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Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial... African-Americans in politics...
Item #692692
March 21, 1868
THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, South Carolina, March 21, 1868 The top of the front page has a column headed: "Things In Washington" "The President's Line of Defence in Impeachment--Petitions for the Removal of Mr. M'Culloch..." with more. Then a string of subheads including: "Impeachment Rumors--Reported Resignation of Secretary Seward--What the Radicals Will Pro... See More
Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial...
Item #692690
March 17, 1868
THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, South Carolina, March 17, 1868
* President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial
The front page has column heads: "The Impeachment Trial" "Last Friday's Proceedings" "Exciting Scenes in Washington" "Opening of the Court of Impeachment" "Appearance of the Senate Chamber--The President Requests to be Allow... See More
The impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson...
Item #691367
March 17, 1868
* President Andrew Johnson
* Reconstruction era impeachment trial
The front page begins with: "The Impeachment Trial" with many subheads including: "Dazzling Spectacle in the Senate Chamber--Decorum in the Galleries--Imposing Initial Ceremonies--Thaddeus Stevens on Manhood Suffrage..." and more. and more.
This coverage ... See More
On the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson...
Item #690111
March 03, 1868
NEW YORK TIMES, March 3, 1868
* President Andrew Johnson
* Reconstruction era impeachment trial
The entire front page & much of the back page are taken up with proceedings on President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial, with first column heads: "IMPEACHMENT" "Rules for the Trial of the President Adopted in the Senate" "The Impeachment Articles Agreed... See More
Uncommon title in 1868....
Item #220007
March 18, 1868
EVERY AFTERNOON, N.Y., March 18, 1868.
* Uncommon title
* Nice masthead
Has news items, topical reports, literary-related content, some ads. Masthead has an engraving of a setting sun and a log raft, and a quote by Shakespeare: My free drift halts not particular, but moves itself in a wide sea. A volume I issue (number 2) of this uncommon title. Tabloid-size, 8 pages in good c
... See More
* Uncommon title
* Nice masthead
Has news items, topical reports, literary-related content, some ads. Masthead has an engraving of a setting sun and a log raft, and a quote by Shakespeare: My free drift halts not particular, but moves itself in a wide sea. A volume I issue (number 2) of this uncommon title. Tabloid-size, 8 pages in good c
Decorative Masthead of a Raft...
Item #219244
March 20, 1868
EVERY AFTERNOON, March 20, 1868, from New York, NY. The best feature of this title is a magnificent masthead of a raft floating in the sunshine, with the tag-line: "My free drift halts not particularly, but moves itself in a wide sea. - Shakespeare". Mostly literary content, with some comentary on the news of the day. Minor edge tears and some fold browning (see images), bu... See More
Decorative Masthead of a Raft...
Item #219243
March 19, 1868
EVERY AFTERNOON, March 19, 1868, from New York, NY. The best feature of this title is a magnificent masthead of a raft floating in the sunshine, with the tag-line: "My free drift halts not particularly, but moves itself in a wide sea. - Shakespeare". Mostly literary content, with some comentary on the news of the day. Minor edge tears and some fold browning (see images), bu... See More
Andrew Johnson Impeachment Trial 1868....
Item #215536
March 14, 1868
WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, Madison, March 14, 1868.
* President Andrew Johnson Impeachment trial
* President Andrew Johnson Impeachment trial
* 1868
Front page has: Impeachment Meeting of the Senate as Court House Of Representatives Present Johnson's Counsel Appear Asks Postponements For Forty Days The Senate Grants Ten Days The Trial Set for the 23d of March.
Other news of the day includes: "Heavy R
... See More
Other news of the day includes: "Heavy R
Ellis's Island, Thaddeus Stevens, & John Bingham prints...
Item #173178
March 14, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 14, 1868 Full front page: 'Impeachment--Thaddeus Stevens and John Bingham Before the Senate'. Inside: 'Impeachment -The Impeachment Committee Preparing the Indictment' shows 4 illustrations. Full page: 'The Streets of New York' shows a chaotic scene. Half page: 'Colored People Gathering Wood - A Winter Scene in Virginia.'&n... See More
Peruvian prints... Winter scenes...
Item #173180
March 07, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 7, 1868 (a printing typo shows date as the 4th) Full front page illustration of "The Reporters' Gallery of the House of Representatives, Washington D.C." Inside is a 1/4 page illustration of "Adjutant General Lorenzo Thomas, U.S.A." 1/4 page illustration of "The Lost Arm" with accompanying poem. 1/2 page illustration of &... See More
P.T. Barnum's Museum fire... Ludlow Street Jail...
Item #173184
March 21, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 21, 1868 The prime feature of this issue is the set of full-page images related to the fire at P.T. Barnum's American Museum: 'Burning of Barnum's Museum - the Animals during the Fire,' and the 'Exterior of Barnum's Museum After the Fire'. Related text is present as well.
Full front page shows the 7: 'Portraits of Managers... See More
Winslow Homer: The Morning Walk... Johnson's impeachment...
Item #173186
March 28, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 28, 1868 Great full front page: "George T. Brown, Serving the Summons on President Johnson" concerning his impeachment. Inside is a nice, full page Winslow Homer print: 'The Morning Walk - Young Ladies' School Promenading the Avenue' with accompanying article.
Also a one-third page portrait: 'The Late Daniel Lord.'; a ... See More
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