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Wisconsin votes to repeal prohibition in 1929...
Item #710014
April 04, 1929
* Wisconsin votes to repeal prohibition early
* Severson Act - enforcement bill repealed
* Public liquor - beer consumption allowed
The front page has a five column heading: "Wisconsin Votes Turns Prohibition Tide" with subheads. (see images) More on page 2. Lengthy text. This was 4 years prior to the end of prohibition nationally.
Complete ... See More
Ratification of the repeal of prohibition in 1933 Illinois...
Item #707320
July 11, 1933
* End of Prohibition in the state of Illinois
* Beer - liquor returns - Ratification voted
* Repeal of the Eighteenth 18th Amendment
The front page has a one column heading: "ILLINOIS, TENTH STATE, RATIFIES DRY LAW REPEAL" with subhead. Related photo on the back page. (see images) First report coverage on the state of Illinois ratifying... See More
Making fun of Missouri and Maryland as "free states"...
Item #704635
January 16, 1865
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 16, 1865 The front page begins with an interesting editorial which has near the beginning: "A body termed a 'State Convention' in Missouri did on last Wednesday...pass an ordinance of Emancipation, declaring all slaves free from that moment; and the Northern papers inform us that thereupon 'Free Maryland extends her congratulations on 't... See More
Prohibition is void in 1930 ?...
Item #704550
November 17, 1930
* Prohibition is a failure ?
* Referendum by U.S. lawyers
* re. Eighteenth Amendment
* Nice headline for display
* Al 'Scarface' Capone era
The front page has a five column heading: "Say Dry Repeal Would Save Billion" with subheads. (see images)
When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities born out of t... See More
Prohibition is void in 1930 ?...
Item #703081
November 11, 1930
* Prohibition is a failure ?
* Referendum by U.S. lawyers
* re. Eighteenth Amendment
* Nice headline for display
* Al 'Scarface' Capone era
The front page has a nice banner headline: "PLAN NEW TEST FOR DRY LAW" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities bor... See More
Mormons and the Supreme Court...
Item #699894
January 22, 1879
THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, Jan. 22, 1879 Page 4 an article: "The Polygamy Problem" taking over half a column. It begins: "The recent decision of the supreme court of the United States has naturally stimulated the Gentile element in Utah to renewed activity, and to the same extent increased the irreconcilable hostility existing between the two factions...".
This ... See More
Ratification of the repeal of prohibition....
Item #698973
May 24, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 24, 1933
* End of Prohibition in New York State
* Beer - liquor returns - Ratification voted
* Repeal of the Eighteenth 18th Amendment
The top of the front page has a three line, two column headline: "REPEAL BY 20 TO 1 IS VOTED IN STATE; 6TH WET VICTORY" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the state of New York ratifying the repeal of Proh... See More
Brown vs. Board of Education...
Item #694070
December 10, 1952
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 10, 1952
* Brown vs. Board of Education
* Segregation in the South 1st argued
* Brown vs. Board of Education
* Segregation in the South 1st argued
The front page has a two column heading: "Supreme Court Asked to End School Segregation in Nation" Coverage on the 1st argument talks of the famous supreme court case.
Complete with 72 pages, rag edition in great condition.
... See More
Complete with 72 pages, rag edition in great condition.
The historic Clawson polygamy case...
Item #693118
October 20, 1884
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Oct. 20, 1884 Page 2 has: "The Clawson Polygamy Case" being a report from Salt Lake, Utah, on the rather case of Rudger Clawson with some detailed coverage of the trial.
Clawson was the first practicing polygamist to be convicted and serve a sentence after the passage of the Edmunds Act, a federal statute signed into law in 1882 declaring polyg... See More
The historic Clawson polygamy case...
Item #693116
October 16, 1884
* Rudger Clawson polygamy trial
* Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
* Mormons - Mormonism
Page 2 has: "A Polygamist on Trial" being a report from Salt Lake, Utah Territory, on the rather famous case of Rudger Clawson.
Clawson was the first practicing polygamist to be convicted and serve a sentence after the passage of the Edmunds... See More
The historic Clawson polygamy case...
Item #693108
October 04, 1884
* Rudger Clawson polygamy trial
* Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
* Mormons - Mormonism
Page 3 has: "A Polygamist on Trial" being a report from Salt Lake City on the rather famous case of Rudger Clawson.
Clawson was the first practicing polygamist to be convicted and serve a sentence after the passage of the Edmunds Act, a feder... See More
Fourteenth Amendment ratified by North Carolina...
Item #690649
July 12, 1868
NEW YORK TIMES, July 12, 1868
* 14th Amendment ratified by North Carolina
* President Andrew Johnson signs
The front page has: "PROCLAMATION" with the subheading: "The President Declares the Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment by North Carolina", signed in type by the President: Andrew Johnson.
This was one of the Reconstruction amendments which guaranteed ci... See More
The 13th Amendment becomes the law of the land...
Item #690325
December 07, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 7, 1865
* End of Slavery in America
* 13th Amendment becomes law
* Official announcement
The top of page 7 has first column heads announcing the very historic report that the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery in the United States, became the law of the land when the required number of states ratified the amendment on December 6.
The heads include: "THE ... See More
Hollywood communists ?....
Item #689230
October 23, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 23, 1947
* Hollywood under scruntiy
* Congress inquiry
* Communists - Reds scare ?
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "FILM MEN ADMIT ACTIVITY BY REDS; HOLD IT IS FOILED" with subheads (see) A few related photos are on page 3.
Complete with 48 pages, rag edition in nice condition.
wikipedia notes: In October 194... See More
Prohibition ends in 1933....
Item #688507
December 06, 1933
LOS ANGELES EXAMINER, December 6, 1933
* U.S. prohibition ends
* Beer returns - legal liquor
* 18th Amendment ratification
The front page has various headings re. the end of prohibition: "Old Boston Starts New Drinking as Thousands Restrain Cheers" and more. Coverage on the official end of prohibition in America.
Complete with 20+ pages, light toning and little wear at the margi... See More
Enforcing the historic Fifteenth Amendment...
Item #688450
May 22, 1870
NEW YORK HERALD, May 22 and June 1, 1870 Sold as a pair of issues. Page 3 of the May 22 issue has the heading: "WASHINGTON" "The New Fifteenth Amendment Bill Passed by the Senate" "Petitions for the Abolition of National Banks". This is actually the 1870 Enforcement Act, created to enforce the proper enforcement of the historic 15th Amendment to the Consti... See More
Freedom of the Press goes to Supreme Court...
Item #687370
June 02, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 2, 1931
* Near vs. Minnesota re. freedom of the press
* Landmark United States Supreme Court decision
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "'PRESS GAG' BARRED BY SUPREME COURT; MINNESOTA LAW HIT" with subheads. (see) Lengthy text continues inside. First report coverage on the Near v. Minnesota landmark United States Supreme Court de... See More
Prohibition ends in Missouri...
Item #687081
August 20, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 20, 1933
* End of Prohibition - repeal
* Missouri repeals amendment
* Beer - liquor returns
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "REPEALISTS WIN IN MISSOURI, 4 TO 1; BALLOTING IS LIGHT" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the state of Missouri ratifying the repeal of prohibition. Always nice to have notable events in history... See More
U.S. Senate approves Blaine Act ending prohibition...
Item #687054
February 17, 1933
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, February 17, 1933
* 18th Amendment - prohibition
* Senate votes to repeal - 21st Amendment
The top of the front page has a two column headline: "SENATE VOTES DRY REPEAL BY CONVENTIONS IN STATES; HOUSE WILL ACT MONDAY" with subheads. First report coverage on the United States Senate approving the repeal of prohibition. When it comes to gangsters, organized cr... See More
Ratification of the Prohibition amendment...
Item #685258
January 20, 1919
THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT (bi-weekly), North Carolina, January 20, 1919
* Prohibition (no beer, liquor) wins
* 18th Amendment ratification
* 3/4 of the states needed is met
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "America First Nation To Legislate Liquor Out" with subheads. First report coverage on Nebraska formally ratifying the 18th amendment to the Constitution... See More
Ratification of the Prohibition amendment...
Item #684949
January 18, 1919
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 18, 1919
* re. Prohibition (no beer, liquor) wins
* 18th Amendment ratification
* 3/4 of the states needed is met
The front page has a one column heading: PROHIBITION ISSUE UNDER LEGAL FIRE" with subheads. (see) Second report coverage on the ratification of the 18th amendment to the Constitution & causing Prohibition to take effect the next ... See More
A newspaper fighting against the Prohibition amendment...
Item #683898
May 01, 1930
THE CALIFORNIA MINUTE MAN, San Francisco, May, 1930 The masthead notes: "A Liberal Paper For Liberal People" and also notes that is is: "Published by the California Division of the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment".
As might be imagined, all the content relates to repealing the Prohibition amendment, which would happen in 1933.
Four pages, "sample copy... See More
1918 Cardinal James Gibbons against prohibition...
Item #682070
February 06, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 6, 1918
* Cardinal James Gibbons
* Catholic Church prelate
* Against prohibition
* Pro beer - liquor
The front page has a two column heading: "Cardinal Gibbons Announces Prohibition Amendment; Says Adoption Will Be Calamity". (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that... See More
Mark Twain gains his "first national headline"....
Item #678516
September 29, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 29, 1866
* Early Mark Twain - Samuel Clemens
* Clipper "Hornet" disaster report
* First national headline for Twain
The most notable content would be the full page print: "Burning of the California Clipper 'Hornet', One Thousand Miles from Land" not so much for the print but for the accompanying article titled: "Bu... See More
On the Fifteenth Amendment...
Item #678443
April 09, 1870
* 15th Fifteenth Amendment
* Right to Vote - African Americans
* Celebration of the ratification
The front page has an entire column reporting on the celebration regarding the passage of: "The Fifteenth Amendment" allowing African-American men the right to vote.
Four pages, some discrete archival mends, good condition.... See More
Supreme Court ruling on women's right to vote...
Item #677595
March 30, 1875
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 30, 1875
* Minor vs. Happersett
* Supreme Court does NOT back Women's Suffrage
Page 2 column 6 of this issue contains: "...A QUESTION INVOLVING A WOMEN'S RIGHT TO VOTE", followed by an article detailing the court's decision.
Complete with 12 pages, light toning at the margins, generally nice. Should be handled with care.
Note: &q... See More
24th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified...
Item #675924
January 24, 1964
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, Jan. 24, 1964 The top of the middle column on the front page has a head: "It's Official: Poll Tax Is Abolished", which reports on the ratification of the 24th Amendment to the Constitution outlawing any tax to be paid as a prerequisite to vote in any federal election. Most of the report carries over to page 8.
Complete in 40 pages, very ni... See More
Working towards ending Prohibition...
Item #674560
February 17, 1933
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, February 17, 20, and the "Extra" of the 20th, 1933
* 18th Amendment - prohibition end imminent
* House votes to repeal - 21st Amendment - Blaine Act
This trio of issues reports on the Blaine Act, a resolution adopted by the U.S. Congress on February 20, 1933, initiating repeal of the 18th Amendment which established Prohibition. Repeal was ... See More
Thomas Edison supports Prohibition law....
Item #673875
December 18, 1930
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 18, 1930
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* U.S. Prohibition support
* Anti beer - liquor law
Page 17 has a one column heading: "EDISON SEES BOON IN PROHIBITION LAW" with subheads. (see) See images for a question/answer article showing Thomas Edison's support for the Eighteenth Amendment. I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this parti... See More
19th Amendment fails by a single vote...
Item #673641
October 02, 1918
* 19th Amendment fails by one vote in Senate (see note)
The front page has one column heading: "SENATE DEFEATS EQUAL SUFFRAGE - resolution Fails of Concurrence by one Vote in the Upper House of United States Congress - May Be Revived Later".
Page 5 continues with column 3: "THE SUFFRAGE VOTE - Detail of Senate Ballot Which ... See More
Ohio, Kansas, and New York ratify Suffrage Amendment....
Item #673509
June 19, 1919
THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, June 19, 1919 This 8 page newspaper has a one column headline on the front page: "THREE MORE STATES RATIFY SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT", followed by a paragraph description of the events for each state: Ohio, Kansas and New York.
Additionally, the front page has a one column heading: "THE ANTI-SUFFS WILL FIGHT TO THE FINISH", describin... See More
Prohibition upheld by the Supreme Court...
Item #673001
February 24, 1931
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, February 24, 1931
* The 19th Amendment deemed valid
* Supreme Courts upholds Prohibition
The front page has a 4-column, 2-line heading: "SUPREME COURT HOLDS 18TH AMENDMENT VALID", with considerable supporting text. Yet again the Supreme Court fended off another challenge to the validity of Prohibition. The 19th Amendment would eventually... See More
U.S. Senate approves Blaine Act ending prohibition...
Item #670835
February 21, 1933
* 18th Amendment - prohibition end imminent
* House votes to repeal - 21st Amendment - Blaine Act
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "REPEAL BILL GOES TO STATES" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the United States House of Representatives approving the repeal of prohibition.
Other news, sports and advertise... See More
re. Women's equal rights amendment...
Item #667707
May 28, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, section 2 only, May 28, 1933
* Maud Younger - suffragist - feminist
* Senate meeting re. Women's equal rights
The front page of this section has a one column heading: "WOMEN DISAGREE ON 'EQUAL RIGHTS'" with subheads. (see)
Complete section 2 only with all 16 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More
Nebraska admitted to the Union....well, almost...
Item #665922
July 28, 1866
CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, July 28, 1866 Page 2 has an inconspicuous--yet historic--report noting: "Nebraska was admitted to the Union by both branches of Congress on Friday, the vote standing in the Senate 24 to 18, and in the House 63 to 52, and the bill has gone to the President for his signature. The Senators from the new State are already in Washington."
But it wou... See More
Working towards peace...
Item #664018
February 04, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 4, 1865 Among the ftpg. column heads are: "THE PEACE MOVEMENT" "Speculations & Rumors at the Capital" "The Great Amendment" "The Quota of New York" and other items.
Eight pages, nice condition.
1st steps to end prohibition ?....
Item #662890
January 19, 1930
THE DETROIT NEWS, January 19, 1930
* Prohibition - 18th Eighteenth Amendment
* Wets vs. Drys in Washington D.C.
* Beginning of the end ?
The front page has a one column heading: "DRYS' STEAM ROLLER WORKS" with subheads. (see) Was this the beginning of the fight to repeal prohibition ?
Complete 1st section only with all 18 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More
Women's Suffrage in 1920....
Item #654585
August 20, 1920
FITCHBURG DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, August 20, 1920
* Woman's Suffrage (19th Amendment)
* about a week prior
The front page has a two line, two column heading: "RATIFICATION OF SUFFRAGE MAY BE RECONSIDERED," with the subhead: "Such is the Statement of Speaker Walker of the Lower Branch of the Tennessee Legislature." A related front page article has: &quo... See More
Mickey Mantle retires... New York Yankees...
Item #652924
March 02, 1969
THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, North Amendment, March 2, 1969
* Mickey Mantle retires
* New York Yankees
* MLB baseball
The front page has has a small one column photo headed: "To Retire" (see) The front page of the sport's section (inside) has a four column heading: "Mantle Ends Great Career" First report coverage on the retirement of Yankee great, Mickey Man... See More
Republican Alfred Landon to run against FDR...
Item #652632
June 12, 1936
NEW YORK TIMES, June 12, 1936 The banner headline announces: "REPUBLICANS NAME LANDON UNANIMOUSLY; HE ACCEPTS PLATFORM, ADDING OWN IDEAS" with a photo of him as well. Many related subheads include: "Landon Sends Telegram" "
To Back Constitutional Amendment if States' Wage Laws Fail" "For Gold At Proper Time" and more.
Alfred Landon would lose the... See More
Equal Rights Amendment...
Item #646488
July 21, 1923
NEW YORK TIMES, July 21, 1923 Page eight has the significant report from Seneca Falls, New York, on the woman's Equal Rights Convention held on the 75th anniversary of the first attempt in 1848 to gain equality for women, initiated by Lucretia Mott, an early suffragist.
The one column heads include: "Women Open Fight For Equal Rights" "Council of National Party Adopts For... See More
Eleanor Roosevelt's death report...
Item #637589
November 08, 1962
THE PRATT DAILY TRIBUNE, Kansas, November 8, 1962
* Anna Eleanor Roosevelt death (1st report)
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt wife
This 10 page newspaper has a small one column photo of Mrs. Roosevelt with caption: "EX-1st Lady Dies"
Page 4 has a three column headline: "Mrs. Roosevelt Dies" with text. Other news of the day. A few binding hole... See More
North Carolina abolishing slavery... Baseball...
Item #633208
December 18, 1865
THE CIRCULAR, Mount Tom, New York, Dec. 18, 1865 A weekly newspaper published by the Oneida community. Most of the content has religious or literary overtones, however the back page reports "North Carolina has ratified the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery." Also on this same page is information on the division of The Order of Fenian Brotherhood of the United States.
Ins... See More
Prohibition law held valid in 1931....
Item #630040
February 25, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 25, 1931
* National Prohibition Act held valid
* Eighteenth Amendment argument
* Dry law to continue in the U.S.
The front page has a one column heading: "DRY LAW HELD VALID BY SUPREME COURT; RULING IS UNANIMOUS" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the United States v. Sprague Supreme Court decision with complete text on page 21.
Other news... See More
Repeal of prohibition fails in 1932...
Item #629064
December 05, 1932
* Repeal of U.S. prohibition fails
* 18th Amendment continues
* John Nance Garner
The front page has a one column heading: "REPEAL LOST IN CONGRESS BY 144 TO 171" with subheads. (see) Ironically the repeal of prohibition would be ratified exactly one year later on December 5, 1933.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Comple... See More
Brown vs. Board of Education "day of" reporting...
The death of the "father of the Blitzkrieg" Heinz Guderian... Panzer Armies....
Item #628418
May 17, 1954
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 17, 1954
* Heinz Wilhelm Guderian death (1st report)
* "Father of the Blitzkrieg"... Nazi Panzer Armies
* Brown vs. Board of Education - "day of" reporting
This 42 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 23: "GEN. GUDERIAN, 65, DEAD IN GERMANY", "Creator of Panzer Armies Led Drive in West--Was Acting Chief of Staff" w... See More
The demon jailer of Andersonville...
Item #620037
August 24, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 24, 1865 NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 24, 1865 One-third of the front page has reports on Capt. Henry Wirz.
Wirz was a Swiss-American convicted war criminal who served as a Confederate Army officer during the Civil War. He was the commandant of Andersonville Prison, a Confederate prisoner-of-war camp near Andersonville, Georgia, where nearly 13,000 Union Army prisoners
... See More
20th Amendment ratified...
Item #604332
January 23, 1933
ALBANY EVENING NEWS, Albany, New York, January 23, 1933
* 20th Amendment ratified - Lame Duck
* Presidential inaugurations now on the 20th of January
The front page has a three column headline: "Lame Duck Congresses Doomed; Missouri, 36th State, Votes Ban" with subhead (see photos). Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Complete in 24 pages... See More
Women's suffrage passed in Senate...
Item #601484
June 05, 1919
THE SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, June 6, 1919
* Women's suffrage passed in Senate
* Women to vote in 1920 elections
The front page has one column headlines that include: "STATES EAGER TO BE FIRST FOR SUFFRAGE", "Race Seems to Be Between Wisconsin, Texas, Illinois and Michigan", "Marshall Signs The Amendment" and mo... See More
Post-Civil War from Madison, Wisconsin...
Item #598866
December 22, 1868
WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, Madison, Wisconsin, Dec. 22, 1868 Among the front page items: "News from Washington" "Cuban Revolution Declining" "Rumors About Gen. Grant's Cabinet" "A Proposed Amendment to the Constitution".
Complete in four pages, a wealth of advertising with many illustrated ads, nice condition.
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