Web Results (45)



George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, and more...

Item #704605
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, June, 1792  Articles include a continuation of: "A Continuation of the Reflexions on the Manufactures of the United States..." "Manners & Customs of the Hindoos" "Gallantry" "Account of the Bastille" "Hessian Fly" includes a list of 9 key issues, signed in type by: Thomas Jefferson among others; "Rev... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Creating the Bank of the United States...

Item #704193

* First Bank of the United States creation

Certainly the most notable content is at the back where is found a significant report headed: Congress of the United States" with the text of the creation of the Bank of the United States.

It is titled: "An Act to Incorporate the Subscribers to the Bank of ... See More  

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Georgetown to be the nation's capital?

Item #703549
THE UNIVERSAL ASYLUM & COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, October, 1790  The issue begins with the continued: "History of the Life & Character of Benjamin Franklin, L.L.D." which takes 6 pages & includes 4 letters signed by him in type from 1753 & 1754: B. Franklin.

Other articles include: "On the Invention of Porcelain in Europe" "Thoughts on Educatio... See More  

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America alters its Constitution peacefully...

Item #703545
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, May, 1795  The bulk of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles as noted on the full title/contents page.

Included are several letters signed in type by John Adams, Samuel Adams, James Madison & others. Also: "Description of a Visit to Mount Etna" among other articles. Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with ... See More  

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Ben Franklin's historic/collectible: "The Morals of Chess"...

Item #703113
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, April, 1792 

* Benjamin Franklin - morals of chess

By far the most significant content is the historic/collectible essay: "The Morals of Chess. By Dr. Franklin", which takes 2 1/2 pages. Note: This essay was first printed in the Columbian Magazine in the Dec. 1786 issue. Regardless, this contemporary printing is among the few publications whi... See More  

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Very early report of Washington's inaugural address, plus his election as well...

Item #702876

April 01, 1789

THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, April, 1789 

* President George Washington

* Election victory & inauguration

 Certainly the most notable content is found in "The Chronicle" section near the back where the latest news was reported, which covers the election & inauguration of President George Washington.

The full text is shown in the photos, however some ite... See More  

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Paul Revere... Determining representation in Congress...

Item #701957

* Paul Revere to cast brass cannons

* Representation in U.S. Congress

Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly scarce in today's market. This title was published by the famed Isaiah Thomas, the patriot printer from the Revolutionary War & founder of the American Antiquarian Society.

Content includes "The Pleasures of ... See More  

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An American magazine from 1792...

Item #698706

* 18th century American publication

The bulk of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles as noted on the full title/contents page. Among the articles are: "Topographical Sketches of the County of Essex" "On the Necessity of Caution" "Arithmetick Recommended to the Ladies" "On the S... See More  

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1791 Creating the District of Columbia...

Item #698230

February 01, 1791


* Creating the District of Columbia

* Early United States government

* President George Washington

Over 3 1/2 pages are taken up with a: "Description of Cape Cod & the Country of Barnstable", continued in a future issue. Also: "Picture of Jamaica" which curiously begins: "Jamaica is the dunghill of the universe... See More  

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The Act creating the Bank of the United States...

Item #698020

* First Bank of the United States creation

The issue begins with textual: "Sketches of the President Of the United States" which is nearly a 4 1/2 page biography of George Washington (the plate called for is lacking). Also inside is the conclusion of: "Description of Cape Cod & the County of Barnstable" which takes 2 1/2... See More  

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Slavery... The controversial Huddy-Asgill Affair...

Item #696529
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, January, 1787  One of the more intriguing articles is: "Letters Relative to the Treatment of Capt. Asgill, while Prisoner in the American Army, being a full Refutation of the Charges of Inhumanity Exhibited in London Against General Washington". This is on the Huddy-Asgill Affair. Website have full details, but in brief Capt. Huddy, an American ... See More  

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Philadelphia printing of the Constitution of the United States...

Item #696414
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, September, 1787  

* Philadelphia printing of the Constitution of the United States

This title, along with the "American Museum", has the honor of being the first magazine to print the Constitution of the United States. Both publications were from Philadelphia, the city where the Constitution was created.

Comments from the Library Company ... See More  

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President Washington's state-of-the-union address...

Item #686595
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, December, 1790  

* President George Washington

* 2nd State of the Union Address

Certainly the most notable content is the 1 1/2 pages taken up with: "President Washington's Speech" which was his second state-of-the-union address, signed by him in type: George Washington

The balance of the issue is taken up with a wide range... See More  

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Washington's third state-of-the-union address... Ben Franklin...

Item #685647

* President George Washington

* State of the Union Address

* re. Benjamin Franklin's death

 The most notable content is the lengthy & historic state-of-the-union address of President Washington, which takes nearly 3 pages, headed: "Speech of the President of the United States to Both Houses of Congress" and is ... See More  

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Reviewing the new Constitution... Working on creating the District of Columbia...

Item #685636

* United States Constitution in it's infancy

* Creating Washington D.C. (Federal City)

 The issue begins with a description of the historic State House in Boston. The related plate is lacking. 
An interesting article presents a nice perspective on the U.S. Constitution, at this point just 4 years old: "Dr. Ramsa
... See More  

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With the plate of the Bastille... Washington returns from his tour...

Item #685624

* The Bastille in France w/ plate

* President George Washington

* New England tour return

* New federal government era

 The issue begins with: "Description of the Bastile, in France" which still includes the full page plate of it (foxing & damp staining).

Also in this issue: "Webster's Essay on Reforming the Prese... See More  

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George Washington's inauguration and inaugural address... And a very rare eye-witness account...

Item #685616

* President George Washington

* Inauguration - inaugural address

* In a American publication (rare)

Rarely are we able to offer an American imprint with a period report of Washington's inauguration and inaugural address. Great to have this text in this famous magazine published by perhaps the most renowned printer of... See More  

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Published by the famed Isaiah Thomas...

Item #685560

* 18th century American magazine

* Publisher Isaiah Thomas

Articles within include: "Notices of Celebrated Females" "Sketch of Lady Jane Grey" "Indian Brutality - Contest Between A Mohawk & Chippeway" "A Short Account of Aotourou, a Native of Otaheitee [Tahiti]" "General Character of the ... See More  

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Nice 18th century American magazine...

Item #685497
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, September, 1792  First page has: "Description of the Upper Ferry on the River Schuylkill, near the city of Philadelphia", lacking the related plate.

Also in this issue are: "History of the Smallpox" "A Hint to the Ladies" "Method of Imitating Certain Wines" "An Oration Delivered at Taunton, July 4, 1792 at the C... See More  

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An American magazine from 1795...

Item #683614

August 01, 1795

THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1795  The bulk of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles. Among the articles are: "The Test of Virtue" "Advice to Females on the Management of a Lover" "Anecdotes of Ignatius Loyola" "On the Utility of Trees in Cities" "On the Greek Fire" "On the Arabs" and so much mor... See More  

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Boston magazine from the 18th century...

Item #683613
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, September, 1795  Articles within include: "Account of Warren Hastings" "The Delights of Benevolence" "Description of a Highland Hut" "The Cacique of Ontario" "On Ascending Thunder" and more.

Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with the latest news including a report that: "A Treaty of Peac... See More  

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President Washington makes some appointments...

Item #682847
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, February, 1790   Among the articles are: "On the Use of Cosmeticks" "American Natural History...Of the Birds" & much more.

Near the back is a full page plate of music, as well as: "The Gazette" which has the latest news reports from Winchester, Va. New London, and Boston. Also a list of appointments by the President.

... See More  

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On the Equality of Sexes... References to George Washington...

Item #682845

* 18th century Woman's suffrage ?

* George Washington mention

  The first page has: "Description of the Court House in Salem", lacking the plate called for.

Other articles include: "On the Equality of Sexes" "Preliminary of the Constitution of France" and much more.

At the back is: "The Gazette&qu... See More  

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Includes the plate of the Newbury Bridge...

Item #679913

* Original Chain Bridge (Massachusetts)

* Newburyport - Merrimack River

Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly scarce in today's market. This title was published  by the famed Isaiah Thomas, the patriot printer from the Revolutionary War & founder of the American Antiquarian Society.

One of the best aspects of... See More  

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Delaware & Pennsylvania ratify the Constitution...

Item #677363
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, December, 1787

* United States Constitution ratification

* Pennsylvania and Delaware ratify

 The first article in this issue is: "A Description of Boston".

Near the back of the issue is "Intelligence" which has the latest news reports of the day, including an historic one noting: "The deputies of the state Convention of D... See More  

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Trouble with the Indians...

Item #677256
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, (Philadelphia), October, 1786  The first article is: "Some Observations on the Structure of the Surface of the Earth in Pennsylvania and the Adjoining Countries..." which takes nearly 5 pages. Also within is the continued: "Sketch of the Life of the Late Nathaniel Greene, Major General of the Forces of the United States of America" which takes nearl... See More  

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Settling the Natchez area... Albany's North Dutch Church...

Item #676882

June 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, June, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back several pages contain news items of the day. Among the news reports is content concerning settlement in the Natchez vicinity. Also a report of the laying of the cornerstone of what is now known as the First Reformed Church in Albany, or the North Dutch Churc... See More  

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Working with the Indians...

Item #676841

April 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, April, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back three pages contain news items of the day. The news reports include some talk of a treaty with the Indians.

Certainly one of the less common 18th century American magazine titles, existing from just 1790 to 1797.

No plates are present.

Complete in 56 pag... See More  

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Working with the Indians...

Item #676840

April 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, April, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back three pages contain news items of the day. The news reports include some talk of a treaty with the Indians.

Certainly one of the less common 18th century American magazine titles, existing from just 1790 to 1797.

No plates are present.

Complete in 56 pag... See More  

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Working with the Indians...

Item #676839

April 01, 1797

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, April, 1797  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back three pages contain news items of the day. The news reports include some talk of a treaty with the Indians.

Certainly one of the less common 18th century American magazine titles, existing from just 1790 to 1797.

No plates are present.

Complete in 56 pag... See More  

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A desire to break away from Massachusetts...

Item #676833

March 01, 1795

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, March, 1795  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back four pages contain news items of the day.

Among the news reports is mention that: "A convention of delegates from the 3 counties of York, Lincoln and Cumberland, in Maine, have published an address...on the subject of a separation from the state of Ma... See More  

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A desire to break away from Massachusetts...

Item #676832

March 01, 1795

NEW YORK MAGAZINE OR LITERARY REPOSITORY, March, 1795  The issue is filled mostly with an eclectic collection of articles, while the back four pages contain news items of the day.

Among the news reports is mention that: "A convention of delegates from the 3 counties of York, Lincoln and Cumberland, in Maine, have published an address...on the subject of a separation from the state of Ma... See More  

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A magazine from 1790's Boston...

Item #667744
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, September, 1793  The front page has: "Thoughts On Social Intercourse" the text beginning: "Nobody but a blockhead proves tedious to a company. A man of the world presently comprehends whether he ought to stay or go; and knows too a moment the time it is fit for him to leave those who wish him at a distance..."with much more. The balance ... See More  

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A magazine from 1790's Boston...

Item #667741
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, September, 1793  The front page has a "Description of the Plate" which is a two page view of the town of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The plate is damaged as less than half off it is present.

The front page also has: "Thoughts On Social Intercourse" the text beginning: "Nobody but a blockhead proves tedious to a company. A man of the w... See More  

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The Hatteras Shoals...

Item #667737
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1793  (note: the "July" at the top of page 1 is a printer's error) Articles include: "Accounts of Hatteras Shoals" "Concise Character of the Persians" and more.

Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with news reports including much on the French Revolution, plus: "Domestick Occurrences" which i... See More  

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The Hatteras Shoals...

Item #667735
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1793  (note: the "July" at the top of page 1 is a printer's error) Included with this issue is the full page plate called for, titled: "Maria of Moulines" with the first page containing a related article. The plate has a small piece from the left, blank margin, not close to the image.

Articles include: "Accounts of Hatt... See More  

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The Hatteras Shoals...

Item #667734
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, August, 1793  (note: the "July" at the top of page 1 is a printer's error) Articles include: "Accounts of Hatteras Shoals" "Concise Character of the Persians" and more.

Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with news reports including much on the French Revolution, plus: "Domestick Occurrences" which i... See More  

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A Boston magazine from 1793...

Item #667730
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, July, 1793  Page 1 has a descriptive article of the State House (the plate called for is lacking).

Also in this issue: "Essay on Female Charms" "Of Various Phenomena of the Ocean" "The Benefits of Adversity" "On the Excellence of Christianity" & much more.

At the back is "Foreign Occurrences" and "... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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The Swedes in the United States... Beware of counterfeit dollars...

Item #667706
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, January, 1788  Articles include: "The Life of John Winthrop" "An Essay on Civil Liberty, by Hume" "A Tract on the Unreasonableness of the Laws of England in Regard to Wives" "An Historical Account of the First Settlement of the Swedes in America" which takes 3 pages; "Origin of the Society Called Dunkards"... See More  

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A Boston magazine from 1793...

Item #667607
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, July, 1793  Page 1 has a descriptive article of the State House (the plate called for is lacking).

Also in this issue: "Essay on Female Charms" "Of Various Phenomena of the Ocean" "The Benefits of Adversity" "On the Excellence of Christianity" & much more.

At the back is "Foreign Occurrences" and "... See More  

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Nice Masonic content...

Item #667598

* Masonic - Freemasons

Among the articles is a description of a new bridge over the Merrimack River (plate is lacking). Other articles include: "Description of Cracow, in Poland" "Masonick - Social Influence of Free Masonry" & much more.

Near the back is: "Domestick Occurrences" with the latest news including su... See More  

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Slavery... The controversial Huddy-Asgill Affair...

Item #667457
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, January, 1787  One of the more intriguing articles is: "Letters Relative to the Treatment of Capt. Asgill, while Prisoner in the American Army, being a full Refutation of the Charges of Inhumanity Exhibited in London Against General Washington". This is on the Huddy-Asgill Affair. Website have full details, but in brief Capt. Huddy, an American ... See More  

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With the plate of the Juniata River...

Item #667449
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, August, 1788  This title has the honor of being the first successful American magazine, having begun in September, 1786 and lasting until December, 1792.

Among the various articles are: "A Description of the River Juniatta" "An Account of the Foundation of New Smyrna in Florida & a Remarkable Insurrection in that Settlement" "... See More  

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Benjamin Rush's "Moral Temperance Thermometer"...State of Kentucky... Constitution of Georgia...

Item #652342
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, January, 1789  Among the articles are: "An Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania" which takes 7 1/2 pages. Also a full page chart of the: "Moral and Physical Thermometer", created by Dr. Benjamin Rush.

Near the back is "The Chronicle" with the latest news of the day including 8 pages of report unde... See More  

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Questioning the slave trade...

Item #647305
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, August, 1790 

* The African slave trade question

A wealth of fine content in this 18th century American magazine. Among the articles are an item concerning McGillivrary and his education; some queries to Congress concerning the slave trade, one bit noting: "Whether congress have not full & clear power to prevent any citizen...from being concer... See More  

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