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Web Results (153)



Large Civil War map of Virginia: Battle of Spotsylvania...

Item #698341

May 16, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 16, 1864 

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Civil War Overland Campaign w/ map

Over half of the front page is taken up with a large & detailed Civil War map headed: "GEN. GRANT'S ADVANCE TO RICHMOND."

Among the first column heads on the war are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Gen. Lee's Retreat... See More  

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Text and prints on the Battle of Gettysburg...

Item #698154

July 25, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 25, 1863 

* Battle of Gettysburg conflict scenes

* General Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

The full front page is a nice portrait of: "Major-General Ulysses S. Grant ("Unconditional Surrender" Grant)". Inside has a full page: "The Siege of Vicksburg--View Upon the Extreme Right, Showing the Mississippi River Above and Belo... See More  

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Lincoln's adversary for the Presidency...

Item #693197

September 17, 1864

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 17, 1864  The full front page is a very dramatic print: "Harry Davis Capturing the Battle Flag of the 13th Louisiana Regiment, at the Battle of Ezra Church". 

Other prints within include: "Admiral Farragut's Fleet Bombarding Fort Morgan" "Rear-Admiral David G. Farragut, U.S.N." "View of Petersburg, Virginia,... See More  

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One of the more fascinating publishers from the Civil War...

Item #692493

May 28, 1864


* Very rare Civil War publication

* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow

W. G. Brownlow, or  Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-riding Methodist parson turned to the press... See More  

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Early report of Mosby's famous "Greenback Raid"...

Item #692478

October 15, 1864

THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 15, 1864 

* John S. Mosby - Guerrilla leader

* 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry

* Report on the Greenback Raid

Although there is much Civil War reporting on the front page perhaps the most significant a brief item near the bottom of the back, headed: "Guerrillas at Work Again on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad" which reads: "A party
... See More  

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End of the Civil War near...

Item #691813

April 05, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 5, 1865 

* Civil War end in sight

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Robert E. Lee's army breaking up

Most of the first column of the front page is taken up with celebratory heads on the collapse of the Confederacy, and the end of the Civil War. Among them are: "THE END" "Our Details of the Decisive Contest of Sunday" "What Grant Has Accom... See More  

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Battle of the Chickahominy...

Item #691151

June 07, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, June 7, 1864  

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Ulysses S. Grant

* Robert E. Lee

Among the many nice, front page column heads on the Civil War: "The Grand Campaign" "The Battle of the Chickahominy" "Gen. Grant's Object in the Moment" "Brilliant Assault on the Rebel Works" "Rebel Night Attack" and more.

Eight pages, some f... See More  

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Events on the Rio Grande, at the closing moments of the Civil War...

Item #690784

June 19, 1865

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 19, 1865  The front page has: "News From the Rio Grande" which has much concerning the situation in the Brownsville vicinity. Also on the ftpg: "Chief Justice Chase to the Colored School Children of New Orleans" and: "General Grant's Letter About His Horse 'Jack' ".

Page 23 has two: "Proclamat... See More  

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Trial of Lincoln's assassins... Ulysses S. Grant...

Item #690746

June 08, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 8, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln assassination trial

* Conspirators - assassins

* Ulysses S. Grant NYC welcome

The top of the first column on the front page has: "THE ASSASSINATION" "The Trial On Wednesday" "The Case Of Dr. Mudd"" and more concerning the trial of those who conspired to assassinate Abraham Lincoln.

Also on the front ... See More  

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Early issue of a Union occupation newspaper from Savannah...

Item #689188

January 04, 1865

SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, Georgia, Jan. 4, 1865 

* Very rare Yankee occupation publication

* Soon after William T. Sherman's capture

This is a fascinating and very rare newspaper--just the 6th issue of this title printed--from just 2 weeks after the Confederates abandoned the city.

Half of the first column is taken up with a letter: "To Our Army & Navy Patrons!" which is ... See More  

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Fort Donelson, and two great Civil War maps, The "War Supplement"..

Item #689145

March 15, 1862

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 15, 1862  The front page has: "The War In Tennessee--Group of Rebel Prisoners Captured at Fort Donelson". Other prints within including: "Major-Gen. Ulysses S. Grant..." "Approach of the U.S. Gunboats to Fort Henry, Tenn. River", a terrific & very dramatic centerfold: "Storming of Fort Donelson...". Al... See More  

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Just after the Civil War ended...

Item #689003

June 24, 1865

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 24, 1865  The full front page has 3 prints showing the "Ovation to Lt. General Grant at the Cooper Institute".

Among prints inside: "Gen. Grant Review the Cadets at West Point" "View of Belle Island on the James River, Opposite Richmond" "Fleet of Gunboats & Monitors at Havana..."; 3 prints of horse ra... See More  

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Advancing upon Vicksburg...

Item #688092

May 26, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, May 26, 1863  

* Vicksburg, Mississippi campaign

* General Ulysses S. Grant operations

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "VICKSBURGH" "News From Gen. Grant's Army..." "Our Centre Within One Mile of Vicksburg Court-House" "6,000 Prisoners Already Captured" "Occupation of the Works at Haines' Bluff... See More  

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Ulysses S. Grant at Vicksburg...

Item #688080

May 23, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, May 23, 1863  Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "IMPORTANT NEWS" "The Operations of Gen. Grant Against Vicksburgh" "A Great Battle at Edwards' Ferry" "Defeat of the Rebel General Pemberton" "Heavy Losses on Both Sides" "Details of Grant's Movements" "News From New Orleans" &... See More  

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General Grant and Robert E. Lee...

Item #688073

May 17, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, May 17, 1864

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Civil War Overland Campaign

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GRAND CAMPAIGN" "The Situation In Virginia" "Advices from General Grant to Monday Morning" "Hostilities Suspended by Impassable Roads" "The Troops In Fin... See More  

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The siege of Vicksburg...

Item #688072

June 04, 1863


* Siege of Vicksburg campaign

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Yazoo Pass Expedition official report

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Siege Of Vicksburg" "Gen. Grant Permit the Women & Children to Leave the Town" "Naval Operations Before Vicksburg" "Official Report of the Yazoo Exp... See More  

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Entire front page is a huge Civil War map...

Item #688049

May 30, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 30, 1864 

* Rare full front page Civil War map

* Ulysses S. Grant's Overland Campaign

Civil War maps on the front pages of daily newspapers were relatively few, and even fewer were those large enough to take over half the page. But just an exceedingly few Civil War newspapers had the entire front page taken up with a map. This is one.

The map is headed: "... See More  

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Grant pursues Robert E. Lee...

Item #683383

May 26, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 26, 1864 

* Ulysses S. Grant - Spotsylvania victory

Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Grant's Rapid Pursuit of Lee" "A Considerable Skirmish There" "Desperate Charges of the Enemy" "The Rebels Leave--Grant Crosses" "Grant Picks Up a Thousand Prisoners" "Rebels... See More  

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The work of General Grant and Sheridan...

Item #682940

August 22, 1864

THE WORLD, New York, Aug. 22, 1864  Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald. Front page column heads on the Civil War include: "General Grant's Army" "The Enemy Completely Deceived by Them" "Heavy Losses on Both Sides" "General Sheridan's Army" "Martinsburg Reoccupied by the Enemy" and more.

Eigh... See More  

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Great & huge Civil War map... Grant continues his successes...

Item #682131

May 12, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 12, 1864  

* Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Battle of Rocky Face Ridge - Georgia MAP

The front page has a wealth of Civil War news with nice first column heads including: "GRANT !" "Our Continued Success" "The Rebels Driven to Their Breastworks" "General Assault on the Enemy's Works&q... See More  

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"...fight it out if it takes all summer..."

Item #682130

May 13, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 13, 1864

* Battle of Spotsylvania VA Virginia

* General Robert E. Lee

* Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's famous quote

The front page has nice first column heads on the Civil War including: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Gen. Grant Says the Result is So Far Much in Our Favor" "Heavy Fighting on Wednesday" "Lee Sends In a Flag of Truce" "Ge... See More  

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Terrific full page Civil War map, plus another map as well...

Item #682128

May 13, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 13, 1864  

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House - Virginia

* Generals Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Terrific full page Civil War map of campaign

Although the front page has over half a column of stacked heads on the Civil War, beginning with: "GRANT ! " with much more, the prime content would be the single sheet Supplement" issue attached, th... See More  

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Sherman & Grant in 1864...

Item #682110

August 17, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 17, 1864  

* William T. Sherman

* Ulysses S. Grant

Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN" "Additional Details of the Contest of the 6th Instant" "General Palmer Relieved by General Jeff. C. Davis" "Escape of One of Stoneman's Brigade Commanders from the Rebels" "GRANT" "Brill... See More  

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Huge Civil War map of the Richmond vicinity...

Item #682099

August 17, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Aug. 17, 1864

* Siege of Petersburg, Virginia map

* Union General Ulysses S. Grant

* Battle of Mobile Bay - Alabama

 Over half of the front page is taken up with a very detailed Civil War map headed: "THE COUNTRY BETWEEN RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG".

Among the various ftpg. column heads on the war are: "From Grant's Army" "A Grand Strategic ... See More  

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A fight at Cold Harbor...

Item #682073

June 03, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 3, 1864 

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Sharp Cavalry Fight at Cold Harbor" "Fitz Lee's Forces Defeated" "Part of the Enemy's Works Taken" "They Try to Regan Them but Fail" "Everything Going Righ... See More  

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Mosby's guerrillas...

Item #682041

May 14, 1863

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 14, 1863 

* Ulysses S. Grant at Clinton, Mississippi

* Guerilla leader John S. Mosby

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "From The Lower Mississippi" "A Victory for Gen. Grant at Clinton" "A Battle Lasting All the Day" "Scouting Operations by Stabel's Cavalry" "The Guerrilla Moseby Still Prowling... See More  

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War efforts of Ulysses S. Grant & his officers...

Item #681994

July 04, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 4, 1864  

* James H. Wilson & August Kautz Raid

* Richmond-Petersburg Virginia Campaign

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT ! " "Additional Details of the Operations of the Cavalry under Gen. Wilson" "60 Miles of Railroad Track Destroyed" "Late Numbers of Negroes, Horses, and Mules Gathered by His F... See More  

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Nice stack of Civil War headlines...

Item #681972

June 17, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 17, 1864  

* Second Battle of Petersburg

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Battle of Marietta, Georgia

* General William T. Sherman

Among the many great column heads on the Civil War are: "FROM GEN. SHERMAN" "Eight Days of Battle" "Gallant Fighting of the Union Army" "Johnston Fallen Back to the Chattahoochee" "Sherman No... See More  

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Movements of General Grant...

Item #681969

June 28, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 28, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "They Cross the James with All Their Trains" "Gradual but Sure Advance of General Grant's Circumvaliating Lines" "Fierce Assaults by the Rebels...Repulsed by Our Forces" "Additional Rebel Accounts" & more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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U.S. Grant near Petersburg...

Item #681962

June 24, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 24, 1864 

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Overland Campaign

* White House Landing

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE WAR" "The Latest from General Grant's Forces Near Petersburg, Va." "Attack of Fitzhugh Lee and Wade Hampton at the White House" "The Rebels Repulsed & Driven Back by Union Gunboats&q... See More  

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Civil War map shows from Richmond to Petersburg...

Item #681961

June 23, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 23, 1864 

* Second Battle of Petersburg w/ map

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page is dominated by a nice & very detailed Civil War map headed: "From Richmond To Petersburg".

The first column has war-related heads: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "From Gen. Grant's Army" "No Heavy Fight Since Saturday" "Sk... See More  

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Huge Civil War map of Petersburg...

Item #681950

June 22, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 22, 1864 

* Second Battle of Petersburg, Virginia

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page is dominated by a huge Civil War map headed: "PETERSBURG. The Three Rebel Lines of Intrenchments." Plus the first column has nice war heads: "WAR" "Operations Around Petersburg" "Appearance of the Rebel Rams on the James River&qu... See More  

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Rebels are beaten and routed...

Item #681947

June 20, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 20, 1864 

* Second Battle of Petersburg

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

Over half of the first column is taken up with a nice stack of Civil War heads including: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Petersburg Not Yet Occupied" "Rebel Outer Works Captured" "Gen. Butler Moves Towards the Railroad" "Rumor that He is Driven Back by ... See More  

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Large Civil War map: Battle of Spotsylvania Court House...

Item #681890

May 14, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 14, 1864

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Civil War Overland Campaign w/ map

The front page is dominated by a large & detailed Civil War map headed: "THE CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA".

Most of the first column is a long stack of Civil War heads including: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Comes Up With Lee's Rear... See More  

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Chattanooga... Treatment of Negro soldiers...

Item #681877

September 25, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 25, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "General Grant's Department" "Change in the Military Policy of the Rebels" "The Contraband Negroes in Arkansas" "Their Treatment By Our Troops" "The Plantation Free Labor System" "The Butchery of the Beckham Family" "Three of the Negro P... See More  

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Vicksburg, General Grant, Admiral Porter...

Item #681773

August 02, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 2, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Western Navy" "Its Operations Before Vicksburg" "What Admiral Porter Says of General Grant" "The Surrender of Brashear City" "Anticipated Movements of General Grant" "Progress of the Siege of Fort Wagner" and much more.

Eight pages, very nice... See More  

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The latest from Ulysses S. Grant...

Item #681645

June 08, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 8, 1864 

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Battle of Piedmont

* Mechanicsville, Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT!" "The Fighting On Sunday" "Attack on Our Lines by the Rebels" "Our Success" "Midnight Assault on Burnside's Corps on Monday" "Another Repulse of the Enemy" ... See More  

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Nice front page Civil War map of the events before Richmond...

Item #681639

June 03, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 3, 1864  

* Battle of Totopotomoy Creek

* Cold Harbor - Hanover County, Virginia

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* American Civil War map

Dominating the front page is the nice Civil War map headed: "IN FRONT OF RICHMOND, The Battles on the Topopatomoy and at Coal Harbor".

First column heads on the Civil War include: "GRANT!"
... See More  

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Victorious march...

Item #681631

May 26, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 26, 1864 

* Ulysses S. Grant - Spotsylvania victory

* Resaca Georgia Ga - William T. Sherman

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT!" "Victorious March of the Army of the Potomac" "The South Anna River Reached by Our Troops" "One Thousand More Prisoners Captured" "Sheridan's Expedition" a... See More  

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Battle of Spotsylvania Court House ends...

Item #681628

May 23, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 23, 1864  

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House ends

* Ulysses S. Grant's overland campaign

Among the front page one column Civil War heads are: "GRANT!" "An Important Strategic Victory Gained" "Longstreet's & Ewell's Corps Moving Southward" "Entire Rebel Army Believed to Have Fallen Back" "Additional Poi... See More  

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Capture of Bowling Green, Kentucky...

Item #680465

May 23, 1864


* Bowling Green, Kentucky

* Battle of Resaca, Georgia

* Tunnel Hill, Georgia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Lee Is Retreating Before General Grant" "Capture of Bowling Green" "News From General Butler" "Campaign in Northern Georgia" "The Great Battle of Resaca" "Captur... See More  

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Robert E. Lee featured on the front page...

Item #678832

June 04, 1864


* General Robert E. Lee engraving

* American Civil War

 Most of the front page is taken up with a great, full-figure print captioned: "General Robert Edmund Lee, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Confederate States of America" with a lengthy page 2 article on him taking over a full column.

Perhaps not surprising that thi... See More  

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Fort DeRussey... General Burnside on General Grant...

Item #678790

April 02, 1864

ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, April 2, 1864  As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts.

Most of the front page deals with reports on the capture of Fort De Russey, near the Red River. Other items inside include: "The Staff" "Life Boats for Vessels of War" &qu... See More  

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News from General Grant's department...

Item #674933

December 21, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Dec. 21, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Gen. Grant's Department" "Another Naval Disaster" "Capture of the Schooner Joseph L. Gerety by Pirates" "The Conscription and Volunteering" and more.

Eight pages, nice condition.

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Grant's triumphal victory at Lookout Mountain...

Item #674921

November 27, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Nov. 27, 1863 

* Battle of Lookout Mountain

* Chattanooga campaign - Tennessee

* General Ulysses S. Grant victory

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GEN. GRANT'S VICTORY" "A Complete Triumph Over the Army Under Bragg Officially Announced" "Lookout Mountain Top, all the Rifle Pits in Chattanooga Valley, & Missi... See More  

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The situation at Chattanooga...

Item #674901

November 03, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Nov. 3, 1863  Among the page 3 column heads on the Civil War are: "News From Tennessee" "General Grant's Communications Again Threatened" "15,000 Rebels Threatening to Cross the Tennessee" "Large Captures of Prisoners" "The Exact Situation at Chattanooga" "Bombardment of Fort Sumter Renews" and more.

Eight p... See More  

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General Grant, General Sherman...

Item #672220

December 08, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Dec. 8, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "General Grant's Dept." "Longstreet Certainly Retreating Toward Virginia" "The Siege of Knoxville Raised Dec. 4" "Gens. Sherman and Foster Pursuing Along the Holston River" "The Enemy Advancing on Maysfield, Ky." "The Siege of Charleston" &... See More  

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General Grant's great campaign...

Item #672211

December 29, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Dec. 29, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Gen. Grant's Department" "Guerrilla Raids in Front" "Another Demonstration by Morgan Apprehended" "Longstreet's Movements Interpreted" "A Concise Narrative of Gen. Grant's late Campaign" "Proposed Reorganization of Gen. Meade's Arm... See More  

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Important letter from General Grant...

Item #669695

July 17, 1864

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Sept. 17, 1864  Inside has over half a column taken up with: "Important Letter  from General Grant" in which we tells of the hopelessness of the Confederacy. Bits include: "...all we want now...is a determined unity of sentiment North. The rebels have now in their ranks their last man. The little boys & old men are guarding prisoners, gua... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Grant's account of the closing events of the war...

Item #666564

December 20, 1865

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1865  Two-thirds of the front page is taken up with a great account of the closing events of the war, headed: "OPERATIONS OF THE ARMY" "Abstract of General Grant's Official Report--The Last Days of the Rebellion--The Brilliant Campaigns of 1864-1865--The Operations Against Richmond, Atlanta and the Valley". Considerable detail.

Eig... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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