Web Results (98)



Fighting Joe Hooker...

Item #683454

May 25, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 25, 1863 

* Battle of Chancellorsville - Virginia

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* General Joseph Hooker loss

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "From  Mississippi" "Fighting Joe Hooker at Chancellorsville" "Latest From the West--The Enemy Repulsed at Vicksburg--Repo... See More  

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If McClellan wins the election, the Civil War is over... Drafting VMI cadets...

Item #683388

October 07, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Oct. 7, 1864 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* re. George B. McClellan as president ?

The front page has: "The War News" which is a reflection upon the latest reports as received & includes as subheads "The Repulse of the Enemy on the Darbytown Road Last Saturday" and "Later From Sheridan". Also on the ftpg. are: &qu... See More  

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Confederate newspaper... Court cases involving slaves...

Item #683197

July 11, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1864

* Rare rebel publication

Various Civil War news with a Confederate bias, making for interesting reading as such. Among the front page items are: "The War News" which has several subheads including: "From Petersburg" & "Burnside's Movements". Other war news include: "Latest News From the North--Our Army in M... See More  

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Much on John Morgan's visit to Richmond...

Item #683106

January 09, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 9, 1864 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* General John Hunt Morgan in Richmond

Among the front page items are: "The War News" "Congress" "Navigation of the Mississippi" "Kentucky" 'The Habeas Corpus" "Crimes Against the United States" "City Intelligence" with subhead: ... See More  

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Much on the Civil War...

Item #683105

March 12, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 12, 1863 

* Rare rebel publication

Among the many front page items on the war--from a Confederate perspective--are: "From Fredericksburg" "Rumors From the West" "The Yankees and Their Ditches" "The Yankee Army About Vicksburg" "Every Man to His Post" "Notes On the War--From Vicksburg--The Can... See More  

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"The War Tax In Virginia"...

Item #682901

January 06, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 6, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

Among the front page reports are: "The War News" which has several reports; also: "Averill Prisoners" "The War Tax In Virginia" "The Anti-Substitute Law "The Blockade--The Cotton Question Again" 'The Courts" 'The Mortality in the Yankee Armies" "T... See More  

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Two dispatches signed by Braxton Bragg...

Item #682680

November 26, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Nov. 26, 1863 

* Battle of Lookout Mountain - Braxton Bragg

* From the capital of the Confederacy

A very nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate states. The front page has some advertisements but is dominated by various news reports, including items headed: "The News" "The Courts" "City Intelligence" "Batt... See More  

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Female spy... Drunkenness in the Union Army...

Item #682233

January 15, 1862

 DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 15, 1862  A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The ftpg. is taken up with ads plus news reports from Europe including: "The Mason-Slidell Affair" and the "Funeral of Prince Albert".

Page 2 has a lengthy editorial which discusses several topics including how the winter has slowed the Yankee forces, and also: &q... See More  

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Protection for Negro soldiers...

Item #682231

March 03, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 3, 1864 

* Negro soldiers

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. The front page includes: "The Raids Around Richmond--Surprise Of the Enemy's Camp at Atlee--Retreat of the Yankees Across the Pamunkey--Incidents, etc." which takes two columns. Also: "From The Peninsula" "Allowance of Ra... See More  

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Hanging of a minister...

Item #681471

April 19, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 19, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

The front page includes: "From the Gulf" "The War News" "The New Six Per Cent Bonds" "Important Arrest of an Alleged Spy" "An Iron-Clad runs the Blockade" and more, including a brief report that: "The capture of Fort Pillow seems to be confirmed..." and... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #681250

March 30, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 30, 1863  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

The front page includes: "The enemy's Account of The Attack on Port Hudson" "Latest News From the North" "Fatal Accident from Fire Arms" "Latest From the North" "Morgan's Late Fight" "Another 'Raid' In Tennessee--Capture of 800 ... See More  

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Lincoln compares unfavorably to King George III...

Item #681083

January 11, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 11, 1862 

* Abraham Lincoln mockery 

* King George III comparison 

* From the rebel capital

Half of the front page is taken up with ads, and half with news & other items including: "The Case of Brownlow" "Mr. Thomas' Plan for the Reorganization of the Virginia Forces" "There's Life in the Old Lan... See More  

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Yankees admit atrocities... and refuse to fight...

Item #680909

February 07, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 7, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "Additional From The North" "The Revolution in the North--Great Indignation at the Military Arrests of the Administration..." "Disaffection In The Yankee Army--the Soldiers Refusing to Fight--Their Confessions o... See More  

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Yankee deserters escape... along Williamsburg Road...

Item #680866

January 19, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, , Virginia, Jan. 19, 1864  A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page has: "Tenure of Cabinet Officers--Report of the Committee on the Judiciary" "which takes most of the page. Also on the front page: "City Intelligence" "Confiscation of Yankee Goods" "Captain John Kennedy" and other smaller items.... See More  

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Much on the Battle of Chickamauga...

Item #680865

September 23, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 23, 1863 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* Battle of Chickamauga - Georgia

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "Death of Major-General Hood" [false report; he was wounded at Chickamauga & had his leg amputated, but he lived until 1879], "A Delegation fro the North-West" &q... See More  

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Battle of Corinth and so much more...

Item #680450

April 21, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 21, 1862 

* Siege of Corinth, Mississippi

* General P. G. T. Beauregard

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy.

The front page is filled with ads, and pg. 2 begins with an editorial which starts: "It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of the crisis on the Peninsula. On that theatre the fate of the first American Re... See More  

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Report here is a focus of a Smithsonian Channel episode...

Item #679345

March 05, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 5, 1864

* Colonel Ulric Dahlgren Affair

* Failed raid on Richmond

* Secret papers found on Dahlgren's body

* American Civil War - Jefferson Davis

 There is an intriguing story within the front page reports recently brought to fore in an episode of "America's Hidden Stories" on the Smithsonian Channel.

The intrigue is about ... See More  

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From the Confederacy...

Item #679343

November 18, 1861

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Nov. 18, 1861 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Half of the ftpg. is taken up with advertisements while the other half includes: "The Rebels & Their Capital" "Richmond and Its Environs" "Notes of a Recent Tour in the South" which is a report from the New York Herald.

Page 2 includes an editorial which discusses, ... See More  

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A Jefferson Davis Proclamation... Beauregard... Shiloh...

Item #666668

April 11, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 11, 1862 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

The front page is completely filled with ads while much of pages 2 & 3 have war-related reports. Included is the always interesting editorial, which begins: "From every quarter comes the same news. The enemy are drawing their troops from the counties they have overrun...They are concentrati... See More  

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Fall of Fort Donelson... Proclamation by Jefferson Davis...

Item #666384

February 27, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 27, 1862 

* Fall of Fort Donelson, Tennessee

* Jefferson Davis proclamation

* From the capital of the Confederacy

A very nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America.

The front page is entirely taken up with advertisements and notices. The inside pages are rich in war-related reports including: "The Fall of Fort Don... See More  

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The Rebels on the Rebel situation...

Item #662176

January 19, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 19, 1862  Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "Interesting From the South" "The Richmond Examiner on the Rebel Situation" "The Port of New Orleans Hermetically Sealed" "Rebel Account of the Escape of the Pensacola" "No Furloughs to be Granted to the Army of the Potomac" and much more.

Eight pages, very nic... See More  

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The Rebels on the Rebel situation...

Item #662175

January 19, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 19, 1862  Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "Interesting From the South" "The Richmond Examiner on the Rebel Situation" "The Port of New Orleans Hermetically Sealed" "Rebel Account of the Escape of the Pensacola" "No Furloughs to be Granted to the Army of the Potomac" and much more.

Eight pages, very nic... See More  

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The Civil War from a Confederate perspective...

Item #656562

March 10, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 10, 1863 

* Rare rebel title

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page items on the Civil War are: "From Gloucester" "The Situation at Fredericksburg" "Officers' Horses & Mules" "Latest News From the North" "City Intelligence" "Bombardment of Vicksburg... See More  

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Confederate Act of Congress to organize a military...

Item #656034

March 04, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 4, 1864 

* Confederate Act of Congress

* Organizing a rebel military

A very nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. Among the front page items are: "The Enemy Around Richmond--Butler's Advance Up the Peninsula" which takes over a column; "City Intelligence" "Blockade Runner Blocked"... See More  

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The Civil War from a Confederate perspective...

Item #654626

March 25, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 25, 1862 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

The entire front page is taken up with ads, with much war news on pages 2 & 3 including: "Movements & Spirit of the War" "Important Advices From Tennessee--A Crisis" "The State of the Country--The President's Message" "Good News From the Army of the She... See More  

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Gordonsville and Yorktown...

Item #654254

August 15, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Aug. 15, 1862 

* Rare rebel publication

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy, with war reports from the Confederate perspective. The front page includes: "Movements of the Enemy On James River" "From Gordonsville" 'From Yorktown" "Summary Of News". There are also many Acts from the Confederate Cong... See More  

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From the Confederate capital...The Death of Major Burroughs...

Item #652612

February 16, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 16, 1864 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* The Death of Major Edgar Burroughs

Among the front page items are: "The Death of Major Edgar Burroughs" "City Intelligence" "The Escaped Yankee Officers" "Telegraphic" and several Acts from the Confederate Congress.

The back page has an editorial concerning... See More  

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The nomination of General McClellan...

Item #651771

September 03, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 3, 1864 

* General George McClellan

* Presidential nomination

* Rare Confederate title

Not only a very nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but from its capital as well. The ftpg. has: "The War News with several subheads from various fields of operation: "From Atlanta" "From Mobile" "From Louisiana" and "From C... See More  

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From the Confederacy...

Item #651715

March 11, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 11, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "The War News--Engagement At Suffolk & Repulse of the Enemy" "The Grab Game" "Escape from the Penitentiary" and some other items, in addition to many advertisements and notic... See More  

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The Siege of Charleston... The Averill Raid...

Item #646447

December 22, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Dec. 22, 1863 

* Charleston SC South Carolina siege

* General William W. Averell raid

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. Among the front page items are: "The Averill Raid" "From Northern Virginia" "From East Tennessee--From Northern Georgia--The Siege of Charleston" and other smaller i... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #646442

March 09, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 9, 1863 

* Rare rebel publication

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. Among the front page items are: "Bombardment of Fort McAllister" "Reported Fight at Gloucester Point" "A Rumour From the Rappahannock" "Effects of the War at the North" "The Virginia Legislature&qu... See More  

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The raid on Petersburg, from the Confederacy...

Item #646440

June 11, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 11, 1864 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* Siege of Petersburg, Virginia begins

Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate States. And this issue is from late in the Civil War. Among the front page items are: "The War News" "From Bottom's Bridge" "The Raid On Petersburg" w... See More  

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Much on the battle in Kentucky...

Item #646428

February 04, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 4, 1862 

* Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky

* In a Confederate title

Not only a newspaper from the Confederate States, but from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page items are: "The Coin Of The Confederate States" "A Virginia Mother's Appeal To the Soldiers" which is stirring (see images). Also much reportin... See More  

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From the Confederate Congress...

Item #645701

January 27, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 27, 1862 

* From the Confederate capital

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate states with the front page taken up various advertisements and news, including; "The Northern Congress" "The Emancipation Question" "The Only Compromise With the Rebels" as well as "Notes Of The War".

The inside pa... See More  

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Reports from the Confederacy...

Item #639394

February 03, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, February 3, 1864 

* Rare rebel title

A newspaper from the capital of the Confederate states, the city through which all news reports flowed during the Civil War. The front page has much on the war with items headed: "From the Blackwater Region" "The Enemy at New Bern, North Carolina" "From Charleston" "Arrest of Ex-Se... See More  

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The Yankees are growing tired of the war...

Item #637928

January 30, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 30, 1863  A nice newspaper from not only the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate states. Among the front page reports are: "The War In the East" "City Intelligence" "the White Flag" "Castle Thunder Items" "What the Yankee Soldiers Say & Think of the War--Growing Sick of the Job of Crus... See More  

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News from the Confederacy...

Item #629922

September 30, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 30, 1863 

* Rare rebel publication

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "From the Army of Northern Virginia" "Promotions In The Army" "The Raid on Southwestern Virginia" "From Bragg's Army" and more.

A single sheet issue with a full banner masthead, very nice c... See More  

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Confederates concerned about 600,000 more Yankee soldiers...

Item #629830

August 30, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Aug. 30, 1862 

* Rare rebel publication

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "From The Seat of War" "A Cavalry Dash in the Valley" "Additional From the North" "Address From General Floyd" "A Brush at City Point" "Supplies For the Hospitals" and more.

... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #625653

April 06, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 6, 1864

* Rare rebel title

There is much war-related content on the front page with heads & reports including: "The War News" "...All is quiet along General Lee's lines......" and smaller heads including: "Deserters From The Yankee Navy" "Alleged Defaulter" "Colonel Henry T. Gantt..." "Dea... See More  

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A battle is brewing...

Item #622128

May 24, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 24, 1862 

* Battle of Princeton Court House

* Siege of Corinth, Mississippi

A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy.  The front page includes; "Heavy Skirmish in the Neighbourhood of Richmond" "Affairs Near Corinth" "The Soldier's Life" "the Maryland Line" "Destruction of the Virgi... See More  

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Reports from the Civil War, in a newspaper from the Confederate capital...

Item #586632
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, 1862  Not only is this a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but it is from the capital of the Confederate States at the time, the city through which all news reports would be sure to flow.

This issue has various war reports on the inside pages, typically with a very anti-North bias, as would be expected. Page 2 also has an interesting editorial which was ... See More  

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Confederate newspaper... Court cases involving slaves...

Item #563764

July 11, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1864 Various Civil War news with a Confederate bias, making for interesting reading as such. Among the front page items are: "The War News" which has several subheads including: "From Petersburg" & "Burnside's Movements". Other war news include: "Latest News From the North--Our Army in Maryland--Capture of Martinsburg... See More  

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Unique "Yankee" & "Confederate" pair of the same date...

Item #202443
Here is a unique opportunity for a pair of issues--one Yankee and the other Confederate--of the identical date in 1862-1864, one from the prestigious New York Times, Herald, or Tribune (Yankee) and the other from the Confederate capital of Richmond, titled the Daily Richmond Examiner (Confederate), providing a perspective of how the news was reported with all the "spin" & biases that
... See More  

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Sherman's march through Georgia...

Item #172840

December 10, 1864

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 10, 1864  The full front page is: "Arrival Of Union Refugees at Kingston, Georgia".  Inside has a full page print: "Thank God! Reception of Our Exchanged Prisoners on Board the 'Eliza Hancox' ". Other prints within include: "Serving Out Rations to Our Exchanged Prisoners on Board the 'New York' " "Sund... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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General William T. Sherman in Georgia...

Item #172786

June 04, 1864

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 4, 1864  The full front page is a very nice print of: "Major-General William T. Sherman". Other prints within include a full page: Major-General Wadsworth Fighting in the Wilderness", and other prints of: "...Our Wounded Escaping from the Fires in the Wilderness" "Army of the Potomac--Scene of General Sedgwick's Death"... See More  

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A wealth of Civil War prints...

Item #172662

March 28, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 28, 1863  The front page is taken up with: "A Torpedo Exploding Under the 'Montauk' , In the Ogeechee River" and "The Destruction of the 'Nashville' by the Iron-clad Monitor 'Montauk'". Other prints within include: "Bombardment of Fort M'Allister by the Iron-Clad Fleet"; a bust of: "The Princes... See More  

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The storm on Cape Ann, Massachusetts...

Item #176310

February 19, 1898

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 19, 1898  The front page has an illustration by W. A. Rogers called: "'Don't Shoot! You Might Hit the Old Veteran!'".Two full pgs. with 11 photos of 'With the Cuban Insurgents--La Esperanza'. There is a full page illustration called "St. Valentine's Day in New England".

The doublepage centerfold shows: "... See More  

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Forrest's raid into Memphis...

Item #172814

September 10, 1864

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 10, 1864  The front page has a print of: "The Most Rev. John McCloskey, D.D., Archbishop of New York" with an article on him as well. Inside has a full page: "Isometric View of General Grant's Virginia Campaign" as well as: "Farragut's Victory in Mobile Bay--The Capture of the Rebel am 'Tennessee' ".

Other... See More  

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