Newspapers from Moments in American History
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Web Results (3038)



Much on the Sam Houston flogging incident...

Item #712505

April 28, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 28, 1832  Within this issue is an article headed: "Case Of Samuel Houston" which concerns his trial for flogging William Stanberry.

This report is quite lengthy, taking almost 6 pages, with a portion including: "...At the moment of stepping on the side walk Mr. Houston stood before me. I think he called me by my name, and insta... See More  

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Five American newspapers: 1803-1809...

Item #712457

June 12, 1805

(5) Five very early 19th century American newspapers: United States' Gazette, Nov. 30, 1809; Massachusetts Spy, June 8, 1808; Boston Gazette, May 6, 1805; Independent Chronicle, Nov. 19, 1807; and New York Herald, Nov. 30, 1803. All five are good "newsy" newspapers of folio size, 4 pages, some margin tears, generally good condition. A nice set of five different, early newspapers.... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

(Added to Catalog #351 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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1851 Sandusky, Ohio....

Item #712439

September 29, 1851


* Erie County

* Uncommon title

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with a few advertisements. Located in Northern Ohio, Sandusky is situated along the shores of Lake Erie.

Complete, measures 26 x 19 inches, several folds with a little wear, generally in nice condition.

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1808 theatrical ad includes Edgar Allan Poe's mother...

Item #712343

November 17, 1808

BOSTON GAZETTE, Nov. 17, 1808

* Edgar Allan Poe's mother theater ad

A curious literary item here as the top of page 3 has an advertisement for the "Boston Theatre" with a performance of: "The Life & Death of Tom Thumb the Great", with one of the principal characters being "Mrs. Poe" as "Queen Dollalolla" She was the mother of Edgar Allan Poe.

... See More  

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Pre Civil War baseball games w/ box scores...

Item #711754

August 28, 1860

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 28, 1860

* Pre Civil War baseball games w/ box scores

Page 5 under "Baseball" are lengthy reports of two games with box scores about 7 months prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. (see images)

Complete with 8 pages, a little spine wear, generally in nice condition.

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Treaty with Winnebago Indians... Piracies...

Item #711619

October 20, 1832

NILES' REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 20, 1832  This issue contains a report entitled: "Peace With The Indians" which takes about 3 column inches, and reports on a treaty with the Winnebago Indians.

A small report on "Piracies" and other items include: "The Cherokees" and "The Seminole War".

Sixteen pages 6 1/4 by 9 1/2 inches, very good condition.

... See More  

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1833 Milton, Pennsylvania...

Item #711573

October 19, 1833

THE MILTONIAN, Pennsylvania, Oct. 19, 1833

* Northumberland County

* Susquehanna Valley - River

* 28 years prior to Civil War

A uncommon issue from this Pennsylvania town in the Susquehanna Valley prior to the outbreak of the American Civil War.

Four pages, some margin wear, large damp stain, small hole on the first leaf, still a uncommon issue as such.... See More  

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Sam Houston's 'call to arms' against Mexico...

Item #711271

April 02, 1842

NILES'S NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 2, 1842 

* Samuel Houston call to arms - Texas citizens

* Post Texas Revolution - Pre Mexican-American War

Inside has: "President Houston's Proclamation to the Citizens of Texas" which begins: "My Countrymen: Rumours have been brought from the southwestern frontier of invasion...The facts are sufficient to justify immed... See More  

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A few neat illustrated advertisements from 1815...

Item #711262

* Illustrated advertisements

* Early 19th century original

The front page is filled with advertisements, including illustrated ads for a steam boat and 17 illustrated ship ads. The back page has an ad for a stagecoach and more.

Four pages in good condition..

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Letters by Dolly Madison... The new silver dollar...

Item #710852

December 17, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 17, 1836  The front page has a nice descriptive article on the new seated liberty silver dollar by Gobrecht, which will: "...soon make its appearance. The face of the coin represents a full length figure of Liberty seated on a rock with the classic emblem of the pileus or liberty cap surmounting a spear held in the left hand..." with ... See More  

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Dorr guilty of treason?...

Item #710839

June 25, 1842

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 25, 1842  Page 3 ha a report which is a follow-up to the Dorr Rebellion, noting in part: "...his charge to the grand jury alluded to the recent events in that state & defined particularly what constitutes the crime of treason...all the indications are, that Gov. Dorr, (so called) means to meet what remains of his legislature at Chepachet.... See More  

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1859 Battle of Solferino...

Item #710307

July 12, 1859

THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 12, 1859

* Battle of Solferino, Italy

* Second Italian War of Independence

The front page has one column headings: "THE BATTLE OF SOLFERNO" "Napoleon in Danger in the Fight" and more. (see images)

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.

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Supporting William H. Harrison for President...

Item #710297

July 16, 1840

THE MADISONIAN, Washington City, July 16, 1840

* William Henry Harrison for president

This issue has on the inside page a political cartoon print of a log cabin (for Wm. H. Harrison) and a heraldic eagle engraving with "Harrison & Tyler" on a banner in the eagle's beak (see). Much political reporting.

Four pages, a few small binding holes along the spine, generally in very... See More  

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President-elect (Lincoln) enroute for his inauguration...

Item #710289

February 21, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 21, 1861  The front page has among its column heads: "The Incoming Administration" "Mr. Lincoln In New York" "His Reception and Speech at the City Hall" "How Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Spent the Day and Evening"  and more.

Among the subheads on Lincoln's journey are: "Mayor Wood's Speech to Mr. Lincoln" "Mr. L... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

(Added to Catalog #351 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Paul Revere's son in the bell foundry business...

Item #710244

February 21, 1822

BOSTON DAILY ADVERTISER, Feb. 21, 1822  The front page has an illustrated ad for "Joseph W. Revere..."Factory and ship Bells..." with a bit more.

Joseph was the 3rd Paul Revere's 8 children, taking over the bell foundry business from his father in 1811.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, good condition.... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

(Added to Catalog #351 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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America's first ventriloquist... Honoring Commodore Truxton...

Item #710167

November 23, 1802

THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, Nov. 23, 1802  Inside has an interesting article headed: "Mr. Rannie" with nice text on: "The celebrated ventriloquist..." with much on him.

A website notes that Mr. Rannie is generally considered to be the first ventriloquist in America.

The same page has a brief report: "Tribute To Valor" celebrating c... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Existed for just two years...

Item #710136

January 11, 1806

THE EVENING FIRESIDE, Philadelphia, Jan. 11, 1806  This was a short-lived paper existing only from December, 1804 thru December, 1806.

It was one of several weeklies of the early 19th century. Mott describes them: "Most of the weeklies were low-priced, quarto in size, and designed for entertainment; frequently they combined politics and news with literature. Moreover, they were quite fr... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Mormon content... attempt to arrest Joe Smith...

Item #710043

September 10, 1842

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 10, 1842  A brief back page item headed: "Mormans (sic)" reports: "The last Quincy Herald represents that Gov. Carlin had fairly failed in his attempts to arrest Joe Smith (Joseph Smith) and Rockwell; and adds that the Mormons will not give them up, but fight to the last."

Also within is: "Treaty With The Senecas Of New ... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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The Denmark Vesey slave revolt... Would one day fuel Frederick Douglass' battle-cry for freedom...

Item #710012

July 13, 1822

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 13, 1822  The back page has a report of the Denmark Vesey slave revolt, noting that six slaves were executed in Charleston.

Denmark Vesey was a former slave who purchased his freedom and then planned what would have been one of the largest slave rebellions in the United States. Word of the plans were leaked and authorities at Charleston arrest... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Large illustration of Millard Fillmore... John White Webster to be executed...

Item #709946

July 27, 1850

BOSTON MUSEUM, July 27, 1850   The front page has a large sketch/likeness of the newly sworn-in president, Millard Fillmore, the last member of the Whig Party to serve as POTUS. Included is an lengthy article which includes his 1842 resignation speech when he left Congress.

An inside notice announces that Harvard Professor John White Webster's request for a commutation of his d... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Death report of President Zachary Taylor... R. W. Emerson... California gold...

Item #709939

July 20, 1850

BOSTON MUSEUM, July 20, 1850   Page 4 has: "Death of President Taylor". which tells of the passing of President Zachary Taylor. Other items of interest include: "Transcendentalism Explained", which appears to be a bit of sarcasm related to the transcendental views of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a poem which encouraging its readers to count each day as precious, "Latest ... See More  

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The historic Jew Bill... Striving for equal rights for the Jews... John Quincy Adam's Inaugural Address...

Item #709906

May 25, 1819

(priced at a discount) NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER (a pair of issues), Baltimore, May 29, 1819 and March 5, 1825

* Maryland Jew Bill w/ passage

* Jewish religious rights

* Jews to hold public office (MD)

A fine pair of issues on the passage of the Maryland "Jew Bill".

May 29, 1819 issue: Certainly the best content is full text of the speech presented by of H.M. Brackenridge in th... See More  

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President Zachary Taylor and much more... Early Florida...

Item #709879

October 06, 1848

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Oct. 6, 1848 

* Rare antebellum publication

This issue from Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, includes many articles and advertisements: "Gen. Taylor's Northern Platform" "Extract of a Speech Delivered in 1827 by Henry Clay of Kentucky" "General Taylor & the Proviso" "New Game of Ride and Tie"  "Tay... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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William Walker Nicaragua expedition...

Item #709739

January 27, 1858

THE NEW YORK HERALD, January 27, 1858

* William Walker (filibuster) arrest

* Nicaragua expedition

Page 2 has an article with heading: "CAPTURE OF GEN. WILLIAM WALKER" with subhead. Text takes up over 3 columns.

Other news of the day just prior to the Civil War. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Pirates in the Caribbean... U.S. coins... Banking...

Item #709689

June 12, 1819

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 12, 1819  Much on "Banks and Banking" and over 4 pages on: "Regulation of Coins - Important Report".

The back page has a small item: "Piracies, frequently accompanied by murder, are frequent in the West India seas--and patriots also deal in slaves. We are disgusted with the abuses of the South American flags."

Sixteen... See More  

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Missouri Compromise... Mordecai Noah & his Jewish refuge island...

Item #709380

March 11, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 11, 1820 

* Missouri Compromise

* Maine and Missouri become states

* Mordecai Manuel Noah... Grand Island... Jewish settlement

The top of the front page has an article which announces the approval of the Missouri Compromise: "The bills for the admission of Maine and Missouri into the union have been respectively signed by the president... See More  

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The Jew Bill... Jefferson, Adams & Madison lend their support...

Item #708732

February 20, 1819

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 20, 1819 (with the "Supplement To Volume XV")

* Re: The Jew Bill

* Thomas Jefferson provides opinion

* Historically significant

Certainly the best content in this issue is in the lengthy "Supplement" to the volume, with an article headed: "Legislature Of Maryland - The Jew Bill--From A Correspondent" which takes near... See More  

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Pair of issues with the constitution of Maine...

Item #708564

September 09, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 9 and 16, 1820

* Constitution of Maine : pair of issues

A pair of issues within which is the complete text of the: "Constitution of Maine" which begins in the Sept. 9 issue & includes the Preamble and articles 1 thru X on nearly 7 pages, with the balance of the Constitution found in the Sept. 16 issue, beginning on the front page and... See More  

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Westward expansion... Decorative masthead...

Item #708491
OLIVE BRANCH, Boston, 1850-1856  A lot of four issues in mixed condition, all with a great masthead and with at least some westward-expansion themed reporting and/or advertising.  One of the more decorative mastheads  of the era. 

Four pages, some fold wear, edge tears, etc.  All issues are complete and are offered at a significant discount over their single issue pr... See More  

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On the execution of "Pirate Hicks" at Liberty Island...

Item #708489

July 20, 1860

THE WORLD, New York, July 20, 1860 

* Albert W. Hicks hanging at Liberty Island

* Last pirate executed in the United States

Page 3 has almost an entire column headed: "Piracy" which is concerning Albert Hicks, the last person to be executed for piracy in the United States.

The report begins: "The pirate Hicks met his well-deserved fate amid the execrations of men...&quo... See More  

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On Seward's famous "irrepressible conflict" speech regarding slavery...

Item #708322

October 27, 1858

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 27, 1858 

* William H. Seward on slavery

* Irrepressible Conflict speech

Page 4 has a report concerning the famous "irrepressible conflict" speech of William Seward. It does not print the text of the speech, but rather reports on it in editorial format. It is headed: "An Anti-Administration Douglas Letter from Gov. Wise, and Anti-Administration Spee... See More  

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1839 William Henry Harrison for President ad...

Item #708098

December 19, 1839

THE ATLAS, Boston, December 19, 1839

* William Henry Harrison for president

The masthead includes a nice engraving of a heraldic eagle.

Page 2 has graphic embellishment which heads: "For President, WM. HENRY HARRISON, of Ohio - For Vice President, JOHN TYLER, of Virginia. New of the day with several advertisements.

Four pages, very nice, clean condition.... See More  

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Martin Van Buren's annual address to the nation...

Item #707999

December 28, 1839

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 28, 1839 

* President Martin Van Buren

* State of the Union annual address

Being so close to the nation's capital it is not surprising that much of the content is on politics of the day, including a wealth of reporting from Congress.

The prime feature would be the complete and lengthy text of the annual state-of-the-union address of Pr... See More  

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Louisiana to become a state...

Item #707945

March 28, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 28, 1812  Inside has lengthy reporting from the "House of Representatives" which includes discussion headed: "State of Louisiana" concerning Louisiana joining the Union.

Another page has: "The bill for the admission of Louisiana into the union has passed the house of representatives with a provision to include within the limits o... See More  

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Much on John Brown, The Fugitive Slave Law, slavery, and more!

Item #707715

January 21, 1860


* Much on John Brown and slavery

* The Fugitive Slave Law 

* The Apache War

Page 3 has: "The London Times on John Brown", "Review of the Year 1959" (from the London Times), and "From Arizona - The Apache War...", each of which are lengthy. All of page 5 is dedicated to explaining "The Irrepressible Conflict"... See More  

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German language religious newspaper from St. Louis...

Item #707558

April 15, 1864

DER LUTHERANER, St. Louis, April 15, 1864  

* Rare publication in German language

* Nice decorative masthead for display

An unusual bi-monthly, German language newspaper which features perhaps the largest engraving of an angel we have seen in a newspaper.

In the mid-19th century a flood of immigrants from Europe poured into the United States, Germans being the largest ethnic group at ... See More  

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The Lemmon Slave Case - Can slaves brought by their owners to a free state be emancipated?

Item #707507

January 25, 1860

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 25, 1860 

* Discussion regarding the Lemmon Slave Case

Page two has: "THE SLAVERY QUESTION. Argument of the Lemmon Case before Court of Appeals...", followed by more than 3 columns of text which continue on page 3. The content is regarding an appeal by Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon, (Virginian slaveholders), who had brought their "house slaves" in... See More  

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The case of murderer Patrick Maude (attempted use of insanity plea)...

Item #707506

January 23, 1860

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 23, 1860  Page 3 has over two columns dedicated to: "THE CASE OF PATRICK MAUDE", with subheading: "History of Patrick Maude, Recently Executed at Newark for Murder", which tells of his life, his decision to represent himself in court, his attempt to be found not guilty by reason of insanity, his conviction, and his execution. Quite interesting. The... See More  

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A great contemporary quote from Lincoln's famous speech - "A House divided against itself cannot stand."...

Item #707504

January 24, 1860

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 24, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln as a senatorial candidate

The front-page has a rare quote of a portion of Lincoln's very famous speech from 1858 during the Lincoln-Douglas debates. During a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Douglas, speaking of Lincoln, states in part: "...When he returned to Illinois in 1858, to canvas the state, he had to meet this... See More  

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The Force Bill and the Tariff Act...

Item #707214

March 28, 1833

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 28, 1833 

* Andrew Jackson's Force Bill

* Tariff Act of 1833 - military

Page 3 has a report from the British Parliament where: "...the topic of Negro Slavery was introduced" with text on the discussion.

The back page has 3 Acts of Congress recently passed, one being the Force Bill which authorized the president to use whate... See More  

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The East Room of the White House needs to be refurbished...

Item #706645

December 05, 1829

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 5, 1829  Inside has an interesting article on "The East Room" of the White House, noting is is very overdue for it to be refurbished: " was full of cobwebs, a few old chairs, lumbering benches, broken glass...The head of a republic ought to give an example of the thriftiness & virtuous habits of the people who put him there..... See More  

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Battle at San Antonio, Texas...

Item #706386

January 09, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 9, 1836

* Siege of Bexar (San Antonio)

* Texas Revolution - Benjamin Milam

The front page has a report headed: "The latest news from Texas, received by way of New Orleans, says:---" with the text reading in part: "By the schr. Julius Ceasar we learn that the last accounts from camp received by express at Bragoria on the 11th instant... See More  

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Brigham Young and the Mormons...

Item #706378

May 21, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 21, 1857 

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Prophet Brigham Young

* Fort Lemhi - Salmon River

Page 3 has an article: "Utah Territory" which mentions in part: "A part of 16 persons arrived at St. Louis...from Salt Lake City...a large number of missionaries to be dispatched to all parts of the world. Brigham Young was planning an... See More  

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Jefferson falling out of favor in Virginia...

Item #706377

April 06, 1802

THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, April 6, 1802 

* President Thomas Jefferson

* Losing popularity in Virginia ?

Over a full page is taken up with an interesting letter: "To my Fellow Citizens of Richmond" signed by: James Rind. It is prefaced with: "Mr. Jefferson is said to be losing his popularity in Virginia as fast as he acquired it, and the fo... See More  

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The International Cricket Match... Oystering...

Item #706372

October 15, 1859

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 15, 1859  The front page has: "The Great Oyster Excitement - Scene On Board The Schooner Yankee Bird...". The inside has the desirable: "The International Cricket Match At Hoboken - Scene On The St. George's Ground, On The Morning Of The Match", which tells of the match between the United States and England. The opposing p... See More  

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For the Masons in 1858...

Item #705378

October 27, 1858

MASONIC MIRROR, Philadelphia & New  York, Oct. 27, 1858 

* Masonic - free masonry - Masons

* Pre American Civil War era

In the dateline is: "Devoted To The Diffusion Of Masonic Intelligence, Fine Arts, Literature, News, etc." This little newspaper published for the Masons has a very graphic, Masonic-theme engraving in the masthead (see).

Twelve pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1... See More  

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Election fraud in 1840... 1st "October Surprise"?

Item #705363

October 23, 1840

THE GLOBE, New Bedford, Massachusetts, Oct. 23, 1840 

* Election fraud proclaimed

* William Henry Harrison vs. Martin Van Buren

* First October surprise?

Page 3 has a 1.5 column article on voter fraud which includes in part: "They resorted to every means in their power to increase their vote. They’ve made a regular business of going from one Township to another and voting s... See More  

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Celebrating the 4th of July... John Paul Jones... A "cure for hard times"...

Item #705358

July 01, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 1, 1820  The entire front page is an editorial headed: "Independence" concerning the upcoming anniversary of the 4th of July.

Some great reading, with one paragraph beginning: "Nearly all the great actors in 1776 have made their exit to another & a better world, but some venerable men yet remain to bless our land with their prese... See More  

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1826 - "Life of the Marquis De Lafayette"...

Item #705303

January 01, 1826

Book: "Life of the Marquis De Lafayette", by Robert Waln, Jr., 1826

The full title is: "Life of the Marquis De La Fayette; Major General in the Service of the United States of America. In The War Of The Revolution". This appears to be the 1826 "Second Edition", published by J.P. Ayers, Philadelphia. See images for a few highlights.

Complete in 506 pages, lo... See More  
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1856 - "Men and Times of the Revolution; Or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson"...

Item #705302

January 01, 1839

Book: "Men and Times of the Revolution; Or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson", 1856

The full title is: "Men and times of the revolution; or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, including journals of travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842, with his correspondence with public men and reminiscences and incidents of the revolution.", by Elkanah Watson, edited by his son, Winslow C. Wa... See More  
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