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First printing of "The Blue and the Gray"...

Item #690307
THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, (Boston), September, 1867 

* Francis Miles Finch

* The Blue and the Gray

* 1st printing (nationally)

This literary magazine contains the *first nationally distributed printing of the famous Civil War themed poem by Francis Miles Finch, "The Blue and the Gray." The preface to the poem is a quote from the New York Tribune, providing context: "The wo... See More  

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New York City Fire Department...

Item #638524

September 14, 1867

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September 14, 1867  This issue has a 1/3 page illustration "The Metropolitan Steam Fire Engine, No. 1., Employed by the New York Fire Department" with an accompanying article "Steam Fire Engines". Also within this issue is:"Howard's Patent Horse Rake"; "Franklin's Suspended Lever Scale"; and additional illu
... See More  

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Sheridan illustration...

Item #567959

September 14, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, September 14, 1867 (print only) This is a single leaf full page print taken from this issue entitled "Sheridan's Ride" which has an accompanying poem under the illustration. This is a genuine leaf from the issue--not a reprint measuring approximately 10.25 x 15.5 inches and is in good condition.

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Early post Civil War baseball... Philadelphia Athletics...

Item #561999

September 17, 1867

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, September 17, 1867

* Early post Civil war baseball

* Philadelphia Athletics

Page 2 has a report headed: "Out-Doors Sports" "Base Ball--Athletic of Philadelphia, vs. Atlantic, of Brooklyn" with reports on 2 games (see). The first notes:

* It is not an over-estimate in placing the assemblage at 20,000 gathered at the Union Ball Grounds yes
... See More  

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Concerning the remains of John Wilkes Booth...

Item #551968

September 19, 1867

NEW-YORK TIMES, NY, September 19, 1867 

* John Wilkes Booth 

* Mother's wish denied 

Page 5 has a report from Baltimore: "The Government Refuse to Give the Remains of Wilkes Booth to His Brother"

The Report reads: "Mr. Edwin Booth...has made application again for the remains of his brother, pleading...that his mother, being very aged, craves the dead body... See More  

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Josh Billings....

Item #207083

September 03, 1867

UNION DEMOCRAT, Manchester, N.H., Sept. 3, 1867 Humorous front page item headed: "Josh Billings and the Gong", containing the usual oddly-spelled words typical of Billings works. Bit of lite fold foxing, but none in this content.

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Buffalo Soldiers attacking Indians...

Item #173126

September 07, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 7, 1867 Ftpg: 'Waiting For the Pawn Shop To Open--a N.Y. Street Scene'. 1/4pg: 'Cheyenne Indians Attacking a Working Party on the Union Pacific R.R.' & also: 'Colored Troops Attacking Indians Near Wilson Creek Sta.'. Great dblpgctrfld: 'Public Garden & Commonwealth Ave., Boston'. Halfpg: 'Cable Landing at South Beach, Key West&... See More  

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Negro girl being whipped... Sheridan's ride...

Item #173128

September 14, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 14, 1867 Most of ftpg: 'Whipping A Negro Girl in N.C. by Unconstructed Johnsonians' with text as well. 3/4 pg: 'Sheridan's Ride'. Nice fullpg: 'The Last Shot' shows a soldier off his horse, shooting an Indian with a tomahawk about to kill him.

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Admiral Farragut... Seal hunting...

Item #173130

September 21, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY Sept. 21, 1867 Full front pg. illus. of "The Raccoon Hunt." Inside: 1/3 pg. illus. of "Disaster to Shipping in the White Sea." 2/3 pg. illus. of "Seal Hunting as Practiced by the Norwegians." 1/3 pg. illus. of "Fairmount Water Works, Near Philadelphia." Small illus. of "Whale Captured Near Tiverton, Rhode Island." 1/2 pg. illus.... See More  

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Horace Greeley...

Item #173132

September 28, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 28, 1867 Full ftpg: 'Horace Greeley Delivering the Opening Oration' of the American Institute. Great fullpg: 'Hop Picking--A Western N.Y. Sept. Scene', halfpg: 'Registration at the South--Scene at Asheville, N.C.', 1/3 pg: 'The Sangerfest at Indianapolis'

Complete in sixteen pages.

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