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Web Results (79)



Troubles leading to the Civil War...

Item #704769

January 09, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 9, 1861  The first column includes heads: "THE CRISIS" "Highly Important New from the South" "Resignation of the Secretary of the Interior" "The Condition of Major Anderson's Command" "Anticipated Attack on the Troops Sent to Fort Sumter" "Virtual Secession of Mississippi and Florida from the Union" "Re... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Detailed report on the in-coming "Lincoln Regime"...

Item #704497

January 15, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 15, 1861  The front page has a nice stack of column heads on the coming Civil War including: "THE REVOLUTION" "Arrival of Messengers from South Carolina & Fort Sumter at Washington" "The Fort Not to be Reinforced" "The Sale of Arms to Secessionists Declared Treasonable" "The Crisis Regarded as a Divine Judgment" and m... See More  

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The Battle of Antietam...

Item #704163

September 29, 1862

DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Sept. 29, 1862

* Battle of Antietam

* Sharpsburg, Maryland

* Rare from Confederacy

Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.

Various reports inside include: "Another View of the Question" "Progress & Events of the War" "T... See More  

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President Lincoln among others at the White House... A Civil War print, New Zealand, Australia...

Item #700131

February 01, 1862

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Feb. 1, 1862  Among the prints within are a full page: "St. Andrews Harbour & Bay New Brunswick" in Canada; "The Confederate Sloop of War Sumter Capturing Two Federal Merchantmen Off Gibraltar"; a full page of: "New Year's Reception at the White House, Washington" which includes President Abraham Lincoln in the print;... See More  

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The Civil War in Texas... The Alamo...

Item #698896

March 23, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1861  The front page is taken up with: "Major Anderson's Command at Fort Sumter" which includes 9 officers, one of whom is "Capt. A. Doubleday".

Other prints inside include: "Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina" "Surrender of Ex-General Twiggs, Late of the United States Army, to the Texan Troops in the... See More  

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The Confederates on the Battle of Gettysburg...

Item #698576

July 11, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1863  

* Battle of Gettysburg

* Rebel account

The front page includes: "Charleston" "Yankee Agents In England" "The Courts" "City Intelligence" "Prisoners" "Sale of Negroes in Georgia" with a list of names, ages and prices--fascinating; "Another Attack On Charleston" "... See More  

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"Confederate States of America" in the masthead...

Item #698185

June 09, 1864

CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, June 9, 1864 

* From the origin of the American Civil War

This was one of just a few Confederate newspapers which printed: "Confederate States Of America" in the masthead.

The front page has a wealth of content concerning this late stage of the Civil War and includes: "From General Lee's Army--Grant's Position--Enemy'... See More  

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Portrait of the "demon" warden of Andersonville prison camp...

Item #697185

September 14, 1865


* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

The front page features a print headed: "Werze, The Andersonville Demon", being the infamous Henry Wirz, the warden of the Andersonville prison camp who supervised the horrible treatment of Yankee prisoners. He would be found guilty & was executed, one of ... See More  

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Nice Charleston issue...

Item #697089

January 26, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 26, 1861  The front page shows: "The Prayer at Sumter".

Other prints inside include: "Firing on the 'Star of the West' from the South Carolina Battery on Morris Island" "Group of Guns & Gun Carriages Dismantled by Major Anderson at Fort Moultrie" "Battery at Fort Moultrie, Bearing on Fort Sumter", a full ... See More  

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Morris Island... Charleston harbor...

Item #695839

August 29, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 29, 1863  The front page features an illustration of: "Rear-Admiral David G. Farragut, U.S.N." and an article on him as well.

Inside has 4 halfpg. prints: "The 'Hartford,' Admiral Farragut's Flag-Ship, Arriving at New York and Returning the Salutes of Foreign Frigates", "Explosion of a Torpedo Under the Bow of the Uni... See More  

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Yankees moving towards Atlanta...

Item #694401

July 26, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, July 26, 1864  Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "The War News" "From Norfolk--Grave Charges Against Yankee Officers--Their Trial by Court Martial--Civilians Sentenced for 'Disloyalty' " "Additional From the North" "Death of the Commander of Fort Sumter" " "From Georgia" which i... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Two Civil War maps, one taking over half of the front page...

Item #693861

May 16, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, May 16, 1863  Over half of the front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE REBEL PRIVATEERS FLORIDA AND ALABAMA. Their Cruising Ground--Their Course on the Atlantic and in the Gulf--What They Have Done."

Front page column has include: "The Rebel Privateers" "The Doings of the Sumter, Alabama and Florida" "Over Eight Millions Worth o... See More  

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Close to the outbreak of the Civil War...

Item #693803

April 10, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, April 10, 1861  

* Civil War beginning soon (2 days away)

* Fort Sumter about to be attacked

* History about to be made

The entire front page is taken up with ads, while page 2 features a nice map headed: "The City of Charleston And Its Defences. Plan of the Harbor, Showing Fort Sumter and Other Forts, the City and Suburbs" with various related headlines tak... See More  

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Charleston in flames, Beauregard wants a truce which is denied...

Item #693139

August 28, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1863

* Second Battle of Fort Sumter

* Charleston Harbor, South Carolina

* Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard

 The front page has a nice print of: "THE REBEL TORPEDOES" with 3 views of it.

First column heads include: "CHARLESTON" "Sumter a Mass of Rubbish" "Shelling of Charleston & Forts Moultrie, Gregg and Beauregard... See More  

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The nation prepares for war...

Item #683281

January 12, 1861


* America preparing for Civil War

* Abraham Lincoln as president-elect

 From weeks before the outbreak of war at Fort Sumter, this issue has much content on the events leading to war.

Included are: "Capture of Slavers" "From Fort Sumter--Interesting Letters" "The Fate of Maryland Out of the Union" "Union Meeting... See More  

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Preparing for the outbreak of the Civil War...

Item #683173

March 30, 1861


* Start of the Civil War close (Fort Sumter)

* Tensions at a boiling point in the South

* Southern slavery and the Confederacy

* History about to be made

From just days before the outbreak of the Civil War, this issue has a wealth of reports on the coming conflict.

Articles include: "The Census of 1860" which includes a chart for th... See More  

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Memphis, Tennessee Confederate newspaper... Lincoln explains the purpose of the war to Congress...

Item #682518

July 06, 1861

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Tennessee, July 6, 1861

* Very rare Confederate publication

* Abraham Lincoln on the current war

This newspaper had fascinating history as it was chased around the South--see the information below. Among the war reports are: "War Intelligence" "Affairs At Pensacola" "How The Southern Climate Affects the Yankee Troops" "East Tennes... See More  

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War is just a few days away...

Item #681926

April 10, 1861

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, April 10, 1861  

* Civil War beginning soon (2 days away)

* Fort Sumter about to be attacked

* History about to be made

From just a few days before the outbreak of the Civil War, page 2 has articles reflective of the mood of the day: "Warlike Movements and Rumors" "Conflicts of Opinion at the South" "Oil and Secessi... See More  

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Charleston in flames, Beauregard wants a truce, which is denied...

Item #681799

August 28, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1863  The front page has a nice print of: "THE REBEL TORPEDOES" with 3 views of it.

First column heads include: "CHARLESTON" "Sumter a Mass of Rubbish" "Shelling of Charleston & Forts Moultrie, Gregg and Beauregard" "The City In Flames" "Indignation of Beauregard" "Application for a Truce..." ... See More  

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Diagram of historic Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor...

Item #681797

August 26, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 26, 1863  

* Fort Sumter diagram

* Charleston, South Carolina

* Artillery strikes

The top of the front page features a: "Diagram Of Fort Sumter" with the "References" beneath.

Nice first column related heads including: "CHARLESTON" "Very Late & Very Important" "The City of Charleston Shelled" "Fort Sumte... See More  

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Siege of Fort Sumter... War events near Chattanooga...

Item #681796

August 25, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 25, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SIEGE OF FORT SUMTER" "Interesting Correspondence Between General Gilmore and General Beauregard" "Details of the Bombardment of the 18th Inst." "Important From Tennessee" "General Rosecrsans' Army in Front of Chattanooga" "Fire Opened on the City... See More  

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Rebels to evacuate Gordonsville...

Item #681789

August 18, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 18, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE SIEGE OF CHARLESTON" "Our Batteries Have Breached Fort Sumter" "Meade's Army" "Probable Evacuation of Culpepper & Gordonsville by the Enemy" "Reported Revolt of the N. Carolina Troops" & more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

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Much Civil War action in Charleston harbor...

Item #681785

August 14, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 14, 1863

* Second Battle of Charleston Harbor

* Fort Sumter & more bombardment

 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From Charleston" "Preparations for the Grand Bombardment" "The Fall of Forts Wagner, Cummings' Point, and Sumter Considered Certain" "The Rebels Anticipate the Capture of Sumte... See More  

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Latest on Lincoln & Fremont's emancipation proclamation...

Item #675375

September 16, 1861

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 16, 1861  Inside pages have war-related column heads including: "THE WAR FOR THE UNION" "The President and Gen. Fremont" which relates to Fremont's emancipation proclamation issued beyond his authority to do so; "The Advances of the Rebels" "the Reported Wreck of the Sumter" "Gen. Lee in Command of the Rebels" "... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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The situation at Chattanooga...

Item #674901

November 03, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Nov. 3, 1863  Among the page 3 column heads on the Civil War are: "News From Tennessee" "General Grant's Communications Again Threatened" "15,000 Rebels Threatening to Cross the Tennessee" "Large Captures of Prisoners" "The Exact Situation at Chattanooga" "Bombardment of Fort Sumter Renews" and more.

Eight p... See More  

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The Henry Wirz prison warden trial...

Item #674028

September 03, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 3, 1865

* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

The ftpg. has reports concerning the trial of Henry Wirz, the warden of the infamous Andersonville, Georgia, prison camp from during the Civil War.

First column heads include: "TRIAL OF CAPT. WIRZ" "Details of the Proceedings on Saturday" "Testimony of a Prisoner... See More  

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Horrible conditions of the Andersonville Prison...

Item #673173

September 10, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 10, 1865 

* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

The first column heads include: "TRIAL OF CAPT. WIRZ" "Evidence of the Infernal Spirit of Gen. Winder" "Official Document by a Rebel Inspector-General" "He Says Winder Openly Proposed to Starve Men to Death" "That Was Cheaper than to Bui... See More  

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Expected rebel invasion...

Item #672266

November 16, 1863

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 16, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Projected Rebel Invasion" "An Expedition Sent from Wilmington to Halifax" "Later From Charleston" 'Bombardment of Sumter Still Progressing" "Renewed Rebel Desertions" "From the Army of the Potomac" 'Firing Heard Toward Stevensburg" &... See More  

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Horrors of the Andersonville prison camp...

Item #671961

September 09, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 9, 1865

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The first column heads include: "ANDERSONVILLE" "The Wirz Trial Yesterday" "The Prisoner Applies for Spiritual Advisers" "More Shocking Barbarities" "Complicity of the Richmond Authorities" "Documentary Evidence".

Andersonville prison camp was commanded by C... See More  

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Trial on the Andersonville Prison horrors...

Item #671743

October 05, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 5, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

Among the front page first column heads are: "ANDERSONVILLE" "The Wirz Trial Yesterday" "Testimony of the Prisoner's Clerk" "Counsel Baker Rebuked by the Court" "Extraordinary Statements of a Spy" "The 'Camp' A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey&quo... See More  

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Rare title from the Confederacy...

Item #646034

April 11, 1861

THE WILMINGTON DAILY HERALD, North Carolina, April 11, 1861 

* Civil War beginning

* Jefferson Davis proclamation

* Rare Confederate publication

Wilmington was a major Atlantic Ocean port city for the Confederacy during the Civil War, and was one of the last ports to fall to Union forces in 1865. It ranked equal in size to Atlanta according to the 1860 census, and was a major point of... See More  

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Rebels to evacuate Gordonsville...

Item #645407

August 18, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 18, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE SIEGE OF CHARLESTON" "Our Batteries Have Breached Fort Sumter" "Meade's Army" "Probable Evacuation of Culpepper & Gordonsville by the Enemy" "Reported Revolt of the N. Carolina Troops" & more.

Eight pages, nice condition.

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Trial of Andersonville prison commandant Henry Wirz...

Item #633578

August 25, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, August 25, 1865 

* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

Most of the front page is taken up with reports on the trial of the commandant of the infamous Andersonville, South Carolina, prison camp, Henry Wirz, with headlines: "TRIAL OF CAPT. WIRZ" "Preliminaries Settled & Witnesses Called" "He is
... See More  

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Prelude to the Civil War... Georgia to secede... Much more...

Item #616536

January 19, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 19, 1861 

* Southern secession

* Fort Sumter tensions

* Prelude to the Civil War

Among the one column heads on the ftpg. are: "The National Troubles" "Animated Debate on the Kansas Bill" "Passage of the Army Bill in Committee of the Whole" "Latest Dispatches from the South" "Declaration of the Georgia Convention in Favo... See More  

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Growing tensions just prior to the Civil War...

Item #587532
(5) NEW YORK TIMES, January - March, 1861 

* Five newspaper lot prior to the outbreak of the Civil War

Few periods of American history were more unsettled than the months preceding the outbreak of the Civil War, which began with the bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor on April  12, 1861. Since the election of Lincoln the preceding November the Southern states began seri... See More  

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Prelude to the Civil War...

Item #569241

February 09, 1861

THE NEW YORK HERALD, New York, February 9, 1861  The ftpg. includes: "Our National Troubles" "the Trip of the Steam Frigate Brooklyn to Florida" "will fort Sumter Be Taken? " "The Correspondence Between Col. Hayne & the President" "Surrender of the Pensacola Navy Yard & the Cutter Lewis Cass" Condition of Things at the South" and ... See More  

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From a Confederate stronghold just months before the Civil War breaks out...

Item #215025
THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, 1861 Here is an issue from the early months of 1861 not long before the "official" outbreak of the Civil War in April, 1861. Wilmington was a strategic port city which was not captured by the Yankees until early in 1865. As such it held much significance during the War. This is a very nice four page issue filled with various news of the day & a hu... See More  

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Knoxville, Tennessee 1863 Civil War...

Item #213974

August 22, 1863

BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT, Massachusetts, August 22, 1863

* Knoxville, Tennessee

* Jefferson Davis
This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes reports on: Knoxvil
... See More  

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1863 Civil War...

Item #212235

September 15, 1863

BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT from Boston MA and dated September 15, 1863. This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes reports on: Fort Moultrie, James Island, Fort Sumter, C... See More  

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"Great Expectations" Collection IV

Item #206671

March 30, 1861

Harper's Weekly, March 30, 1861 through May 4, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 4) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.

This set would look great displayed in one of our 17 inch by 14 inch display cases which can be viewed at www.rar... See More  

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"Great Expectations" Collection III - 6 issues...

Item #206668

February 16, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, February 16, 1861 through March 23, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 3) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.

The individual issues are described as:

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Feb. 16, 1861 Full ftpg. is an extremely d... See More  

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"Great Expectations" Collection II...

Item #206665

January 05, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 5, 1861 through February 9, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 2) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.

This set would look great displayed in one of our 17 inch by 14 inch display cases which can be v... See More  

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Knoxville, Tennessee..

Item #205280

November 21, 1863

THE NEW YORK HERALD, November 21, 1863  This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following headlines: "CHARLESTON" "The Bombardment of Sumter Still Progressing&quo... See More  

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Port Royal South Carolina...

Item #205094

September 05, 1863

THE NEW YORK HERALD from New York, NY and dated September 5, 1863. This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following headlines: "MEADE'S ARMY" "Brilliant Affair At Port Royal" "... See More  

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Prints regarding Charleston, South Carolina...

Item #172434

January 19, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 19, 1861  The front page has 4 prints: "Hon. Francis W. Pickens, Governor of South Carolina" "Hon. Judge Magrath, Sec. of State of South Carolina" "Rev. Dr. Bachman Who Asked a Blessing on the Secession Ordinance" and "The Charleston Zouaves". Prints inside include: "Mr. Rarey and Cruiser (horse)"; a: &qu... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Barnum's Museum fire... Saratoga Lake...

Item #172906
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 29, 1865  The full front page is a political cartoon: "The Great Labor Question from a Southern Point of View" showing a Black farmer and Lincoln.

Prints inside including a half page: "Presentation of 200 Battle Flags to Gov. Fenton at Albany, New York" and "Grand Dinner to the Army of the Tennessee at the Union Hotel, Saratoga&quo... See More  

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Printed on the day Lincoln died... Scenes in Columbia, South Carolina...

Item #172876

April 15, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 15, 1865  This was the day Lincoln died after having been shot at Ford's Theater the evening prior.

The front page shows: 'Major-General Edward R. S. Canby" and "Lieutenant-General Grant's Headwaters at City Point, Virginia". Other prints inside include: "The Rebel General Wade Hampton's Mansion in Columbia, South Carol... See More  

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The Alabama delegation secedes from the Union...

Item #172440

February 09, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 9, 1861  The full front page is a print of: "The Seceding Alabama Delegation In Congress" showing nine men. Text on the men takes over half of page 2.

Other prints within include: "Captain J. G. Foster, Engineer Corps U.S.A., On Duty at Fort Sumter" "Arrival of the United States Steam Sloop 'Niagara' At Jeddo, Japan, with t... See More  

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Winslow Homer print... Map of the Northern & Southern states...

Item #172444

February 23, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 23, 1861  The front page is taken up with: "Chantrey's Statue of Washington, Now in the State House at Boston, Massachusetts". Prints within include: "Officers' Quarters at Fort Sumter", "Good-by to Sumter", and a quarter page print by famed artist Winslow Homer: "The Late Rev. Dr. Murray", plus a great full p... See More  

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Bombardment of Fort Sumter...

Item #172462

April 27, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 27, 1861  The front page shows: "General Thomas Swearing In the Volunteers Called Into the Service of the United States at Washington, D.C." plus there is also text on: "The Bombardment of Fort Sumter".

Inside includes a dramatic full pg: "The Interior of Fort Sumter During the Bombardment" and also a full page: "Map of ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at: guy@rarenewspapers.com

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