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Celebrating the 4th of July... John Paul Jones... A "cure for hard times"...
Item #705358
July 01, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 1, 1820 The entire front page is an editorial headed: "Independence" concerning the upcoming anniversary of the 4th of July.
Some great reading, with one paragraph beginning: "Nearly all the great actors in 1776 have made their exit to another & a better world, but some venerable men yet remain to bless our land with their prese... See More
1826 - "Life of the Marquis De Lafayette"...
Item #705303
January 01, 1826
Book: "Life of the Marquis De Lafayette", by Robert Waln, Jr., 1826
The full title is: "Life of the Marquis De La Fayette; Major General in the Service of the United States of America. In The War Of The Revolution". This appears to be the 1826 "Second Edition", published by J.P. Ayers, Philadelphia. See images for a few highlights.
Complete in 506 pages, lo... See More
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1856 - "Men and Times of the Revolution; Or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson"...
Item #705302
January 01, 1839
Book: "Men and Times of the Revolution; Or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson", 1856
The full title is: "Men and times of the revolution; or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, including journals of travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842, with his correspondence with public men and reminiscences and incidents of the revolution.", by Elkanah Watson, edited by his son, Winslow C. Wa... See More
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Latest news from Mormondom...
Item #705278
October 10, 1860
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 10, 1860 Page 2 has almost the entire first column taken up with: "Affairs In Utah--Federal Officers in the Territory--The Weather, Crops, etc.--Criminal Incidents--General Intelligence, etc." This article begins: "Much as it may be regretted by the majority of the American people, still it does seem, after all the fuss & smoke, that the Mormon peo... See More
Printed the day of Lincoln's "House Divided" speech... Much on the Mormons...
Item #705277
June 17, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, June 17, 1858
* Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois
* A "day of" mention of the convention
* Mormons - Mormonism - Utah War
Near the top of the front page is: "Illinois Republican State Convention" is a report datelined Springfield, Ill., Wednesday, June 16. The one paragraph report concerns the first day of the convention not
... See More
* Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois
* A "day of" mention of the convention
* Mormons - Mormonism - Utah War
Near the top of the front page is: "Illinois Republican State Convention" is a report datelined Springfield, Ill., Wednesday, June 16. The one paragraph report concerns the first day of the convention not
News from the Mormon capital...
Item #705274
October 30, 1860
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 20, 1860 Page 5 contains nearly a full column on: "Affairs In Utah" "Departure of the Delegate--Agricultural Fair in Utah--Serious Indian Hostilities--Miscellaneous News" with an interesting variety of tidbits from this Mormon stronghold (see for portions).
Eight pages, very nice condition.
Mormon related report... Brigham Young...
Item #705273
July 14, 1869
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, New York, NY, July 14, 1869
* Mormons
* Brigham Young & Senator Trumbull
Page 5 of this issue has headings: "Brigham Young", "He Has a Conversation With Senator Trumbull-- What He Says He Will Do and What Mr. Trumbull Says He Must Do."
Other news includes: "Fulfillment of the Great Eastern's Latest Mission", "The New Cable at... See More
Buchanan's state-of-the-union address... Latest from the "Mormon country"...
Item #705272
December 28, 1859
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 28, 1859
* President James Buchanan
* State of the Union Address
* Mormons - Mormonism - SLC
Page 3 has most of a column headed: "From The Mormon Country" datelined at "Great Salt Lake City" which provides a rather inclusive update on the events in Utah in recent months. Also on page 3: "The Purchase of Mount Vernon" by the Mount V... See More
Move the Mormon capital to Fillmore City?
Item #705271
November 22, 1858
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 22, 1858 Page 3 includes: "Salt Lake Correspondence" which has various news reports from Utah. One item of discussion is whether the seat of government should be in Fillmore City.
Four pages, small, discrete archival mends in the margins, nice condition. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.
Buchanan's state-of-the-union address... Latest from the "Mormon country"...
Item #705268
December 28, 1859
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 28, 1859 Page 3 has most of a column headed: "From The Mormon Country" datelined at "Great Salt Lake City" which provides a rather inclusive update on the events in Utah in recent months. Also on page 3: "The Purchase of Mount Vernon" by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, with the details.
Over an entire page, spread on very ... See More
Exceedingly rare Napoleon occupation newspaper...
Item #705267
May 01, 1811
* Exceedingly rare Napoleon Bonaparte occupation newspaper
This was a daily newspaper published in Amsterdam during the French occupation of Holland. It is bilingual: half printed in French and half in Dutch. Two mastheads as well, one in each language.
In 1810 Napoleon Bonaparte annexed Holland to his empire... See More
Mormons, The Cullom Polygamy Bill - Utah....
Item #705264
March 25, 1870
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 25, 1870
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Polygamy - Cullom Bill
The front page has an article headed: "The Utah Polygamy Bill--What is Thought of it in Salt Lake City". See image for details.
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, very nice condition.... See More
Mormon Festival in Williamsburg, New York... California gold...
Item #705263
November 08, 1858
THE NEW YORK HERALD, November 8, 1858 The front page has: "MORMON FESTIVAL IN WILLIAMSBURG", followed by several paragraphs providing details of the festival which make reference to the singing being of a "good old Methodist tone". See images for details. Also on the front page is: "NEWS FROM CALIFORNIA", which includes an update regarding the gold situati... See More
Mormons, slavery, and Dickens...
Item #705262
June 23, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, June 23, 1858 Page 2 has two-thirds of a column taken up with a report headed: "The Mormons Flight and the Mormon Future--A New Power Among the Nations of Earth". The report begins by reflecting upon the founding of the Mormons noting: "...announcing the appearance & character of their 'Golden Bible' as the book was for a while commonly called...ref... See More
Much reporting on the Mormon War...
Item #705258
June 19, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, June 19, 1858
* The Utah War - Mormon Rebellion
The front page has over a full column of the latest news on the troubling Mormon situation in Utah, heads reading: "Further From Utah" "Arrival of Seventy Mormon Families at Camp Scott" "The Utah News" and "Details of Advices Previously Received by Telegraph" The full text is seen in... See More
Early prints of the Naval Academy at Annapolis... Jerusalem...
Item #705100
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, July 1871 Among the illustrated articles within are: "The Mount Cenis Railway and Tunnel" with eleven related prints; "The United States Naval Academy" with eleven related prints; "Along the Florida Reef" with 7 prints; "The Recovery of Jerusalem" with 12 prints; "Gallery At The Golden Gate"&... See More
An April Fool's report on the abolishment of Nauvoo... Deranged by Millerism...
Item #705091
April 01, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 1, 1843
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Nauvoo, Illinois hoax ?
* Millerism - Millerites
The back page has what is apparently an "April Fools" report concocted by the normally staid editor, headed: "Nauvoo Abolished". It reports: "In the Illinois legislature...the senate repealed the law creating the Nauvoo legion, mili... See More
Capitol Pediment artwork of Luigi Persico is completed and unveiled...
Item #705029
November 08, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 8, 1828 Page 4 has a very detailed article on the completion of the carved artwork of Luigi Persico, the artist who created the "Genius of America" pediment which fronts the Capitol building in Washington. It was work in progress from 1825 - 1828 and this report describes the work, beginning: "The scaffolding and shed whic... See More
1808 pamphlet - John Quincy Adams & Harrison Grey Otis...
Item #705028
January 01, 1839
Pamphlet: "REMARKS and CRITICISMS on the Hon. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS'S LETTER to the Hon. HARRISON GRAY OTIS", by William Coleman, a law partner of Aaron Burr, and printed by Joshua Cushing, Boston, 1808
Critique of John Quincy Adams' thoughts on the War of 1812 as presented to Harrison Gray Otis. Wordery comments: "It offers insight into the political debates of the time and ... See More
Death of the Massachusetts governor...
Item #704862
December 23, 1808
* Governor James Sullivan death
Page 3 has: "Death Of Governour Sullivan" with the report from Boston noting: "His excellency Governour Sullivan died this morning at his mansion-house in Summer St. All the bells in the town wee tolled for half an hour. This is the fourth Executive Officer who has di... See More
The Forest Hills disaster (Bussey Bridge train calamity)...
Item #704858
March 26, 1887
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 26, 1887 The front page has a dramatic illustration of the train wreck on the Bussey Bridge in the Roslindale section of Boston (near Forest Hills). The inside page (paginated #88) has several related illustrations.
Additional prints within the issue include a full-page on the fire and resulting destruction of The Richmond Hotel and St. ... See More
"The Great Die Up" (mid-west floods of 1887)... a Séance print...
Item #704857
April 02, 1887
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, April 2, 1887 The front page has a large print: "DAKOTA - THE FLOODS OF THE UPPER MISSOUI - SETTLERS IN THE RIVER BOTTOMS, NEAR BISMARCK...", with additional related images on the inside. The flooding was largely the result of the massive blizzard of 1887 which struck and forever altered the American Frontier. It is commonly referred to as&n... See More
Death of Brigham Young, and three more Mormon reports...
Item #704856
September 06, 1877
AMERICAN SOCIALIST, Oneida, New York, Sept. 6, 1877
* Brigham Young death
* Mormons - Mormonism
Page 7 under "Items Of News" has 4 Mormon items, one noting: "Brigham Young died on the 29th ult. after a brief attack of cholera morbus & inflammation of the bowels. He was buried on Sunday, the 2d."
Another has: "Brigham Young discouraged free schools, but
... See More
* Brigham Young death
* Mormons - Mormonism
Page 7 under "Items Of News" has 4 Mormon items, one noting: "Brigham Young died on the 29th ult. after a brief attack of cholera morbus & inflammation of the bowels. He was buried on Sunday, the 2d."
Another has: "Brigham Young discouraged free schools, but
Buffalo Soldier... "Saddle Up!" Frederic Remington on the front page... Polo at Newport...
Item #704810
September 04, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 4, 1886 The full front page is a very nice (and famous) Frederic Remington print: "Abandoned" which has a Western theme. There is a related article on an inside page: "Our Soldiers In the Southwest" which also has a Remington print titled: "Saddle Up", which includes two buffalo soldiers (black soldiers). Also within the ... See More
Electric Edison torpedo...
Item #704807
July 26, 1890
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 26, 1890 The front page has an illustrations "The Sims-Edison Electric Torpedo -- The Torpedo at Full Speed -- Sectional View of the Torpedo" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Steel Cruiser Chicago, as She Appeared in the Mediterranean"; "Redwood Logging in California"; and more illustrations, articl... See More
Execution of a Negro in 1869...
Item #704714
May 29, 1869
* African American Execution - hanging
* Frederick County, Maryland
Page 3 has an article headed: "The Death Penalty" "Execution in Frederick, Md., of a Negro for the Murder of a White Man" and more. (see images) Lengthy text takes up almost 2 full columns.
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, good condition.... See More
Early woman's suffrage newspaper...
Item #704711
October 25, 1879
THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL, Boston, Oct. 25, 1879 Uncommon women's suffrage paper produced by--among others--Lucy Stone, Alice Blackwell, Julia Ward Howe, and Mary Livermore.
Among the articles: "The Other Side of the Woman Question" "Concerning Women" "The Woman Question" "Francis Parkman's History" "The Women's Congress" and much ... See More
Mention of Teddy Roosevelt... Manila surrenders...
Item #704708
August 16, 1898
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, Aug. 16, 1898 Among the front page headlines on the Spanish-American War are: "MANILA IS BOMBARDED BY DEWEY & SURRENDERS UNCONDITIONALLY" "Captain General Augusti Escapes..." "Fighting Joe and T3eddy Come Home" "General Wheeler and Col. Roosevelt Return from Cuba" "Both Men Are Happy" "Rought Rider ... See More
Reinventing the English language...
Item #704704
October 19, 1850
WECLI FONETIC ADVOCET, Sinsinati, O., Octobur 19, 1850 [Weekly Phonetic Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio] This is one of the more curious newspapers of the 19th century.
During this time there was a movement afoot to create a new mode of writing & spelling: to spell words as they sounded, phonetically. Obviously it never caught on, but it did result in this unusual newspaper which is al... See More
Beginning work on the Washington Monument... Nauvoo, the Mormon city...
Item #704692
January 08, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Jan. 8, 1853
* Nauvoo, Illinois - Mormons
* Washington monument
A short-live newspaper which preceded the first issue of "Harper's Weekly". This is the volume 1, number 2 issue. P.T. Barnum was a "Special Partner" in this publication.
The front page shows: "The Late Collision on the Mississippi--Loss of the Steamer Western World&quo... See More
Print of San Francisco... The new Mormon Temple...
Item #704691
July 25, 1857
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, July 25, 1857
* Very early view of San Francisco
* Salt Lake Tabernacle under construction
Formatted much like the more common Harper's Weekly, this illustrated paper printed several years earlier.
The front page features a print of a: "View Of San Francisco, California" which a related article on it as well. Very early view of the young... See More
Horace Greeley's first successful publication...
Item #704682
April 20, 1839
THE NEW-YORKER, New York, April 20, 1839 This title was published by the famed Horace Greeley, begun some seven years before his more famous 'New York Tribune' would print its first issue. Although he would work at several newspapers prior to the 'New Yorker' this would be his first successful venture eventually reaching a circulation of 9,000.
Long active in politics, Gr
... See More
On the Hamilton-Burr duel...
Item #704649
August 13, 1804
THE TIMES, London, Aug. 13, 1804 The middle of page 3 has a report: "In the late duel in America, P. P. Vaness was second to the Vice President, and Judge Pendleton to General Hamilton. The duel took place at Hoboken. General Hamilton, after he received the fatal ball, was carried across the ferry to the house of Colonel Beard, where he died. It is said that his son was killed upon the ... See More
Much on the California gold rush...
Item #704638
February 03, 1849
SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1849 The top of page 3 has a column headed: "Mode Of Extracting Gold From the Ore" being a timely article given the recent discovery of gold in Calif. But the article begins with: "...The metallic grains found in the sands of rivers in California do not require to be subjected to a metallurgic process."
Page 3 begins wit... See More
Rare period print of the yacht America after having just won the famous race...
Item #704636
October 25, 1851
THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851 The front page features a nice print of the yacht: "The America", which to our knowledge is the only period print of the racing yacht America having just won the historic race against 14 other competitors. A similar print appears is the Illus. London News but it was from before the race. It would be this yacht, in this 1851 rega... See More
Focused on eliminating slavery...
Item #704624
October 17, 1845
NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD, New York, Oct. 17, 1857 As the title would suggest, an anti-slavery newspaper from four years before the Civil War.
Among the articles: "The Tennessee Negro-Torturer" "Slavery In Brazil" "Prospect of a Free State In Texas" "The Pedigree of The Panic" "The American Abolition Society" "Compensated Emancipat... See More
Very early bicycle prints...
Item #704619
June 12, 1869
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York June 12, 1869 The front page has a very nice & curious print captioned: "Sturdy and Young's Circular Velocipede" with a related front page article titled: "Improved Combination Pleasure Velocipede". An inside page also has a print of: "Price's Improved Bicycle" with a related article as well.
Sixteen pages, nice conditi... See More
Louis Pasteur... The inventor of the Polka...
Item #704617
October 12, 1895
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 12, 1895 The front page features a photo of Louis: "Pasteur" with a lengthy article on him as well. Also on the front page is an article: "The Inventor of the Polka".
Other articles with illustrations include: "The Tool Steel Industry" "An Automatic Double Chisel Mortising Machine", a full page print of: "The A... See More
Re-organized Mormons in Lamoni, Iowa...
Item #704615
February 02, 1889
THE SAINTS' HERALD, Lamoni, Iowa, Feb. 2, 1889 A quite rare Mormon publication which calls itself the: "Official Weekly Publication of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". Among the articles are: "Methodist Criticisms" "Latter Day Saints" "W. W. Blair's Explanation" "Dancing" & much more.
Sixteen pages, 9... See More
Perhaps the best publication for any baseball collector...
Item #704614
October 10, 1867
THE BALL PLAYERS' CHRONICLE, New York, Oct. 10, 1867 A very rare & desired title by any baseball collector as this was the first magazine in America devoted primarily to baseball.
Edited by the legendary Henry Chadwick, this paper lasted but 30 issues, from June 6 thru December 26, 1867 before changing its name to the 'American Chronicle' (which in turn lasted only 31 issues... See More
Jewish synagogue on Clinton Street...
Item #704613
May 07, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, May 7, 1853 Formatted very much like Harper's Weekly although predating it by four years, with the masthead featuring a nice engraving of the New York skyline at the time. P.T. Barnum was a "Special Partner" in this publication.
Various illustrations within including a small one of the: "Exterior View of the Jewish Synagogue, Clinton St." ... See More
Baseball, this '...most popular & interesting game..."
Item #704611
September 27, 1856
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Sept. 27, 1856 A rather famous sporting newspaper, with a sporting-themed masthead, calling itself: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage". This is the vol. 1 number 4 issue.
Page 5 has: "Base Ball" which includes a few: "Matches To Come" as well as reports from games played, beginning: &quo... See More
Chicago White Stockings: National League champs...
Item #704610
October 14, 1882
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 14, 1882 Inside has a very nice half page illustration captioned: "The Chicago Baseball Team, Winners Of The National League Championship." This is a team portrait of eleven players in uniform, including M. J. Kelly and A. C. Anson. The bottom half of that leaf has a print of a comet over New York City, Another page is taken up with 6 i... See More
The Monroe Doctrine...
Item #704608
December 06, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 6, 1823 An inside page has the "President's Message" being James Monroe's annual address to Congress. Part of his message contains the historic language warning European powers not to get involved in any affairs in the western hemisphere. This directive became known as the Monroe Doctrine and served as the cornerstone for
... See More
The Monroe Doctrine...
Item #704607
December 06, 1823
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 6, 1823 An inside page has the "President's Message" being James Monroe's annual address to Congress. Part of his message contains the historic language warning European powers not to get involved in any affairs in the western hemisphere. This directive became known as the Monroe Doctrine and served as the cornerstone for
... See More
First issue of a P. T. Barnum publication...
Item #704596
January 01, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Jan. 1, 1853 This is the very first issue of what would become a short-lived publication which had "P.T. Barnum, Special Partner" involved in its publication, as noted on one of the back pages.
This is one of the earliest illustrated periodicals in the United States, preceding both Leslie's Illustrated and Harper's Weekly. The format would... See More
Much on John Brown & Harper's Ferry... Man-hunting...
Item #704574
December 09, 1859
NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Dec. 9, 1859 Pages 6 & 7 have much on the John Brown insurrection at Harper's Ferry including: "JOHN BROWN'S INVASION" "The Martial Law Illegal--Reaction Against Wide" "The Fugitives--Cooke and Virginia in Kansas" "An Anecdote of John Brown" "Letter From C. P. Tidd" "Disunion Sentiment" &quo... See More
Scarce French-English newspaper from Louisiana...
Item #704564
July 09, 1870
LE LOUISIANAIS, Convent, Louisiana, July 9, 1870 A scarce title which existed from 1865 thru 1883, but of which very few issues surface. It is a single sheet newspaper with the front entirely in French while the reverse is in English save for the advertisements, most being in French.
Folio size, wide margins, nice condition.
Peace is proclaimed in the Spanish-American War...
Item #704563
August 13, 1898
Subheads include: "Protocol Has Been Signed by Secretary of State Day and by M. Cambon, the French Ambassador Acting for Spain, and Hostilities Suspended" "Soaping Turns From War To Peace"... See More
Marking out Santa's route from the North Pole, by Thomas Nast...
Item #704562
December 19, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 19, 1885 Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the great Thomas Nast double page print: 'Santa Claus's Route' showing two children marking out his route from the North Pole. Very displayable.
Other prints as well, several shown in the photos.
The complete issue, never bound nor trimmed, very nice condition.
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