Web Results (52)



Two detailed articles on the Mormons... Indian troubles in Minnesota...

Item #700515

July 31, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 31, 1857  Page 2 has half a column taken up with a report headed: "From Salt Lake City" which is a lengthy & quite detailed report--mostly taken from The Deseret News, concerning the growing tensions and the imminent Mormon War.

Page 2 has: "Utah And the Mormons" with a nearly half column article which includes: &qu... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Apostle Wilford Woodruff's Sermon - Salt Lake City pre-Utah Statehood 1882 Newspaper...

Item #699039

December 18, 1882

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, (Utah Territory), June 10, 1882  

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Wilford Woodruff sermon

The front page has 4 1/2 columns dedicated to: "Discourse by Apostle Wilford Woodruff Delivered In The Tabernacle, May 14th, 1882". The topics include: "Liberty of Conscience", "Man Accountable to God", "The Fall of Adam an... See More  

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"Ham" the chimpanzee: first hominid in space...

Item #698919

February 01, 1961

DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 1, 1961  

* Ham the Chimp - Chimpanzee

* 1st Hominid launched into space

* Mercury-Redstone 2 space flight

The banner headline announces one of the first successes of NASA at the beginning of the "space race" with the Soviet Union: "Chimp Survives Flight In Space" with subhead: "Flight Paves Way For Astronauts". An... See More  

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Death of the President James A. Garfield...

Item #698079

September 21, 1881

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 21, 1881  

* James A. Garfield death

* Rare Mormons publication

From 15 years before Utah statehood. Page 8 has all columns black-bordered due to the: "Death Of President Garfield", being an early report without many details. The front page has: "Willful Murder" "Attempt to Shoot" "The Park Shooting" ... See More  

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Utah, pre-statehood...

Item #695599

December 18, 1872

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, (Utah Territory), Dec. 18, 1872  

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Pre Statehood

Various news of the day from the capital of the Mormons, and from 24 years before Utah would become a state. A great wealth of ads as well.

Sixteen pages, 11 by 16 pages, just as it came off the press so never bound nor trimmed & folding out to one large sheet, great cond... See More  

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Death of the President, as reported out West...

Item #693196

September 21, 1881

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Sept. 21, 1881  

* President James A. Garfield assassination death

This was the very first newspaper to publish in Utah, having begun in 1850.

Page 8 has all columns black-bordered and a report: "Death Of President Garfield" and also: "Full Particulars".

Complete in 16 pages, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out... See More  

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On the Mormons... Alcoholic congressmen...

Item #692181

August 10, 1850

THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, August 10, 1850  Rarely are we able to secure antebellum newspapers from this city.

Page 2 has a nice article: "Locusts, Crickets and Gulls of the Salt Lake Country" which is: "...an interesting account of his visit to the Mormon encampment in the western deserts. They were out casts from Missouri and Illinois, who had f... See More  

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From the Mormon capital...

Item #690552

December 07, 1881

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 7, 1881 

* Mormons - Mormonism

This is from 15 years before Utah would become a state.  Nearly a full page of: "Remarks by Prest. George Q. Cannon". Other items include: "War Incidents - Bravery of General Kane's Bucktails" "Marvelous Adventures of a Legislator Among Indians" "A Desperado Arrested -... See More  

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Problem with Mormon currency... Capture of a slave ship...

Item #683649

August 31, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 31, 1858  Page 3 has: "From Utah" which reports on the elections there. Also: "...Repudiation of the Mormon currency--the notes of the 'Deseret Currency Association--was the last movement of the Mormon leaders...the Gentile storekeepers refusing to receive the notes..." and more.

Also on page 3: "Capture Of A S... See More  

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The election of 1892 in a Salt Lake City newspaper...

Item #678139

November 09, 1892

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Nov. 9, 1892  The first column on the front page has the single column heading: "FOR CLEVELAND", followed by subheads: "A Great Victory for Democratic Principles", "Beginning Of A New Epoch", "The Results of Yesterday's Election as Far as Ascertained", and more. Additional election-themed coverage is found throu... See More  

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Salt Lake City title with a Mormon flair...

Item #649257
(5) DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, early 1880's  A lot of 5 issues, from several years before statehood with much local news of the day.  Articles with Mormon interest and perspective are sure to be found within each issue.  Typically 4 page issues, minor browning & dirtiness, but not pulpish.

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Bank robbery in the Old West...

Item #634212

October 22, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, October 22, 1890  Just what we hope to find on the front page of a newspaper from the Old West is in this issue: "Daring Robbery" "The Watchman Gagged & Bound and $2000 Secured" with some details. Not a lengthy nor conspicuous report, but great to have in this title.

Other news of the day with many interesting adve... See More  

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Jefferson Davis' death... Judaica content...

Item #616770

December 11, 1889

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Dec. 11, 1889 

* Jefferson Davis death

* Confederate president - Confederacy

A "territorial" newspaper from seven years before Utah would be come a state. The ftpg. has: "Jefferson Davis' Remains - Views Yesterday by Some 70,000 Persons" with various subheads (see). Other ftpg. articles include: "A Dasta... See More  

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A great Western-themed cover print...

Item #616741

July 01, 1893

THE DESERET WEEKLY, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 1, 1893  This paper calls itself a: "Pioneer Publication of the Rocky Mountain Region - Truth and Liberty".  See the photo below for the very decorative & large front page illustration, which shows settlers traveling, the Mormon temple, an early train, etc.  Among the many articles are: "Utah Women in Chicago" &q... See More  

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From the Territory of Utah...

Item #615526

September 27, 1869

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, (Utah Territory) Sept. 29, 1869  Among the articles are: "The Arabs of the Middle Ages" "Local & Other Matters" and much more. Published from 27 years before statehood.

Twelve pages, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition.

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The Deseret Museum...

Item #613216

April 20, 1895

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 20, 1895  The front page of the issue contains four scenes from "The Deseret Museum, Salt Lake City, Utah" with an accompanying article. Inside the issues is "Whitlock's New 'Western' Independent Chuck"; "Hedges' Water Tube Stationary or Marine Boiler"; "The Sumatra Rhinoceros"; "An Explo
... See More  

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Debating Idaho statehood...

Item #602864

January 13, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Jan. 13, 1890  A Mormon newspaper from 6 years before Utah statehood. Page 3 has: "Idaho's Admission" "Judge Wilson, Prest. Wm. Budge & Others Opposing It for the 'Mormons' " "Dubois Makes A Harangue Against the Church". Idaho would join the Union on July 3, 1890.

Four pages, large folio size,... See More  

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Debating Idaho statehood...

Item #602863

January 13, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Jan. 13, 1890  A Mormon newspaper from 6 years before Utah statehood. Page 3 has: "Idaho's Admission" "Judge Wilson, Prest. Wm. Budge & Others Opposing It for the 'Mormons' " "Dubois Makes A Harangue Against the Church". Idaho would join the Union on July 3, 1890.

Four pages, large folio size,... See More  

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From the Utah Territory...

Item #599749

January 11, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Jan. 11, 1890  The front page has: "Colored Children" "Trouble in Illinois Over their Admission to the Public Schools" "He Was Shunned". Much of page 2 is taken up with: "Remarks of Apostle Heber J. Grant" and so much more.

Complete in 6 pages, large folio size, never bound nor trimmed, various tear... See More  

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Immorality in San Antonio, Texas...

Item #597888

January 04, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Jan. 4, 1890  From six years before Utah would become a state. Inside has: "The Idaho Test Oath Case" which takes most of the page. Also: "And What Next? "Immorality Sanctioned by City Ordinance at San Antonio, Texas" "One Woman Sues Another for Having Alienated Her Husband's Affections" and other ite... See More  

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Death of financier Jay Gould...

Item #597498

December 06, 1892

DESERET SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 6, 1892  The top of the last column on the front page note: "JAY GOULD DEAD" "That is the Startling Announcement Today" "Her Dies of Consumption" "What Was Known of the Patient's Condition Last Night" and a bit more (see). The report takes two-thirds of the column.

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From Utah before statehood....

Item #597185

January 11, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Jan. 11, 1890  From 6 years before Utah would become a state. Various news of the day & a great wealth of ads, many of which are illustrated.

Four pages, some browning at folds, some archival mends at the margins of folds, generally nice condition.

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Idaho to soon join the Union...

Item #597057

January 15, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Utah Territory, Jan. 15, 1890  The front page has "Idaho's Admission" "The Adjourned Hearing Before the Senate Committee" which discusses the proposal of admitting Idaho to the Union, which happened on July 3 of 1890.

Four pages, large folio size, minor perforation at an upper fold with some foxing here, otherwise good.

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Idaho to soon join the Union...

Item #597056

January 15, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, January 15, 1890 

* Mormons title

* Idaho statehood

The front page has "Idaho's Admission" and "The Adjourned Hearing Before the Senate Committee" which discusses the proposal of admitting Idaho to the Union, which happened on July 3 of 1890.

Four pages, large folio size, some wear at folds, generally good.... See More  

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From the Territory of Utah...

Item #597009

October 24, 1876

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Oct. 24, 1876  From this "territory" 20 years before Utah would become a state. Inside has: "The Indians--300 Lodges Captured, Disarmed & Dismounted" "The Express Robbery" "Killed by a Train" & much more. A wealth of ads.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, very nice condition.

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The Jews & the Mormons...

Item #595842

February 04, 1885

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Feb. 4, 1885

* Judaica - Jewish

* Mormonism

The front page has various: "Territorial Items". Inside has: "A Significant Movement Among Jews", followed by: "The 'Mormons' Are Not Gone Yet" (see photos).

Sixteen pages, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out to one huge sheet, staining at the ftpg. fold, ... See More  

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1880 President Hayes on Utah polygamy...

Item #588632

December 22, 1880

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Dec. 22, 1880  Inside has an editorial: "What Is To Be Done With Utah?" Other articles include: "Two Men Killed" "A Word or Two on Religion" and "The Utah Question" which includes: "The President is quite severe on Mormon polygamy & urges upon Congress the duty of abolishing that institution..." with more ... See More  

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From territorial Utah...

Item #585930

November 13, 1872

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Nov. 13, 1872 

* Rare Utah Territory title

A very nice territorial newspaper from 24 years before Utah statehood. Various news of the day with a great wealth of ads, many of which are illustrated (see).

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition.

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Rare title from the Mormons...

Item #584162

May 07, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salty Lake City, Utah Territory, May 7, 1890 

* Rare title from the Mormons

A large folio newspaper of 4 pages, never bound nor trimmed, with a wide variety of news reports of the day. This newspaper was printed 6 years before Utah became a state. Some browning at the folds & some margin tears, generally good condition. Not a pulpish newspaper.... See More  

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Six years before Utah statehood...

Item #581713

December 12, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Dec. 12, 1890 

* Rare Utah pre-statehood title

The ftpg. includes: "Indians Starving--They Receive Only Rations Enough for Two Days of the Week" "No Danger of an Outbreak" "The Irish Troubles" "Fatal Duel" and many other items. Indian content inside as well.

Six pages, large folio size, never ... See More  

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Six years before Utah statehood...

Item #578827

October 22, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Oct. 22, 1890 

* Rare Utah pre-statehood title

Among the front page item: "Daring Robbery--The Watchman Gagged & Bound, and $2000 Secured" in Wellsville, Wisconsin. Also: "The Pinkertons--Are Engaged to Manage the Investigation of Hennessy's Assassins...". Page 2 includes: "Facts & Fiction About &... See More  

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Famous siamese twins death... in 1874...

Item #576103

January 20, 1874

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Nevada, January 20, 1874

* Rare Old West Title

* Chang & Eng Bunker deaths

Page 3 has: "Death of the Siamese Twins..." which tells of the death of Chang and Eng Bunker.

Other news of the day. A great wealth of ads, several of which are illustrated.

Four pages, never bound , generally in very nice condition.... See More  

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1889 Salt Lake City newspapers...

Item #571904

October 22, 1889

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah (Territory), October 22, 1889

* Rare territorial title

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with several interesting advertisements. With newspapers West of the Mississippi being very rare prior to 1900.

Early for Utah, prior to becoming a statehood. Light browning at the folds, otherwise in nice condition.
... See More  

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From territorial Utah... Salt Lake City...

Item #563327

January 27, 1876

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, January 27, 1876   A "territorial" newspaper from 20 years before Utah would become a state. In the bottom half of the ftpg. is: "Attempt to Rob a Bank", being an item about men braking into the home of the cashier of a bank in Northampton, Mass., securing the bank keys and attempting to break into the vault. They ... See More  

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Salt Lake City title with a Mormon flair... Long before Utah statehood...

Item #559579
DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1870's  A lot of 5 issues, from this historic town, from before statehood, with much news of the day.  Articles with Mormon interest and/or perspective are sure to be found within each issue.  Typically 8 page issues; not pulpish as is typical for the period.  Very nice at a bargain price!

Wholesale Lot: typically more than one item/set available!

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Salt Lake City title with a Mormon flair...

Item #559576
DESERET NEWS (Daily, Weekly, and/or Semi-Weekly), Salt Lake City, Utah, 1880's  A lot of 5 issues, from several years before statehood with much local news of the day.  Articles with Mormon interest and perspective are sure to be found within each issue.  Typically 4 page issues, minor browning & dirtiness, but not pulpish.

If an image(s) is shown, it is only representative of the style and condition of what you will receive. Actual items will vary.

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Granite Iron Ware.... Iron Pot...

Item #557329

November 04, 1876

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 4, 1876 

* Granite iron ware 

* Uncommon title - Nice advertisements 

Taking more that 1/4 of the front page is a bold ad for "Granite Iron Ware" available at Zion's Co-Operative Mercantile Institute.

Includes a large illustration of an iron pot.

News of the day with many advertisements. 4 pages in nice... See More  

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First synagogue in Texas... cornerstone laid by Masons...

Item #556862

June 10, 1870

DESERET EVENING NEWS, from Salt Lake City, Utah, dated June 10, 1870

* 1st Jewish synagogue in Texas

* Charles Dickens death (1st report)

On page 2 under "Texas" is a report headed: "Corner Stone Laid".

The brief but historic report, datelined "Galveston", reads:

* The corner stone of the first Jewish Synagogue in the State, was laid today by the Grand Lo... See More  

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1872 Old West Newspaper From Salt Lake City, Utah...

Item #539052

March 06, 1872

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 6, 1872 

* Early Salt Lake City UT 19th century periodical... 

* Wild Old West... 

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with several interesting advertisements. With newspapers West of the Mississippi being very rare prior to 1900, here is an opportunity to get a issue from the old West back when cowboys, Indians, salo... See More  

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Buffalo Bill served under General Washington...?

Item #210753

March 08, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, March 8, 1890 This newspaper is a "territorial" issue, printed six years before Utah would become a state. The front page has a short yet interesting item concerning Buffalo Bill, datelined from Rome & reading: "An Italian journal, commenting on the Wild West show, makes the astounding announcement that Buffalo Bill held the grand rank... See More  

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Trouble in Hayti...

Item #210742

March 11, 1889

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, March 11, 1889 This newspaper is a "territorial" issue, printed six years before Utah would become a state. The front page has a wide variouety of news reports, many from the "Old West", but it also has an article headed: "The Bloody Haytiens" "A Town Captured and the Prisoners Butchered" with the report shown in full in the photos b... See More  

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Beecher-Tilton Scandal Case...

Item #202942

August 08, 1874

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City UTAH -August 8, 1874. 

*Beecher-Tilton Scandal 

This four page newspaper is from the capital of the Mormonism. This issue has news of the day and several interesting advertisements. Rare to find such an early issue from State of Utah. One the articles in this issue deals with the Beecher-Tilton Scandal Case. Very nice condition.  
... See More  

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International Rifle Match...

Item #202941

July 21, 1874

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City UT July 21, 1874.

*Mormon Religion

*International Rifile Match

*Early Issue From State of Utah

This four page newspaper is from the capital of the Mormon Religion. This issue has news of the day and several interesting advertisements. Rare to find such an early issue from State of Utah. One the articles in this issue deals with the International Rifi
... See More  

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Displayable with a great Western-themed cover print...

Item #151839

January 01, 1893

DESERET WEEKLY magazine dated 1893-1895. A great item still with the original tan outer wrappers. See the photo below for the very decorative & large front page illustration, which shows settlers travelling, the Mormon temple, an early train, etc. Complete in 16 pages, measures about 8 by 12 inches, some very light dirtiness, generally quite nice! The actual issue you will get may vary slightl... See More  

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From Territorial Utah, 26 years before statehood...

Item #130299
DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, 1872  An early issue from this city founded by the Mormons. Utah did not become a state until 1896.

A complete issue in nice condition.

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Item #150902

November 10, 1892

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, November 10, 1892. Stacked front page heads: "Grand Victory" "Cleveland and Stevenson More Than Conquerors" "The Majority Overwhelming" "Something Exceptional in the History of the Country" & more. Some dirtiness at the edges, and minor rubbing.

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Jeff. Davis...

Item #150104

April 28, 1886

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Apr. 28, 1886 Ftpg: "Jeff Davis Receives an Ovation" is a report from Montgomery, Ala. Uncommon newspaper from Utah.

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From Territorial Utah...

Item #130301

January 01, 1890

DESERET SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, 1890  A 19th century issue from this city founded by the Mormons. Utah did not become a state until 1896.
The complete issue in good condition.

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From the Territory of Utah...

Item #130300

January 01, 1881

THE DESERET NEWS, the weekly edition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1881 A very nice issue and rather early for Utah, from 15 years before it became a state. At this time it was known as the "Utah Territory". This 16 page issue contains a wide wealth of news of the day, certainly much from this Mormon stronghold with much Mormon-related content, but other news as well including local, statewide, and ... See More  

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From Territorial Utah...

Item #130298

January 01, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, 1890  A 19th century issue from this city founded by the Mormons. Utah did not become a state until 1896.

The complete issue in good condition.

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