Robert E. Lee is appointed General-In Chief...
Item #604598
January 28, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 28, 1865 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "News From Rebel Sources" "The Appointment of General-In-Chief--Jeff. Davis's Views On the Matter" which is concerning Robert E. Lee, with the lengthy message signed in type: Jefferson Davis (see). Also: "The Rebel Iron-Clad Raid" "The Peace Bubble" "Re... See More
Government buys R.E. Lee's estate... Morgan's escape from jail...
Item #598603
January 20, 1864
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1864
* Rare Anti-Yankee title
* Robert E. Lee's estate
* John Morgan's escape
Among the various "Late News" on the front page is: "A sale of confiscated property in Virginia, opposite Washington, took place...The Arlington estate, thek property of Gen. Robt. E. Lee, was bought in by the government for $26,000...The Arlington... See More
Jefferson Davis in jail...
Item #594610
July 27, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, July 27, 1865
* Jefferson Davis
The front page has many one column heads including: "JEFF. DAVIS" "His Continued Ill Health" "He is Daily Allowed to Walk in the Open Air" "How He Occupies Himself in His Casemate" "Character of the Letters Sent To Him" "Not One Word of Kindness, but Curses Loud & Deep" with... See More
Admiral Porter announces the capture of Fort Fisher...
Item #593039
January 21, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Jan. 21, 1865
* Fort Fisher captured
* Wilmington, North Carolina
* Admiral David Dixon Porter
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "LATE REBEL NEWS" "From Wilmington" "Charleston & Savannah" "The Canadian Raiders" "From the Army of the James" "The Capture of Fort Fisher--Official Disp... See More
Report signed by Robert E. Lee...
Item #591108
February 10, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, February 10, 1865
* Robert E. Lee & Jefferson Davis
* Last few months of the Civil War
Among the front page one column war-related heads are; "THE PEACE CONFERENCE" "Message From Jeff. Davis to the Rebel Congress" "Report of the Rebel Commissioners" "Davis Speaks at a Public Meeting in Richmond" "He will 'Never Conse... See More
Jefferson Davis receives an army promotion...
Item #588532
May 25, 1833
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Maryland, May 25, 1833 An inside page has nearly a full page list of promotions in the army, among which, under "Regiment of dragoons" is: "2d lieut. Jefferson Davis, of the 1st regiment of infantry, to be 2d lieutenant, 4th March, 1833." Less than 30 years later Jefferson Davis would be President of the break-away Confederate Stat... See More
Jeff Davis on appointing Robert E. Lee to head the troops...
Item #585183
January 28, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 28, 1865
* General Robert E. Lee
* Commander-in-Chief
* Jefferson Davis
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "The Peace Bubble" "Result of Mr. Blair's Mission" "He Admits It To Be 'A Failure' " "The Terms of Jeff. Davis" which also includes a letter headed: "The Appointment of Gen... See More
Jeff Davis on naming Robert E. Lee as commander-in-chief...
Item #584977
January 28, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 28, 1865
* General Robert E. Lee
* Appointed commander-in-chief
* Jefferson Davis
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "The Peace Bubble" "Result of Mr. Blair's Mission" "He Admits It To be 'A Failure' " "The Terms of Jeff. Davis" "The Rebel Iron-Clad Raid" & more.... See More
Territorial Washington...
Item #584615
January 01, 1879
WALLA WALLA STATESMAN, Washington Territory, Jan. 1, 1879
* Rare Old West title
Printed ten years before Washington became a state. Among the articles within are: "Radical Dirt Eaters" "Cariboo News" "Public Lands For Settlers Only" "Jefferson Davis--The Assassination Plot" and much more. A wealth of ads as well, several illustrated.
Four pages,... See More
Returning soldiers from the Civil War... Jefferson Davis' plight...
Item #584466
May 24, 1865
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 24, 1865
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* Jefferson Davis in custody
All of the front page is taken up with text relating to the first column heads: "REVIEW OF THE ARMIES", "Nearly a Hundred Thousand Veterans in the Lines", "Grateful Recognition of Gallant Officers", "Wreaths of Laurel & Beautiful Bo
... See More
* When Johnny Comes Marching Home
* Jefferson Davis in custody
All of the front page is taken up with text relating to the first column heads: "REVIEW OF THE ARMIES", "Nearly a Hundred Thousand Veterans in the Lines", "Grateful Recognition of Gallant Officers", "Wreaths of Laurel & Beautiful Bo
Rebel opinion of Jefferson Davis... Union refugee escapes...
Item #581509
June 19, 1862
THE NEW YORK HERALD, June 19, 1862 Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "Escape of a Union Refugee from Richmond" "What the Rebel Army Think of Jeff. Davis and Beauregard" "The Rebel President Branded as a Tyrant & Blamed for the Loss of the Merrimac" "Lying Reports Published in the Southern Papers to Mislead the North" "The Rebe... See More
Rebel opinion of Jefferson Davis... Union refugee escapes...
Item #581505
June 19, 1862
THE NEW YORK HERALD, June 19, 1862
* The Rebel Opinion of Jefferson Davis
* Union Refugee escapes Richmond
Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "Escape of a Union Refugee from Richmond" "What the Rebel Army Think of Jeff. Davis and Beauregard" "The Rebel President Branded as a Tyrant & Blamed for the Loss of the Merrimac" "Lying ... See More
Battle of Fair Oaks... Seven Pines...
Item #581503
June 09, 1862
* Memphis TN Tennessee
* Battle of Fair Oaks - Seven Pines
* Jefferson Davis
The ftpg. has many one column heads on the Civil War including: "Splendid Naval Battle Near Memphis" "All but One of the Rebel Fleet Destroyed" "The Mississippi Cleared of Rebel Gunboats & Rams" "The River Free from Its Source to ... See More
Jefferson Davis Captured...
Item #567077
May 22, 1865
THE CIRCULAR, Mount Tom, Connecticut, dated May 22, 1865 On the backpage of the issue is a report on the capture of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. " Jefferson Davis, with his wife and personal suite, were surprised and captured... Davis was endeavoring to escape disguised in female apparel." This publication is a small size newspaper from the famous Oneida Community in Ne
... See More
Lack of confidence in Jefferson Davis...
Item #563923
January 28, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, January 28, 1865 Among the ftpg. column heads are: "THE SOUTH" "The Inefficiency of Davis" 'The Rebel Leader Unequal to the Occasion" "The Feeling of Confidence in Them Hopelessly Broken" "People to Take Matters in Their Own Hands" "PEACE MISSION" entire Failure of the Negotiations" "No Hope Of Peace til Le... See More
Record flight in a "Wright biplane"...
Item #177837
July 23, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 23, 1910 The full front page is a photo captioned: "The Aeroplane That Made A Record Ascension - Walter Brookins and the Wright biplane which broke the world's record for altitude in a 6,175 foot ascent at Atlantic City..." with a bit more.
It is rare to find a full front page photo devoted to the early world of manned flight.
Also of... See More
Item #177662
June 22, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 22, 1912
The front page of this issue is an illustration of "'Let the Republican Party Come to Order!'--Elihu Root" by C. J. Budd, which includes a photo of Teddy Roosevelt, with portraits of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in the background.
The inside has an illustration called "After the Circus" by Kemble, and the do... See More
Color cover by W.H.D. Koerner... Print by E.W. Kenble...
Item #177626
October 14, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 14, 1911 (with color cover by W.H.D. Koerner)
This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "Winfield Scott Schley, U. S. N."
This issue has an illustration of "The Spear That Knows No Brother" by Kemble. There is a photo of "What the "Hawke" did to the "Olymp... See More
Item #177625
October 07, 1911
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 7, 1911
This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "Where Hundreds Died by Flood and Fire."
This issue has an article with photos of "The Muddle in Maine" by Holman Day and photos of "Gertrude Elliott in Repertoire." There is a full page illustration of "The Gre... See More
Item #177493
April 25, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 25, 1908 There is a front pg. illustration, "Quoth The Parrot: 'Evermore!' " by W. A.. Rogers. In this issue, there are photos of "Behind the Guns in Magdalena Bay"; "Spring Cleaning in the Alps"; "The Ways of Some of Our Foreign Relatives"; "Man's Best Friend in the Desert"... See More
Boat-Racing by sail and motor....
Item #177450
June 22, 1907
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 22, 1907
Mr. Cleveland, Ex-President....
Item #177443
May 04, 1907
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1907 There is a front page illustration, "Patriotism---Conspiracy" by W. A. Rogers. There are photos of "the Only Living Ex-President and His Family"; a double page photo spread of "Blazing New Trails for a City's Needs"; and an illustrations of "The Waning Theatrical Season" by Hamilton... See More
Report of the Death of Jefferson Davis...
Item #220849
December 24, 1864
THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, December 24, 1864
* Reported Death of Jeff. Davis
The front page features many one column headlines covering events of the Civil War including: "From the North Atlantic Squadron", "Rebel Attack on Our Pickets...Report of the Death of Jefferson Davis", and much more. There is additional war-related text on the inside and back pages as wel
... See More
* Reported Death of Jeff. Davis
The front page features many one column headlines covering events of the Civil War including: "From the North Atlantic Squadron", "Rebel Attack on Our Pickets...Report of the Death of Jefferson Davis", and much more. There is additional war-related text on the inside and back pages as wel
Jefferson Davis, rebel President...
Item #220706
August 20, 1864
THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, August 20, 1864
* Jefferson Davis
* Jefferson Davis
* The pirate ship Tallahassee
The front page features many one column headlines covering events of the Civil War including: "The Pirate Tallahassee", "The Great Contest: General Grant's Operations" ,"From the Army of the Potomac", "The Interview with Jefferson Davis", "Th
... See More
The front page features many one column headlines covering events of the Civil War including: "The Pirate Tallahassee", "The Great Contest: General Grant's Operations" ,"From the Army of the Potomac", "The Interview with Jefferson Davis", "Th
Paducah, Kentucky...
Item #220506
September 07, 1861
THE NEW YORK TIMES New York, September 7, 1861
* Paducah, Kentucky
* Fort Pickens, Florida
* Jefferson Davis false death report
... See More
* Paducah, Kentucky
* Fort Pickens, Florida
* Jefferson Davis false death report
This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first report
Jefferson Davis...
Item #220399
October 15, 1864
THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 15, 1864 Although there is much Civil War reporting on the front page perhaps the most significant a brief item near the bottom of the back, headed: "Guerrillas at Work Again on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad" which reads: "A party of guerrillas captured the westward bound train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad last night, robbed the passenger... See More
Generals Grant & Meade, plus Jefferson Davis...
Item #220040
February 13, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, February 13, 1864
* Generals Grant and Meade
* Jefferson Davis
This issue is full of Civil War reports, which include the following: "From General Grant's Army", "From General Meade's Army", "The Despair and the Hope of the Rebels", " Jeff.'s Contrabands", "From General Grant's Army", "From N... See More
Knoxville, Tennessee 1863 Civil War...
Item #213974
August 22, 1863
BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT, Massachusetts, August 22, 1863
* Knoxville, Tennessee
* Jefferson Davis
This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes reports on: Knoxvil
... See More
The Battle of Falling Waters...Secession in California...Letters to Jefferson Davis...
Item #212892
August 15, 1863
NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, August 15, 1863 This issue is full of Civil War reports including the following: "From New Orleans," "The Battle of Falling Waters," "Secession in California," " he Jefferson Davis Correspondence." This issue also contains reports from Generals Meade, Grant and Burnside.
The issue is in overall nice condition, with ... See More
"Great Expectations" Collection III - 6 issues...
Item #206668
February 16, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, February 16, 1861 through March 23, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 3) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.
The individual issues are described as:
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Feb. 16, 1861 Full ftpg. is an extremely d... See More
"Great Expectations" Collection II...
Item #206665
January 05, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 5, 1861 through February 9, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 2) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.
This set would look great displayed in one of our 17 inch by 14 inch display cases which can be v... See More
Louisiana Purchase Exposition...
William McKinley...
Item #177114
September 14, 1901
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 14, 1901 Front page illustration William McKinley; The Shooting of the President; How New York Received the News; St. Louis - "Most American of American Cities"; The Louisiana Exposition with photos of personnel; The Automobile Races at Newport; fullpage color ad Ralston Purina Cereals; and other news of the day. See photos for full details.
Death of Jefferson Davis...
Item #175456
December 14, 1889
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 14, 1889 Nice halfpg. shows: 'The Late Jefferson Davis' and a halfpg. of: 'Jefferson Davis' House at Beauvoir, Miss.'
Nice doublepage centerfold: 'Sketches Along the Line of the New Croton Aqueduct'. Fullpg: 'Sketches of a Transatlantic Voyage'.
Complete in twenty pages.
Lincoln's funeral and more...
Item #172888
May 27, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 27, 1865 The front page features "Lewis Payne the Assassin" under guard, with text headed: "Capture of Davis", "Payne the Assassin" and "President Lincoln's Burial".
Inside includes a dramatic full page: "Charge of the Ninth Army Corps on Fort Mahone, April 3, 1865". A full page features a half page ill... See More
Advancing upon Columbia and Charleston, South Carolina...
Item #172872
April 01, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 1, 1865 The front page has a nice print showing: "General Sherman's Entry Into Columbia, South Carolina". Pages 2 and 3 have some interesting war-related articles including: "Davis Asks to be Dictator" "Davis and Lee" "Trade With Rebels" and more.
Other prints within include: "14th and 20th Corps Crossing ... See More
Early portrait of Jefferson Davis...
Item #172118
January 09, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 9, 1858 The front page has a very nice and somewhat large illustration of Jefferson Davis, with the remainder of the front page being a lengthy biography of him. Nice item on him before he would be thrust into much greater prominence during the Civil War.
An article titled: "The Rights and Wrongs of Filibusterism" references William Walker an... See More
Trial of Jefferson Davis...
Item #173098
June 01, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 1, 1867 Full ftpg: 'Jeff Davis Leaving the Court House at Richmond--Demonstration of the Rebel Citizens'. Great fullpg: 'Trial of Jeff Davis--Mr. O'Connor Moving for his Release on Bail'
Complete in sixteen pages.
General William T. Sherman in Georgia...
Item #172786
June 04, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 4, 1864 The full front page is a very nice print of: "Major-General William T. Sherman". Other prints within include a full page: Major-General Wadsworth Fighting in the Wilderness", and other prints of: "...Our Wounded Escaping from the Fires in the Wilderness" "Army of the Potomac--Scene of General Sedgwick's Death"... See More
Winslow Homer print... Map of the Northern & Southern states...
Item #172444
February 23, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 23, 1861 The front page is taken up with: "Chantrey's Statue of Washington, Now in the State House at Boston, Massachusetts". Prints within include: "Officers' Quarters at Fort Sumter", "Good-by to Sumter", and a quarter page print by famed artist Winslow Homer: "The Late Rev. Dr. Murray", plus a great full p... See More
Flight of Jefferson Davis...
Item #172912
August 19, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 19, 1865 The front page includes prints of: "Emma, Queen Dowager of Hawaii" "Brevet Major-General Nathaniel A. Mills" and "Elisha Kingsland, Chief Engineer of the N.Y. Fire Department". Prints within include a full page: "The Electric Union" celebrating the union of England & America by telegraph; "College R... See More
General Custer battles the Sioux...
Item #173120
August 17, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 17, 1867 The entire front page has an article: "Indian War Scenes" with illustrations captioned: "Pawnee Killer & His Braves" and: "Discovering the Remains of Lt. Kidder and Ten Men of the Seventh U.S. Cavalry" which includes an illustration of George A. Custer.
Other prints within include: "Sioux Indians Attacking a... See More
Lincoln's adversary for the Presidency...
Item #172816
September 17, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 17, 1864 The full front page is a very dramatic print: "Harry Davis Capturing the Battle Flag of the 13th Louisiana Regiment, at the Battle of Ezra Church". Other prints within include: "Admiral Farragut's Fleet Bombarding Fort Morgan" "Rear-Admiral David G. Farragut, U.S.N." "View of Petersburg, Virginia, ... See More
President Johnson in New York City...
Item #173024
September 15, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 15, 1866 Full ftpg: 'Pres. Johnson's Reception in N.Y.'. Halfpg: 'Gathering Moss on Berwick Bay, La.' 1/3 pg: 'Negro Quarters on Jeff Davis's Plantation' & 'Jeff. Davis's Mansion in Miss.' & 'Andrew Johnson' & fullpg: 'Pres. Johnson's Reception at City Hall, N.Y.'
Complete in sixteen p... See More
Thomas Nast prints... A.B. Frost print... "The Centennial" prints...
Item #174086
November 11, 1876
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 11, 1876 Full front page Thomas. Nast political cartoon: "The Prospect in New York". Inside includes a full page A.B. Frost print: "The Democratic Team". There are many Centennial prints & a doublepage centerfold by Thomas Nast: "The Political Lottery" and a full page: "The Republican in Brooklyn" which has two s... See More
"Johnny comes marching home"...
Item #172892
June 10, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 10, 1865 The full front page is a nice print of: "The Grand Review at Washington--General Meade & Staff Passing the Principal Stand" during a parade of returning Civil War soldiers. Another prime item is the doublepage centerfold by Thomas Nast, titled: "Victory And Death" showing six vignettes of the somber side of war.
Other prin... See More
School for freed slaves at New Orleans...
Item #172982
April 21, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, April 21, 1866 The front page print: "Abraham Lincoln School for Freedmen, New Orleans" with a related article.
Terrific fullpg: "On the Plains--Indians Attacking Butterfield's Overland Dispatch Coach" is a truly fine example of Western Americana for display. Halfpg: 'Street View in Santa Fe, New Mexico".
Sixteen pages, good condition.... See More
Freedmen school... Fort Dodge...
Item #173096
May 25, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, May 25, 1867 Ftpg. has 3 illustrations on: 'Educating the Freedmen' including a 'School for Colored Children'. Fullpg. Thomas Nast political cartoon. Two nice pgs. have 4 illustrations showing: 'The Indian War--Indian Council at Ft. Dodge, Kansas' & 'Sutler's Store at Ft. Dodge, Kansas' & 'Interior of Ft. Dodge, Kansas'. Full... See More
Fort Larned... Honolulu...
Item #173100
June 08, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 8, 1867 Fullpg. with 4 illustrations of 'The Indian War', including 'Ft. Larned, Kansas' and 'Burning the Cheyenne Village near Ft. Larned' plus illus. of the chiefs of the Kiowas and Arapahoes. Fullpg. on: 'New Regulation Uniform of the U.S. Artillery' One-third pg: 'King Kamehamehla V Laying the Cornerstone of the Bishop's Church ... See More
Homer print on the front page... Jefferson Davis...
Item #172438
February 02, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 2, 1861 The full front page shows "The Seceding Mississippi Delegation in Congress" done by famed artist Winslow Homer, showing among others Senator Jefferson Davis. Other prints inside include: "Sea Battery, Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort, Va". The dramatic doublepage centerfold is: "Dream of a Secessionist--Washington and Valley Forge&... See More
Arkansas... The Fenians... Office of the Freedmen's Bureau...
Item #172994
June 02, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 2, 1866 Halfpg: 'Office of the Freedmen's Bureau, Memphis, Tenn.' showing many Blacks. Fullpg. shows: 'Arsenal Grounds at Little Rock' & 'Blissville, Little Rock, Arkansas'. One-third pg: 'Monticello, the Home of Jefferson, near Charlottesville, Va.'. One-third pg: 'The City of Lynchburg' Fullpg: 'Grand Reception of Jame... See More
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