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Christmas Eve and Christmas shopping...
Item #704557
December 23, 1882
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 23, 1882 The full front page is a poem with 3 Christmas-themed prints.
Inside has a nice full page print: "Quincy Market, Boston"; a half page: "Testing the Roof of the Bergen Tunnel"; a full page: "Christmas-Eve" and full page: "Christmas Shopping'" shows a busy street scene.
Another full page print: "... See More
Christmas "Extra" edition of a Charles Dickens magazine...
Item #704554
December 25, 1858
A HOUSE TO LET, Being the Extra Christmas Number of "Household Words, Conducted by Charles Dickens", Christmas, 1858
This is a special "Extra" issue of Dickens' famous magazine "Household Words. Complete in 36 pages, 6 by 9 1/4 inches, very nice condition.
Emma Cunningham & the Burdell murder...
Item #704551
August 06, 1857
* Emma Cunningham
* Dr. Harvey Burdell
* Murder case
The front page has an article headed: "THE BOGUS BURDELL BABY" with subheads. (see images) Lengthy text takes up nearly the entire front page.
Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise nice.... See More
1874 Charley Ross kidnapping...
Item #704548
November 18, 1875
* 4 year old boy - Charley Ross kidnapping - FOUND ?
* 1st American for ransom in U.S. (media coverage)
Page 2 has an report headed: "Charley Ross" "He Is Probably Found At Last..." and more. (see images)
Complete with 4 pages, nice condition.
Edgar Allan Poe's mother in an acting role...
Item #704534
December 04, 1806
BOSTON GAZETTE, Dec. 4, 1806 The top of page 3 under "Boston Theatre" is a notice for the performance of "The Romp: Or, A Cure For The Spleen", with Mrs. Poe playing the role of "Priscilla Tomboy, the Romp". She was the mother of Edgar Allan Poe.
Four pages, very nice, clean condition.
Confessing to the murders... Bringing Christ to the women of Whitechapel...
Item #704520
October 26, 1888
THE TIMES, London, England, Oct. 26, 1888 "Jack the Ripper" reports were common in the latter half of 1888, capturing the interest of people on both sides of the Atlantic as evidenced by the reports in many newspapers in the United States. It was the international "sensation" of the era, and a case which was never conclusively solved. Not surprisingly, issues of the respe... See More
Broadside stock market price list...
Item #704518
June 01, 1898
Supplement To THE WALL STREET DAILY NEWS, New York, June 1, 1898 "A Daily Journal Devoted to Financial Interests" as noted in the masthead, but rather than being the typical newspaper, this is the monthly broadside (printed on one side only)chart noting: '"Highest & Lowest Prices and Total Sales of Stocks at New York Stock Exchange for May, 1898."
A great di... See More
Great Chicago Fire issue in a Chicago newspaper...
Item #704514
October 18, 1871
THE CHICAGO TIMES, Oct. 18, 1871 A terrific issue from shortly after the disastrous fire which destroyed much of the city, and while it was beginning to recover.
The first column heads include: "THE FIRE" "A Resume of the Great Calamity" "Detailed Account of Its Origin and Progress" "The Destructive Advance of the Flames Through the City" "Scenes... See More
From Elko, Nevada, on the route to the Gold Rush...
Item #704510
December 02, 1871
THE ELKO INDEPENDENT, Nevada, Dec. 2, 1871 This town had a population of about 2000 during the late 19th century. Situated along the Humboldt River, Elko was along the route traveled by the ill-fated Donner Party and the many who ventured to the California hills in search of gold during the 1849 gold rush. Completion of the Central Pacific Railroad gave the "official" birth to the ... See More
Early and rare from Florida... Start of the Mexican War...
Item #704508
May 16, 1846
THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, May 16, 1846 Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, seven years before the Civil War.
The key content in this is breaking news headlines on page 3 from the start of the Mexican War: "From The Army" "Glorious News!" "G... See More
The first bridge to span Niagara Falls...
Item #704504
February 17, 1849
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Feb. 17, 1849 The most interesting print is a nearly half page view captioned: "Construction Of The Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge--Basket Ferry & Temporary Towers". This was the very first bridge over Niagara Falls, this print showing the early stages of the construction showing the: "...basket ferry and temporary towers". This prin... See More
First mention of skiing in an American newspaper? Barnum's paper...
Item #704500
March 19, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, March 19, 1853 P.T. Barnum was the co-owner of this early illustrated newspaper which preceded both "Leslie's Illustrated" and "Harper's Weekly". These latter two ultimately becoming immensely more successful. This effort by Barnum and the Beach brothers would last but 48 issues.
Although an illustrated newspaper, perhaps the most nota... See More
Detailed report on the in-coming "Lincoln Regime"...
Item #704497
January 15, 1861
NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 15, 1861 The front page has a nice stack of column heads on the coming Civil War including: "THE REVOLUTION" "Arrival of Messengers from South Carolina & Fort Sumter at Washington" "The Fort Not to be Reinforced" "The Sale of Arms to Secessionists Declared Treasonable" "The Crisis Regarded as a Divine Judgment" and m... See More
A Jewish view of Jesus...
Item #704493
February 26, 1871
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 26, 1871 The back page contains a fascinating article under the heading: "The Origin Of Christianity" "Rev. Dr. Wise, of Cincinnati, on the Apostle Paul--The Religion of Jesus from a Jewish Point of View" beginning: "The last of an interesting series of lectures by Rev. Dr. Wise, of Cincinnati, an eminent Jewish rabbi, on the origin of Christiani... See More
Death of General Macomb... Mormons arriving from Quebec, bound for Illinois...
Item #704486
July 10, 1841
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, July 10, 1841
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Immigrants to Illinois
* General Alexander Macomb
* United States Army officer
Page 3 has a lengthy account of a loss in the military: "...the melancholy intelligence of the exit of the distinguished ALEXANDER MACOMB, the late major general commanding-in-chief...". Included is a small graphic ... See More
Last sermon of Brigham Young before Utah... Nice on the capture of slave ships...
Item #704483
March 21, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 21, 1846 The front page has an editorial concerning the Mexican War: "Shall We Have Peace or War?" Page 3 has a report: "Slavers Captured" being an account of the capture of the slave ships Panther, Patuxent, and Pons. Note that although slavery continued until the Civil War, the importation of slaves was outlawed in 1808.
A... See More
Mormons in New Jersey... President Tyler vetos the Bank of the U.S. bill...
Item #704482
August 21, 1841
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 21, 1841
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Toms River & Hornerstown
* Monmouth Co. New Jersey
Inside has the lengthy: "Veto Message from the President of the United States, Returning, with his Objections, the bill to incorporate the Fiscal Bank of the United States" signed in type: John Tyler.
The back page has a brief item con... See More
Joseph Smith as a candidate for President...
Item #704481
May 18, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, May 18, 1844
* Mormons leader Joseph Smith
* Election campaign for president
* 1st presidential candidate to be killed
Page 2 has a report under: "Political--Presidential" which discusses the various candidates for the presidency. Included in the discussion is mention of Joseph Smith, leader of the Mormons.
It is not known by many to... See More
Mormons vs. the Anti-Mormons... On Iowa & Wisconsin joining the Union... The Mexican War...
Item #704480
September 19, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 19, 1846
* Illinois Mormon War - Mormonism
* Nauvoo, Hancock County
* Wisconsin & Iowa joining the Union
* Mexican-American War
Page 5 has a report headed: "States Ofd The Union - The New States--Iowa and Wisconsin" with reports on both. Iowa formally joined the Union in December, 1846, and Wisconsin not until May, 1848.
... See More
Report on the Mormon colony in Utah...
Item #704479
January 08, 1850
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 8, 1850
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Early Salt Lake City, Utah
The front page has: "From The Valley Of Salt Lake" which is an early report on the Mormons at their new home. Bits include: "...states that the Mormon colony at the Valley of the Salt Lake was in a prosperous and happy condition. The crops had been abundant...The Mo... See More
Creating the Naval Academy at Annapolis... Arresting Brigham Young...
Item #704478
January 31, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 31, 1846
* United States Naval Academy is born
* Brigham Young arrested - Mormons
Near the back is a nice article on the establishment of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, headed: "The Naval School At Annapolis", which includes: "It is generally understood that in September last the military post at Annapolis, Md., was vacated... See More
Dorr guilty of treason?...
Item #704477
June 25, 1842
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 25, 1842
* Dorr Rebellion - Rhode Island arsenal attack
* Governor Thomas Wilson Dorr
* Mormons in Hancock County, Illinois
Page 3 ha a report which is a follow-up to the Dorr Rebellion, noting in part: "...his charge to the grand jury alluded to the recent events in that state & defined particularly what constitutes the crime o... See More
Founding of the U.S. Naval Academy... Much on the Mormon War...
Item #704475
October 18, 1845
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 18, 1845
* United States Naval Academy founded
* Annapolis, Maryland - Navy Midshipmen
* Mormons War - Mormonism
An inside page has a very historic report on the official opening of the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
The report has a small heading: "The United States School of Midshipmen" and begins: &quo... See More
On repealing the Mormon charter in Illinois...
Item #704473
December 28, 1844
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 28, 1844
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Charter for the City of Nauvoo, Illinois
Page 3 has a report with a small heading: "The Mormons" which reads more like an editorial than a news report, bits including: "The Illinois House...have referred a bill repealing the Mormon charters to the Judiciary...It ought never to have bee... See More
First post-Civil War Thanksgiving Proclamation... Steamer St. John disaster....
Item #704451
October 30, 1865
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 30, 1865
* President Andrew Johnson
* Thanksgiving proclamation 147
* 1st after the end of the Civil War
Page 5 has coverage of the noteworthy/historic Thanksgiving Proclamation by President Andrew Johnson. The article is headed L"Thanksgiving For Peace" "Appointment of the First Thursday in December as a Day of National Thanksgiving"... See More
Preparation for a separation of the country... Nat Turner...
Item #704448
September 29, 1860
SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 29, 1860 Page 2 has: "The Presidency" 'Bubbles from the Great Political Cauldron" "...Threats of Disunion--Negro Insurrectionists Thirty Years Ago...".
The latter articles\ reflects upon Nat Turner's Rebellion and some comments on John Brown.
Four pages, a bit irregular at the blank spine, nice condition.
The Sharkey & Corbett boxing match...
Item #704447
November 23, 1898
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Michigan, Nov. 23, 1898
* Tom Sharkey vs. James J. Corbett
* Heavyweight boxing match - fight
* Lenox Athletic Club, New York
The front page has nearly a full column taken up on the historic boxing match between Tom Sharkey and James Corbett, including illustrations of both.
The one-column heads include: "SHARKEY THE VICTOR" "The despised Sail... See More
Rare mention of the Underground Railroad...
Item #704445
October 06, 1854
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 6, 1854
* Slavery - slaves - pre-Civil War tensions
* Rare "Underground Railroad" mention
The bottom of page 4 has small report with a rare mention of the Underground Railroad.
Because it was a secretive operation it is very difficult to find period accounts of its operation.
This article, from Lowville, New York, specifically has "underground r... See More
Focused on health issues before the Civil War...
Item #704428
November 09, 1831
THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH, "Conducted by an Association of Physicians" as printed in the masthead, Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1831 This title existed for just four years. Mott, in his "A History of American Magazines, 1741 - 1750" notes: "...It aimed to present 'plain precepts in easy style & language for the regulation of all the physical agents necessary to health..... See More
Thoughts towards reforming politics...
Item #704423
THE REFORMERS' GAZETTE, Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 18, 1832 A small periodical with a very ornate engraving in the masthead featuring a crown. This is a political piece focused on the reform of Scottish or British politics. Items in this issue include: "On the Revenues of the Crown" "Tory Tyranny!" "A Landlord Conduct Exposed" and more.Sixteen pages, 5 by 8 inches,... See More
A magazine devoted to shorthand...
Item #704418
June 22, 1868
STANDARD PHONOGRAPHIC VISITOR, New York, June 22, 1868 A very curious little periodical with a very decorative masthead themed on shorthand--unusual as such. "Phonography" was another word for a system of phonetic shorthand, invented by Sir Isaac Pitman in 1837. Included within are 12 pages of shorthand.
Twenty pages, 5 by 7 inches, great condition. ... See More
Magazine in the Welsh language...
Item #704417
January 01, 1838
SEREN GOMER, Carmarthen, Wales, no date is noted in English, but it's from 1838. A quite uncommon magazine from Wales, totally in the Welsh language. Although commonly spoken in the 19th century, its use had diminished in the 20th century. Efforts are being made to bring it back today.
Complete in 32 pages, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, very nice condition.
Complete in 32 pages, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, very nice condition.
Frederick Douglass gives a speech celebrating emancipation...
Item #704408
August 02, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 2, 1865
* Frederick Douglass speech
* Emancipation of Southern slaves
Page 5 begins with column heads: "THE NEGRO" "Celebration of the Thirty0-first Anniversary of West Indian Emancipation" "Great Gathering of Colored People at Myrtle Avenue Park" "Stirring Speeches by Prof. W. Howard Day and Fred. Douglas" "Interesti... See More
The very first official Memorial Day observance...
Item #704400
May 31, 1868
NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1868
* Very 1st Memorial Day observance
Page 10 begins with: "THE UNION DEAD" "Decorat5ion of the Graves of Soldiers at the Cemeteries" "Muster of the Veterans of the War" "Patriotic Addresses & Affecting Ceremonies" "In Memoriam".
The first national celebration of Memorial Day took place May 30, 1868, at ... See More
Slave ads & notices... California mining news...
Item #704384
September 26, 1850
THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Sept. 26, 1850
* Rare antebellum publication
* From the deep South
Newspapers from the pre-Civil War South are rather difficult to find. Here is one from Louisiana.
Among the many ads is one on the front page with heading: which notes in part: "The subscribers are prepared to receive, on consignment, for sale in this market, any number of slaves, h... See More
1875 Georgia Negroes insurrection...
Item #704377
September 02, 1875
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 2, 1875
* Negroes uprising - insurrection
* Sandersville & more, Georgia
The top of page 4 has a one column heading: "THE GEORGIA NEGROES" with subheads. (see images) Text takes up almost 2 full columns.
Complete with 12 pages, nice condition.
One of the earliest newspaper mentions of Lincoln to be had... Early Joeseph Smith mention...
Item #704359
August 12, 1837
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 12, 1837
* Very early mention of Abraham Lincoln
* Early Mormon & Joseph Smith mention
An inside page has a report headed "Illinois" being an account of activities in the state legislature, with an inconspicuous--yet very significant--listing of "Lincoln" in the "negative" column of those who voted on a spec... See More
Report of the murder of Joseph Smith in a British magazine...
Item #704358
September 01, 1844
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1844
* Joseph & Hyrum Smith murders
* Mormons - Mormonism founder
* Carthage, Illinois jail - lynch mob killing
Near the back under "Foreign News" is a report from the "United States" noting: "Joseph and Hiram Smith, the Mormon prophets, were murdered in June last, at Carthage in Illinois, by a mob of 60 o... See More
Rare, short-lived Texas newspaper from its first capital...
Item #704352
January 14, 1888
THE OLD CAPITOL, Columbia, Texas, Jan. 14, 1888
* Very rare 19th century Southwest publication
Yes, Columbia--now known as West Columbia--was the first formal capital of Texas, established in 1836. A quite rare title which existed for less than 2 years. Only one institution has a substantial holding of this title and its file is not complete.
Content includes: "TEXAS ITEMS" ... See More
News from the Spanish-American War...
Item #704349
July 19, 1898
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, July 19, 1898 Much front page reporting on the Spanish-American War with column heads including; "Augusti Refuses To Surrender" "Protection Is Promised" "Natives Are Ready To Attack" "LIBERAL LAWS FOR SANTIAGO" "President Instructs Shafter as to Government of the District" "MILES STARTS FOR PORTO RICO&q... See More
Eight-hour workday established in 1869...
Item #704342
May 22, 1869
* Eight-hour workday (government employees)
* President Ulysses S. Grant proclamation
Page 3 has an article headed: "WASHINGTON" "The Eight Hour Law Proclamation" "More Colored Office-Holders" and more signed in type: U.S. Grant (see images).
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, nice condition.... See More
1879 North Brookfield, Massachusetts...
Item #704340
May 07, 1886
* Worcester County
* 19th century original
A uncommon publication with news of the day and several interesting advertisements throughout.
Complete with 4 pages, light toning, minor wear at the folds, generally in good condition.
1889 Mardi Gras carnival ad...
Item #704332
February 18, 1889
THE DAILY PICAYUNE, New Orleans, February 18, 1889
* Mardi Gras carnival advertisement
This uncommon title from the deep South has news of the day with many advertisements. Page 4 has a advertisement for the upcoming Mardi Gras celebration headed: "The Carnival (Mardi Gras), March 5, 1889" (see images) Probably only found in a New Orleans publication, rare as such.
Complete in 8 ... See More
Beginning of the Republican Party: John Fremont becomes their first Presidential candidate...
Item #704325
June 26, 1856
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 26, 1856
* Republican Party is formed
* John C. Fremont nomination
* 1st nominated for United States president
A very historic issue for the Republican party as it reports their first Presidential candidate, John Fremont.
This new political party, founded just two years previous, held the prohibition of slavery as the principal issue of their platform.
T... See More
Pittsburgh & the steel industry in 1880...
Item #704288
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, December, 1880 This issue is replete with interesting stories and news events with many related prints, too many to photograph.Featured is a lengthy article: "The City of Pittsburgh" which includes 17 prints of scenes of the city & the steel industry. Stephen Foster as well.
Complete in 160 pages, 6 1/2 by 9 1/4 inches, disbound without... See More
Focused on the history of Haverhill, Mass...
Item #704285
July 03, 1890
250TH ANNIVERSARY OF YE ANCIENTE TOWN OF HAVERHILL, Massachusetts, July 2 & 3, 1890 Yeah, this is not a bonafide newspaper, but rather a special publication devoted to the celebration of the 250 years of this historic town. And that was over 130 years ago!
The entire issue is focused on the early history of the town with serveral photos of the founding fathers, some maps, buildings, etc... See More
The Spanish-American War...
Item #704266
July 26, 1898
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, July 26, 1898 The front page is dominated by a map headed: "THE SIEGE OF MANILA" with insets of Brig. Gen,. Francis V. Greene, and Gen. Thos. M. Anderson.
Front page one column reads include: "Hurrying Troops On To Porto Rico" "No Trouble In Embarking" "Soldiers Gather at Newport News" "Not To Santiago But Porto... See More
Reinventing the English language...
Item #704265
October 12, 1850
WECLI FONETIC ADVOCET, Sinsinati, O., Octobur 12, 1850
* Rare publication
[Weekly Phonetic Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio] This is one of the more curious newspapers of the 19th century.
During this time there was a movement afoot to create a new mode of writing & spelling: to spell words as they sounded, phonetically. Obviously it never caught on, but it did result in this unusual ne... See More
Creating billiard balls...
Item #704251
March 04, 1865
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 4, 1865
* Early billiards - pool - snooker
The front page features a nice print of a: "Lathe For Turning Billiard Balls" with a lengthy article taking over one-third of the page. A nice issue for any billiards or pool collector.
Inside has an illustrated article: "Allen's Supporter For Fractured Legs".
Sixteen pages, nice c... See More
Famous utterance of the 19th century: "Liberty and Union, now and for ever, one and inseparable!"
Item #704247
March 06, 1830
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 6, 1830
* Daniel Webster: "...liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"
Daniel Webster was a leading American statesman during the nation's antebellum period. Webster's desire to see the Union preserved and conflict averted led him to search out compromises designed to stave off the sectionalism that threat... See More
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