Web Results (514)



Affirmed wins triple crown...

Item #685234

June 11, 1978

THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, North Carolina, June 11, 1978

* Affirmed wins triple crown

* Belmont Stakes - horse racing

The front page has a three column photo with caption: "Affirmed--by a nose" with text. (see)

The front page of the sport's section (inside) has banner headline: "It's Affirmed again (by a nose)" with 2 related photos. First report coverage on Affirme... See More  

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Amelia Earhart lost in 1937...

Item #685179

July 04, 1937

THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 4, 1937.


* Amelia Earhart famous disappearance

* Searching the Pacific Ocean

The front page has a two column heading: "Amelia Earhart's Chance For Rescue Becomes Dim" with subhead. (see)

Complete 1st section only with 10 pages, light toning, a little margin wear with a few tiny tears, should be handled with care.... See More  

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Fugitive slaves... 1862 Savannah, Georgia martial law...

Item #684958

January 24, 1862

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, January 24, 1862

* Fugitive slaves

* Savannah, Georgia martial law

* New Bern, North Carolina

This Genuine newspaper has a Wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE RETURN OF FUGITIVE SLAVES", "The President's Position on the Question", "FROM... See More  

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Michael Jordan drafted by Bulls in 1984...

Item #684555

June 20, 1984

USA TODAY, June 20, 1984

* Michael Jordan's NBA draft

* Chicago Bulls professional basketball

* One of the biggest dynasties in sports is born

The front page of the sport's has reporting on the 1984 NBA draft which shows a small photo of Akeem Olajuwon and Sam Bowie, the first two picks. Within the report is mention of the first 5 picks with  text that includes: "...North... See More  

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The Mortara Case...

Item #683864

December 22, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 22, 1858  Page 3 has: "The Mortara Case" which concerns the Papal States' seizure of a six-year-old boy named Edgardo Mortara from his Jewish family in Bologna, on the basis of a former servant's testimony that she had administered an emergency baptism to the boy when he fell ill as an infant.

Also on page 3: "Jewish... See More  

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Helen Clevenger murder... Asheville NC...

Item #683495

July 18, 1936

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1936

* Helen Clevenger murder

* American college student

* Asheville, North Carolina

The front page has a one column heading: "SUSPECT IS HUNTED IN CO-ED'S MURDER" with subheads. (see) Coverage continues on page 6 with photo of Clevenger.

Complete with all 30 pages, rag edition in great condition.... See More  

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1943 Battle of Kursk begins...

Item #683480

July 07, 1943

WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, North Carolina, July 7, 1943

* Battle of Kursk begins

* Largest ever tank battle

* Operation Citadel

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a three column heading: "Big German Offensive Smashes Into 2 Sectors Near Belgorod" with subheads. (see)

Complete with 10 pages, light toning at the margins, small library label on the front page, generally nice.... See More  

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Operation Millennium Cologne Germany....

Item #683478

June 01, 1942

WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, Wilmington, North Carolina, June 1, 1942

* Cologne Germany 1,000 bomber raid

* Operation Millennium - World War II

This 8 page newspaper has a five column headline on the front page: "COLOGNE, GERMAN INDUSTRIAL CENTER, LAID WASTE BY MASSIVE BRITISH RAID; THREE-QUARTERS OF CITY LEFT AFLAME" with subheads (see images). This tells of the famous 1,000 bomber r... See More  

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Civil War news from the Confederacy...

Item #683386

January 23, 1863

CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, Jan. 23, 1863 

* From the origin of the American Civil War

Printed in the dateline is: "Confederate States of America", this being one of only a few such newspapers which did so.

Among ftpg. column heads are: "Official Dispatch from Gen. Bragg--More Brilliant Exploits of Gens. Wheeler and Forrest" which is signed in type: Br... See More  

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Missouri becomes a Confederate state... Uncommon Confederate title...

Item #683215

August 02, 1861

The DAILY PROGRESS, New Bern, North Carolina, Aug. 2, 1861 

* Very rare Confederate publication

This is a single sheet newspaper with just a one column masthead, not uncommon from the Confederacy where newsprint was often difficult to come by. From the early part of the Civil War with many items relating to it, including article headed "Resolutions of Mississippi on the Victories i... See More  

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From Confederate North Carolina...

Item #682991

August 21, 1861

THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, Aug. 21, 1861 

* Rare Confederate publication

This was one of just a few newspapers which printed: "Confederate States of America" in the dateline.

Pages 2 & 3 have various Civil War reports including: "Insubordination in the 'Grand Army' " "Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Isl., on the War" "Ellsworth&... See More  

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Beauregard is reported as 'crazy'...

Item #682974

February 25, 1865

THE WORLD, New York, Feb. 25, 1865  

* Battle of Wilmington - North Carolina

* Admiral David Dixon Porter victory

Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald.  

Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War: "THE SOUTH" "Indications of a Panic in Richmond" "Beauregard Reported Crazy" "Gen. Lee's Reaso... See More  

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Union troops advancing through the Carolinas...

Item #682973

February 24, 1865

THE WORLD, New York, Feb. 24, 1865  

* Battle of Wilmington, North Carolina

* William T. Sherman coastal march

* Fort Anderson

Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald.  

Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War: "NORTH CAROLINA" "Our Forces Within Four Miles of Wilmington..." "Heavy Firing Going on & ... See More  

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Sherman's march through South Carolina...

Item #682969

February 16, 1865

THE WORLD, New York, Feb. 16, 1865  

* General William T. Sherman

* Marching & capturing coastal towns

* Orangeburg, South Carolina capture

* Final weeks of the American Civil War

Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald.  

Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War: "SOUTH CAROLINA" "Triumphal March Through the ... See More  

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Forts in North Carolina are blown up...

Item #682958

January 25, 1865

THE WORLD, New York, Jan. 25, 1865  Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald. Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "WASHINGTON" "The Senate on Retaliation" "Fire in the Smithsonian Institute" "NORTH CAROLINA" "Forts Caswell and Campbell Blown Up" which includes a letter signed in type: U.S. G... See More  

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Interesting proposal for a reunion of the country...

Item #682957

January 23, 1865

THE WORLD, New York, Jan. 23, 1865  Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald. Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE SOUTH" "A Novel Basis for Reunion Proposed" "Northern & Southern Armies to Unite & Capture Mexico and Canada" "The Monroe Doctrine Run Riot" "NORTH CAROLINA" "F... See More  

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Woodrow Wilson's 1918 Thanksgiving proclamation...

Item #682579

November 21, 1918

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Nov. 21, 1918

* President Woodrow Wilson

* Thanksgiving proclamation

* World War I Peace - WWI

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "President Bids Nation Return Thanks For Peace" with subheads and complete text of the proclamation which is signed in type: Woodrow Wilson.

Complete with 8 pages, light toning at the margins, a... See More  

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President Garfield is shot...

Item #682030

July 08, 1881

THE WEEKLY STAR, Wilmington, North Carolina, July 8, 1881  

* President James A. Garfield shot (1st report)

* Charles J. Guiteau - assassin

The last column of the front page has heads: "ASSASSIN'S WORK" "President Garfield Shot" "Two Balls Enter His Person" "Dangerously Wounded" "Balls Not Yet Extracted" "May Possibly Recover&q... See More  

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First airplane death - a passenger with Orville Wright...

Item #681887

September 23, 1908

THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, North Carolina, September 23, 1908 

* Orville Wright Injured

* Thomas Etholen Selfridge Killed

* 1st powered airplane fatality

Page 4 has: "THE AIRSHIP DIASTER", with a corresponding article of, "The disaster to the air ship of Orville Wright in which the inventor was badly wounded and his companion killed is keenly felt in Washington, where t... See More  

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Large map on the Yankee advance towards Charleston...

Item #681763

July 19, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, July 19, 1863  

* First Battle of Fort Wagner

* Morris Island - Charleston Harbor

The front page features a large Civil War map headed: "THE ADVANCE ON CHARLESTON, The Capture of Morris Island--Its Importance in a Strategical Point of View."

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE ADVANCE ON CHARLESTON" "Capture of the Gre... See More  

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Victorious march...

Item #681631

May 26, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 26, 1864 

* Ulysses S. Grant - Spotsylvania victory

* Resaca Georgia Ga - William T. Sherman

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT!" "Victorious March of the Army of the Potomac" "The South Anna River Reached by Our Troops" "One Thousand More Prisoners Captured" "Sheridan's Expedition" a... See More  

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A Civil War map and much good content... Battle of Cold Harbor...

Item #681606

June 04, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, June 4, 1862 

* Battle of Seven Pines - Fair Oaks

* Battle of Hanover Court House

The prime feature may well be the back page Civil War map headed: "The Late Victory Near Hanover Court House, Virginia" which shows much details, and has a key for strategic locations.

Among the front page column heads on the war are: "The Great Victory" "Full Det... See More  

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Civil War in Virginia and North Carolina...

Item #681598

October 10, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, October 10, 1861  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE REBELLION" "Important From Hatteras Inlet" "Brilliant Engagement Between the Union Land and Naval Forces & the Rebels" "Total Rout & Heavy Loss of the Enemy" "Advance of Gen. Smith's Division Towards Lewinsville" "Important From Hat... See More  

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Civil War in Virginia and North Carolina...

Item #681596

October 10, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, October 10, 1861  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE REBELLION" "Important From Hatteras Inlet" "Brilliant Engagement Between the Union Land and Naval Forces & the Rebels" "Total Rout & Heavy Loss of the Enemy" "Advance of Gen. Smith's Division Towards Lewinsville" "Important From Hat... See More  

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Hooker's army on the move...

Item #681560

May 01, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, May 1, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Gen. Hooker's Army Moving" "The War In Tennessee" "Advance of the Rebel Lines in Front of Gen. Rosecrans" "Boats of the Rebel Commanders" "Interesting From North Carolina" "Evidences of Union Sentiment Among the People" and more.

Eight pages, v... See More  

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Ohio State wins Rose Bowl in 1950...

Item #681231

January 03, 1950

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 3, 1950 

* Rose Bowl: Ohio State Buckeyes vs. California Golden Bears 

* Orange Bowl: Santa Clara vs. Kentucky Wildcats 

* Sugar Bowl: Oklahoma Sooners vs. LSU Tigers 

* Cotton Bowl: Rice Owls vs. North Carolina Tar Heels

The sport's section (page 26) has a banner headline: "Ohio State Field Goal in Last Two Minutes Beats Cal... See More  

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Confederate soldiers...

Item #680691

November 04, 1863

THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Nov. 4, 1863  Among the front page column heads are: "Interesting From The South" "Movements of Jeff. Davis" 'The Rebel Press on the Great Lack of Food" "Companies of Soldiers are Marching Barefoot" "Operations in the Shenandoah Valley" "Federal Advance into North Carolina" and more.

Eight pages, very nice ... See More  

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Civil War reports in this racist newspaper...

Item #680179

April 01, 1865

NEW YORK WEEKLY DAY-BOOK CAUCASIAN, April 1, 1865  A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. As such their reporting on war events provide a contrasting perspective beyond most other Northern newspapers.

Some articles include: "Re-Organizing the Democracy" "Execution of Capt. Kennedy" "Another Battle Before Ric... See More  

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Follow-up reports on the Chicago Fire...

Item #679769

October 26, 1871

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Oct. 26 1871

* The Great Chicago Fire of 1871

The front page has several reports on the Chicago Fire of 2 weeks previous, with various subheads as shown in the photos.

Four pages, rejoined at the spine, nice condition.... See More  

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Early U.S. military airplane crash in 1913...

Item #679662

November 24, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 24, 1913

* Early airplane crash - deaths

* United States Army aviators

The top of the front page has a banner headline: "TWO ARMY AVIATORS ARE KILLED IN SHORT FALL" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper... See More  

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Ronald Reagan is inaugurated... Hostages are released...

Item #679633

January 21, 1981

THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, North Carolina, January 21, 1981 (1st section)

* Ronald Reagan inauguration

* Iran hostage crisis ends

The front page has a great two-line full banner headline: "Hostages Are Freed As Reagan Sworn In", with multiple subheads and additional related articles within. See images for details. Nice for display.

Complete 1st section only with all 26 pages, includ... See More  

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Mark Twain gains his "first national headline"....

Item #678516

September 29, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 29, 1866 

* Early Mark Twain - Samuel Clemens

* Clipper "Hornet" disaster report

* First national headline for Twain

The most notable content would be the full page print: "Burning of the California Clipper 'Hornet', One Thousand Miles from Land" not so much for the print but for the accompanying article titled: "Bu... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


General Ambrose Burnside's North Carolina Expedition...

Item #678279

January 29, 1862

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 29, 1862 

* General Ambrose Burnside's North Carolina Expedition 

* Somerset, Kentucky

* Paris, Tennessee 

The front page has: "BURNSIDE'S EXPEDITION", followed by:  "Its Arrival at Hatteras Inlet", "Great Difficulties Encountered", "Official Report of Gen. Burnside to the War Department", and more... See More  

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Sherman's march thru Georgia... Robert E. Lee offers pardon to deserters...

Item #678186

February 23, 1865

THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 23, 1865  

* Rare Confederate title

* Civil War nears the end

* Sherman's victory march

Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from the latter weeks of the Civil War.

The no... See More  

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Editorial is pessimistic on the progress of the war...

Item #678184

February 13, 1865

THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 13, 1865  

* Rare Confederate title

* Civil War nears the end

* Southern pessimist

Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from the latter weeks of the Civil War.

The front page ... See More  

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Early version of the Articles of Confederation...

Item #677958
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1775  

* Early Version of the Articles of Confederation

* Captain Cook and his voyage to the South Pacific

Over three pages taken up with: "Protest entered in the Upper House Against the Bill for Prohibiting all Commercial intercourse with the Confederated Colonies" which is very good reading in defense of America.
... See More  

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SS California torpedoed... WWI German submarine...

Item #676922

February 08, 1917

THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, North Carolina, February 8, 1917

* SS California sunk

* German submarine attack

* World War I tensions rise

The front page has a nice banner headline: "CALIFORNIA SUNK WITHOUT WARNING; SENATE ENDORSES ACTION OF WILSON" with subheads. (see) Nice for display.

Twelve pages, light toning and minor wear art the margins, small library label within subheads (see)... See More  

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Hitler Takes Czech Lands...

Item #676637

October 03, 1938

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Oct. 3, 1938 

* Current day Czechoslovakia

* Nazis - Adolph Hitler 

The front page has a two column headline: "GENERAL PEACE PACT PROPOSED AS HITLER TAKES CZECH LANDS" with subhead: "Czechs Also Yield To Polish Ultimatum and Plan Cessions To Hungary; Premiers To Discuss Four-Power Pact Adjustments".

This is coverage on ... See More  

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Lylerly murders.... Salisbury, North Carolina....

Item #676560

July 14, 1906

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, July 14, 1906 

* Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina

* Issac Lyerly family murders (1st report)

* Pre-Negro lynchings

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "FIVE MURDERED IN NORTH CAROLINA TOWN" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era.

Complete wi... See More  

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A skirmish in North Carolina from the French & Indian War...

Item #676500
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1754  Among the articles in this issue are: "Description of a Remarkable Venomous Insect found in South America"; an article concerning a form of sun dial with an illustration of it; "Of the Junction of Asia and America" which begins: "The termination  & position of the N.E. parts of Asia, and the N.W. parts of A... See More  

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Wright Brothers National Memorial erected....

Item #676082

May 03, 1928


* Wright Brothers National Memorial

* Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

* Granite boulder - cornerstone erected

The top of page 4 has a two column heading: "Kitty Hawk Honors First Plane Flight In Monument to the Wright Brothers" (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.

Other news, ... See More  

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Battle of Port Hudson in a rare Confederate title...

Item #676072

March 16, 1863

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Jackson, Mississippi, March 16, 1863 

* Very rare Confederate title

* Battle of Port Hudson

If the title and city of publication seem to be in conflict, they are not. This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War. Memphis was a Confederate stronghold up through the Battle of Memphis on June 6, 1862, at which time the Yankees moved in and it bec... See More  

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Al Capone guilty... 11-year sentence...

Item #675938

October 26, 1931

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, October 26, 1931.

* Al 'Scarface' Capone gets 11 years

* End of his criminal career

The front page has a one column heading: "Capone Sentenced To 11 Year Term In Federal Prison" (see) First report coverage on what would be the end of Al Capone's reign in Chicago.

Complete with 8 pages, light toning at the margins, a few sm... See More  

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Michael Jordan's father killed in 1993

Item #675263

August 14, 1993

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Aug. 14, 1993

* James R. Jordan Sr. killed

* Michael Jordan's father

* Chicago Bulls basketball

The bottom of the front page has a two column heading: "Father of Michael Jordan, NBA Superstar, Found Dead" with subhead. First report coverage continues in the sport's section with a few related photos.

Complete 1st and sport's sections only totaling ... See More  

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Sinking of the Lusitania...

Item #675170

May 10, 1915

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, May 10, 1915

* RMS Lusitania sinking (1st report)

* Cunard Line ocean liner

The front page headline of this bi-weekly newspaper announces: "GERMAN SUBMARINE SINKS VESSEL AND TAKES TOLL OF 1,198 LIVES" with subheads: "LUSITANIA ATTACKED AND SENT TO BOTTOM OF SEA WITHOUT WARNING" "Greatest Crime Yet Committed During Progress of ... See More  

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SS Athenia torpedoed... America stays out of World War II...

Item #675124

September 04, 1939

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Sept. 4, 1939 

* SS Athenia sinking (1st report)

* 1st British ship sunk by Germany

* World War II at the beginning

* Britain and France entering the war

The front page banner headline announces: "SHIP IS TORPEDOED" with subheads: "Declare War On Nazis" "Britain & France Put Mighty Forces Into Action When Hitler Spu... See More  

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Curiously worded headline... Civil War generals...

Item #674037

December 05, 1889

GREENSBORO NORTH STATE, North Carolina, Dec. 5, 1889  An interesting paper if only because of the curious headlines and reporting of a gruesome tragedy. A ftpg. column is headed: "SEVEN MEN ROASTED" "And Dashed to Death in the Minneapolis Tribune Fire" "Dread Details Of The Disaster".

Page 3 has many portraits of Civil War generals from: "Hood's Campaig... See More  

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Progressing towards Prohibition...

Item #674035

July 03, 1919

THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, July 3, 1919 

* Headed towards prohibition

* Liquor - beer to be abolished

The top of the first column reports on the progress towards Prohibition: "PLAN TO STOP SALE OF STRONG BEER" "Congress And Department Of Justice After 2 3/4 Per Cent Article" with the details taking over half a column. Nationwide Prohibition would formal... See More  

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Michael Jordan signed by the Bulls in a Chicago newspaper...

Item #674016

March 30, 1982

SUN-TIMES, Chicago, March 30, 1982

* Michael Jordan's game winning shot

* North Carolina Tar Heels basketball

* NCAA college championship vs. Georgetown

* From the city where he would become a legend

The top of the back page has a heading: "North Carolina finally does it" with two related photos and box scores. First report coverage continues inside. Text includes: "...... See More  

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President Truman says the youth of America are too weak...

Item #673857

October 24, 1945

WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, North Carolina, Oct. 24, 1945

* Precursor to Presidential Fitness Test

* Truman Speech to Congress to establish Universal Military Training

The front page has a 3 column heading: "President Truman Recommends Year of Training for All American Youth". The program he was proposing would require "a year's military training for all young men when they... See More  

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