Newspapers from the 20th Century
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D-Day invasion, day 2...

Item #706100

June 07, 1944


* D-Day invasion of France

* World War II German defense

The banner headline announces the successes of the Allied forces' D-Day invasion one day later: "NEW LANDINGS IN FRANCE" with subheads, related photo" and map showing the invasion area.

The complete 18 page issue, light toning and minor wear at the margins, a little c... See More  

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Mussolini is ousted in 1943...

Item #706098

July 26, 1943


* Italy - Benito Mussolini ousted

* Pietro Badoglio takes over

* World War II - WWII era

The bold headline announces: "IL DUCE FIRED" with: "Badoglio Becomes Premier; Crackup of Axis Presaged" and more with two photos. (see images) More on pages 2 & 3 with a full page pictorial is also nice for display.

Complete 1st section... See More  

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1943 Battle of Makin... Gilbert Islands...

Item #706081

November 22, 1943

LOS ANGELES TIMES, November 22, 1943

* Battle of Makin

* Gilbert Islands

* World War II - WWII


The front side has a banner headline: "U.S. INVADES TWO GILBERT ISLANDS; Beach Heads Secured on Jap Strongholds" with subhead. (see images)

Front leaf only (pages 1-2), nice for display as such.... See More  

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United States declare war againt Axis....

Item #705288

December 11, 1941


* United States declare war

* Germnay & Italy - Axis

* Post Pearl Harbor attack


The front page has a great banner headline above the masthead: "HONOLULU AIRMEN DOWN 20 JAPANESE PLANES" with subheads. (see) Great to have in the Honolulu publication just a few days after the infamous attack on Pear... See More  

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Japanese surrender is near... Atomic bombing photos...

Item #705033

August 12, 1945

THE PROVIDENCE SUNDAY JOURNAL, Rhode Island, Aug. 12, 1945 

* Japan surrendering to the Allies

* Hiroshima & Nagasaki Atomic bombings

The two-line banner headline announces: "BIG FOUR STAND BY TERMS, TO RULE THROUGH MIKADO" with subheads.

The front page also has a photo captioned: "Three Minutes After the Atomic Bomb Hit Nagasaki" Also a heading: "2 Elemen... See More  

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Nazis surrendering in 1945 Europe...

Item #704955

May 08, 1945

SUNDAY NEWS, New York City, May 8, 1945

* Nazis surrendering in Europe

* General George S. Patton's Army

The front page has a nice banner headline: "PATTON'S MEN TAKE PILSEN" with photo of surrendered German forces. (see images)

Tabloid size. Incomplete issue containing 22 of the 32 pages, nice condition and for display as such.

Note: It's very uncommon to find the... See More  

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1st use of the German V-1 Flying Bomb...

Item #704606

June 16, 1944

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., June 16, 1944 

* German V-1 Flying Bomb

* Early cruise missile

* Robot planes - no pilot 

* Buzz bomb - doodlebuug

* London terror bombing

The front page has a banner heading: "Nazi Pilotless Planes Explode In Britain" with subheads. (see images)

Other news of the day with much on World War II. Complete with 16 pages, light toning at the m... See More  

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Rome falls to the Allies...

Item #704566

June 05, 1944


* Fall of Rome, Italy  - liberated by the allies

* D-Day invasion of France 1 day away

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline: "ROME FALLS TO ALLIES" with subhead and photo of American troops rolling into Rome. (see images) Nice for display.

Complete in 18 pages, light toning and minor wear at the marg... See More  

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World War II comes to an end...

Item #704549

August 14, 1945

HERALD EXPRESS--VICTORY EXTRA, Los Angeles, Aug. 14, 1945 

* World War II ends

* Japanese surrenders

* Nice for display

A large, bold banner headline dropped out of a black box announces: "JAPAN WAR ENDS" with also: "Truman Announces Full Nip Surrender" and other related subheads.

Complete with 20 pages, minor margin wear, a little light foxing and minor wear at t... See More  

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D-Day "Extra" edition in a military newspaper...

Item #704543

June 06, 1944

BEACON Extra! Extra! Extra!, Philadelphia Navy Yard, June 6, 1944  

* D-Day invasion of France (1st report)

* World War II German defense

The banner headline reports: "INVASION STARTED" with subheads: "Landing Craft, With Plane and Ship Support, Pour Men And Supplies Into Beaches" "Admiral Draemel Calls for Greatest Effort, Says There Must Be No Rest Until Such... See More  

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The Dunkirk evacuation, 1940...

Item #704360

May 28, 1940


* Battle of Dunkirk (evacuation) - France

* Operation Dynamo "Miracle of Dunkirk"

* Allied soldiers on English Channel beaches

The front page has a nice banner headline relating to the stranding of allied forces on the beaches of Dunkirk, the focus of a motion picture, with: "BELGIANS DETHRONE KING FOR SURRENDERING ARMY; Entire Lef... See More  

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Death of the President... Germany near its end...

Item #703909

April 13, 1945


* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR

* Warm Springs, Georgia

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a large, bold headline: "ROOSEVELT DIES" with subhead: "F.D.R. Passes In Slumber At Warm Springs" with a very large photo headed: "Nation Mourns 32nd President".

Also included inside is the "regular" front pa... See More  

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Financial aspect of U.S. entering WWII.......

Item #703722

December 15, 1941

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL--Pacific Coast Edition, San Francisco, Dec. 15, 1941

* Financial aspect of Pearl Harbor attack (4 days prior)

* United States is at war with the Axis

The banner headline across the top reads: "Huge Reserves, Big Crops Assure U.S. Abundant Wartime Food Supply" with various subheads and more. As might be expected from a finance newspaper, there is much conten... See More  

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1942 Doolittle raid of Japan.... Executions revealed...

Item #703400

April 22, 1943


* re. The famous Doolittle raid of Japan

* U.S. Army Air Force B-25B Mitchell bombers

* Realization of Japanese executions

The front page has a five column headline: "Killing of Fliers by Japanese Rouses U.S." with subhead. (see images) This was when it was first reported that the Japanese had executed some American airmen th... See More  

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1945 Battle of Iwo Jima...

Item #703259

February 20, 1945

NEW YORK POST, February 20, 1945

* U.S. Marines land at Iwo Jima Island Japan

* World War II battle beginning

* United States Flag planting close

The bottom 1/3 of the front page has a banner headline: "WE TAKE IWO AIRFIELD" Page 2 has a heading: "TAKE IWO AIRFIELD; TOUGHEST BATTLE" and more with aerial photo of the infamous island. (see images).

Complete with 40 pages... See More  

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The inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris...

Item #702868

January 21, 2021

NEW YORK POST, Jan. 21, 2021

* A day of "firsts"

* Joe Biden sworn in as oldest president to-date

* Kamala Harris 1st female, 1st black, 1st South-Asian Vice-President

* Doug Emhoff 1st "second Gentleman" and first Jewish-American married to a President or Vice-President

The entire front page and pages 3-13 tell of the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President an... See More  

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Liberation of Warsaw, Poland by the Russians...

Item #702687

January 17, 1945

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., January 17, 1945

* Liberation of Warsaw Poland by the Russians

The front page has a banner headline: "WARSAW LIBERATED BY REDS" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display.

Complete with 10 pages, light toning at the margins, minor spine wear, generally very nice.

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Hitler drafts Jews for work... Gandhi weakens during his fast...

Item #702548

March 06, 1939

NEW YORK TIMES, March 6, 1939 

* Mahatma Gandhi - "Fast Unto Death"

* Jews and Aryans - separated at work

Two notable front-page reports, the first with two column heads: "Germany Drafts Jews for Work; Sets Them Apart from 'Aryans' " "Aim Is to Meet Pledge Made to Rublee and to Free 'Germans' for 'State-Political' Jobs---'100-a-... See More  

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Battle Of Midway Won In 1942...

Item #702507

June 06, 1942

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., June 6, 1942

* Battle Of Midway ends w/ win

* Japanese vs. American Navy

* World war II original - WWII

The front page has a five column headline: "DEFENDERS OF MIDWAY FORCE JAPS TO RETREAT" with subhead. (see images)

Complete with 12 pages, light toning at the margins, generally in very nice condition.... See More  

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Operation Hailstone... Truk Island attacked....

Item #702158

February 18, 1944

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 18, 1944

* Operation Hailstone - Truk Island (Chuuk)

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline announcing: "TRUK ATTACKED BY STRONG U. S. SEA-AIR FORCES" with subheads and related map. (see) First report coverage on "Operation Hailstone" which was a massive naval air and surface attack on Truk Island. Always nice to have... See More  

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Battle of Kasserine Pass... Tunisia Campaign...

Item #702080

February 26, 1943

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., February 26, 1943

* Battle of Kasserine Pass - Tunisia Campaign - Africa

* 1st major battle between American & German forces

The front page has a nice headline: "ALLIES HOLD KASSERINE PASS" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. Coverage on the Battle of Kasserine Pass during the Tunisia Campaign.

Complete with 14 pages, light toning at the m... See More  

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Babi Yar Jewish massacres... Kyiv, Ukraine...

Item #702078

November 17, 1943

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass. Nov. 17, 1943

* Babi Yar gulley massacres

* Kiev - Kyiv, Ukraine

* Jewish - Jews genocide

* German campaign on Soviet Union

The front page has a one column heading: "Nazis Salvaged Jews' Clothes Before Slaying" (see images) These massacres took place a little over 2 years earlier but this is when it was first discovered and made public.

Complete wi... See More  

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1944 Bereznegovatoye–Snigirevka offensive ends...

Item #702028

March 18, 1944

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 18, 1944

* Bereznegovatoye–Snigirevka offensive ends

* Southern Ukraine - Soviet Red Army victory

* Rodion Malinovsky & the 3rd Ukrainian Front

The top of the front page has a five column headline: "RUSSIANS 10 MILES FROM RUMANIA" with subheads and related map. (see images)

Complete with 28 pages, rag edition in very nice condition.... See More  

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The "Battle of Los Angeles" during World War II...

Item #701956

February 25, 1942


* Battle of Los Angeles - Air Raid

* Japanese airplane attack ? UFO's ?

The front page has a two column headline: "War in California: Intern Japs, Congressmen Demand; Sub Raider Is Still Loose" with subheads. (see images)

This is a report on what is known as the "Battle of Los Angeles".  This event was a curious inci... See More  

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London Blitz in 1940...

Item #701939

December 30, 1940


* London Blitz - World War II

* Worst air raid in London's history

* German warplanes (Luftwaffe)

The front page has a great banner headline: "TREMENDOUS RAID LEAVES LONDON A MASS OF FLAMES!" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display.

Complete with all 22 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, small library stamp wit... See More  

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American & Russian armies meet in Germany...

Item #701906

April 27, 1945

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1945

* United States Army join Russian troops in Germany 

* Historic meeting - World War II 

A banner headline announces: "TRUMAN REPORTS ALLIED JUNCTURE" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display.

Complete with 24 pages, light toning at the margins, a few small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.... See More  

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1940 Battle of Britain begins...

Item #701889

July 11, 1940


* Battle of Britain begins (1st report)

* German bombers over United Kingdom

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "GERMANS BOMB ENGLAND FROM COAST TO COAST; TOWNS MACHINE GUNNED" with subheads. (see images) First report coverage on the beginning of the "Battle of Britain" with the attack by the German Air Force (Luf... See More  

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Nazis attack the Athenia... World War II begins...

Item #701868

September 05, 1939

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 5, 1939 

* SS Athenia, 1st British ship sunk by Germany

* World War II at the beginning - WWII

* Britain and France entering the war

The front page has a banner heading: "ATHENIA REPORTED SHELLED" with subheads. (see images)

Complete with 20 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, some small binding holes along the spine, gene... See More  

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FDR declares America will not enter war...

Item #701804

August 17, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 17, 1941

* President Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR

* United States not close to entering WWII

* Tensions with Japan re. American hostages ?

The top of the front page has a five column headline: "ROOSEVELT DECLARES U. S. IS NO NEARER WAR; REVEALS FULL ACCORD ON WORLD CONFLICT" with subheads and related photo. Also a two column heading: "Japan Refuses to... See More  

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1943 Potenji River Conference... FDR... WWII...

Item #701725

January 30, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 30, 1943

* Potenji River Harbor - Natal Conference

* Brazil role in World War II discussed

* President Getulio Vargas & Franklin D. Roosevelt

The top of the front page has a five column headline: "ROOSEVELT, VARGAS AFFIRM AIM TO MAKE ATLANTIC SAFE FOR ALL" with subheads. See below for further information.

Complete with all 30 pages, rag edition in gr... See More  

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Franklin Roosevelt wins a never-to-be-equaled 4th presidential election...

Item #701697

November 08, 1944


* Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR

* 4th presidential election victory

The banner headline proclaims: "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT WINNER" with subhead and photo. (see images) Nice for display. This was his 4th presidential election victory, a later change in the Constitution would make this an unprecedented event.

Complete with 8 pages, l... See More  

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Fighting U-Boats in American Waters...

Item #701670

January 30, 1942


* German U-boats in American waters

* Submarines along New Jersey coast

* Early in World War II - WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline: "SUBS SIGHTED OFF JERSEY; Report 3 or 4 Boats in Pack" with subheads. Nice for display.

Complete with 36 pages, light toning at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.... See More  

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1st U.S. bombing raid of Germany in 1943...

Item #701507

January 27, 1943

BOSTON TRAVELER, Jan. 27, 1943

* First U.S. bombing raid of Germany (daylight)

* Eighth Air Force - bombers hit Wilhelmshaven

The top of the front page, above the masthead is a great banner headline for display announcing: "YANKS STAGE FIRST BOMBING OF GERMANY" with subhead. (see images)

Complete with 26 pages, nice condition.

wikipedia notes: In January 1943 the first US raid... See More  

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1942 USS Jacob Jones (DD-130) Sinking...

Item #701429

March 03, 1942


* USS Jacob Jones (DD-130) sinking

* United States Navy destroyer

* German submarine U-578 - U-boat

* Cape May, New Jersey - Atlantic coast

The front page has a great banner headline in displayable lettering: "SUB SINKS DESTROYER OFF N.J., MANY LOST" with subhead. (see images) Terrific for display.

Complete with 28 pages, light toning at t... See More  

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Tony Zale wins title... Adolf Hitler Speech...

Item #701225

July 20, 1940


* Boxer Tony Zale victory

* Boxing middleweight title fight

* 1st time a World champion

* Adolph Hitler speech

* "Peace of Destruction"

* Reichstag building, Berlin

The front page has a five column heading: "British Call Hitler's Peace Offer 'Old Stuff'" with subheads. (see images) Large portion of the speech on page 6... See More  

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Eve of the Pearl Harbor attack...

Item #701221

December 06, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 6, 1941

* Pre Pearl Harbor attack on America

* Dated December 6, 1941 (EVE)


The top of the front page has a four column headline: "ARMY SENT SOUTH ONLY TO CHECK CHINA, TOKYO REPLIES TO ROOSEVELT INQUIRY" with subheads. (see images) Coverage continues on pages 2 & 3.

Incomplete issue containing the first 2 loose leafs (pages... See More  

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1942 Eddie Rickenbacker found alive....

Item #701177

November 14, 1942

HERALD EXPRESS, WAR EXTRA, Los Angeles, November 14, 1942

* Eddie Rickenbacker found alive

* American World War I airplane fighter ace

* Adrift at sea for 24 days

The front page has great banner headline: "SAVE RICKENBACKER, 5 OTHERS FROM SEA" with subhead. Pictorial and banner heading on page 3. And more on page 4. First report coverage on the rescue of Captain Eddie Rickenbacke... See More  

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1942 Doolittle raid of Japan...

Item #701137

May 19, 1942

MARION EVENING POST, Illinois, May 19, 1942 

* The famous Doolittle raid of Japan is revealed 

* U.S. Army Air Force B-25B Mitchell bombers 

* USS Hornet aircraft carrier

The front page has a nice banner headline: "U. S. FLIER TELLS OF RAID ON JAPAN" (see images) Nice for display. This was when it was first reported that Jimmy Doolittle was the leader of the ... See More  

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Battle of Metz... George S. Patton...

Item #701097

November 18, 1944


* General George S. Patton

* Battle of Metz, Nazi Germany

* Lorraine Campaign - World War II

The front page has a banner headline: "BIG ALLIED DRIVE GAINING; PATTON SMASH NEARS SAAR" with subheads. Nice for display.

Complete with 16 pages, light toning and a little wear along the margins, irregular along the spine, generally nice.... See More  

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Official Pearl Harbor attack probe released...

Item #701053

August 29, 1945


* Official Pearl Harbor attack report

* President Harry S. Truman releases

* Japan occupation just before peace signing

On August 29, 1945, with America’s enemies vanquished, President Harry S. Truman released the results of secret Army and Navy investigations into the Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that took the live... See More  

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USS Iowa battleship launching... WWII...

Item #701044

October 04, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 4, 1936

* USS Enterprise carrier launching

* United States Navy - World War II fame

* Most decorated warship of WWII - 20 battle stars

The bottom left corner of page 3 has a tiny and discrete heading: "Plane Carrier is Launched" (see image) Interesting that the future most decorated warship of World War II would get such a small mention but it is what it ... See More  

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1943 New Britain, New Guinea invasion...

Item #701009

December 17, 1943

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, December 17, 1943

* New Britain campaign begins

* New Guinea initial invasion

* General Douglas MacArthur

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline: "NEW BRITAIN INVADED" with subheads and related map. (see) Nice for display.

Complete with 24 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, =generally in good condition.

... See More  

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1943 Operation Kutuzov... Orel, Russia...

Item #701008

August 05, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 5, 1943

* Operation Kutuzov

* Oryol - Orel, Russia

* WWII Red Army

The front page has a nice 3-line, 5-column headline: "RUSSIANS ENTER OREL, NAZIS FLEE; RED ARMY ATTACKS AT BELGOROD; WARSHIPS AID ADVANCE IN SICILY", with subheads and a related photo. See images for details.

Complete with 36 pages, "rag edition" (print for libraries), slightly ... See More  

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1943 Bombing of Rabaul...

Item #700545

November 13, 1943


* Bombing of Rabaul -New Britain

* Bougainville campaign - Allied forces

* Carrier and land-based airplanes

The front page has a nice banner headline: "RIP 15 JAPANESE WARSHIPS" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display.

Complete with 32 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, some small binding holes ... See More  

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1902 Panama Bay naval battle..

Item #700158

January 20, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 20, 1902

* Panama Bay naval battle

* Colombian & rebel warships

* Thousand Days' War

* Sinking of the Lautaro

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "NAVAL ENGAGEMENT IN PANAMA HARBOR" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that ... See More  

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1944 Battle of Eniwetok... Marshall Islands...

Item #700098

February 19, 1944

TAMPA SUNDAY TRIBUNE, Florida, February 19, 1944 

* Battle of Eniwetok begins - Marshall Islands 

* World War II - Pacific campaign

The front page has a banner headline: "U. S. CAPTURES MORE ISLANDS" with subhead and related illustration. (see images) First report coverage on the landing of the 22nd Marine Regiment which began the Battle of Eniwetok.

Forty+ pages,... See More  

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Bataan Death March in 1942... WWII...

Item #699843

January 28, 1944

WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, North Carolina, January 28, 1944

* Bataan Death March (1st report)

* Imperial Japanese Army atrocities

* Made public for the first time

A terrific issue on the Bataan Death March with a seven column headline on the front page: "Army And Navy Release Horror Story Of Jap Brutality To Gallant Defenders On Bataan" with subheads. (see images) First report cov... See More  

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The fall of Bataan by an eye-witness...

Item #699606

April 11, 1942

MARION EVENING POST, Illinois, April 11, 1942 

* Battle of Bataan ends

* Allies surrender to Japanese

* Philippines Campaign

* World War II - WWII

The front page features a banner headline announcing: "U.P. EYE WITNESS TELLS OF BATAAN'S FALL" with the related report taking two full columns.

Many other war-related front page reports.

Four pages, light toning and minor ... See More  

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Death of actress Carole Lombard...

Item #699602

January 17, 1942

MARION EVENING POST, Illinois, Jan. 17, 1942 

* Actress Carole Lombard death 

* Airplane crash disaster (1st report)

The top of the front page has a 2 column headline announcing: "Carole Lombard and 21 Others Believed Dead in Plane Crash" with over a full column article.

Complete with 4 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, generally nice.... See More  

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South Pole explorer Roald Amundsen...

Item #699595

January 16, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 16, 1913

* Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen

* South Pole - Antarctica discoverer

* Carnegie Hall public lecture - NYC

The top of the front page has a two column photo headed: "South Pole Discoverer Guest Of Geographical Society In New York" with subhead. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp&q... See More  

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