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Beginning of the Republican Party: John Fremont becomes their first Presidential candidate...
Item #704325
June 26, 1856
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 26, 1856
* Republican Party is formed
* John C. Fremont nomination
* 1st nominated for United States president
A very historic issue for the Republican party as it reports their first Presidential candidate, John Fremont.
This new political party, founded just two years previous, held the prohibition of slavery as the principal issue of their platform.
T... See More
Pittsburgh & the steel industry in 1880...
Item #704288
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, December, 1880 This issue is replete with interesting stories and news events with many related prints, too many to photograph.Featured is a lengthy article: "The City of Pittsburgh" which includes 17 prints of scenes of the city & the steel industry. Stephen Foster as well.
Complete in 160 pages, 6 1/2 by 9 1/4 inches, disbound without... See More
Focused on the history of Haverhill, Mass...
Item #704285
July 03, 1890
250TH ANNIVERSARY OF YE ANCIENTE TOWN OF HAVERHILL, Massachusetts, July 2 & 3, 1890 Yeah, this is not a bonafide newspaper, but rather a special publication devoted to the celebration of the 250 years of this historic town. And that was over 130 years ago!
The entire issue is focused on the early history of the town with serveral photos of the founding fathers, some maps, buildings, etc... See More
The Spanish-American War...
Item #704266
July 26, 1898
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, July 26, 1898 The front page is dominated by a map headed: "THE SIEGE OF MANILA" with insets of Brig. Gen,. Francis V. Greene, and Gen. Thos. M. Anderson.
Front page one column reads include: "Hurrying Troops On To Porto Rico" "No Trouble In Embarking" "Soldiers Gather at Newport News" "Not To Santiago But Porto... See More
Reinventing the English language...
Item #704265
October 12, 1850
WECLI FONETIC ADVOCET, Sinsinati, O., Octobur 12, 1850
* Rare publication
[Weekly Phonetic Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio] This is one of the more curious newspapers of the 19th century.
During this time there was a movement afoot to create a new mode of writing & spelling: to spell words as they sounded, phonetically. Obviously it never caught on, but it did result in this unusual ne... See More
Creating billiard balls...
Item #704251
March 04, 1865
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 4, 1865
* Early billiards - pool - snooker
The front page features a nice print of a: "Lathe For Turning Billiard Balls" with a lengthy article taking over one-third of the page. A nice issue for any billiards or pool collector.
Inside has an illustrated article: "Allen's Supporter For Fractured Legs".
Sixteen pages, nice c... See More
Famous utterance of the 19th century: "Liberty and Union, now and for ever, one and inseparable!"
Item #704247
March 06, 1830
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 6, 1830
* Daniel Webster: "...liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"
Daniel Webster was a leading American statesman during the nation's antebellum period. Webster's desire to see the Union preserved and conflict averted led him to search out compromises designed to stave off the sectionalism that threat... See More
A 1871 Jewish view of Jesus...
Item #704236
February 26, 1871
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 26, 1871
* Jewish perspective of Jesus - Jews
* Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise lecture
The back page contains a fascinating article under the heading: "The Origin Of Christianity" "Rev. Dr. Wise, of Cincinnati, on the Apostle Paul--The Religion of Jesus from a Jewish Point of View" beginning: "The last of an interesting series of lectures by Rev.... See More
President Tyler's address to Congress...
Item #704234
June 01, 1841
* Special session message to Congress
* Shortly after William Henry Harrison's death
* General affairs of the country
* President John Tyler
Most of page 2 is taken up with: "The President's Message" to Congress.
Typically the President gives a state-of-the-union address near the end of the year, ... See More
A rare title from the Dakota Territory...
Item #704232
April 02, 1884
THE INTER STATE, Gary, Dakota, April 2, 1884
* Very rare publication
* Deuel County, South Dakota
A very rare territorial newspaper from what is present-day South Dakota, five years before statehood. They refer to themselves as the "Gate City of Dakota" as it is situated at the eastern border of the Territory, very close to Minnesota. At the 2010 census the population of Gar... See More
Wild Bill Hickok...
Item #704224
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, (New York), February, 1867 * Wild Bill Hickok
* Folklore hero of Old West
* Gunfighter & scout
Featured on the front page is a great full-figure print of "Wild Bill" Hickok, one of the most notable names from the Old West who was very much a legend in his own time.
Such a print of him is rarely found in newspapers or magazines, and in... See More
First mention of skiing in an American newspaper? Barnum's paper...
Item #704191
March 19, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, March 19, 1853 P.T. Barnum was the co-owner of this early illustrated newspaper which preceded both "Leslie's Illustrated" and "Harper's Weekly". These latter two ultimately becoming immensely more successful. This effort by Barnum and the Beach brothers would last but 48 issues.
Although an illustrated newspaper, perhaps the most nota... See More
Yosemite diagram and discoveries...
Item #704187
October 18, 1865
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 18, 1865
* Very early Yosemite description w/ diagram
The front page has a detailed, column-wide diagram and a wonderful account of a visit the Yosemite Valley and surrounding region: "From The Missouri To The Pacific...XVI" "Yosemite--Its Discovery--Our Party--View From Inspiration Point--Entering the Valley" & more.
The report begins: &... See More
Rare graphic issue on "Uncle Tom's Cabin"...
Item #704179
August 02, 1856
* Uncle Tom's Cabin reading
* Mrs. Mary E. Webb illustration
Inside has a nice article: "Dramatic Reading by a Coloured Native of Philadelphia" accompanied by a print of her captioned: "Mrs. Mary E. Webb (A Coloured Native of Philadelphia) Reading 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' in the Hall of Stafford-House".... See More
Jesse & Frank James captured ?
Item #704175
January 29, 1875
NEW YORK TIMES, January 29, 1875
* Jesse & Frank James boys
* Outlaws - deperadoes - gang
* Raid on family home
The front page has an interesting--yet false--report headed: "The Capture of The James Boys" which has various subheads including: "Statement of The Mother...She Declares the Boys Were Not in the House at the Time--Marks of A Desperate Fight".
Belie... See More
The President addresses the discovery of gold in California...
Item #704174
December 07, 1848
* President James K. Polk
* State of the Union Address
* Discovery of California gold
All of the front page & most of page 2 are taken up with the "PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE!" being the annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type: James K. Polk.
Within his message, and on the front page, he devotes much space to Californ... See More
A very early baseball board game...
Item #704172
December 08, 1866
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Dec. 8, 1866 The full front page has 3 prints of: "Laying the Corner Stone of the New Masonic Temple at Baltimore, Maryland.
Inside has a fascinating half print of: "The New & Beautiful Parlor Divertisement of Base-Ball" showing a family playing a board game themed on baseball. There is also a related article: "The Parlor Gam... See More
Creating a Jewish city in the Niagara River...
Item #704169
September 24, 1825
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 24, 1825
* Jewish city creation
* Grand Island, New York
* Niagara River
One of the articles on an inside page reads in its entirety: "The ceremony of laying the corner stone, of what is to be a city of the Jews, on Grand Island, N.Y. took place on the 14th instant, and Mr. Noah, editor of the New York National Advocate, governor and judge of Isra... See More
Abraham Lincoln the inventor - a buoying apparatus...
Item #704122
December 01, 1860
* Invention by Abraham Lincoln
* Buoying vessels over shoals
Page 4 has a great article headed: "The President Elect's Mode of Buoying Vessels" which also includes a nice illustration of the device captioned: "Abraham Lincoln's Apparatus For Buoying Vessels." (see).
The text, taking most of a column, ... See More
Charged with piracy...
Item #704091
June 12, 1819
THE UNION, Philadelphia, June 12, 1819 Page 3 has an article: "Piracy" noting in part: "Nathaniel White, who was acquitted in December last of the charge of murder...was arraigned...on the charge of being an accessor to the crime of piracy...To this charge he pleaded guilty..." with more.
Four pages, evening toning, some foxing near the margins, good condition.... See More
Terrific, lengthy account of the Battle of Tippecanoe...
Item #704018
January 08, 1812
* Battle of Tippecanoe
* William Henry Harrison
This issue contains one of the most detailed, lengthy accounts of the battle of Tippecanoe we have seen in a newspaper, taking 1 1/2 columns on the front page and almost the entirety of page 2.
The letter is datelined Vincennes, 18th Nov. 1811, is signed in type by the commander: W... See More
1875 Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania fire disaster...
Item #703996
May 21, 1875
* Osceola Mills, Pennsylvania
* Fire conflagration disaster
The top of the page has a one column heading: "Fires In Pennsylvania" with subhead: "Osceola, Penn., Destroyed" See image for text here.
Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, nice condition.
The Monroe Doctrine...
Item #703927
December 06, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 6, 1823
* The complete Monroe Doctrine
* United States foreign policy
An inside page has the "President's Message" being James Monroe's annual address to Congress. Part of his message contains the historic language warning European powers not to get involved in any affairs in the western hemisphere. This direc
... See More
* The complete Monroe Doctrine
* United States foreign policy
An inside page has the "President's Message" being James Monroe's annual address to Congress. Part of his message contains the historic language warning European powers not to get involved in any affairs in the western hemisphere. This direc
Incredible large color print (1867) - perfect for the beer connoisseur...
Item #703921
October 05, 1867
SUPPLEMENT TO THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Oct. 5, 1867 This is a terrific and quite rare full color print captioned: "Hop Picking" - a woodblock print in multiple color pressings. This foldout has an image measuring 16 1/4 by 21 3/4 inches, with the entire print with borders measuring 20 1/2 by 26 3/4 inches. This print is rarely available as it was typically removed from... See More
As America takes over at New Orleans...
Item #703901
December 24, 1803
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 24, 1803 The front page has an editorial headed: "Louisiana" which seems to be critical of the recent purchase.
A page 2 item from "New Orleans" says: "...It is expected that the troops, under Gen. Wilkinson are now on their way to take possession of the territory of which this city is the capital. There are no accounts of any seriou... See More
Anti-Republican political cartoons on the front page...
Item #703839
July 27, 1872
POMEROY'S DEMOCRAT, New York, July 27, 1872
* Anti Republican Party cartoons (elephant)
* Horace Greeley & Ulysses S. Grant
The newspaper publisher, Marcus M. Pomeroy, was staunchly against the administration of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, and his newspaper's title identifies his political leanings.
The front page features a political cartoon mocking Horace Gre... See More
Prints of Lowell, Massachusetts...
Item #703835
April 26, 1856
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, April 26, 1856
* Lowell, Massachusetts scenes
The front page features a print of: "The New Addition to the Boston State House" with a related article.
Other prints include: "Boston Railroad Depot, Lowell, Mass." "Junction of the Concord & Merrimac Rivers, Lowell, Mass." "Court House, Lowell" and: "View o... See More
Early reports on pending troubles in Texas...
Item #703832
November 11, 1835
WORCESTER REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Nov. 11, 1835 The front page has: "TEXAS" which begins: "The Despotic determination of Santa Anna to invade Texas and either capture or destroy the settlers in that province, must inevitably lead to a civil war..." with more. Then a short item "Texas" notes: "Every thing relating to the pending revolution in Teas is of d... See More
Franklin Pierce's son killed shortly before his father's inauguration...
Item #703829
January 13, 1853
THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Jan. 13, 1853
* President-elect Franklin Pierce
* Son Benjamin train accident death
Page 3 has an unfortunate report taking half a column headed: "Obsequies of Master Benjamin Pierce" beginning: "Yesterday forenoon the funeral ceremonies over the remains of Master Benjamin Pierce, only son of the President elect, were performed...&quo... See More
Very lengthy on the sea monsters...
Item #703716
September 24, 1817
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 24, 1817
* Sea serpents - monsters
The front page has an unusually lengthy article headed; "The Sea Monster" followed by another titled: "Sea Serpent". Page 2 has: "The President's Return".
Four pages, a strong mid-fold with wear, a small archival mend along the left spine, but otherwise nice.... See More
Lincoln steps upon the national stage... The Cooper Union speech...
Item #703677
February 28, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln address
* Cooper Institute Union speech
* New York City
The front page has over five columns devoted to coverage of this famous speech which is headed: "NATIONAL POLITICS" "A Speech Delivered at the Cooper Institute Last Evening, by Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois".
At this point Lincoln had not declared... See More
The first state-of-the-union address to be read to Congress in Washington...
Item #703666
December 11, 1799
* President John Adams
* State of the Union Address
* 1st at the U.S. Capitol in D.C.
Page 3 has the full text of President John Adams' state of the union address and is signed in type: JOHN ADAMS.
This was the first state-of-the-union address to be given before the joint session of Congress at the United States ... See More
Spiritualism, mediums exposed in 1884...
Item #703486
May 26, 1884
ST. LOUIS DAILY GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, May 26, 1884
* Spiritualists - mediums - seances
* Clairvoyant - seer exposed
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "A SHAM SEANCE" with subheads. (see images) Text takes up over a full column.
Complete in 10 pages, nice condition.... See More
Ku Klux Klan in 1871 South Carolina...
Item #703470
October 23, 1871
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 23, 1871
* Ku Klux Klan - KKK outrages
* Spartansburg County SC South Carolina
The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "Martial Law In South Carolina" with subheads. (see images) Another related article on the same page also has a one column heading: "National Colored Convention" with subheads.
Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, n... See More
The murder of Jennie Cramer... The arrest of Blanche Douglass...
Item #703402
August 13, 1881
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 13, 1881
* The murder of Jennie E. Cramer
* "The Elm City Tragedy" - New Haven's "Beautiful Victim"
* Blanche Douglass arrested
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "JENNIE CRAMER'S DEATH" with subheads. (see images) This article provides coverage of the murder of Jennie E. Cramer (see background below).
... See More
Animals in the Adirondacks... Logging in Wisconsin...
Item #703245
February 28, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 28, 1885 The front page shows a horse-drawn sleigh in the snow.
Among prints inside are a fullpg: 'The Storm on Coney Island'; very nice fullpg: 'Evicted Tenants of the Adirondacks' showing a moose, wolverine, beaver, panther, wolf & elk, and is displayable.
Also a fullpg: 'Logging in Northern Wisconsin'; nice fullpg: '... See More
Turkey hunting... The New Orleans Exposition...
Item #703242
January 10, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 10, 1885 The front page features a very nice dockside scene: 'The New Orleans Exposition--Arrivals At The Levee'. Plus there are two additional full page prints on the New Orleans Exposition.
Half page print: "'Yelping' Up Wild Turkeys" and: "Studies of Mr. Crowley - The Chimpanzee in the Central Park Menagerie".
Al... See More
A trip to the Lycoming Valley in Pennsylvania, with a coal mine experience...
Item #703147
June 05, 1874
THE EVENING POST, Semi-Weekly, New York, June 5, 1874 The front page has nearly a full column taken up with: "THE LYCOMING VALLEY" "Ralston and Mount McIntire" "A List To A Coal Mine".
The text describes a train trip from New York City to the mentioned region in Pennsylvania.
Four pages, large folio size, minor foxing, nice condition. Folder size noted is for ... See More
Exploring the Yellowstone... Westward expansion...
Item #703105
January 15, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 15, 1820
* Yellowstone expedition - American frontier
Certainly the best is the lengthy report headed: "Expedition to the Yellow Stone" which has some great detail on this expedition, which is a very early report. The text takes over 3 pages and includes a half pg. chart headed: "Statement Showing the Movement of the Troops com... See More
Battle of Talladega... Andy Jackson & Wm. H. Harrison...
Item #703064
January 11, 1814
THE WAR, New York, Jan. 11, 1814 On the front page under "Battle Of Talledega" is a dispatch about this battle, signed in type: Andrew Jackson. Included is a list of the killed and wounded. The balance of the front page is filled with war-related news.
Inside has a lengthy letter concerning murders committed by Indians, signed in type: Wm. H. Harrison; &quo
... See More
Inside has a lengthy letter concerning murders committed by Indians, signed in type: Wm. H. Harrison; &quo
Johnny Appleseed - Swedenborgian missionary... West Indies...
Item #702926
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, Nov., 1871 The issue has a 7-page article regarding the beloved Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman), the Swedenborgian missionary, headed: "Johnny Appleseed - A Pioneer Hero", which features multiple illustrations.Also within the issue is: "A New England Village"; "Rambles in the West Indies"; and more.
Complete in 150... See More
Rare and early title from Honolulu...
Item #702904
February 22, 1845
THE POLYNESIAN, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, Feb. 22, 1845
* Very rare 19th century Hawaiian publication
One of the earliest newspapers we have offered from Hawaii, and fourteen years earlier than the few of this title we offered in recent years.
The "first series" of this title existed for just 1 1/2 years from 1840 to 1841. It proved unprofitable and was shut down. Th... See More
America declares war against Spain...
Item #702885
April 23, 1898
THE GLOBE, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, April 25, 1898
* Spanish-America War begins
* United States declares war
A nice & unusual graphic in this issue with a front page illustration captioned: "Entrance To Havana Harbor" showing Morro Castle with the ship La Punta. The front have also has column heads with the historic: "DECLARATION OF WAR" "The Messag... See More
The Gold Rush in California... Early from the capital of Florida...
Item #702880
April 14, 1849
THE FLORIDIAN & JOURNAL, Tallahassee, April 14, 1849
* Early California gold rush report
* Rare title from pre-civil war Florida
Page 3 has: "Interesting From California" which takes over a full column with various news items from the gold region. Some bits include: "...The whole of Lower California was deserted by the men who had gone North to the placer. When Mr.... See More
Ratifying "Seward's Folly"...
Item #702873
April 10, 1867
SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, April 10, 1867
* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly
* William H. Seward - Russia
* Votes for ratification - success
Page 4 has a somewhat inconspicuous yet very historic report headed: "Washington" "Special Dispatch to the Republican" "The Purchase of Russia-America". The report mentions there were votes aga... See More
Outlaw Sam Perris escapes from the local jail...
Item #702872
April 06, 1872
WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Massachusetts, April 6, 1872
* Samuel 'Worcester Sam' Perris
* burglar, safe cracker and bank robber
* Jail escape - best title to have
Page 2 has a half column article headed: "Local Matters" "A DARING ESCAPE" "Sam Perris at Liberty" "How He Broke Jail". This is the notorious bank robbery 'Worcester' ... See More
Mark Twain re: Bermuda... "Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion"...
Item #702800
THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, New York, Oct. 1877 - Jan. 1878* Mark Twain's 4-part series
* "Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion"
* 4-month (complete) set
By far the most notable content is the four-part series by Mark Twain written for The Atlantic Monthly: "Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion". This serialized "story" is concerning a trip he too... See More
The First Barbary War...
Item #702755
February 05, 1806
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Feb. 5, 1806 The front page, and page 2 contain a great wealth of information & reporting concerning the First Barbary War, which includes a; "Message" signed by the President: Th. Jefferson.
Four pages, nice condition.
Missouri Compromise approved: Missouri can create a Constitution & join the Union...
Item #702744
March 28, 1820
NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT & STATE GAZETTE, Concord, March 28, 1820 As a result of the recent approval of the historic Missouri Compromise (March 3), the front page has: "Laws Of The Union" including: "AN ACT to authorize the people of Missouri Territory to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the admission of such State into the Union, on an equal footing wit... See More
Thomas Jefferson... Thoughts of abolishing the Navy?
Item #702743
March 20, 1802
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 20, 1802 The front page begins with an Act of Congress signed in script type by the President: Th. Jefferson, and in block type by the Vice Pres. Aaron Burr.
Page 2 has another Act concerning the organization of the courts of the United States, signed in script: Th. Jefferson. There is also a brief letter from the President to Congress signed; Th. Jefferson... See More
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