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Nas political cartoon on the front page...
Item #173664
October 26, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct 26, 1872 Full front page Nast illus. of "None Before the Brave Deserves the Fair." Inside: A 2/3 pg. portrait of "The Late William H. Seward." 1/6 pg. portrait of "The Rev. Father Beckx, General of the Society of Jesuits." Two 1/2 pg. illus. pertaining to "The October Election" including "...Challenging a Voter&q... See More
Follow-up to the Civil War... Prisoner cruelties...
Item #172894
June 17, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY June 17, 1865 The full front page shows: "Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State" with an article on him on page 2. Other articles are: "The Fate Of Davis" "The Day of Reckoning" "The Conspiracy Trial".
Inside ha a nice, large print of: "Major-General William T. Sherman", and smaller prints of: "General Weitzel... See More
Winslow Homer centerfold... Thomas Nast front page...
Item #172752
February 06, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 6, 1864 The full front page is a Thomas Nast print: "Thanks To Grant" showing Liberty pinning a medal on him. The doublepage centerfold is a desired Winslow Homer print titled: "Halt Of A Wagon Train" showing soldiers around a camp fire.
Other prints within include: "The Stag Dance" "A Veteran On Furlough" "A S... See More
Lincoln's assassination: John Wilkes Booth on the front page...
Item #172880
April 29, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 29, 1865
* The same issue (title and date) found in the time capsule under the (former) statue of Robert E. Lee on Dec. 28, 2021
The front page has a large and dramatic illustration of "J. Wilkes Booth" plus a lengthy article headed: 'The Murder Of The President' making this a nice display issue.
Inside articles are headed: "Abraha... See More
On the Lincoln assassination and funeral...
Item #172882
May 06, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 6, 1865 This issue remains one of the most desired of the Civil War era, if not the 19th century, as much of it deals with the assassination and funeral of President Abraham Lincoln.
The entire front page is a print captioned: "President Lincoln At Home" showing him reading a book to his son. This very image was made into a postage stamp by the U... See More
Thomas Nast print... The Centennial...
Item #174078
October 14, 1876
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 14, 1876 One-third page illustration: 'Hell Gate Destroyed--The Explosion'; Full page illustration by Thomas Nast: 'Between Two Fires'; 3 full page scenes on The Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia.; Halfpage illustration: ' To the Black Hills, Or Bust' shows a cowboy struggling with his horse.; Halfpage il... See More
The slave ship...
Item #172368
June 02, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 2, 1860 The prime print in this issue is the three-quarter page illustration captioned: "The Slave Deck on the Bark 'Wildfire' Brought Into Key West on April 30, 1860." This print shows a huge number of slaves crammed on the deck. The balance of the page is related text on this slave ship, plus the facing page has additional text and 4 re... See More
A dramatic naval battle...
Item #172496
August 24, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 24, 1861 Half of front page shows: "Presentation of Prince Napoleon by Secretary Seward to the President", which shows Abraham Lincoln. Other prints within include a full page: "General McClellan & His Staff" & fullpg: "Splendid Charge of U.S. Cavalry at the Battle of Dug Spring, Missouri" & "Scenes in the Bro... See More
Second Battle of Bull Run...
Item #172606
September 13, 1862
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 13, 1862 The front page is taken up with a nearly full-figure print of "Major-General John Pope, Commanding the Army of Virginia" along with a biography of him.
Inside includes a full page with 2 prints of: "Manassas Junction...Scene of Several Recent Fights" which is the Second Battle of Bull Run; a full page with 3 prints of: &q... See More
Navigating the bayous in Dixie... Marriage of the Prince of Wales...
Item #172666
April 11, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 11, 1863 The full front page has 4 prints captioned: "Bayou Navigation in Dixie." Inside includes a full page of: "The Prince & Princess of Wales"; a three-quarter page: "Queen Victoria & the Princess Beatrice"; a doublepage centerfold: "Marriage of the Prince of Wales at St. George's Chapel, Windsor."; ... See More
The Siege of Charleston, Fort Wagner, & the ruin of Lawrence, Kansas...
Item #172712
September 19, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 19, 1863 The full front page shows: "The Secretary of State and the Diplomatic Corps at Trenton Falls". Inside has a full page: "The Siege of Charleston--The Morning Call to the Rebels" and another full page has 3 prints: "The Siege of Charleston--The Swamp Angel" & "Diagram Showing the Torpedo Buried in the Sand... See More
The conspirators in the Lincoln assassination...
Item #172898
July 01, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 1, 1865 The front page has 2 prints concerning the dedication of the Bull Run monuments, captioned: "Monument Erected on the Field of the First Battle of Bull Run" and: "Consecration of the Bull Run Monuments--Reading the Service". There is front page text on the dedication as well.
Inside has a full page of: "Sherman And His Gene... See More
Nast centerfold focuses on recovering from the Civil War...
Item #172900
July 08, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 8, 1865 The full front page is a print: "Peace--Fourth of July, 1865" showing an angelic figure over returning soldiers. Prints within include a full page with 6 images concerning: "The Wreck of the 'Golden Rule' - Scenes Upon The Island El Roncador". Also: "Luther C. Ladd" "Addison O. Whitney" "Dedicati... See More
Displayable Thomas Nast Santa Claus...
Item #172950
December 30, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 30, 1865 This issue features a great doublepage centerfold done by famed artist Thomas Nast, titled: "Merry Christmas To All", showing 8 vignettes of a Christmas theme with the central focus being a great portrait of Santa Claus with a pipe in hand.
This is one of the better and more famous Nast Santa Claus prints and is very displayable.
T... See More
Hebrew Temple Emanu-el, New York...
Item #173252
November 14, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 14, 1868 Terrific full front page political cartoon: 'Victory!' shows U.S. Grant on horseback cutting off the head of the K.K.K. on horseback as well. A halfpage illustration of the ''Court House, San Jose, California'. A great and displayable fullpage: 'Duck Shooting' shows 6 scenes. 'Hebrew Temple Emanu-el, Corne... See More
Inauguration of President Grant... Howard University...
Item #173288
March 20, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 20, 1869 The front cover of this issue features "Vice-President Wade Administering the Oath to Schuyler Colfax". Also there is a nice doublepage centerfold of "The Inauguration of President Grant, March 4, 1869" which is very is displayable. A half-page illustration "Howard University, Washington D.C." A full page illus... See More
Thomas Nast prints... A.B. Frost print... "The Centennial" prints...
Item #174080
October 21, 1876
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 21, 1876 Full front page Thomas Nast: 'The Solid South--Gaunt & Hungry'.; Full page illustration A.B. Frost: 'Of Course He Wants to Vote the Democratic Ticket' shows a black man with 2 guns to his head.; Three fullpage prints on The Centennial.;
Full page Thomas Nast illustration: 'Struck - At Sea'; Hal... See More
A miner's life in the coal regions of Pennsylvania...
Item #175300
June 16, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 16, 1888 Front full pg. illus. of "A Strong Combination." Inside are four 1/4 pg. illus. pertaining to "The Quarter Millennial Celebration of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Back Came Those Daredevils of Stuart's."
Doublepage centerfold containing many illus. pertaining to "... See More
Cowboys on horseback... Frederic Remington...
Item #175348
December 01, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 1, 1888 Fullpg. of the new Cathedral Church of All Saints, Diocese Of Albany. Half page print: "The United States Pneumatic Dynamite Gun Cruiser 'Vesuvius'".
Great fullpg. F. Remington print: "A Peccary Hunt In Northern Mexico" shows two cowboys on horseback. Another full page print: "The Wreck" plus much more.
O... See More
A golf-themed print on the front page...
Item #176252
July 31, 1897
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 31, 1897 The full front page is an illus: "I Felt Her Seize My Hand and Shake It." which shows a woman greeting a man with a golf club, with caddies & others in the background. This print accompanies a story inside titled: "Colonel Bogie, A Golf Story" where also is found a print of a woman about to hit a golf ball off a tee, with m... See More
Map of Georgia... Celebration the abolition of slavery in Washington D.C... Cotton team in North Carolina...
Item #172988
May 12, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 12, 1866 Ftpg. shows: 'The Levee at Cincinnati, Ohio'. One-quarter pg: 'Map of New York Bay'. Halfpg: 'On the Mississippi--Religious Services on Board the 'Ruth' '. Very nice fullpg: 'View of Shockoe Creek Valley, Richmond, Va.' & fullpg: 'Cotton Team in N. Carolina' shows black men leading a cart load of cotton... See More
Utah expedition...
Item #172124
January 30, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 30, 1858 The front page features an article and illustration: 'Rev. Stephen H. Tying'. 'Life In Hong Kong' includes three illustrations of men. "Life In Hong Kong" features three illustrations. "Travel Notes In Bible Lands" features a large illustration "The Great Cemetery of Antioch" and a smaller illustrat... See More
James Orr...
Item #172132
February 27, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 27, 1858 Nice front page illustration of: 'Hon. James Orr, of South Carolina, Speaker of the House'. 'Our Sleigh-Drive' includes 3 scenes. 'A Natural Castle in Pennsylvania' near the Delaware Water Gap. The American Horse-Tamer in England" also includes a 1/3 page illustration.
A full page illustration 'The Wedding of ... See More
Early Winslow Homer print...
Item #172156
May 22, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 22, 1858 The front page shows: "Hon. William H. English, of Indiana". Among the inside pages are a full page: "Coming Thru the Rye"; half page: "Accident on the New York Central Railroad near Utica" "The Island of Perim, Red Sea"
Perhaps the feature print is the desirable full page by Winslow Homer: "The B... See More
New York City's City Hall burns...
Item #172184
August 28, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, NY, August 28, 1858 The full front page shows the 'The Burning of the City Hall, New York, August 18, 1858' showing firemen with hoses in the foreground. Inside has four illustrations on 'The Atlantic Telegraph' and the laying of the cable. A text article "The Transatlantic Message" is also on the inside page of this issue. A full page... See More
Print of a beardless Abraham Lincoln, pre-election...
Item #172362
May 12, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 12, 1860 The front page has a print of: "The Republican Wigwam At Chicago, Illinois, In Which the Republican Convention Will Be Held, May 16, 1860". This was the event at which Abraham Lincoln would go from near obscurity to a position of prominence in American history.
The doublepage centerfold is a terrific print captioned: "Prominen... See More
Nice Charleston issue...
Item #172436
January 26, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 26, 1861 The front page shows: "The Prayer at Sumter". Other prints inside include: "Firing on the 'Star of the West' from the South Carolina Battery on Morris Island" "Group of Guns & Gun Carriages Dismantled by Major Anderson at Fort Moultrie" "Battery at Fort Moultrie, Bearing on Fort Sumter", a full p... See More
Winslow Homer print... Map of the Northern & Southern states...
Item #172444
February 23, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 23, 1861 The front page is taken up with: "Chantrey's Statue of Washington, Now in the State House at Boston, Massachusetts". Prints within include: "Officers' Quarters at Fort Sumter", "Good-by to Sumter", and a quarter page print by famed artist Winslow Homer: "The Late Rev. Dr. Murray", plus a great full p... See More
The resurrected 'Merrimac' ready for it historic battle...
Item #172516
November 02, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 2, 1861 The front page is taken up with: "The Rebel Steamer' Merrimac' Razed, and Ironclad" which would figure in the historic battle with the Monitor less than 5 months later. Also on the front page: "Henrico County Jail, Richmond, Virginia".
Other prints inside include: "The Rebel Batteries on Sewall's Point and ... See More
The great naval expedition...
Item #172518
November 09, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 9, 1861 (See Note Below - excludes multi-panel map) The front page has a print of an: "Attack Upon the Camp of the Sixth Regiment New York Volunteers (Wilson's Zouaves), On Santa Rosa Island" as well as a print of: "Captain S. F. Dupont, Commanding the Great Naval Expedition".
Other prints inside include: "Our Army at Ed... See More
Fort Pickens and Charleston...
Item #172532
December 28, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 28, 1861 The full front page is taken up with: "Union Refugees From Western Missouri Coming Into St. Louis". Other prints inside include: "Entrance to Fort Pickens, Facing Fort Barancas, After Two Days' Bombardment" "Northern Row of Guns at Fort Pickens..." "Bird's-Eye View of Fort Pickens During the Bombardme... See More
Blockade running at Vicksburg...
Item #172668
April 18, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 18, 1863 The front page has a print: "The Rams 'Switzerland' and 'Lancaster' Running the Blockade at Vicksburg" with related text. Inside has two full pages with 7 images: "Headquarters at the Army of the Potomac--Blacksmiths Department--Stables and Negro Servants' Tent--General Hooker's Tent--Army Mail Leaving Headq... See More
General Sherman enters Savannah, Georgia...
Item #172850
January 14, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 14, 1865 The front page is taken up with two prints: "Ordnance Stores Captured with Fort McAllister--Lieutenant Spencer's Headquarters" and "General Sherman's Army Entering Savannah, Georgia".
Several full page plates including: "General Hazen's Division Fifteenth Corps Storming Fort McAllister" and "Kilpa... See More
On the assassination and funeral of Abraham Lincoln...
Item #172886
May 20, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 20, 1865 The front page has an article: "The Assassination" and another "President Lincoln's Funeral" and also includes illustrations of: "Ruins of Garrett's Barn...Where Booth Was Shot: and "Garrett's House, Where Booth Died" and: "Harold's House, Near the Washington Navy-Yard".
Inside has a ful... See More
The dead at Andersonville...
Item #172926
October 07, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 7, 1865 The front page shows: "The Naval Festival at Portsmouth, England - Arrival of the French Fleet--The 'Solferino' Saluting the English Flag". Other prints within include: "Genberal H. W. Slocum" "General Francis C. Barlow" "The Late Thomas Wildey, P.G." "Monument Erected September 20, 1865 in Ho... See More
Mark Twain gains his "first national headline"....
Item #173028
September 29, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 29, 1866 The most notable content would be the full page print: "Burning of the California Clipper 'Hornet', One Thousand Miles from Land" not so much for the print but for the accompanying article titled: "Burning of the Clipper 'Hornet' ".
Another source notes that Mark Twain was in Hawaii at the time the boat of sur... See More
The Coliseum at Rome...
Item #173030
October 06, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 6, 1866 Four small illus. of houses on the front cover: "Philip Embury's House," "Strawbridge Meeting House," "The Rigging Loft," and "The First Methodist Church and Parsonage, in New York." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "The Coliseum at Rome." 1/4 pg. illus. of "The Rev. William Arthur, President of th... See More
The Atlantic Cable and Great Eastern... Arkansas Travelers...
Item #173040
November 10, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 10, 1866 Full ftpg. shows 'Arkansas Travelers', armed men on horseback. Two halfpg. illus. on the Atlantic Cable & the ship 'Great Eastern' which laid it. Halfpg. 'International Suspension Bridge' at Niagara Falls. Halfpg. shows a: 'Barbecue at Augusta, Georgia'. Full page 'Presentations of Medals to the Veterans of Brookl... See More
Nice whaling print...
Item #173052
December 22, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 22, 1866 Half of the ftpg: 'A Mississippi Steamboat Making a Landing at Night'. Halfpg: 'Infant Class at the Five Points Mission, N.Y.C., Receiving Lunch'. Fullpg. of the railroad bridge '...connecting Perryville with Havre de Grace'. Great fullpg. whaling print: 'Taking a Whale' is displayable.
St. Valentine's Day... Murder of Senator Case...
Item #173068
February 16, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 16, 1867. Ftpg. includes: 'Evading the Excise Law--Laying in Rum for Sunday'. Halfpg: 'Murder of Sen. Case, of Tenn., by a Returned Rebel Guerrilla'. Very nice fullpg: 'St. Valentine's Day' shows many scenes. Halfpg: 'Orphan Home & School Lottery--Drawing the Prizes at Cooper Inst'.
Other news and advertisements of th... See More
Lindell Hotel in Saint Louis...
Item #173086
April 20, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 20, 1867 Front full pg. Nast illus. entitled Ignis Fatuus. Inside are two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Burning of the Lindell Hotel, at Saint Louis, Missouri" and "Bedtime." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Launch of the Steamship 'Erie,' at Newburyport, Mass. Two 1/4 pg. illus. entitled "The wrong side of the stream" and Sweet Violets.... See More
Seward's Folly... Black soldiers...
Item #173090
May 04, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1867 Halfpg: 'Scene in a Sugar Rush, Otsego Co., N.Y.'. Fullpg. with 3 illus. & text re: Alaska: 'Our Russian Possession' showing 'Mt. Saint Elias, Russian America' & 'New Archangel, the Principal Town of Russian America' . Three prints of Black soldiers: 'The Contraband' 'The Recruit' & 'Th... See More
Admiral Farragut's ship "Franklin"...
Item #173112
July 20, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY July 20, 1867 Full front pg. illus. of "Cherry Ripe." (Small girl eating cherries). Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Harvest on Historic Fields-A Scene at the South." Six illus. of "Scottish Games at Jones's Wood." Dblpgctrfld. containing six illus. pertaining to "Scenes on Board Admiral Farragut's Flag Ship the "Franklin," Ne... See More
General Custer...
Item #173116
August 03, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Aug. 3, 1867 Fullpg. with 4 illus: 'Sioux Indians Attempting to Stampede Gen. Custer's Horses' with a view of Custer. Halfpg: 'Colored Emigrants Seeking Homes in the North'.
Complete in sixteen pages.
Horace Greeley...
Item #173132
September 28, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 28, 1867 Full ftpg: 'Horace Greeley Delivering the Opening Oration' of the American Institute. Great fullpg: 'Hop Picking--A Western N.Y. Sept. Scene', halfpg: 'Registration at the South--Scene at Asheville, N.C.', 1/3 pg: 'The Sangerfest at Indianapolis'
Complete in sixteen pages.
"The Model Maker"... Impeachment Trial... Ohio River steamer Magnolia explodes...
Item #173188
April 04, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 4, 1868 The front page features: "The Model-Maker" with a descriptive article inside. A full page of two prints on the impeachment trial" "Lobby of the White House at Washington" & "President Johnson Consulting with His Counsel" plus a print of the ticket for admission to the trial.
The doublepage centerfold: ... See More
Springtime in the country--gardening...
Item #173198
May 09, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 9, 1868 The issue has a full front page illustration "Dressing Baby". A nice half-page engraving "Plowing on the Prairies Beyond the Mississippi" also has a related article. A very displayable full page is entitled 'Springtime in the Country--Gardening". A full page consists of two half-page illustration of Lieutenant-General Si... See More
Blacks voting... Deer hunting in the Adirondacks...
Item #173246
October 24, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 24, 1868 The full front page of this issue is comprised of 3 Thomas Nast political cartoons, one of which regards blacks voting. A halfpage illustration of 'Floating for Deer in the Adirondacks'. A full page "Grand Demonstration of the Democracy in New York City, October 5, 1868". The doublepage centerfold by Thomas Nast is a pol... See More
Police boat... Velocipede riding school...
Item #173278
February 13, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 13, 1869 The front page of this issue features a full engraving entitled "Modeling a Homestead" which shows a father & children building a model home. A nearly half-page illustration of "Hon. John Scott, Senator from Pennsylvania" and "The Bay of Samana, San Domingo". A very nice fullpage illustration &quo... See More
View Of Havana, Cuba... Union Pacific R.R: Echo City & Weber Canon, Utah...
Item #173282
February 27, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 27, 1869 The front page of this issue features an article on Washington's Resignation and illustration "Original Portrait Of Washington" from a painting executed by Polk at Valley Forge. Also a nice full page illustration "General Washington Resigning His Commission To Congress At Annapolis". Large view of "Panoramic View O... See More
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