Barack Obama becomes America's first African-American president...
Item #680272
November 05, 2008
(2) NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 5, 2008 and Jan. 21, 2009 A great pair of issues reporting both the election and inauguration of the first African-American president to occupy the White House.
The banner headline of the 5th is a simple: "OBAMA" beneath which is: "Racial Barrier Falls In Decisive Victory". The banner headline of the 21st announces: "OBAMA TAKES OATH, A... See More
This racist newspaper reports the Lincoln assassination...
Item #680184
April 22, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination (1st report)
* Ford's Theater - John Wilkes Booth
* In a pro-white publication
A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. As such their reporting on war events provide a contrasting perspective beyond most other Northern newspapers.
With thi... See More
Reports on Lincoln's inauguration in this racist newspaper...
Item #680176
March 04, 1865
* Rare pro-white publication
* Abraham Lincoln inauguration
* Closing weeks of the Civil War
A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. This issue has much reporting and editorializing on Lincoln's inauguration, both with a strong bias against Lincoln.
Some articles area hea... See More
First inauguration of George Washington...
Item #679892
July 16, 1789
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 16, 1789
* President George Washington
* First inauguration (historic)
Certainly one of the more desirable events to have in a period newspaper is the first inauguration of George Washington. American issues with such content are virtually unobtainable today, and reports in any newspapers worldwide are extremely uncommon.
Here is a nice report of t... See More
Ronald Reagan is inaugurated... Hostages are released...
Item #679633
January 21, 1981
THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, North Carolina, January 21, 1981 (1st section)
* Ronald Reagan inauguration
* Iran hostage crisis ends
The front page has a great two-line full banner headline: "Hostages Are Freed As Reagan Sworn In", with multiple subheads and additional related articles within. See images for details. Nice for display.
Complete 1st section only with all 26 pages, includ... See More
Horace Greeley supports William H. Harrison...
Item #679440
March 27, 1841
THE LOG CABIN, New York, March 27, 1841
* William Henry Harrison
* Rare campaign publication
The famous campaign newspaper published by Horace Greeley in support of William Henry Harrison in the 1840 election, its success carrying over to many issues beyond the inauguration--including this one. The ftpg. includes a chart of the: "Number of Free White Persons" and "Numbe... See More
1906 Pennsylvania State Capitol dedication...
Item #678821
October 04, 1906
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 4, 1906
* Pennsylvania State Capitol building
* Harrisburg PA dedication - inauguration
* President Theodore Roosevelt address
The top of the front page has two column heading that include: "Theme of President Roosevelt's Address at the Dedication of Pennsylvania New Capitol Building..." and more. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good c... See More
Washington ends his political career...
Item #677475
March 04, 1797
* President George Washington's birthday
* Political career comes to an end (John Adams)
Page 2 has a report on the celebration of George Washington's birthday, including the list of 13 toasts. A similar report from Morristown, New Jersey, on page 3 but with 16 toasts.
Page 3 has the: "Objections of the Pres... See More
Jimmy Carter is inaugurated... best title...
Item #677055
January 21, 1977
THE WASHINGTON POST, Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 1977
* Jimmy Carter's inauguration
* Best title to have
The best newspaper to be had for any presidential election or inauguration would be the famous Washington Post. The two-line banner headline reads "Carter Is Sworn In as President; Asks 'Fresh Faith in Old Dream'", with various related subheads as well. The ftp... See More
Very 1st Indianapolis 500 race in 1911...
Item #676492
May 31, 1911
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 31, 1911
* Indianapolis 500 inaugural race (1st report)
* American racecar driver Ray Harroun wins
The front page has a one column heading: "SIX INJURED IN BOG AUTO RACE RECOVERING" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from th... See More
"Our Army and Navy in the Philippines"... Golf centerfold by A. B. Frost...
Item #672578
September 17, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 17, 1898 Full front page illus. of "Our Army and Navy in the Philippines" showing Admiral Dewey & General Merritt on the flagship 'Olympia'.
Inside has two full pages of illus. of "Scenes at Camp Wikoff." Full pg. illus. of "On a Homeward-Bound Transport from Cuba."
Doublepage centerfold of "I've Played... See More
James Monroe's inaugural address...
Item #672155
March 10, 1821
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 10, 1821 Beginning at the bottom of the front page is: "Inaugural Speech", which has a prefacing paragraph which includes: "On Monday last, the 5th of March, in the great hall of the house of representatives...chief justice Marshall administered the oath of office to Mr. Monroe, previous to his entering upon the duties of his second... See More
"Our Army and Navy in the Philippines"...
Item #669870
September 17, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 17, 1898 Full front page illus. of "Our Army and Navy in the Philippines" showing Admiral Dewey & General Merritt on the flagship 'Olympia'.
Inside has two full pages of illus. of "Scenes at Camp Wikoff." Full pg. illus. of "On a Homeward-Bound Transport from Cuba."
Doublepage centerfold of "I've Played... See More
Plans for Buchanan's inauguration...
Item #666653
February 04, 1857
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 4, 1857 Page 3 has much detail on planks for the inaugural ceremonies of James Buchanan, who would be inaugurated on March 4.
The report is headed: "the Inaugurations of the President Elect" and the details take over a full column.
Four pages, good condition. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.
Detailed plans for Harrison's inaugural...
Item #666634
March 03, 1841
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 3, 1841
* President William Henry Harrison
* Eve of his inauguration - inaugural
* From the city where it happened - rare
A terrific newspaper for the content found on page 3, which has considerable detail on the plans for the inauguration of William Henry Harrison which happened on the following day.
The first 1 1/2 columns ar... See More
Jeff Davis' inaugural address: in a Confederate newspaper...
Item #666370
February 25, 1862
THE DAILY SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, Columbia, South Carolina, Feb. 25, 1862
* Jefferson Davis inaugural address
* Rare Confederate publication
A rather rare title and great that it has the word “Southern”.
Certainly the most notable content begins page 2 being: "President Jefferson Davis's Inaugural address, delivered in Richmond, February 22, 1862" which takes ove... See More
Iran hostages free, President is inaugurated...
Item #666211
January 20, 1981
THE CINCINNATI POST, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1981
* Ronald Reagan inauguration
* Iran hostage crisis ends
Boldly printed at the top of the front page is: "HOSTAGES FREED", the event which took precedence over the inauguration of the President, noted in smaller type further down the front page: "Reagan Becomes 40th President" with a large photo of him.
The complete first se... See More
Charles Lindbergh daily airmail service begins from Mexico....
Item #659026
March 10, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 10, 1929
* Aviator Charles Lindbergh inaugurates
* 1st daily airmail service from Mexico to U.S.
The front page has a one column heading: "LINDBERGH AT BORDER WITH MEXICAN MAIL" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on aviator Charles Lindbergh making the very 1st daily airmail flight from Mexico to the United States. (Mexico City to Brownsville, Tex... See More
San Francisco--Oakland Bay Bridge opens in 1936....
Item #655542
November 13, 1936
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 13, 1936
* San Francisco--Oakland Bay Bridge opens
* Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurates (1st report)
Page 25 has one column headings that include "OPENS GIANT BRIDGE AT SAN FRANCISCO" "Roosevelt in Washington Lights 'Go' Signals and Hoover Car Is First to Cross" "Warships Roar A Salute" and more with photo (see images). First... See More
Ty Cobb's 4,000th hit...
Item #654580
July 19, 1927
THE WORLD, New York, NY, July 19, 1927
* Ty Cobb has 4,000th hit
* Richard E. Byrd's homecoming
This 28 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 6: "GIBSON BESTS GROVE IN PITCHERS' BATTLE" and "Tigers Defeat Athletics, 5 to 3, Settling Issue in the First Inning" - both of which tell of the game between the Philadelphia Athletics and Detroit Tigers in which... See More
Death of Sara Delano Roosevelt... Mother of President Franklin Roosevelt......
Item #654504
September 08, 1941
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 8, 1941
* Sara Delano Roosevelt death
* President Franklin D. mother
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Mother of President Dies At Her Home in Hyde Park" with photo of Mrs. Roosevelt and subhead. (See) Much more on pages 10 and 11 with photos. Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 34 pages, this is the... See More
Eisenhower's inauguration in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...
Item #654501
January 21, 1957
THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 1957 Certainly great to have an inaugural report in a Washington newspaper. The banner headline announces: "Thousands See President Sworn" with a large photo showing Dwight D. Eisenhower taking the oath of office. Various related subheads on the front page.
The complete issue with all 8 sections including the color "Inaugural Souve... See More
Opening of the famed Panama Canal...
Item #654399
August 15, 1914
* Panama Canal Inaugural - opening
* Atlantic Ocean connects Pacific
Page 2 includes a one column headline announcing a very historic event: the opening of the Panama Canal: "PANAMA CANAL OPENS" "Ancon First Big Ship to Pass Through" "Loaded With Full Cargo as a Test" "Goethals and Other Officials on the Ship&... See More
Indiana prepares for statehood... Court martial trial of General Edmund Gaines...
Item #650008
November 30, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 30, 1816 Pages 7 & 8 contain the inaugural address of Governor Jennings, the first governor of Indiana, given just a month prior to Indiana becoming the 19th state of the Union. Not surprisingly much of his speech focuses on the work in gaining statehood.
Also inside is great detail on the: "Trial of General Gaines" court marti... See More
George McClellan becomes governor of New Jersey...
Item #649010
January 26, 1878
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, New York, January 26, 1878 This issue contains a full page coverage on "George B McClellan, Governor of New Jersey" with several illustrations and an additional inauguration illustration on another page as well. Other articles include halfpage illustration "Massachusetts - the Wedding at Cambridge, Last Week, of Richard H Dana, Jr., to... See More
Paul von Hindenburg becomes president.....
Item #647285
May 13, 1925
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 13, 1925
* Paul von Hindenburg inauguration
* Becomes president of Germany
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "HINDENBURG TAKES OATH TO REPUBLIC AS REICH PRESIDENT" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Paul von Hindenburg becoming the president of Germany.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete with all 44 page... See More
From the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #646442
March 09, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 9, 1863
* Rare rebel publication
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. Among the front page items are: "Bombardment of Fort McAllister" "Reported Fight at Gloucester Point" "A Rumour From the Rappahannock" "Effects of the War at the North" "The Virginia Legislature&qu... See More
Same-day report of the first Indianapolis 500 race...
Item #646140
May 30, 1911
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, May 30, 1911
* Indianapolis 500 Inaugural
The top of page 2 has first column heads: "Speed Mania Rules Town" "Thousands At Indianapolis" "Burman Breaks Four Records" Much nice text on the first running of what would become a classic event in the world of sports: the Indianapolis 500.
Sixteen pages, irregular at the ... See More
After President Taft's inauguration...
Item #644931
March 05, 1909
THE GLOBE, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1909 The top of the first column has heads: "ECHOES OF THE INAUGURATION" "Mr. Taft Took His Place a His Desk As President at 9:30 a.m." and more subheads (see).
Complete in 12 pages, light toning, nice condition but should be handled with care.
First games of the very first World Cup...
Item #644538
July 14, 1930
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 14, 1930
* First World Cup Soccer games
* Damaged issue - fraction of price
The World Cup tournament began in 1930, with Wikipedia noting its creation: "Due to the success of soccer at the Olympic games,an official game beginning in 1908, the FIFA started looking at staging its own international tournament outside of the Olympics. On 28 May 1928, the FIFA Congr... See More
Richard Nixon inaugurated as president...
Item #642663
January 21, 1969
THE WASHINGTON POST, January 21, 1969 The two-line banner headline reads "Richard M. Nixon Becomes President With 'Sacred Commitment' to Peace" with subhead "Promises to Listen As Well as to Lead in Quest for Unity". This includes a large colored photo of him being sworn into office as well as another photo of "The Nixons and Johnsons at the White House befor... See More
First inauguration of Barack Obama...
Item #640315
January 21, 2009
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 21, 2009 The two-line banner headline reads "Obama Takes Oath, And Nation In Crisis Embraces The Moment" with subhead "Milestone for America" "In Sober Address, He Vows to Begin Remaking Country -- A Million Celebrate". This also includes a large photo of him and Michelle as they walked a portion of the inauguration parade route. The issue ... See More
Inauguration and death of Pope John XXIII...
Item #637653
November 05, 1958
IL MESSAGGERO, Rome, Italy, a pair of issues dated Nov. 5, 1958
* Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, the "Pope of the people"
* Pope John XXIII papal inauguration & death reports
and June 4, 1963 The first issue has considerable reporting on the inauguration of Pope John XXIII as Pope, and the latter issue of the same title reports his death. Great to have both reports in t... See More
Louisiana Centennial Exposition...
Item #635501
December 13, 1884
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, New York, December 13, 1884 The front cover is entitled "Louisiana -- Preliminary Views of the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition at New Orleans" with an accompanying article inside. Inside the issue is: "New York City -- Cutting 'The Cleveland Gem' -- The Stone in the Rough and as Cut"; "Mexico -... See More
Great reporting on the Mexican War...
Item #634816
April 17, 1847
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 17, 1847 The front page has most of a column headed; "From The Army at Vera Cruz" reporting on the Mexican War, and which includes a detailed letter signed in type by: H. L. Scott. Also two appointments by the President, promotions for General Gideon J. Pillow and General John A. Quitman.
The back page has: "The Administration a... See More
Dedication of the Franklin statue in Boston...
Item #631688
October 11, 1856
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL DRAWING-ROOM COMPANION, Boston, October 11, 1856 Within this issue are prints captioned: "Tufts College, Somerville, Massachusetts" "Warwick Castle" "The Village Postman" with a full back page print of: "The French Soldiers' Return From War".
The prime print is the very nice doublepage centerfold captioned: &
... See More
The prime print is the very nice doublepage centerfold captioned: &
Amelia Earhart crash landing...
Item #625787
March 04, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 4, 1929
* Woman aviator Amelia Earhart
* Roosevelt Field (Curtiss), Long Island
* Airplane crash landing in mud
* Herbert Hoover inauguration (day of)
Page 7 has small one column headings: "Earhart Plane Upsets" "Noses Over and Cracks Blade as Woman Flier Lands on Muddy Field" (see)* Roosevelt Field (Curtiss), Long Island
* Airplane crash landing in mud
* Herbert Hoover inauguration (day of)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the da... See More
A copy of the very first New York Times crossword puzzle...
Item #621440
February 15, 1942
A reprint of the very first NEW YORK TIMES crossword puzzle which was published in The New York Times Magazine, February 15, 1942 (more than one available).
* The first New York Times crossword puzzle - a copy
* A hardcopy print of a high-resolution scan of an original
The original magazine, done in tabloid-size format, was section seven in the Sunday edition of the Times of the same dat... See More
Monroe to take the oath of office...
Item #621315
March 08, 1817
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 8, 1817 Page 2 has an interesting letter from President-elect James Monroe informing the President of the Senate when he will take the oath of office. The letter reads, in part: "...I propose to take the oath which the Constitution prescribes to the President...before he enters on the execution of his office, on Tuesday the 4th inst. at 12 o'c... See More
Dwight Eisenhower's inauguration...
Item #621157
January 20, 1953
THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, Jan. 20, 1953 This issue features a banner headline of "Eisenhower Is Sworn in as President" with subheads and one column photo of Eisenhower. Other news of the day.
The complete 4 page issue in good condition.
William Hazard Perry monument...
Item #617715
September 11, 1860
THE NEW YORK HERALD, September 11, 1860
* William Hazard Perry
* Battle of Lake Erie victory
* Monument dedication
Page 11 has an article headed: "OUR NAVAL VICTORIES" "Inauguration of the Perry Monument at Cleveland, Ohio" "Thirty Thousand People on the Ground" and more. (see) Lengthy text takes up over three full columns.
Other news of the day. Comple... See More
1866 Jerome Park racetrack opens...
Item #615553
September 25, 1866
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 25, 1866
* Jerome Park racetrack grand opening
* Fordham, New York City (Bronx)
The back page (pg. 8) has one column headings: "Sporting Matters" "The Inauguration Meeting at Jerome Park To-day" "The Condition of the Track--Status of the Horses...." "The Betting--The Pools--The General Excitement..." 1st report coverage o... See More
Inauguration of President Clinton...
Item #607188
January 21, 1997
THE WASHINGTON POST, Jan. 21, 1997 At the very top is: "Special Inauguration Edition" with 3 front page photos on the inauguration of President Clinton. The banner headline: "Clinton Urges an End to Divisions".
Contains sections A and D. Very nice, clean condition.
George Washington statue unveiled...
Item #606515
February 25, 1858
NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, February 25, 1858
* The George Washington Equestrian Monument
* Thomas Crawford's Richmond statue unveiling
Page 3 has an article headed: "The Crawford Statue" "Inauguration of Crawford's Statue of Washington at Richmond, Va." See images for text here.
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.... See More
20th Amendment ratified...
Item #604332
January 23, 1933
ALBANY EVENING NEWS, Albany, New York, January 23, 1933
* 20th Amendment ratified - Lame Duck
* Presidential inaugurations now on the 20th of January
The front page has a three column headline: "Lame Duck Congresses Doomed; Missouri, 36th State, Votes Ban" with subhead (see photos). Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Complete in 24 pages... See More
Bank holiday ordered...
Item #601853
March 06, 1933
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, March 6, 1933
* United States Bank Holiday
* The Great Depression
* Franklin D. Roosevelt
The front page has a banner headline: "ELY IS GRANTED BROAD EMERGENCY POWER" with subheads (see photos). This action would have the desired effect of stopping the panic run on the nation's banks, and happene... See More
Discussion Taylor's inaugural address...
Item #598609
March 10, 1849
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 10, 1849
* President Zachary Taylor
* John Bell Hood
The first column of the front page has the reviews of six newspapers on "The Inaugural Address" of President Taylor, with many diverse comments (see). Also on the ftpg. is a lengthy: "List of Cadet Appointments for 1849" listed by state, and includes "John Hood... See More
President-Elect Abraham Lincoln en route...
Item #598469
March 12, 1861
THE VERMONT CHRONICLE, Windsor, March 12, 1861
* Abraham Lincoln
* post inauguration
Page 3 has the following one column headings: "The Cabinet" "The Confederation" "The Virginia Convention"
Nice reading here. Other news of the day. Complete in 4 pages, some tape mends along central fold, minor foxing, otherwise nice.... See More
Discussion Taylor's inaugural address...
Item #596980
March 10, 1849
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 10, 1849
* President Zachary Taylor
* John Bell Hood at West Point
The first column of the front page has the reviews of six newspapers on "The Inaugural Address" of President Taylor, with many diverse comments (see photos). Also on the ftpg. is a lengthy: "List of Cadet Appointments for 1849" listed by state, and inc... See More
On Taylor's inauguration...
Item #595664
March 16, 1849
HANOVER SPECTATOR, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1849
* Zachary Taylor
* Henry Clay
The front page has 2 columns of: "Important Letter from Mr. Clay" dated at New Orleans & carrying over to pg. 2 where it is signed: H. Clay. Also: "The Inauguration Balls" for President Zachary Taylor (see photos).
Four pages, never bound, small wear holes near center are... See More
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