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Web Results (156)



The indian war of 1868/1869... Baron James De Rothschild...

Item #173258

December 05, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 5, 1868 The front page of this issue features a nearly full page portrait of "The Late Baron James De Rothschild", with an accompanying article [Note: at the time of his death, the Jewish Baron was estimated to have amassed a fortune, separate from his family holdings, valued at more than five times the wealth of Bill Gates]. Inside is a 1/2 pg. il... See More  

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Whipping post in New Castle, Delaware... Negro newsboys in Richmond...

Item #173260

December 12, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 12, 1868  The frontpage of this issue is of 'The Whipping Post and Pillory at New Castle, Delaware'.  An article "H. Rives Pollard" also features an illustration of him.  A nearly 1/2 page illustration entitled "Scene of the Philadelphia tragedy, Corner of Tenth and Pine Streets"  A halfpage 'Alaska--Interi... See More  

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General Custer attacks the Cheyenne... Ku-Klux Klan...

Item #173262

December 19, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 19, 1868 The frontpage of this issue features "The 'Kelly Medal'" which shows the front and back of the medal as well as a 1/2 page illustration of the "Presentation of the 'Kelly Medal' at the Public Grammar-School No. 45, New York City".  An article "Burning of Fort Lafayette" also features two  1/3 i... See More  

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Indian prisoners captured by General Custer...

Item #173264

December 26, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 26, 1868  The front of the issue is of a 1/2 page illustration entitled "Winter Sports-Fishing for Pickerel Through the Ice." Inside is a full page illustration of "The Steamboat Disaster on the Ohio River, Near Warsaw, Kentucky, December 4, 1868." which also has the accompanying front page article regarding the collisions of the ste... See More  

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Moments in American History II

Item #180111
Moments in American History II - 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s Each set contains 5 issues, one from each decade shown, providing news of the day, advertisements, etc., revealing a great snapshot of life as it was actually occurring. All issues are from major American cities, providing national news coverage. This is set 2 of a 5 part collection.

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Item #152215

June 02, 1868

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, June 2, 1868 Ftpg. has: "Grant And Colfax" "The Letters Of Acceptance". Includes Grant's letter accepting the nomination which is signed in type: U. S. Grant, as well as a letter of acceptance signed in type by Schuyler Colfax. Excellent condition.

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