Web Results (356)



1912 Princeton University president elected...

Item #677608

January 18, 1912

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 18, 1912

* John Grier Hibben - minister - educator

* Elected president of Princeton University

The top of the front page has a three column headline: "ELECTION OF DR. HIBBEN EXPECTED TO END MUCH OF TROUBLE AT PRINCETON" with subhead and related pictorial. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" e... See More  

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Delaware & Pennsylvania ratify the Constitution...

Item #677363
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, December, 1787

* United States Constitution ratification

* Pennsylvania and Delaware ratify

 The first article in this issue is: "A Description of Boston".

Near the back of the issue is "Intelligence" which has the latest news reports of the day, including an historic one noting: "The deputies of the state Convention of D... See More  

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The Shays' Rebellion... Benjamin Franklin re-elected... Two plates...

Item #677333
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, November, 1786  

* Benjamin Franklin

* Daniel Shay's Rebellion

The issue begins with: "A Description of Bones Found Near the River Ohio" which includes a foldout plate as well (repair to the reverse). 

Also within the issue: "A Short Description of the Crotalus Horridus, or Rattlesnake" "A Short Dissertation on Ec... See More  

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Details on the Presidential election of 1796...

Item #677066

February 22, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

Page 2 has a report from the "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress" concerning the process for tallying votes for President & Vice President: "...that the two Houses shall assemble in the chamber of the House of Represen... See More  

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George Washington is elected President of the United States...

Item #677063

February 20, 1793

NATIONAL GAZETTE, Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1793

* President George Washington

* Historic 2nd election victory

Nearly three-quarters of the front page is taken up with an address: "To ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Secretary of the Treasury of he United States". This is followed, on page 2, with a second analysis of America's financial situation.

But by far the most significant ite
... See More  

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John Adams is elected President of the United States...

Item #676792

February 01, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

The most notable report is the announcement that John Adams has been elected President of the United States.

A report near the back notes in part: "Yesterday, agreeable to a provision of the Constitution...the members...assembled...to count the votes ... See More  

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Herbert Hoover wins in a landslide...

Item #675771

November 07, 1928

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, November 7, 1928 

* Herbert Hoover elected President

* Franklin D. Roosevelt wins Governorship

The front page has a terrific banner headline in bold lettering: "HOOVER SWEEPS U. S." with subheads and chart. (see) Lengthy 1st report coverage continues on the following pages. Some related photos as well. Always nice to have notable events in history repor... See More  

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India becomes a Republic...

Item #674573

January 24, 1950

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., January 24, 1950

* India becomes a republic

* Independence from Britain

The front page has a one column heading: "First President Being Elected By India Today" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on India becoming a independent republic from Britain with Jawaharlal Nehru becoming the first prime minister.

Complete with 16 pages, light toning and m... See More  

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Very beginning of the American Antiquarian Society...

Item #674435

November 25, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 25, 1812 

* American Antiquarian Society (AAS) established

* Worcester, Massachusetts - American history

Page 2 has a very significant news report headed: "American Antiquarian Society" which begins: "This Society was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, passed October 22d, 1812. It's object is to collect an... See More  

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Bush Wins... Then Wins Again!!!

A great pair of issues...

Item #674311

November 08, 2000

THE LEDGER, Lakeland, Florida (two issues).

* George W. Bush election & recount win

Given the attention of the current presidential election, here is a terrific--and perhaps the very best--pair of issues on the election controversy of George W. Bush's second term.

From the state of Florida, which was the focus of the turmoil of this election, the two issues have headlines which rela... See More  

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President McKinley is re-elected...

Item #673609

November 07, 1900

GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Nov. 7, 1900  The top of page 4 has column heads: "A Republican Landslide" "McKinley Re-elected President by a Greater Majority Than He Received in 1896--Carries 22 States Certain--Bryan Carries 15, Leaving 8 in Doubt--The Next Congress Republican" with the text taking about half a column.

Eight pages, archivally rejoined at the spine, ... See More  

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William H. Harrison is elected President...

Item #671429

November 14, 1840

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 14, 1840 

* William Henry Harrison

* 1840 election victory

Page 2 has a report headed: "Presidential Election" which begins: "Sufficient returns are received to place the result beyond all question. It is now certain that William Henry Harrison will be elected president, and John Tyler, vice president of the United States...... See More  

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Jefferson's response upon being notified of being elected President...

Item #667545

March 11, 1801

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, March 11, 1801  Page 3 has, under: "President Elect" a report: "The Committee instructed on the 18th instant to wait the President Elect and notify him of his election, REPORT--that they have, according to order performed that service, and addressed the President elect in the following words, to wit: 'The committee beg le... See More  

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Jefferson is honored by National Institute of France...

Item #667347

April 03, 1803

NEW YORK HERALD, April 2, 1803 

* Thomas Jefferson

* Institut de France

Page 3 has an address from President Thomas Jefferson to the National Institute of France in which he humbly accepts the honor of being elected as: "...a foreign associate for the class of moral & political sciences...". It is signed in type: Th. Jefferson.

Four pages, small piece from the blank spin... See More  

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Death of Charles De Gaulle, in a Paris newspaper...

Item #659665

November 11, 1970

FRANCE-SOIR, Paris, France, Nov. 11, 1970 

* Charles de Gaulle death (1st report)

* Best title to be had ?

The front page is black-bordered and features a large & bold banner headline: "LA MORTE DE DE GAULLE" [The Death of De Gaulle]. Charles DeGaulle was a French general and statesman. He was the leader of Free France (1940–44) and the head of the provisional gov... See More  

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Arthur Griffith elected... Irish leader...

Item #650115

January 11, 1922

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 11, 1922

* Arthur Griffith election win (1st report)

* President of Dail Eireann

* Irish Free State - Ireland

The top of the front page has one column headings that include: "GRIFFITH ELECTED IRISH PRESIDENT; DAIL ADJOURNS" "Government That Will Prepare the Way for Irish Free State Takes Over Offices" "De Valera Men Walk Out" "... See More  

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Martin Van Buren is elected President of the United States...

Item #649931

February 11, 1837

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 11, 1837  Near the back is a report from Congress which includes, in part, a report of the formal election of Martin Van Buren as President, evidenced by a chart of the electoral vote by state.

The text reads in part: "...the return of electoral votes from each state was opened, read & recorded...After the counting of the votes was complet... See More  

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Paul von Hindenburg elected president.....

Item #648368

April 27, 1925

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 27, 1925

* Paul von Hindenburg

* 1st election as president of Germany

* 1st report w/ photo

The top of the front page has a five column headline: "VON HINDENBURG IS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF GERMANY; BEATS MARX, REPUBLICAN LEADER, BY 887,000 VOTES; TWO KILLED AND MANY INJURED IN RIOTING AT POLLS" with several subheads and photo of Hindenburg (see) Lengthy 1st... See More  

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Emilio Portes Gill elected Mexican president...

Item #643866

September 26, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 26, 1928

* Emilio Portes Gill elected

* 41st President of Mexico

The front page has a one column heading: "PORTES GIL ELECTED MEXICAN PRESIDENT" with subheads. (see) First report coverage continues inside with photo.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 56 pages, light toning, minor  margin wear, generally nice.... See More  

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Hermann Göring elected President of Reichsatg...

Item #638150

August 31, 1932

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 31, 1932

* Nazi leader Hermann Göring

* Elected president of the Reichstag

The top of the front page has one column headings: "REICHSTAG IS CALM; WILL ASK HINDENBURG TO LET IT CONTINUE" "Nazi Is Elected Speaker--'Toleration' of the Present Cabinet Is Likely" "Red Assails The President" and more. (see) First report coverag... See More  

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Eamon De Valera elected president...

Item #631847

March 10, 1932

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, March 10, 1932

* Eamon De Valera elected president

* Fianna Fail - Dail

* Ireland - Irish

The front page has one column headings that include: "DE VALERA ELECTED PRESIDENT BY DAIL", "Cheered as He is Selected to Head Cabinet--Chooses Republican Aides", "Takes Oath Of Allegiance" and more. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisemen... See More  

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Niceto Alcalá-Zamora becomes Spain's president....

Item #630671

December 11, 1931

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 11, 1931

* Niceto Alcalá-Zamora elected president

* Second Spanish Republic - Spain

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "ZAMORA IS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF SPAIN" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Niceto Alcalá-Zamora becoming the president of the Second Spanish Republic. Article continues inside with photo of... See More  

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Arthur Griffith elected... Irish leader...

Item #630287

January 11, 1922

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, January 11, 1922

* Arthur Griffith election win

* President of Dail Eireann

* Irish Free State - Ireland

The front page has a one column heading:

"BRITISH TO FREE ERIN PRISONERSHELD IN REVOLT" with subheads. (see) Coverage on the election of President of Dail Eireann, Arthur Griffith.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 20 pages... See More  

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First African-American President of the United States...

Item #629582

November 05, 2008

USA TODAY, November 5, 2008  This 48 page newspaper has a nice two line banner headline on the front page: "America makes history, Obama Wins! " with subheads and nice color photo of Obama with family. Much more on the inside pages in the 1st section. (see)

Nice condition.

Our post on the History's Newsstand Blog:

Regardless of your view on the recent U.S. election, one

... See More  

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Monroe wins the Presidential election...

Item #622032

February 19, 1817

NEW YORK SPECTATOR, Feb. 19, 1817  The top of the front page as an announcing: "According to the provisions of the constitution the votes...for President and Vice President were yesterday counted...was officially proclaimed by the President of the Senate that JAMES MONROE is elected President...and DANIEL D. TOMPKINS is elected Vice President..." (see).

Four pages, never-trimmed ma... See More  

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Yitzhak Den-Zvi elected 2nd president of Israel...

Item #616635

December 09, 1952

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 9, 1952 

* Yitzhak Ben-Zvi elected 2nd president of Israel

* Labor Zionist leader

A two column headline: "Ben-Zvi Elected President Of Israel in Dramatic Vote" with subhead: "Successor to Weizmann Wins on 3d Ballot After Leftists Shift to Him" and a one column photo of Ben-Zvi.

Complete in 68 pages, light browning, otherwise in good condition.... See More  

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Dwight Eisenhower wins the election...

Item #609844

November 07, 1956

HERALD EXPRESS, Los Angeles, Nov. 7, 1956 

* General Dwight D. Eisenhower

* Elected president of the United States

At the very top of the front page: "ELECTION EXTRA" and followed by a large, bold banner headline: "IKE LANDSLIDE" and related subheads.

The complete sections 1 & 2 (of 4) with 32 pages, very nice, clean condition.... See More  

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Paul von Hindenburg elected president.....

Item #590394

April 27, 1925

THE DAY, New London, Connecticut, April 27, 1925

* Paul von Hindenburg

* 1st election as president of Germany

This 14 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "Hindenburg Is Elected President Of Germany is Sweeping Victory; His Plurality Approaches 900,000" with subheads. 1st report coverage on Paul von Hindenburg becoming the president of Germany.

Other ne... See More  

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James A. Garfield monument...

Item #585237

May 13, 1887

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, May 13, 1887

* James A Garfield monument

* Washington D.C. unveiling

This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "GARFIELD", "The Memory of the Martyred Son of Ohio Honored at Washington", "The Unveiling of the Heroic Bronze Statue Erected By the Brave Veterans", and more with illustratio... See More  

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Paul Von Hindenburg becomes President...

Item #583928

May 13, 1925

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, May 13, 1925

* Paul Von Hindenburg becomes President

* Germany

* Pre Adolph Hitler

This 18 page newspaper has a one column headlines on the front page that include: "HINDENBURG GIVES PLEDGE TO REPUBLIC", "Inaugurated as President of Germany in Simple Reichstag Ceremony' and more (see photos). 1st report coverage of Paul Von Hindenbu... See More  

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The tragedies of dividing slave families...Zachary Taylor elected president...

Item #583417

November 15, 1848

NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, November 15, 1848 Page three contains an article entitled "The Slave Trade" which deals with the tragedies which occur when families foresee that they may possible be separated. This includes inducing their own bodily harm and even their to the point of their own death instead of being separated. "That was a most merciful attempt that was made in the la... See More  

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The election of President Roosevelt...

Item #583402

February 09, 1905

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, February 9, 1905  Page twelve carries a one column wide headline "Roosevelt Is Elected" with subheadlines "Official Announcement Made". The ceremony of counting the electoral votes of the states was held. Other news and advertisements are within the issue.

This is complete in 14 pages with several small bind hole... See More  

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Alfred E. Smith...

Item #574464

June 28, 1928

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, Albany, New York, June 28, 1928 

* Alfred E. Smith... 

* Democratic nomination for President... 

This 36 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "SMITH WILL BE NOMINATED TONIGHT" with subheads and photo. (see)

Other news of the day. Light browning, little margin wear, otherwise good.

wikipedia notes: Alfred Emanuel Sm... See More  

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James Montgomery Flagg print...

Aeroplane Flight... measuring the altitude...

Item #177844

January 15, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 15, 1910  This issue contains the wonderful double page centerfold print, "Better Than Sugar", by James Montgomery Flagg.  Another print of note is, "A Winter Cargo From Maine", by H.M. Brett.  Also included are: "The Most Important City Official In The World", "The Senatorial Hall Of Fame", by E.W. Kimbl... See More  

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LaGuardia elected mayor of New York City...

Item #569043

November 08, 1933

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, New York, November 8, 1933 

* Fiorello Henry La Guardia elected mayor of New York City   

This 36 page newspaper has a two column photo on the front page with caption: "New York Victors and Vanquished"

Also a nice seven column headline on page 2: "LAGUARDIA SWEPT INTO OFFICE BY 250,000 PLURALITY"

Other news of the day. Light bro... See More  

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Happy Chandler named MLB commissioner..

Item #566921

April 25, 1945

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1945 

* Happy Chandler named 2nd MLB Commissioner

This 20 page newspaper has a six column headline on page 10: "Senator 'Happy' Chandler Named Baseball Commissioner" with subheads and photo of Chandler. (see) Tells of Albert Benjamin "Happy" Chandler, Sr. becoming the 2nd commissioner of Major League Baseb... See More  

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LPGA forms in 1949...

Item #564463

September 14, 1949

THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 14, 1949 

* Ladies Professional Golf Association formation (LPGA) 

* Patty Berg - Babe Didrikson Zaharias 

This 64 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 45: "PRO GROUP FORMED FOR WOMEN'S GOLF" "Organization to Conduct Open Tourney Sept. 22-25--Miss Berg Elected President"

This was the actual formation of the La... See More  

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Hermann Goering elected President of Reichsatg...

Item #564139

August 31, 1932

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, August 31, 1932

* Hermann Goering elected president of the new Reichstag

* Early Hitler and Nazis before total power

This 36 page newspaper has one column headline on the front page that include: "REICHSTAG IS CALM; WILL ASK HINDENBURG TO LET IT CONTINUE" "Nazi Is Elected Speaker--'Toleration' of the Present Cabinet Is Likely" "... See More  

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Woodrow Wilson's death....

Item #562949

February 04, 1924

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE, Pennsylvania, February 4, 1924

* Death of President Woodrow Wilson

This 20 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "FUNERAL OF WOODROW WILSON WILSON TO TAKE PLACE ON NEXT WEDNESDAY" with subheads that include: "WHOLE NATION MOURNS DEATH OF WOODROW WILSON" and much more with nice black bordered photo of Wilson.

Other news of th... See More  

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Eduard Benes...

Item #561011

June 08, 1948

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 8, 1948 

* Communism complete in Czechoslovakia 

* Eduard Benes

This 52 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Benes Resigns in Prague; Gottwald Likely Successor" with subhead and photo of Benes.

Eduard Benes 'resignation resulted in the Communist complete takeover in Czechoslovakia.

Other news of the day th... See More  

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Edward Grant Barrow elected President of the New York Yankees...

Item #557493

January 18, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 18, 1939  This 42 page newspaper has a nice banner headlines on page 23: "Barrow Is Elected President of Yanks After George Ruppert Declines Post" with many subheads and related photos.

Other news of the day throughout. Rag edition in great condition.

wikipedia notes: Edward Grant Barrow (May 10, 1868 - December 15, 1953) was an American manager and e... See More  

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Juan Peron elected President of Argentine...

Item #557211

February 25, 1946

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, February 25, 1946

* Juan Peron elected President of Argentina

This 38 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page:


* Nation's Poll of 3,000,000 Under Guard of Army Is Peaceful Everywhere


and more. Continues on page 3 with related photos.

Other news of the day. Rag editio... See More  

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Wilt Chamerlain NBA scoring record...

Item #556777

February 15, 1966

LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, from Leominster, Massachusetts, dated February 15, 1966

* Wilt Chamberlain

* Philadelphia 76ers

* Bob Pettit

* NBA Basketball all-time scoring record made

This 10 page newspaper has a two column headline on page 5:

* 'Wilt' Proves His Point Shattering Pettit's Mark

Other news of the day. Light browning with some tiny binding holes along the spine,... See More  

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Kentucky Martial Law ends...

Item #555916

October 13, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, New York, NY, October 13, 1865

* Post civil war Kentucky

The front page has: "Washington" "Martial Law No Longer in Force in Kentucky" "The President's Proclamation" "The Status Of Kentucky". Proclamation concerning martial law in Kentucky is signed in type: Andrew Johnson.

Other news of the day throughout this 8 page issue. Mino... See More  

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Early Flight...

Item #177839

October 22, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 22, 1910

This issue features a color cover. (see photos for details).The front page of this issue features a photo of Walter Wellman entitled "WELLMAN AND HIS AIR-SHIP", who attempted to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a airship.

A fullpage political cartoon by E.W. Kemble - "The Big Wind: 'I thought, Bill the you were with me"' ... See More  

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Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at: guy@rarenewspapers.com

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Barack Obama becomes America's first African-American president...

Item #552589

November 05, 2008

CHICAGO TRIBUNE, Illinois, November 5, 2008

* Barrack Obama elected President of the United States

* Hometown newspaper of first African-American president

Presidential election newspapers have always been a mainstay of any historic newspaper collection, and ideally collectors try to find such an issue from the victor's hometown.

This newspaper is special for three reasons: 1) it is ... See More  

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More discoveries of Pompeii.....

Item #177658

May 25, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 25, 1912  The front page of this issue is a photo of "A King Who Died Unknown."

This issue has an illustration of "Which Will Win?" by Kemble and an article with photos of "The Rewards of Baseball" by Edward Bayard Moss. There is another article called "Are Women Human Beings?" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and there ar... See More  

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Item #177653

April 13, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York,  April 13, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The Colonel in Action."

This issue has an article of "Quarreling at the coal-bin" by Edward Hungerford and an article of "San Francisco at Home - 1915" by Hamilton Wright. The double page illustration is of "'The Fishing Season'" by Kemble. There is ... See More  

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The Wall Street Fire....

Item #177641

January 20, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 20, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "Princeton's New Head."

This issue has an illustration of "'Hoopla! Here We Are Again!'" by Kemble. There is an article of "Zapata--The Mexican Attila" by Richard Barry and there is a half page photo of "Birds of a Feather Flock to Paris." The double ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Polo... Golf...

Item #177608

May 27, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 27, 1911

There is a full color cover page on this issue. The front page of this issue is a photo of "The New Secretary of War."

This issue has an illustration of "A Gallery of Golf Enthusiasts--II.--Vice-President Sherman" by Kemble. There is a photo of "America's Foremost Polo Player" and an article with photos of "Ou... See More  

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