Check from Cooperstown, 1837...
Item #710640
This is a genuine check written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated 1837. Included is the amount in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak. Also a red ink cancellation.An early financial item & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Baseball Hall of Fame... See More
The Gavit 1931 list of known reprinted newspapers...
Item #708068
January 01, 1931
Booklet: "A List Of American Newspaper Reprints" compiled by Joseph Gavit, 1931. A well known but seldom found booklet of 16 pages which begins: "This is an attempt to bring together, in one list, notes on all the complete separate reproductions of early or historic issues of American newspapers..." with a bit more. See the photos for more details.
A nice booklet for any... See More
Samuel Webster's 1777 sermon...
Great and notable sermon on chasing the British out of America...
Item #706755
May 28, 1777
Pamphlet: "A SERMON Preached before the Honorable COUNCIL, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the state of Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England. At BOSTON, May 28, 1777. Being the anniversary for the election of the Honorable Council. By Samuel Webster, A.M. Pastor of a church in Salisbury."
Printed at Boston, by Edes and Gill, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777].
Complete in 44 pa
... See More
Printed at Boston, by Edes and Gill, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777].
Complete in 44 pa
An incomplete almanac, but from 1771...
Item #702542
January 01, 1771
"An Astronomical Diary Or An Almanack..." for the year 1771, printed in Boston by Nathaniel Ames. This is a damaged almanac as it is missing one interior leaf (March-April). Plus all leaves are loos, with much wear at margins including a few small portions missing from the margins.
Early, colonial America almanac...
Item #702541
January 01, 1784
"An Astronomical Diary Or Almanack..." for the year 1784, by Nathanael Low, printed in Boston by T. & J. Fleet. An early almanac complete in 24 pages.
Never bound nor trimmed, 4 1/4 by 7 inches, with original string binding, minor wear at the margins, in surprisingly good condition for an 18th century almanac.
Early, colonial America almanac...
Item #702540
January 01, 1767
"An Astronomical Diary Or Almanack..." for the year 1767, printed in Boston by Nathaniel Ames. An early almanac in 24 pages.
Wear at the margins as is typical of almanacs as they were heavily used throughout the year. Remnants of older tape at the spine, 4 by 6 1/2 inches.
New Orleans document for the sale of a woman slave...
Item #701390
March 05, 1849
New Orleans slave sale document: A part-printed, part-handwritten document headed "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Louisiana" for the sale of a slave.
The full text can be seen in the photos, however portions include: "...he does...grant, bargain sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver...Unto Sean Nontanee...of this city...purchasing for himself, his heir and assigns, a negro... See More
Boston almanac for 1780...
Item #701104
January 01, 1780
* 18th century American almanac
* Revolutionary War era
A Pocket Almanac for the Year ofd our Lord 1780...fourth of American Independence, Calculated for trhe Use of the State of Massachusetts Bay in New-England, Boston, printed by T. & J. Fleet.
A wonderful almanac for during the Revolutionary War, complete in apprise. 40 pages. Each month has a blank leaf upon which notes were penned b... See More
Utica, New York, almanac for 1809...
Item #701101
January 01, 1809
The Farmers' Calendar, or UTICA ALMANACK For the Year of Our Lord, 1809... by Andrew Beers. Printed & sold by Seward and Williams. It appears to be missing the back leaf, otherwise typical margin wear, rounding of corners, small tears at margins.
Huge map of the Mississippi River dated June 1, 1775...
Item #700671
January 01, 1783
COURSE of the RIVER MISSISSIPI [sic] from the Balise to Fort Chartres; Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1763 by Lieut. Ross of the 34th Regiment: Improved from the Surveys of that River made by the French".
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
Great broadsheet promoting a book on the meeting of Stanley & Livingstone in Africa...
Item #700669
January 01, 1873
A wonderful broadsheet poster promoting the sale of a book concerning the meeting of Stanley and Livingstone in Africa. The focus is a rather large engraving showing the two of them when they met, the caption evading: "This Engraving, for which I supplied the drawing, represented my meeting with Dr. Livingstone at Ujiji, Lake Tanganyika; and ice as correct as if the scene had been photographe... See More
Wonderful 1729 handwritten document from Massachusetts Bay...
Item #700615
November 19, 1729
An early colonial document concerning the sale of a parcel of land in Massachusetts. It begins: "To all People to whom this...shall come greeting to: Know you that we Joseph Keith, Samuel Keith and John Keith all of Bridgwater in the County of Plymouth within his majesties province of Massachusetts Bay in New England, for and in consideration of..." with various details on the money... See More
Store broadside from 1915...
Item #699126
January 16, 1915
* Stark County
A 1915 department store broadside, headed: "SCHOTT'S BIG SALE ! " "Positively 10 Days Only! "Jan. 16 to Jan. 27" with various details, and the year noted near the bottom: 1915. The located is noted any the bottom: Beach City, Ohio.
This is out of our normal scope of material, however it is a nice item, printed on pink paper, has a few folds, ... See More
A broadside promoting the news of the day...
Item #698123
August 03, 1907
NEW YORK HERALD -- EUROPEAN EDITION, Saturday, August 3, 1907 This is an interesting promotional broadside that would have been at the newsstand, highlighting the biggest stories of the day. Printed in Paris.
It measures 22 by 15 1/2 inches, various stains and mends at the margins, the reverse is blank but does have many tape repairs.
6 Checks from Cooperstown in 1837...
Item #697496
Her are 6 genuine checks written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated in 1837. Included is the amounts in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak on each check. Also a red ink cancellation.Early financial items & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Base... See More
Pamphlet printed in 1706...
Item #696588
January 02, 1706
London pamphlet from 1706. The full title page notes in part: "A SERMON Preach'd at Bow-Church London, on Monday, December. 30, 1706 Before the Societies for the Reformation of Manners" with more, London.
Complete in 16 numbered pages, 4 1/4 by 6 1/2 inches, very nice condition.
Pamphlet printed in 1707... Sermon by the Archbishop of York...
Item #696572
January 02, 1707
London pamphlet from 1707.
* Archbishop John Sharp sermon
* Anne, Queen of Great Britian era
The full title page notes in part: "A SERMON Preach'd June 28, 1691 At Saint Giles's in the Fields...", London, the third edition, 1707.
Complete in 16 numbered pages, 4 1/4 by 6 1/2 inches, very nice condition.
At the time he preached this sermon, Bishop John Sharp was... See More
New England broadside from 1876...
Item #693636
November 01, 1876
An interesting broadside advertising: "NEW ENGLAND AT HOME. Ye Supper Of Ye OLDEN TYME." noting that: "A New England Supper will ben gvven by ye Damyseies and ye maydens of ye Young Ladyes' Social, for ye benefit of Grace Church Great Bend, on Wednesday eve, in ye month of November Day the 1st, MDCCCLXXVI in LENHEIM'S HALL." The text also includes a little poem (see pho... See More
Great broadside on the Boston fire of 1872...
Item #689172
November 10, 1872
BLADE EXTRA! Nov. 10, 2:30 p.m. A terrific broadside, long & narrow, reporting on the horrible destruction of the Great Boston Fire of 1872. As was typical of news extras rushed to streets, there is no formal name at the top (there was a "Blade" in Toledo, Ohio) nor is the year printed. Obviously the locals who consumed the "Extra" knew the name of the issuing newspap... See More
Circa 1865 envelope addressed to Governor "Parson" Brownlow...
Item #688930
January 01, 1865
Stamped envelope address to Governor W. G. Brownlow, Knoxville, Tennessee. The two, red, 3 cent, canceled stamps, a postmark from Brooklyn, New York, circa. 1865, and a penned note to the left side which a previous owner noted is penned in Brownlow's hand, but I have my doubts. In any case a nice envelope addressed to the very controversial "Parson" Brownlow.
Check from Cooperstown, 1834...
Item #688903
This is a genuine check written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated Sept. 6, 1836. Included is the amount of $25 in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak.An early financial item & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Measures 2 ... See More
Check from Cooperstown, 1834...
Item #688679
This is a genuine check written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated Nov. 6, 1834. Included is the amount of $350 in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak. Also a red ink cancellation.An early financial item & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Baseb... See More
Check from Cooperstown, 1834...
Item #688357
This is a genuine check written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated March 31, 1834. Included is the amount of $19 in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak. Also a red ink cancellation.An early financial item & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Base... See More
Death of James Garfield: mayor's notice...
Item #688348
September 23, 1881
An interesting item being a notice from the mayor of Fremont, Ohio, announcing the death of President Garfield. The front page has an announcement reporting: "DIED. At Long Branch, New Jersey, Sept. 19, 1881, at 10:35 P.M., James Abram Garfield, President Of The United States. Aged 49 years and 10 Months. Funeral obsequies at Cleveland, Ohio, Monday, Sept. 26th, 1881, at 10 o'clock A. M. ... See More
Becoming a Justice of the Peace, signed by the governor...
Item #687439
June 15, 1836
Document from the "State Of New Hampshire, part-printed, noting that Humphry Jackman has been granted: "...all Power and Authority given and granted by the Constitution and Laws of Our State to a Justice of the Peace for said County." being Hillsborough.
The document is signed by the governor, William Plumer, at Concord, and dated June 15, 1836.
A covered wax seal to t... See More
Displayable Act of Parliament... 1759...
Item #685880
January 01, 1759
ACT OF PARLIAMENT, London, England, 1759 Nice full title page has an engraving of the Royal coat-of-arms. Inside has an act: "...for adding certain the joint stock...and for carrying the several duties therein mentioned to the Sinking fund..."
A decorative document given the displayable title page.
Twenty pages, 11 by 7 1/4 inches, nice condition.... See More
Very displayable French criminal broadside from 1794...
Item #683390
May 02, 1794
Interesting French criminal broadside announcing the acquittal of a trial against Etienne Michaud. Headed in large type at the top (translated): JUDGMENT OF THE CRIMINAL COURT of the Department of Rhone, Who Declares Etienne Michaud Acquitted of The Charge Against Him." followed by details of the result of the trial.
There is a "dateline" at the middle: "Du 17 Floreal, l... See More
A broadside "Cruise Around the World" newspaper from the midst of the Great Depression...
Item #683271
May 01, 1932
RESOLUTE OBSERVER, "Published on board during the Cruise Around the World." on the Hamburg-American Line, May 1st, 1932 An interesting broadside issue (printed on the front only) published daily during an 86-day cruise, with tidbits on the trip for that day including mileage, the day's destination, weather, conditions, etc. At this point the ship was "Bound for Honolulu&q... See More
Collection of eight diaries from the "Roaring 20's"...
Item #682716
January 01, 1930
Eight diaries for the consecutive years 1930 thru 1939, lacking 1932 & 1937. These were essentially appointment diaries for an attorney although there are many personal & other notations as well, including much on daily weather conditions. There are entries for almost every day for each year noted. Included are various receipts, bills, etc.. See images for a sampling of what may be found.
... See More
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Newspaper broadside...
Item #682681
July 22, 1842
NEW YORK HERALD EXTRA, July 22, 1842 This single sheet, "Extra" edition of the famous N.Y. Herald newspaper is printed on the front side only. The text is entirely consumed by reports from Europe with a wide variety of content as seen in the heads near the top of the first column.
This heading also ha a nice engraving above which is: "Arrival Of The Steamship Acadia." Th... See More
Check from Cooperstown, 1837...
Item #682476
This is a genuine check written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated Oct. 30, 1837. Included is the amount of $10 in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak. Also a red ink cancellation.An early financial item & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Baseb... See More
Naturalization document from 1810...
Item #681750
June 15, 1810
A great part-printed/part-manuscript document from the state of New York, noting that Duncan McGregor from the United Kingdom has been "...admitted a citizen of the United States of America...". The document is dated at Johnstown, Montgomery County, New York, June 15th, 1810.
With a signature and covered red wax seal. Measures 7 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition. Nice for displa... See More
Panoramic view of San Francisco after the earthquake...
Item #678793
June 03, 1906
"Supplement to the San Francisco Examiner, June 3, 1906" A quite rare newspaper "supplement" which folds out to measure 22 by 32 inches captioned: "Panoramic View of San Francisco From The Water Front".
This is a great view of the city less than 7 weeks after the destruction by the earthquake and fire. The two huge photos show much devastation.
Printed on one ... See More
Check from Cooperstown, 1834...
Item #672995
This is a genuine check written on the "Otsego County Bank" of Cooperstown, New York dated 1834. Included is the amount in the lower left corner with a signature in the lower right. There is a nice engraving of an eagle with an olive branch in its beak.An early financial item & great to have from this town famous as the home of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Measures 2 1/2 by 5 1/2 inc... See More
Displayable Act of Parliament...
Item #666677
January 01, 1736
ACT OF PARLIAMENT, London, England, 1736
* 18th century original document
Nice full title page has an engraving of the Royal coat-of-arms. Inside has an act: " amend...a Act...entitled, An Act for the more effectual preventing Bribery and Corruption in the elections of members to serve in Parliament..."
A decorative document given the displayable title page.
Four pages... See More
A "Cruise Around the World" newspaper broadside from the midst of the Great Depression...
Item #664167
April 30, 1932
RESOLUTE OBSERVER, "Published on board during the Cruise Around the World." on the Hamburg-American Line, April 30th, 1932 An interesting broadside issue (printed on the front only) published daily during an 86-day cruise, with tidbits on the trip for that day including mileage, the day's destination, weather, conditions, etc. At this point the ship was "Bound for Honolul... See More
First transcontinental excursion from coast to coast...
Item #662918
TRANS-CONTINENTAL -- a complete reprint collection of all 12 issues of this fascinating newspaper.The newspaper titled "Trans-Continental" was a stroke of historical genius in the mind of its editor, W. R. Steele. On May 24, 1870 over 130 passengers boarded a beautiful eight car Pullman train built under special orders of George M. Pullman specifically for this trip, the first chartere... See More
Deed for the purchase of a Baptist church pew...
Item #652626
June 11, 1839
This is an interesting deed for the purchase of a church pew in: "...the Baptist Meeting House, near the Dock Village, so called, in Alna, in consideration of the sum of $ bargain, sell and convey...a Pew in the said House, No. forty..." with further legal wording (see). This is in the state of Maine and is dated June 11, 1839. Various signatures and a covered red wax seal. Me... See More
Newspaper collecting newsletters from the 1950's...
Item #646286
January 01, 1953
An interesting collection of 8 issues of: "The News", a small newsletter which was the: "Journal of the International Newspaper Collector's Club", dates from 1950 to 1955. Crudely done by mimeograph, these issues provide an interesting perspective of what newspaper collectors were focused on 60+ years ago.
New York Herald broadside....
Item #644851
May 06, 1842
NEW YORK HERALD--EXTRA, May 6, 1842 A single sheet broadside (printed on one side only), that has at the top of the first column: "Arrival Of The Steamship Caledonia", plus a nice woodcut of steamship, and: "18 Days Later From Europe". Says the ship arrived at Boston, has news from Europe, plus a list of the passengers who were on the ship, and a few ads. Nice conditio
... See More
Broadside with election returns...
Item #643592
December 03, 1863
GENESEE VALLEY FREE PRESS--SUPPLEMENT, Wellsville, New York. A quite large broadside (printed on one side only, single sheet) mostly taken up with election returns. There is no date at the top but many dispatches are dated Dec. 3, 1863. Measures 20 by 27 12 inches. Folder size noted is for the item folded in half.
Newspaper poster promotes "The Star"...
Item #631744
January 01, 1955
NEWSPAPER PROMOTIONAL POSTER for the London newspaper the "The Star". This poster would have been displayed where "The Star" newspaper was sold. Not dated but I would suspect from the 1950's.
Measures 20 by 30 inches, nice condition.
First transcontinental excursion from coast to coast...
Item #630991
TRANS-CONTINENTAL -- a complete reprint collection of all 12 issues of this fascinating newspaper.The newspaper titled "Trans-Continental" was a stroke of historical genius in the mind of its editor, W. R. Steele. On May 24, 1870 over 130 passengers boarded a beautiful eight car Pullman train built under special orders of George M. Pullman specifically for this trip, the first chartere... See More
Small broadside from California...
Item #620482
August 17, 1881
ALAMEDA NEWS, California, August 17, 1881 This is a small broadside "supplement" (printed on one side only) that has a report about a meeting of the "Town Trustees", plus the weekly "Police Report" and other content. Measures 8 by 5 3/8 inches, lightly browned, nice.
First transcontinental excursion from coast to coast...
Item #615312
TRANS-CONTINENTAL -- a complete reprint collection of all 12 issues of this fascinating newspaper.The newspaper titled "Trans-Continental" was a stroke of historical genius in the mind of its editor, W. R. Steele. On May 24, 1870 over 130 passengers boarded a beautiful eight car Pullman train built under special orders of George M. Pullman specifically for this trip, the first chartere... See More
A collecting periodical from Mississippi...
Item #609692
April 01, 1887
THE SOUTHERN COLLECTOR, Hickory, Mississippi, April, 1887 A curious, small-size: "Monthly journal Devoted to Collecting of all Branches" as noted in the masthead. This is the volume 1, #2 issue. An inked stamp at the top notes: "Sample Copy. Please Subscribe." Four pages, 6 by 8 3/4 inches, some wear at margins.
Broadside supplement...
Item #609255
January 11, 1875
* Rare title for the Midwest
A broadside (one sheet, printed on one side only) half of which is taken up with an advertisement headed like a news report: "Terrible
Slaughter!" "Hundreds thrown Away". There are news items in the 1st & last columns.
Measures 11 by 15 1/2 inches, a bit irregular at the top margin, s... See More
A "Cruise Around the World" newspaper from the midst of the Great Depression...
Item #604226
February 02, 1932
RESOLUTE OBSERVER, "Published on board during the Cruise Around the World." on the Hamburg-American Line, Feb. 2, 1932. An interesting broadside issue (printed on the front only) published daily during an 86-day cruise, with tidbits on the trip for that day including mileage, the day's destination, weather, conditions, etc. At this point the ship was in the Middle East, near Palestin... See More
Our last issue of this cruise newspaper...
Item #600952
February 29, 1932
RESOLUTE OBSERVER, "Published on board during the Cruise Around the World." on the Hamburg-American Line, Feb. 29, 1932. An interesting broadside issue (printed on the front only) published daily during an 86-day cruise, with tidbits on the trip for that day including mileage, the day's destination, weather, conditions, etc. At this point the ship was in the vicinity of Malaysia. An ... See More
Our last issue of this cruise newspaper...
Item #592570
February 27, 1932
RESOLUTE OBSERVER, "Published on board during the Cruise Around the World." on the Hamburg-American Line, Feb. 27, 1932. An interesting broadside issue (printed on the front only) published daily during an 86-day cruise, with tidbits on the trip for that day including mileage, the day's destination, weather, conditions, etc. At this point the ship was in the vicinity of Thailand. An ... See More
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