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Morris Island... Charleston harbor...

Item #695839

August 29, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 29, 1863  The front page features an illustration of: "Rear-Admiral David G. Farragut, U.S.N." and an article on him as well.

Inside has 4 halfpg. prints: "The 'Hartford,' Admiral Farragut's Flag-Ship, Arriving at New York and Returning the Salutes of Foreign Frigates", "Explosion of a Torpedo Under the Bow of the Uni... See More  

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Charleston in flames, Beauregard wants a truce which is denied...

Item #693139

August 28, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1863

* Second Battle of Fort Sumter

* Charleston Harbor, South Carolina

* Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard

 The front page has a nice print of: "THE REBEL TORPEDOES" with 3 views of it.

First column heads include: "CHARLESTON" "Sumter a Mass of Rubbish" "Shelling of Charleston & Forts Moultrie, Gregg and Beauregard... See More  

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Charleston in flames, Beauregard wants a truce, which is denied...

Item #681799

August 28, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1863  The front page has a nice print of: "THE REBEL TORPEDOES" with 3 views of it.

First column heads include: "CHARLESTON" "Sumter a Mass of Rubbish" "Shelling of Charleston & Forts Moultrie, Gregg and Beauregard" "The City In Flames" "Indignation of Beauregard" "Application for a Truce..." ... See More  

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Diagram of historic Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor...

Item #681797

August 26, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 26, 1863  

* Fort Sumter diagram

* Charleston, South Carolina

* Artillery strikes

The top of the front page features a: "Diagram Of Fort Sumter" with the "References" beneath.

Nice first column related heads including: "CHARLESTON" "Very Late & Very Important" "The City of Charleston Shelled" "Fort Sumte... See More  

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Siege of Fort Sumter... War events near Chattanooga...

Item #681796

August 25, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 25, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SIEGE OF FORT SUMTER" "Interesting Correspondence Between General Gilmore and General Beauregard" "Details of the Bombardment of the 18th Inst." "Important From Tennessee" "General Rosecrsans' Army in Front of Chattanooga" "Fire Opened on the City... See More  

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John Buchanan Floyd's death...

Item #633600

August 31, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 31, 1863  Among the many ftpg. one column heads on the Civil War are: "IMPORTANT REBEL NEWS" "An Attack Upon the Rebel Rifle Pits on Wednesday" "The Shelling of Charleston" "Explosion of Shells in Streets & Warehouses" "Death of John B. Floyd" "Important From New Orleans" "Commerce of the Mississippi&quo... See More  

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1863 Civil War...

Item #212232

August 31, 1863

BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT from Boston Massachusetts and dated August 31, 1863. This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes reports on:  White Sulpher Springs, West Virgi... See More  

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Morris Island... Charleston harbor...

Item #172706

August 29, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 29, 1863  The front page features an illustration of: "Rear-Admiral David G. Farragut, U.S.N." and an article on him as well. Inside has 4 halfpg. prints: "The 'Hartford,' Admiral Farragut's Flag-Ship, Arriving at New York and Returning the Salutes of Foreign Frigates", "Explosion of a Torpedo Under the Bow of the Unit... See More  

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