumored Rear Attack on Allenton & Rome" "News From General Burnside" "Reports of a Strong Rebel Force This Side the Rappahannock Untrue" "The Rebel Privateers" and much more.

Eight pages, nice condition.

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Fighting near Knoxville... Escape of Union prisoners...

Item #672222

November 21, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Nov. 21, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "From East Tennessee" "Gen. Burnside Announces Himself All Right, Yet all Wrong" "Continued Fighting All About Knoxville" "Our Soldiers In Richmond" "Escape of 33 Prisoners from Castle Thunder" "Capture of Brazos Island, Bienville, and Point Isabel... See More  

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Promoting a book on the life of Stonewall Jackson...

Item #672012

October 07, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Oct. 7, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Richmond Life" "A Thrilling Biography of the Great General of the South - An Authentic Life of STONEWALL JACKSON - Life, Services & Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson..." with more on this new book.

Also: "From East Tennessee" "Advance of Gen. Burnside's Forces t... See More  

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1862 Battle of Mill Spring, Kentucky...

Item #663378

January 27, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Jan. 27, 1862 

* Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky

* Colored soldiers

Entire ftpg. is taken up with ads with the Civil War reports on pages 4, 5 & 8.

Column heads there include: "The Battle of Mill Spring" "The Rebel Account of Their Defeat" "They Admit Large Losses". Also: "THE WAR FOR THE UNION" "The Aid of Colored Un... See More  

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Women & children set fires...

Item #662173

February 04, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 4, 1862  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Burnside Expedition" "Heavy Cannonading in the Vicinity of Beaufort" "Heavy Firing Near Norfolk" "News From the South" "The Southern Women & Children to Turn Incendiaries" "The Rebels Furious Over the Stone Blockade" and much more.

Eight ... See More  

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Union rule at Chattanooga...

Item #651646

October 01, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 1, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Gen. Rosecrans' Army" "No Further Demonstrations by the Rebels" "Interesting From the South" "Gillmore's Batteries at Work Again" "Rumored Evacuation by Burnside of East Tennessee" "The Union Rule at Chattanooga" and more.

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From General Burnside's army...

Item #646637

January 24, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 24, 1863  Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "From Burnside's Army" "Our Forces Still on this Side of the Rappahannock" "The Troops Anxious for a Movement on the Enemy" "Impossibility of Moving the Artillery" and more.

Eight pages, nice condition.

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