1859 Battle of Solferino...
Item #710307
July 12, 1859
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 12, 1859
* Battle of Solferino, Italy
* Second Italian War of Independence
The front page has one column headings: "THE BATTLE OF SOLFERNO" "Napoleon in Danger in the Fight" and more. (see images)
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.
Review of the musical Animal Crackers w/ The Marx Brothers...
François Victor Alphonse Aulard death....
Item #709992
October 24, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 24, 1928
* 1st review of the debut of Animal Crackers, featuring The Mark Brothers
* François Victor Alphonse Aulard death... 1st French historian of French Revolution
Page 29 has a one column heading: "PROF. AULARD DEAD; NOTED HISTORIAN" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the de... See More
Exceedingly rare Napoleon occupation newspaper...
Item #705267
May 01, 1811
* Exceedingly rare Napoleon Bonaparte occupation newspaper
This was a daily newspaper published in Amsterdam during the French occupation of Holland. It is bilingual: half printed in French and half in Dutch. Two mastheads as well, one in each language.
In 1810 Napoleon Bonaparte annexed Holland to his empire... See More
Napoleon's letters...
Item #704784
April 24, 1799
J. RUSSEL'S GAZETTE, Boston, April 24, 1799 The front page is almost entirely taken up with: "Buonaparte's Letters" which includes four signed in type by him: Buonaparte.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Napoleon's letter to the King of England...
Item #704576
January 11, 1800
* Rare 18th century publication
* Turn of the 19th century
The back page has a letter signed by Bonaparte, to the King of England, asking for a consolidation of efforts between the two nations. It is followed by the lengthy response in which England has no interesting inn cooperating with Napoleon's military aspirations in... See More
Broadside "Extra" from Baltimore...
Item #704244
October 15, 1798
* Rare broadside extra
Although there were issues of this title in Phila., Boston & Baltimore, this is from Baltimore as the other two did not exist as of this date.
This is a broadside extra, a small single sheet printed on the front only. Such broadsides were typically printed to put urgent or important news into the hands of the reader as ... See More
Ten days before Washington's death...
Item #704015
December 04, 1799
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Dec. 4, 1799 This issue was printed less just ten days before the death of George Washington.
Inside has much on the Napoleonic War, including a back page article: "Buonaparte's Retreat from Syria". Page 3 has a detailed ad for: "Forty Dollars Reward" for deserted soldiers.
Four pages, minor foxing, nice con... See More
John Adams responds, Thomas Jefferson intervenes...
Item #701700
October 24, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 24, 1798
* The XYZ Affair - France relations
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
The front page has an address: "To John Adams, President of the United States" from a military unit at Lexington, followed by his response signed in type: John Adams.
A page 2 bit concerning America making preparations for action against France during the XYZ Af... See More
Documents signed by Madison, Monroe, Napoleon... The War of 1812...
Item #701019
July 23, 1813
THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, July 23, 1813 Pages 1 & 2 have a lengthy report from the Secretary of State, signed in type: James Monroe, & prefaced with a brief note signed by the President: James Madison. Inside has 2 more letters signed by James Monroe, plus one signed by: Napoleon.
A few reports on the War of 1812: "Alarm at Washington" "Blockade of New Londo... See More
The Quasi-War with France... Nelson & Buonaparte in Egypt...
Item #700840
August 14, 1798
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 14, 1798 Page 4 has much reporting on the Napoleonic War with Nelson & Napoleon in Egypt. One bit notes: "...mentioning that Admiral Nelson and Buonaparte had met near Alexandria; that the fleets had engaged, and that Admiral Nelson had lost three ships & two frigates..." with much more.
Page 5 has most of a column headed: "Hos... See More
Defeat of Bonaparte at the Battle of the Nile...
Item #700651
December 05, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 5, 1798 Page 2 has some fine reports on the historic defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of the Nile.
One is headed: "Official & Pleasing" concerning the report, followed by: "French Official Accounts Ofd the Defeat at the Mouth of The Nile". This is followed by: "More British Official Accounts" which includes a lette... See More
Early Horatio Alger story...
Item #700256
September 03, 1859
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL LINE-OF-BATTLESHIP (very early), Boston, Sept. 3, 1859 This was perhaps America's first successful illustrated newspaper, existing from 1851 thru 1859. It set the format for other more successful titles to emulate, most notably Frank Leslie's Illustrated (1855) and Harper's Weekly (1857). All were modeled after the British title 'London Illustrated New... See More
Early Horatio Alger story...
Item #700255
September 03, 1859
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL LINE-OF-BATTLESHIP (very early), Boston, Sept. 3, 1859 This was perhaps America's first successful illustrated newspaper, existing from 1851 thru 1859. It set the format for other more successful titles to emulate, most notably Frank Leslie's Illustrated (1855) and Harper's Weekly (1857). All were modeled after the British title 'London Illustrated New... See More
Very decorative newspaper... The steamship Great Eastern...
Item #700254
September 10, 1851
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL DRAWING-ROOM COMPANION, Boston, Sept. 10, 1851 This was perhaps America's first successful illustrated newspaper, existing from 1851 thru 1859. It set the format for other more successful titles to emulate, most notably Frank Leslie's Illustrated (1855) and Harper's Weekly (1857). All were modeled after the British title 'London Illustrated News' w... See More
P. T. Barnum was a "special partner"...
Item #700069
March 05, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, March 5, 1853 Formatted much like Harper's Weekly, but published 4 years previous to the more famous title. P.T. Barnum was a "Special Partner" in this publication as noted on one of the back pages.
Front page shows: "New Clipper Ship, Empress of the Sea'. Prints inside include: "Portrait of Sir John Franklin--Arctic Exploring Expediti... See More
Napoleon Bonaparte's letters... Piracy & barbarity...
Item #698908
April 22, 1799
J. RUSSELL'S GAZETTE COMMERCIAL & POLITICAL, Boston, April 22, 1799 Most of pages 1 and 4 are taken up with: "Buonaparte's Letters - Translations". Page 3 has: "Unprecedented Barbarity, Piracy and Murder".
Four pages, very nice condition.
Scenes of Java... From the first year of publication...
Item #698245
April 12, 1856
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, April 12, 1856 The front page is a nice print of: "Edward Everett". Prints inside include several: "Scenes in the Island of Java" which take two pages with descriptive text; prints of: "Napoleon III & Eugenie" and the tragic: "Destruction Of The Packet-Ship 'John Rutledge' By An Iceberg".
This is a... See More
Proclamation by Napoleon...
Item #697857
August 23, 1808
SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Aug. 23, 1808 Among the items is a page 2: "Proclamation" signed in type: Napoleon, noting in part: "...We guarantee to the King of Spain the independence and integrity of his States in Europe..." followed by a response "Proclamation" by the King of Spain.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some wear at the margins with some foxi... See More
Napoleon... A ladies' academy..
Item #696655
April 01, 1797
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, April 1, 1797 The front page begins with a lengthy letter signed in type: Buonaparte, written to his "Executive Directory". Inside includes ads for a "Ladies Academy" and a runway Negro woman headed: "Twenty Dollars Reward".
Four pages, very nice condition.
First of this title we have found...
Item #695446
April 08, 1805
COLUMBIAN GAZETTE, Utica, New York, April 8, 1805
* 18th century American publication
This is the first of this title we have encountered, and Brigham notes only two American institutions have this date.
Page 2 has a report of 3 slaves murdering their master. Also a report on the celebration of the anniversary of the election of Thomas Jefferson, as well as a report concerning the co... See More
Louisville Mail Company Steamboat...
Pottsville, PA... Harper's Ferry, WV... William Penn...
Item #694921
October 14, 1854
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Massachusetts, October 14, 1854
The front cover of this issue features an article "William Penn" which is accompanied by several illustrations "Penn's Treaty Ground, Present Appearance". Within this issue are prints captioned: Dominican Iron Light House" "View Of Pottsville, Pennsylvania" "Louisville Mail Company Ste
... See More
The front cover of this issue features an article "William Penn" which is accompanied by several illustrations "Penn's Treaty Ground, Present Appearance". Within this issue are prints captioned: Dominican Iron Light House" "View Of Pottsville, Pennsylvania" "Louisville Mail Company Ste
Lincoln consults spirits for military counsel?
Item #694160
June 08, 1863
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, June 8, 1863
* From the rebel capital
* Abraham Lincoln
* Spiritualism
Among the front page reports on the Civil War are; "Vicksburg" "Lincoln and the Spirits" the latter noting in part: "...spiritual exhibitions made in the presence of Lincoln and his Cabinet. Napoleon, Gen. Knox, and others were consulted s to the ... See More
Visiting the scene of battle: Waterloo...
Item #693483
November 30, 1815
NATOINAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 30, 1815 Page 3 has a lengthy article--a full column--headed: "Waterloo" "Extracts of a letter from an American Gentleman in Europe tro his Friend in Portsmouth".
The letter details his visit to the site of the historic Battle of Waterloo, which is very descriptive. Five months earlier Napoleon was defeated by armies l... See More
Napoleon... The War of 1812...
Item #693166
July 10, 1813
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 10, 1813 The front page has: "Occasional Remarks On the Present Unjust War" meaning the War of 1812.
Inside has a: "Proclamation - Of His Majesty the Emperor, to the Army" signed in type by: Napoleon, concerning his recent military conquests.
Also reports concerning the War of 1812 with "Rigorous Blockade" "From Virg... See More
Napoleon's famous "wiff of grapeshot" event: his notoriety begins...
Item #691033
October 13, 1795
KENTISH GAZETTE, Canterbury, England, Oct. 13, 1795
* Napoleon Bonaparte
* "a wiff of grapeshot" quote
* 13 Vendemiaire
* French Revolution
A handsome issue of the 18th century, with two decorative embellishments in the masthead & ornate lettering in the title.
Page 3 has a very descriptive account of the battle between the French Revolutionary troops and Royalist for... See More
Phrenology: personality is based on the shape of the skull...
Item #691009
August 01, 1853
AMERICAN PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, New York, August, 1853 Phrenology is a theory stating that the personality traits of a person can be derived from the shape of the skull. Although holding no validity today, it was a popular science in the mid-19th century and this periodical focused on it.
Inside has a full page with 4 prints showing the skulls of various types under the heading: "The N... See More
Lord Horatio Nelson... The Yellow Fever in America...
Item #690999
December 08, 1798
* Rare 18th century publication
* Lord Horatio Nelson - Yellow fever
The masthead features a handsome engraving.
The front page has a report referencing the victory of Lord Nelson at the Battle of the Nile. Page 2 has a brief item concerning burials in New York due to the Yellow Fever epidemic. A similar report on page 3 note... See More
Horace Greeley supports William Harrison...
Item #690529
January 23, 1841
THE LOG CABIN, New York, Jan. 23, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Rare campaign publication
The famous campaign newspaper published by Horace Greeley in support of William Henry Harrison in the 1840 election.
The content is almost entirely political & includes: "Government Officers, Agents, and Salaries" "The Public Lands" "The Loco-Focos Proper" &qu... See More
Bilingual newspaper in French and Dutch...
Item #690148
August 18, 1813
* Rare bilingual publication
* French & Dutch language
A fascinating bilingual newspaper, the left column in French, and the right column with the same content in Dutch. The title translates to: "Leaflet, Announcements & Miscellaneous Notices from Groningen". This is... See More
Four Winslow Homer prints...
Item #689897
August 21, 1858
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Aug. 21, 1858 Inside includes an article titled: "Camp Meeting Sketches" with a portion reading: "...we pass on to a notice of the engravings on this and the next page, from drawings made expressly for us by Mr. Homer, and illustrating the camp meeting at Millenial Grove..." with further details on the prints.
The 4 engravings are captione... See More
Battle Of Waterloo...
Item #688740
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1815 * Battle of Waterloo - Belgium
* Napoleon I vs. Duke of Wellington
Certainly the most significant item in this issue is the detailed account of the battle of Waterloo and the fall of Napoleon Buonaparte.
Under the heading "France" is a lengthy report which begins: "The second abdication of the Throne of France by Napoleo... See More
The United States is selling land...
Item #687498
August 31, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 31, 1796 The front page begins with a nice document from the Secretary of the Treasury, Oliver Wolcott, concerning the sale of: "Lands of the United States" which are located: "...in the territory north-west of the river Ohio, and above the mouth of the Kentucky River..." with more detail.
Page 2 has a letter on the Napoleonic War signed ... See More
Washington and Napoleon Buonaparte...
Item #686143
April 05, 1797
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 5, 1797
* President George Washington
* Napoleon Bonaparte
At the bottom of the front page is an Act of Congress which is signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington.
This was one of just a few newspapers which used the script type for documents signed by politicians, making such issues very displayable.
Amongst the various items on page... See More
Includes a document signed by Buonaparte...
Item #686129
June 08, 1799
THE SPECTATOR, New York, June 8, 1799 The entire front page & a bit of page 2 are taken up with a portion of the very lengthy Act of Congress on regulating duties on imports, headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle.
Page 2 has a "Five Dollars Reward" ad for a runaway negro man, as well as reports on the Napoleonic War including a document signed: Buonaparte.
Four pages, ... See More
A challenge to Napoleon: invade England if you dare...
Item #686117
August 29, 1803
BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 29, 1803 The entire front page is taken up with a list of "Wholesale Pricers Current, at Boston". Page 2 has much concerning the situation in Europe with Napoleon Buonaparte including an article: "National Spirit" from London, noting in part: "...Let him come then, this Corsican Consul, if he dare. An island gave him birth--it may be the fate of ... See More
On the life of Napoleon Buonparte...
Item #685741
March 11, 1815
NEW YORK EVENING POST, March 11, 1815 Page 2 has over a full column with a small heading: "Bonaparte" which is essentially a review of a book written about him by a friend, with much on Buonaparte's life (see for portions).
Four pages, nice condition.
A newspaper predicting the future...
Item #684752
October 01, 1866
* Uncommon publication
* Astrology - Horoscope
* Napoleon III
A fascinating and very unusual newspaper of small-size themed on predicting what would happen in the future--great to read in hindsight.
The front page features a large print of: "Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of ... See More
Letter signed by Buonaparte...
Item #684275
June 19, 1799
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 19, 1799 Page 2 has a report: "News!" "Letter from Buonaparte - Army of The East" which includes a letter signed in type: Buonaparte. Other "Accounts From Europe" as well.
Among the back page ads is: "Ten Dollars Reward" for a soldier who deserted from the military.
Four pages, a bit irregular at the spine, good condi... See More
Nice on the Battle of the Nile...
Item #683814
November 14, 1798
* Lord Horatio Nelson victorious
* Battle of the Nile
* Napoleon Bonaparte
Page 2 has a report from "Knoxville" concerning a treaty with the Cherokees. Page 3 has: "Nelson Victorious, and Buonaparte Defeated" which is fine reporting on the Battle of the Nile, taking nearly 1 1/2 column.
Four page... See More
Napoleon Buonaparte after his defeat at Waterloo...
Item #682569
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1815* Napoleon Bonaparte
* Battle of Waterloo
Included is a lengthy article headed: "Buonapartiana" which is also subtitled: "Anecdotes Respecting Napoleon Buonaparte" offering considerable detail on Buonaparte as a person, and quite descriptive as well, including: "...is about five feet seven inches in height, very s... See More
Winslow Homer's famous Snap The Whip...
Item #682299
September 20, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 20, 1873 Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the much desired Winslow Homer doublepage centerfold: "Snap the Whip".
This doublepage is removed from the issue for display purposes. There are some mends to the reverse of the print at the vertical fold, a bit of tape staining come thru to the margins only of the print, light foxing to... See More
Exceedingly rare Napoleon occupation newspaper...
Item #681467
September 27, 1811
* Exceedingly rare Napoleon Bonaparte occupation newspaper
This was a daily newspaper published in Amsterdam during the French occupation of Holland. It is bilingual: half printed in French and half in Dutch. Two mastheads as well, one in each language.
In 1810 Napoleon Bonaparte annexed Holland to his empire, h... See More
How Napoleon treats Americans...
Item #680733
May 01, 1812
THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, May 1, 1812 Page 2 has: "Buonaparte's Treatment to the American" taking most of a column & introduced with: "The following is a plain unvarnished narrative of the cruelties & sufferings experienced by one of our fellow citizens during his captivity with our 'dear friends'...".
Four pages, damp staining to the bottom half,... See More
Winslow Homer's famous Snap The Whip...
Item #678435
September 20, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 20, 1873
* Winslow Homer's most famous print
* "SNAP-THE-WHIP" Great for framing
Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the much desired Winslow Homer doublepage centerfold: "Snap the Whip". As the photos show, this print is in very nice condition.
Front page features a 1/2 page illustration entitled: "The New Sc... See More
Death of Napoleon Bonaparte... Slave trade... William Wilberforce...
Item #677871
September 08, 1821
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 8, 1821 Beginning on page 2 is a report of the death of: "Napoleon Bonaparte" which is prefaced with: "The following particulars are interesting, and seem necessary to assist in affording an account of the exit of the man who, for so many years, had occupied the attention of all the civilized world..." with a subhead: "Official A... See More
The death of Major John Mills...
Item #677413
August 10, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 10, 1796 Page 2 has a report from Fort Washington of the death of Major John Mills, who during the Revolution fought at the siege of Boston, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Monmouth and the Northwest Indian War.
Much reporting on the Napoleonic War in Europe.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Neal Dow, father of Prohibition...
Item #671849
YOUNG WOMEN, Chicago, February, 1896 * Young Women's Christian Temperance Union
An interesting magazine published by the Young Women's Christian Temperance Union whose focus was the outlaw of alcoholic beverages. They also worked to promote women's right to vote.
Inside has an article: "To Reach a Long Life" by Hon. Neal Dow, with a photo of him captioned: "... See More
Launch of the Merrimac...
Item #671293
July 14, 1855
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, July 14, 1855
* USS Merrimack launching
* CSS Virginia ironclad warship fame
* Battle of Hampton Roads fame
The front page has a nice print captioned: "Launch of the U.S. Steamer Merrimac..." with a related article. This was the ship that would letter be refitted to become the ironclad ship in the Confederate navy and would engage the Monitor... See More
1870 Franco-Prussian War beginning...
Item #670530
July 18, 1870
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 18, 1870
* Franco-Prussian War beginning
The top of page 7 has one column headings: "THE WAR" "Rumors from the Front in Paris and Reports of a Battle" "The French Nation Unanimous" "Legislative Address of Loyalty to Napoleon" and more. (see) Lengthy text.
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, good condition.... See More
Jefferson's Proclamation declaring neutrality in the Napoleonic Wars...
Item #667349
July 08, 1807
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 8, 1807
* President Thomas Jefferson proclamation
* America neutrality in Napoleonic Wars
Page 2 contains the historic "Proclamation" signed by President Th. Jefferson, in which is empathizes the neutrality of America in the Napoleonic Wars, and also notes that: "...requiring all armed vessels bearing commissions under the government of ... See More
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