Jeff Davis & fellow captives... Captured in women's clothes... Trial of the Assassins...
Item #702456
May 21, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, May 21, 1865
* Confederate President Jefferson Davis
* Mention of him wearing women's clothes
* Abraham Lincoln murder trial
First column heads include: "DAVIS & CO." "Arrival of the Rebel Leaders at Fortress Monroe" "Jefferson Davis, Wife, Son & Two Daughters" "Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy&quo... See More
From the Civil War...
Item #690791
January 27, 1864
NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 27, 1864 The front page includes: "From Washington" "Senator Bayard Takes the Oath of Allegiance" "The Proposed Expulsion of Senator Davis" "Proceedings of Congress" "Serious Illness of Alexander H. Stephens's..." "Advices from Richmond--Jeff. Davis' House Robbed and Fired..." "Gen, Butler's Dep... See More
The nation prepares for war... Fugitive slave case...
Item #683283
December 01, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln as president-elect era
* Southern secession from the Union
* Pre Civil War tensions over slavery
From weeks before the outbreak of war at Fort Sumter, this issue has much content on the events leading to war.
Included are: "Slave Extradition Case in Canada" "The Mississippi Delegation" "A Plan of Seces... See More
A conversion of a Jew... "Of a small Venomous Serpent..."
Item #680788
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1750 Over a page is taken up with: "Of a small Venomous Serpent...." which includes on page 2 a print of it. Another article is: "An Account of the Conversion of Daniel Tnangam Alexander, an Eminent Jew" to the Protestant religion.There is a continued article on: "Lewis XIV Greatest of Monarchs" by M. de Voltair... See More
Lengthy letter from the Vice President of the Confederacy...
Item #618228
September 30, 1862
DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Sept. 30, 1862
* Very rare Confederate publication
* Rebel V.P. Alexander H. Stephens
Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.
Various reports inside include: "From Col. Crawford's Cavalry" "From J.T.S. at Montgomery" ... See More
Confederate leaders paroled....
Item #215638
October 12, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 12, 1865
* Post Civil War Confederate Leaders on Parole
* Post Civil War Confederate Leaders on Parole
The front page has: Washington Important Executive Order Alexander H. Stephens, John A. Campbell, John H. Reagan, George A. Trenholm and Charles Clark Released on Parole The Members of the South Carolina Convention Pardoned. Executive order granting parole with the possibility of a pardon is s
... See More
Shippan Point... Race horses...
Item #173346
October 09, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 9, 1869 The full front page illustration is of "The Thorn in the Foot" which is very displayable. Inside are three one-third page illustrations pertaining to "Shippan Point" including "View of Shippan Point, Opposite Stamford, Connecticut," "...Johnson and Miller's Auction Sale, September 21, 1869," and "... See More
Winslow Homer print... Freedman's Bureau...
Item #173220
July 25, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, July 25, 1868 Horatio Seymour, democratic nominee, ftpg. - full page Winslow Homer illus. "New England Factory Life", "Bell Time" - The Freedmen's Bureau, Scene in Printing House Square, New York City, Elevated railway in Greenwich St., New York City, and Electioneering At The South".
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related... See More
Views of Princeton College...
Item #175990
January 26, 1895
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 26, 1895 Full front page illus. of "The Launch of the New Lake Steamer 'North Land,' at Cleveland, Ohio, January 5, 1895." Inside is a 1/4 pg. portrait of "Franxois Felix Faure." Full pg. illus. of "The Street-Car Strike in Brooklyn."
Full pg. containing three illus. of "The War in the East - Shanghai and Its ... See More
Many Civil War prints... Burning of the Smithsonian Institute...
Item #172858
February 11, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 11, 1865 The front page has two prints: "150 Pound Armstrong Gun Captured at Fort Fisher" and "The Rebel Iron-Clad Fleet Forcing the Obstructions in James River". Other prints within include: "The United States Iron-Clad Battery 'Monadnock' " "Burning of the Smithsonian Institute at Washington" "Gene... See More
Baltimore Regatta...
Item #173004
July 07, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 7, 1866 Includes two front 1/2 pg. illus. One entitled "The Baltimore Regatta" and one entitled "The Baltimore Regatta-Club Cottage and Boat House." Full pg. illus. of the "Second Annual Review of the New York Yacht Club." 1/3 pg. illus. of "Gunpowder vs. Nitro Glycerine-Experiments Under Government Inspection, Near the Navy Ya... See More
Great football issue...
Item #175556
November 29, 1890
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 29, 1890 Certainly the prime print in this issue is the very nice doublepage centerfold by Frederic Remington captioned: "Football - A Collision At The Ropes". Among the many other prints are: "The Flower Show at Madison Square Garden" which is the entire front page; "Launch of the Armored Cruiser 'Maine' At the Brooklyn Na... See More
Moose hunting in Nova Scotia...
Item #174262
July 20, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 20, 1878 Three 1/3 front pg. illus. pertaining to "The Henley Regatta Course-A Quiet Day for Practice Before the Race." Inside is a full pg. Nast illus. of "Another Eastern Question-The Imperial Bengal Tiger Entering Europe." Dblpgctrfld. of "Meeting of the Congress at Berlin." Two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Two Phases of E... See More
Centerfold print of George Washington...
Item #174222
March 02, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 2, 1878 Front full pg. Nast illus. of "Natural History." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "General Grant's European Souvenirs." 2/3 pg. illus. of "Stanley in Africa - Naval Battle Between the Waganda and Wavuma." 2/3 of a dblpgctrfld. of "Stanley in Africa - Burmish Hospitality." Full pg. Nast illus. of "Will... See More
The Republican elephant on the front page...
Item #174194
November 24, 1877
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 24, 1877 Full front page shows a Thomas Nast political cartoon entitled "Saved (?) By The Skin Of His____" showing the injured Republican elephant hanging onto a limb with his trunk. Great full page shows construction of the Brooklyn Bridge "The East River Bridge - Demolition of Buildings for the New York Approach". Full page Thomas... See More
Colored Orphan Asylum... City of Memphis...
Item #172986
May 05, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 5, 1866 Front full pg. illus. of "Colored Orphan Asylum, Memphis, Tennessee." Inside is a 2/3 pg. illus. of "Alexander H. Stephens." Four 1/2 landscape illus. entitled: "Nashville, From Edgefield," "Nashville, Tennessee, from the Opposite Bank of the Cumberland," "Louisville, Kentucky-Iron Clads Passing Louisville Fall... See More
Military asylum...
Item #173056
January 05, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 5, 1867. Halfpg: 'Military Asylum, Washington, D.C.' and a very nice print of: 'Rice Culture on the Ogeechee, Near Savannah, Ga.' showing eight scenes in the process of growing rice. Halfpg: 'Turkey Shooting'. Other news and advertisements of the day are included.
Complete in sixteen pages.
Much on the Dakota Territory...
Item #172932
October 28, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY New York, October 28, 1865 The front page has a print: "Seizure of 'The Irish People' Newspaper in Dublin and of Deadly Weapons in Cork, Belonging to the Fenians." The balance of the front page is an article titled: "The Fenians".
Prints inside include: "Dacotah Territory - Fort Thompson on the Upper Missouri River, built for the Sioux an... See More
The Dreyfus Affair...
Item #176472
September 09, 1899
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 9, 1899
The front page of this issue has a full page photo: "For the Dewey Arch" which says underneath: "John Q. A. Ward, President of the National Sculpture Society, at work in his studio on the models of his contribution to the decorations." There is a fullpg. with 8 photos of: 'In the Track of the Puerto Rico Cyclone--A City in... See More
Annual Regatta of the New York Yacht Club...
Item #173316
June 26, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 26, 1869 The front page shows: 'Annual Regatta of the New York Yacht Club, June 10, 1869 - Rounding of the Light-ship'. Half page illustrations are of 'Mob in Front of the Captain-General's Palace, Havana, Cuba'; "Palm-House in the Botanic Garden, Foot of Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C."; "The Sea of Galilee" and &quo... See More
School for freed slaves at New Orleans...
Item #172982
April 21, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, April 21, 1866 The front page print: "Abraham Lincoln School for Freedmen, New Orleans" with a related article.
Terrific fullpg: "On the Plains--Indians Attacking Butterfield's Overland Dispatch Coach" is a truly fine example of Western Americana for display. Halfpg: 'Street View in Santa Fe, New Mexico".
Sixteen pages, good condition.... See More
Troops encamped in the nation's capital... Jefferson Davis...
Item #172472
June 01, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 1, 1861 The front page is entirely taken up with a print of: "Major-General Benjamin F. Butler, U.S.A." along with a biography of him. Inside has a full page print of: "The Cabinet of the Confederate States at Montgomery" including Jefferson Davis & Alexander Stephens. Smaller prints show: "Luther C. Ladd, A Mass. Vol. Killed at Balt... See More
Winslow Homer print... Map of the Northern & Southern states...
Item #172444
February 23, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 23, 1861 The front page is taken up with: "Chantrey's Statue of Washington, Now in the State House at Boston, Massachusetts". Prints within include: "Officers' Quarters at Fort Sumter", "Good-by to Sumter", and a quarter page print by famed artist Winslow Homer: "The Late Rev. Dr. Murray", plus a great full p... See More
Great baseball print: The Chicago Baseball Club in uniform...
Item #174708
October 14, 1882
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 14, 1882 The full ftpg. is a political print by Thomas Nast: "The New Angelic Flying Machine". Inside has a fullpg. print showing: "The Rival Teams--Mr. Work's 'Dick Swiveller' and 'Edward' and Mr. Vanderbilt's 'Earlyl Rose' and 'Aldine' " showing two in a buggy race. Two prints of: "The C... See More
Thomas Nast prints..
Item #173784
December 20, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 20, 1873 Full front page illustration entitled "Spain Accedes to Our Demands.";
Full page illustration of "Tracking Rabbits." (Hunting); Three illustrations pertaining to "The Loss of the Steamship "Ville Du Havre" including "The "Loch Earn," "The "Trimountain," "Captain W. W. Urquh... See More
Passage of the Thirteenth Amendment...
Item #172860
February 18, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 18, 1865 The full front page is a jubilant scene captioned: "Scene in the House on the Passage of the Proposition to Amend the Constitution", being the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. It was passed by the ... See More
Mississippi steamboat... Winter on the Long Island shore...
Item #174750
March 10, 1883
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 10, 1883 Nice full ftpg: "Alexander H. Stephens". Half page print: "The First Man in Tel El Kebir". Halfpg. print: "Levuka, The Capital of FeeJee". Nice fullpg print: "Winter Sketches on the Long Island Shore" shows 6 scenes. Fullpg. print: "Sketches on the Mississippi" shows 9 scenes. Halfpg: "Missis... See More
Alexander Stephens of Georgia...
Item #172144
April 10, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 10, 1858 The front page has a nice illustration of "Hon. Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia" including a biography of him. A text report entitled "The Settlement of the Mormon Affair. A full page: "A Masked Ball at the Academy of Music at Paris" along with an article "Busard and the Paris Masked Balls" which also fea... See More
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