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Thomas Jefferson's inaugural address...
Item #702705
March 14, 1805
BOSTON GAZETTE, March 14, 1805
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Inauguration - inaugural address
Page 2 has the lengthy: "President Jefferson's Speech" which is his inaugural address, introduced with: "This day, at 12 o'clock, Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, took the oath of office & delivered the following Inaugural Speech..." which tak... See More
Lewis and Clark begin their epic Voyage of Discovery...
Item #702702
November 26, 1803
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL & MASSACHUSETTS FEDERALIST, Boston, Nov. 26, 1803 (at a slightly reduced price)
* Lewis and Clark Expedition begins
* Louisville, Kentucky - Ohio River
Page 2 has several items concerning the recent Louisiana Purchase, but certainly the most significant is a report from Louisville noting: "Capt. Clark, and Mr. Lewis, have left this place in the prosecution of th... See More
Susan B. Anthony petitions for woman's rights...
Item #702685
October 22, 1855
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 22, 1855
* Activist Susan B. Anthony
* Women's rights petition
Page 6 has an article headed: "Woman's Rights" concerning the appeal--led by Susan B. Anthony--to the law-makers of New York to work for the: "...restoration of woman's legal and political rights..." and notes that: "...Forms of petition, also woman's rights, ... See More
Paul Revere as President of the Board of Health...
Item #702656
July 16, 1800
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 16, 1800
* Paul Revere
* Board of Health
The top of page 3 has a detailed report from the: "Health Office" which is signed in type by its President: P. Revere.
Four pages, a bit irregular at the margins, scattered foxing.... See More
Thanks to Jefferson for his service...
Item #702642
November 14, 1809
NEW-HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT, Concord, Nov. 14, 1809
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Richmond visit w/ signed letter
The front page has: "Tribute of Respect" concerning a visit by Jefferson to Richmond, "...his native state...the citizens, being apprized of his arrival...resolutions expressive of the high sense of his services to his country & his distinguished patriotism... See More
Huntsville, Texas penitentiary horrors...
Item #702627
March 27, 1875
ST. LOUIS DAILY GLOBE, Missouri, March 27, 1875
* Texas State Penitentiary "Walls Unit"
* Huntsville, Texas horrors
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. Page 10 has an article headed: "HOPELESS HORROR", with subheads: "Crime Against Criminals in the Texas Penitentiary" & "A Terrible Tale of Tortu... See More
Pony Express - collecting mail for the very first run...
Item #702621
April 02, 1860
* Pony Express - prior to 1st trek
* Saint Louis, Missouri
Page 3 has a very interesting article concerning the beginning of the Pony Express service, outlining the charges. The text is headed: "The California Pony Express" and is datelined St. Louis, with portions including: "We learn...that they commence receiving despatches for the Cal... See More
Written by Hans Christian Andersen...
Item #702614
SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, (New York), April, 1873 * "The Flea and the Professor" written by Hans Christian Andersen
Near the back of this monthly magazine is a printing of the short story by Hans Christian Anderson titled: "The Flea And The Professor" (see photos for the beginning). The story takes close to two full pages. From my research this printing is contemporar... See More
Campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President... Great political cartoon for a masthead...
Item #702595
August 10, 1848
THE BATTERY, Washington, Aug. 10 1848
* Great political themed masthead engraving
* Supporting Zachery Taylor for president
This was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President.
In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short-lived newspapers to support their can... See More
Campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President... Great political cartoon for a masthead...
Item #702591
July 13, 1848
THE BATTERY, Washington, July 13, 1848 This was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President. And it is the volume 1, number 2 issue.
In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short-lived newspapers to support their candidate and publicize their political platform. Such ne... See More
Jefferson's first inaugural address...
Item #702589
March 20, 1801
MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, Middletown, Connecticut, March 20, 1801 A fine issue as the front page contains in its entirety the inaugural address of Thomas Jefferson's term.
This is a report from Washington, the address prefaced with a letter from him: "Sir, I get leave through you, to inform the honorable House of Representatives of the U. States, that I shall take the oath which the const... See More
Inauguration of President Grover Cleveland...
Item #702582
March 05, 1893
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE, Nebraska, March 5, 1893 The top of the first column has heads: "CLEVELAND GOES IN" "Thrice Nominated & Twice Inaugurated President of the United States" "Severe Storm Mars The Ceremonies" ""Policy of The New Administration". The ftpg. also has a nice graphic showing: "Cleveland And His Cabinet". The text takes o... See More
On the Lewis & Clark Expedition, reported on the front page...
Item #702570
March 05, 1806
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 5, 1806
* Thomas Jefferson message to U.S. Congress
* First published information on Lewis and Clark
The front page has a nice "Message" to the Congress signed in type by the President: Th. Jefferson, with much concerning the Lewis & Clark Expedition, including: "...Capt. Meriwether Lewis...was appointed, with a party of men, to ex... See More
Jefferson is (finally) elected President...
Item #702568
March 13, 1801
MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, Middletown, Connecticut, March 13, 1801
* Thomas Jefferson finally wins
* Controversial election of 1800
Page 2 has a notable report on the election of Jefferson, beginning: "At 12 o'clock the 35th ballot was taken, the result the same with that of the preceding ballot. At one o'clock the 36th ballot was taken which issued in the election of THOMAS JEFF... See More
Creation of the Indiana Territory... Early notice on Gabriel's Rebellion...
Item #702567
September 15, 1800
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Sept. 15, 1800
* re. the creation of the state of Indiana
* Gabriel Prosser's slave insurrection
Page 3 has a brief & early report on Gabriel's Rebellion,
It notes: "An insurrection was discovered on the 30th alt. among the negroes in the neighborhood of Richmond, Vir. and some of them are lodged in the gaol [jail] of that city... See More
The formal end to the Spanish-American War...
Item #702555
March 18, 1899
THE ARIZONA GAZETTE, Phoenix, March 18, 1899
* Treaty of Paris signed by Queen
* End of Spanish-American War
The top of one of the ftpg. columns reports the formal end of the Spanish-American War with the signing of the treaty of peace by the queen of Spain. "Treaty Of Peace Signed by Queen" "Official Closing of the Drama" "An Important Page" "The Po... See More
The inauguration of President Wm. H. Harrison...
Item #702420
March 08, 1841
BOSTON COURIER, March 8, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Presidential inauguration
* Inaugural address
Beginning on the front page and concluding on page 2 is: "Inauguration and Inaugural Address" of President William Henry Harrison. Most of the space is taken up with his very lengthy inaugural address.
Following the address is: "The Inauguration of William Henry Har... See More
Report on Lewis and Clark... A prairie dog?
Item #702419
August 26, 1805
BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 26, 1805
* Lewis and Clark Expedition
* Missouri river exploration
* Discovery of the "Prairie Dog" ?
Page 2 has: "National Acquisition" which includes a report stating: "...We learn that a part of the collection of Curiosities collected by Captain Lewis on the Missouri, has reached Baltimore. Among them are a living animal, called the wi... See More
Death of the President, in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...
Item #702416
April 05, 1841
THE GLOBE Semi-Weekly edition, Washington, D.C., April 5, 1841
* President William Henry Harrison
* Washington, D.C. death - 1st report
The upper right corner of the front page has what appears to be almost a news bulletin headed: "Death Of The President", datelined "April 4, two o'clock, A.M." and beginning: "It is with deep regret we announce that WILLI... See More
Terrific letter from William Clark to his brother on the Lewis & Clark Expedition...
Item #702414
November 13, 1806
BOSTON GAZETTE, Nov. 13, 1806
* Lewis and Clark Expedition letter
* Safe return - homeward bound
Taking nearly a full column on the front page is an extraordinary letter that is prefaced with: "TRAVELS IN AMERICA". The following letter presents an interesting and authentic account of the important discoveries which have been made by Captains Clark and Lewis, in their success... See More
A.B. Frost prints... Color Ivory Soap advertisment...
Item #702379
November 12, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 12, 1898 Full ftpg. by A.B. Frost shows a man having fallen off his bicycle. Doublepage centerfold: 'With our Troops in the Philippines--Before & After the Fall of Manila'. Halfpg: 'In & About Havana'. Displayable A.B. Frost hunting print: 'Rail Shooting' shows shooting a bird from a boat. Also includes a full page... See More
1968 "Jimmy Shine" opening day Broadway play...
Item #702255
December 12, 1968
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Dec. 12, 1968
* "Jimmy Shine" opening day Broadway play ad
* Actor Dustin Hoffman and John Sebastian
Page 51 has a full page advertisement (review) for the Broadway play "Jimmy Shine" starring Dustin Hoffman. This play made it's premiere in New York City the same week.
wikipedia notes: Jimmy Shin... See More
The late Charles Dickens...
Item #702218
June 18, 1870
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, June 18, 1870 The prime feature is the very nice, full page portrait of: "Charles Dickens" with a full page article on him headed: "The Late Charles Dickens". Included as well is a halfpg. print of: "Gads Hill Place, Near Rochester, the Home of Charles Dickens" and there is also a print: "The Great Fire at Quebec.
Nic... See More
A liberal publication...
Item #702166
December 01, 1882
MAN, "A Weekly Journal of Progress & Reform", New York, Dec. 1, 1880 The front page is taken up with: "Platforms - Preliminary Declaration of the National Liberal Party" as well as an "Address of the Union of Radicals to The National Liberal League".
Eight pages, 9 1/4 by 13 inches, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out to single sheet, a dark stain... See More
Focused on patents...
Item #702164
May 01, 1872
THE PATENT RIGHT GAZETTE, New York, May, 1872 Still has the original outer wrappers, upon which is printed: "A Monthly Illustrated Journal of the Industrial Arts Especially Devoted to The Sale, Description and Illustrations of Patents...".
Nice to still have the decorative outer wrappers.
Sixteen pages plus the outer wrappers, 10 1/2 by 13 1/4 inches, good condition.
With the original outer wrappers...
Item #702149
August 01, 1885
AMERICAN SHEEP-BREEDER & WOOL-GROWER, Chicago, August, 1885 The content is not exciting, however of interest are the original wrappers which are still present. Typically outer wrappers were removed when issues were bound in annual volumes, but this issue is as found on the newsstand in 1885.
Very decorative from and back bluer wrappers.
Sixteen pages plus the wrappers, mild wear at the... See More
For the paper-making industry...
Item #702134
October 11, 1884
THE PAPER TRADE JOURNAL, New York, Oct. 11, 1884 The masthead notes: "The Consumption of Paper is the Measure of a People's Culture".
This was obviously a trade paper for the paper-making industry. The masthead includes an illustration of a paper-making machine.
Twelve pages, some disbinding residue at the spine of the back leaf, good condition.
1874 Red River War... Nelson A. Miles...
Item #702104
September 10, 1874
NEW YORK HERALD, September 10, 1874
* Red River War
* Nelson A. Miles
* Native Americans - Indians
The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "THE RED RIVER FIGHT" with subheads. (see images)
Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, nice condition.
A gift for your barber...
Item #702081
February 01, 1831
RHODE ISLAND AMERICAN & GAZETTE, Providence, Feb. 1, 1831
* Early barber shop advertisement
Page 3 has a very interesting illustrated advertisement for a barber, with text on the service he provides including; "...to know where to cut and where to leave the hair so as to hide as much as possible all deformity of the head..." (see).
Four pages, rejoined at the spine, tape... See More
An uncommon title...
Item #702036
May 01, 1889
THE AGENTS' HERALD, Philadelphia, May, 1889 An eclectic newspaper with a wide variety of articles. The back page is quite decorative, taken up with portraits of all Presidents from 1789 thru 1889.
Sixteen pages, 10 3/4 by 15 1/2 inches, minor margin wear, good condition.
Details of a horrible crime... Thomas Edison & P. T. Barnum...
Item #702034
June 15, 1878
ST. LOUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT, June 15, 1878 The top of the ftpg. has column heads: "SENT TO SEE SATAN" "The Revolting Alliance Formed by Fiendish Quartet" "A Farmer & His Voluptuous Wife Their Victims" '"How the Latter Gave Battle to the Lecherous Brutes" "Three of Whom Expiated Their Crime on the Gallows". The article takes nearly ... See More
Still with the original outer wrappers...
Item #701990
May 11, 1850
NEW ENGLAND FARMER, Boston, May 11, 1850 Although this farming-themed title has rather mundane content, its interest is in it still having the original, brown outer wrappers it had when sold on the streets. Wrappers were almost always removed when bound into annual volumes.
Complete in 16 pages plus 8 pages of front & back wrappers, 7 1/4 by 11 inches, never bound nor trimmed, very nice... See More
Kentucky's Mammoth Cave... Trading with Indians...
Item #701864
October 07, 1876
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Oct. 7, 1876 Inside contains a full page print: "American Sketches: Indians At A Hide-Trader's Hut" as well as: "American Sketches: The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky - The Mammoth Dome" and another half page: "The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky - The Gothic Gallery" which has a related article.
Twenty-four pages, great condition.... See More
Early print of the New York Stock Exchange...
Item #701736
September 10, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 10, 1881 The full front page is a print by W. A. Rogers: "An Anxious Night in the Cabinet Room".
Inside includes a full page print: "Excursion of Five Points Children and Their Mothers". A nice full page print of the inside of "The New York Stock Exchange".
Doublepage centerfold has ten prints of: "The Exportation of C... See More
Death of President Garfield...
Item #701735
October 01, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 1, 1881
* President James A. Garfield
* Prints - illustrations re. death
The entire front page is a Thomas Nast print showing the Liberty figure weeping over a memorial to President James Garfield.
A three-quarters page print: 'President Arthur Taking the Oath at his Private Residence".
Other prints include a full page: "Last Hono... See More
Displayable football print...
Item #701731
November 05, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 5, 1881 The prime print in this issue is the doublepage centerfold, which is one of the best football centerfolds of the19th century to be had.
The doublepage is captioned: "A Game of Foot-Ball---A 'Scrummage' at the Close" which was drawn by the famed artist A. B. Frost. Very displayable as such. This print has 3 small binding holes dow... See More
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph...
Item #701605
December 22, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Dec. 22, 1877
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* The phonograph invented
* Best title to have this in ?
Page 2 has an extremely significant article headed: The Talking Phonograph" which begins: "Mr. Thomas Edison recently came into our office, placed a little machine on our desk, turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we ... See More
Swedenborgianism... of Johnny Appleseed fame...
Item #701566
December 03, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 3, 1858 Page 2 has: "RELIGIOUS HISTORY - Chronicles of Religious Sects in the United States". This is the 34rd installment in the series with a focus on Swedenborgianism which were based on the doctrines of Emanuel Swedenborg. The article is lengthy taking 2 1/2 columns and provides details of their founding and beliefs. Quite interesting. Note: Johnny Applesee... See More
Uncommon woman suffrage paper from Toledo...
Item #701530
December 01, 1877
THE BALLOT BOX, Toledo, Ohio, December, 1877
* Rare Woman's suffrage publication
A quite rare women's suffrage newspaper which lasted just two years under this title. It is mentioned in Mott's History of American Magazines.
Mott notes that this publication was financed in part by Susan B. Anthony, and that having failed with "The Woman's Campaign" she: "... See More
The yacht 'America' wins the first of what will become the America's Cup race...
Item #701518
August 25, 1851
THE TIMES, London, Aug. 25, 1851
* 1st America's Cup
* Yacht "America" wins
Nearly half of page 5 is taken up with very detailed accounts of: "The Cowes Regatta" in England, which would become known as the famed America's Cup race.
This was the very first of this iconic race, and since won by the yacht "America" it would forever become known as t... See More
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Lexington & Concord...
Item #701475
April 16, 1875
NEW YORK HERALD, April 16, 1875 In celebrating the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Revolutionary War, with the Battle of Lexington & Concord, this newspaper includes on page 3 two illustrations captioned: "First Blood at Lexington" and: "First Blood at Concord".
Plus there is much text with column heads: "WHO FIRED IT?" "We Mean 'The Shot... See More
1883 Alfred Packer cannibalism trial...
Item #701362
April 14, 1883
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 14, 1883
* Alfred Packer trial
* Saguache, Colorado
* Cannibalism - murders
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 3 has an brief article headed: "The Trial of Packer" See image for text here.
This issue is not fragile as newsprint back then was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to re... See More
Slavery ads...
Item #701331
August 06, 1828
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 1828 The front page has 3 slave-related ads including: "Slaves Wanted" and: "For Sale, A Negro Man aged about 26 years...". Page 3 has a: "Fifty Dollars Reward" for a runway, with much detail.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, nice condition.
Six scenes of New Zealand...
Item #701245
July 04, 1891
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, July 4, 1891 Among the many prints within is a nice full page, with six scenes, captioned: "Pelorus Sound And Goldfields of Mahakipawa, Marlborough, New Zealand".
A wealth of other prints as well.
Complete in 32 pages, slightly irregular at the spine from disbinding, very nice condition.
Fruit gathering in California...
Item #701244
September 26, 1891
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Sept. 26, 1891 Among the many prints within is a very nice full page captioned; "Fruit Gathering In California" which also includes an inset: print "Sun Drying Peaches and Apricots". Unusual to find prints ofd California in a 19th century British magazine.
Complete in 32 pages, great condition.
Great farming print of Manitoba...
Item #701243
October 24, 1891
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Oct. 24, 1891 Among the many prints within is a very nice, doublepage centerfold captioned: "Canadian North-West Farming: Reaping the Harvest in Manitoba", Canada.
Complete in 32 pages, great condition.
Death by duel of naval hero Stephen Decatur...
Item #701219
March 25, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 25, 1820
* Stephen Decatur killed (1st report)
* United States Navy commodore
* Duel vs. James Barron
The ftpg. has an article with small head: "Melancholy Occurrence" which begins: "A duel was fought on Wednesday...between the victor of the Macedonian, Com. Decatur, and com. Barron who commanded the Chesapeake frigate...Th... See More
Yellow Fever epidemic in 1873 Memphis...
Item #701204
November 01, 1873
* Yellow fever - jack outbreak
* Memphis, Tennessee epidemic
The top of page 4 has a one column heading: "AFFLICTED MEMPHIS" with subhead. (see images) Text takes up almost 2 full columns.
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, nice condition.
Mormon state in New Mexico ?......
Item #701072
April 27, 1876
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, April 27, 1876
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Emigration to New Mexico
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 4 has an editorial headed: "A Mormon State" See images for text here.
This issue is not fragile as newsprint back then was made of cotton and linen rags, allowing them to remain very pliable and easy... See More
The Mormons have abandoned Salt Lake City...
Item #701071
July 15, 1858
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 15, 1858
* Brigham Young - Mormons - Mormonism
* Salt Lake City evacuated - Utah War ending
Page 3 has: "The Latest From Utah--The Mormons Abandoning Salt Lake" which notes in part: "...Young and the rest of the Mormons...had evacuated the city and gone south to Provo. The city looked almost completely deserted. Peace... See More
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