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Spindletop oil discovery...

Item #679354

January 17, 1901

NEW YORK TIMES, January 17, 1901  Although discoveries were made in various locations long before this date, this discovery--to be known as Spindletop--marked the emergence of the oil industry at a time when the automobile and other industries were experiencing rapid growth, coinciding with the need for this new product.

The discovery of oil in Beaumont, Texas, was the beginning of the oil i... See More  

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Popular for the colorful political cartoons...

Item #679347

April 26, 1893

PUCK, New York, April 26, 1893  Puck was America's first successful humor magazine of colorful cartoon caricatures and political satire, publishing from 1871 until 1918. It was also the first to successfully adopt full color lithography printing for a weekly publication. The color prints are much desired for their displayability. This issue has as its political cartoons:

front page: &quo... See More  

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Daniel Webster's letters... "Defender of the Constitution"......

Item #679332
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, Aug., 1867  The prime feature of this issue is likely the 5 1/2 pages dedicated to the: "PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE OF DANIEL WEBSTER", which includes excerpts from many of his private correspondence along with background and commentary. The article serves well as an unofficial biography of this great "defender of the Constitution".... See More  

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Neat title... "THE MOSQUITO"...

Item #679273

March 21, 1925

THE MOSQUITO, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, March 21, 1925  A curious little newspaper which appears to be the combination of the Middlesex Plain Dealer and the Perth Amboy Press. Filled mostly with local news and tidbits, many quite folksy and humorous, plus many ads as well. The ftpg. has a bit noting: "Christy Mathewson, of baseball fame, was recently named one of the trustees of the Ameri... See More  

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Blacks to have rights of citizenship in New York ? Washington to move to England?

Item #679259

July 23, 1785

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 23, 1785 

* General George Washington to move his residence to England (?)

* Blacks to have citizenship rights in New York (?)

Page 2 has a report from New York with some news from the Assembly of the state which includes: "...very warm debates also have taken place upon the question of admitting Blacks, Mulattoes, Mustees, Quadroons...the the r... See More  

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Adolf Hitler opens the 1936 Summer Olympics...

Item #679222

August 01, 1936

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, August 1, 1936

* Olympics open in front of the Nazi Party

The front page has a three column, three line headline: "Olympic Games Given Rousing Sendoff Today At opening Ceremonies",  with subheading: "Huge Throngs Pack Stadium Despite Heavy Downpour; Roar Greeting to Hitler", and more. Coverage continues on an inside page... See More  

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Pre-release color ad for "12 Years a Slave", in a Los Angeles newspaper...

Item #679175

October 13, 2013

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Oct. 13, 2013 (Calendar Section)

* Pre-premiere ad for "12 Years a Slave"

* Steve McQueen - Chiwetel Ejiofor & Michael Fassbender

* Best Picture, Director, Foreign Actor and Supporting Actor, etc.

Page D7 has the best full-page ad for "12 Years a Slave" from the leading newspaper of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's prime publi... See More  

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Rare issue from Weaverville, California...

Item #679173

May 20, 1876

WEEKLY TRINITY JOURNAL, Weaverville, California, May 20, 1876  A rare issue from this Northern California town and uncommon to find from the 19th century. The Weekly Trinity Journal gives an inside peek to daily life 100 years after the founding of The United States of America. Quirky and fascinating headlines include: "A MIGHTY LIVELY RAT HUNT", "CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS" a... See More  

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General Murray on retiring from Quebec...

Item #679163

September 01, 1766

THE SCOTS MAGAZINE, Edinburgh, Scotland, September, 1766  Although formatted much like the more common "Gentleman's Magazine" this is a much more scarce title.

News under: "British North America" includes an address from the Council in Quebec to Governor James Murray on his retirement from that position, with his response to the Council. Further on are more letters to... See More  

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Review & premiere of "The Color Purple" & "Out of Africa"...

Item #679146

August 10, 2011

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Aug. 10, 2011

* Premiere of "The Color Purple", starring Whoopi Goldberg

* Premiere of "Out of Africa", starring Meryl Streep & Robert Redford

* Contrasting reviews with full-page ads for each

A terrific issue on the premieres of both motion picture hits: "The Color Purple" and "Out of Africa". Perhaps no better issu... See More  

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Review & premiere of "The Help", in a Los Angeles newspaper...

Item #679145

August 10, 2011

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Aug. 10, 2011

* Premiere of "The Help" - advertisement and review

* Octavia Spencer, Viola Davis, and Emma Stone

* Multiple award winner

A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "The Help", and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, it being the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood ... See More  

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Colonial Boston, with the Supplement issue attached...

Item #679116

June 06, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, June 6, 1768 

* Pre Revolutionary War tensions

Under reports from London is: "...Letters from Boston, New England, mention that the late public spirit for establishing new manufactures was greatly subsided, the adventurers having met with nothing but disappointments in procuring materials, scarcity of money, & high price of wages." Else... See More  

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It triggered the great Financial Panic of 1837...

Item #679106

May 13, 1837

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 13, 1837 

* Panic of 1837

* Financial crisis

The front page has a notable report: "Suspension of Specie Payments" which would be the trigger which stated the Financial Panic of 1837. On May 10, 1837, banks in New York City suspended specie payments, meaning that they would no longer redeem commercial paper in specie at full face valu... See More  

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Young evangelist Bill Graham prays with the president Truman...

Item #678870

July 15, 1950

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 15, 1950

* Young evangelist Billy Graham's 1st White House visit

* Prays with President Harry Truman 
at the White House 

* Would become the spiritual advisor to several Presidents

Buried on page 11 is the historic, but rather inconspicuous report: "President and Evangelist Pray in the White House", followed by a brief description of the... See More  

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Terrific & displayable baseball print...

Item #678716

May 08, 1886

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 8, 1886 

* Collectible 19th century baseball print

The full ftpg. shows: "Some Setters & Pointers at the Dog Show" with a related article inside. Other prints include: "The Canoe Exhibition", a Thomas Nast political cartoon: "The Root Of The Matter"; a doublepage centerfold of: "Trinity Church, Boston"; and a... See More  

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Missouri Compromise... Mordecai Noah & his Jewish refuge island...

Item #678715

March 11, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 11, 1820 

* Missouri Compromise

* Maine and Missouri become states

* Mordecai Manuel Noah... Grand Island... Jewish settlement

The top of the front page has an article which announces the approval of the Missouri Compromise: "The bills for the admission of Maine and Missouri into the union have been respectively signed by the president... See More  

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Much on Lewis & Clark & their exploration to the Pacific...

Item #678714

October 02, 1807

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 2, 1807 

* Lewis and Clark expedition

Page 3 has a very lengthy: "Proposals...For Publishing LEWIS and CLARK'S Tour to the Pacific Ocean, through the Interior of the Continent of North America..." noting the details that will be in "Volume First" as well as "Volume Second". And this is followed by another d... See More  

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This magazine is not recorded in "History of American Magazines"...

Item #678703

March 01, 1865

THE SOLDIER'S CASKET, Philadelphia, March, 1865 

* Very rare title

This is the volume 1, number 3 issue of a title which lasted but 12 issues, January thru December, 1865. There is no record of it in Mott's "History of American Magazines" and nor can I find information on the internet. It is recorded in "Union List of Serials" which notes that it is held by 8... See More  

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Rachel Carson dies of cancer...

Item #678677

April 15, 1964

SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., April 15, 1964

* Rachel Carson dead from cancer

* Author of Silent Spring dies

The front page has and image and the two column heading: "'Silent Spring' Author Is Victim of Cancer".  Rachel Carson, know for her "fight against improper use of pesticides", died at the age of 56.

Complete in 38 pages, small binding holes on the lef... See More  

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Death of Billy Sunday...

Item #678286

November 07, 1935

THE OMAHA BEE - NEWS, Nov. 7, 1935

* Billy Sunday death (1st report)

* Baseball player & evangelist

The front page has a seven column headline: "BILLY SUNDAY, EVANGELIST, IS DEAD", with dramatic image, very displayable, titled: "TYPICAL BILLY SUNDAY POSE". Additional headlines: "Illness Proves Fatal To Revivalist Who Deserted Baseball",  "Complai... See More  

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First Olympics under International Olympic Committee...

Item #678284

January 26, 1924

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 26, 1924

* 1st winter Olympics held

* Chamonix France

This issue has a one column headlines on page 9 that includes: "OLYMPIC ICE GAMES OPEN AT CHAMONIX", "High French Official Formally Declares Classic Sports Festival Under Way", "150 Athletes In Parade", "Competitions Start Today".

This 26 page issue has usual browning wi... See More  

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Ronald Reagan embraced by Black Conservatives...

Item #677571

October 04, 1981

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 4, 1981 (Magazine Section only)

* The New Black Conservatives

* Cuba trains up next generation of Marxist

This front page has an image of Nathan Wright Jr, Gloria Toote and Arthur Fletcher with the caption: "THE NEW BLACK CONSERVATIVES". Page 20 begins a 4 page article stating in part, "the Republicans are in a tremendous position to make inroads a... See More  

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