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1865 Baseball Game Attended By Ladies...
Item #211719
July 29, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 29, 1865 The back page has: "The Field Base Ball--Keystone of Philadelphia agt. Star of Brooklyn, with the summary mentioning: "The seats apportioned for ladies was filled with the galaxy of beauty and finery by the fair sex of Long Island..." and that many had fashionable umbrellas and parasols. Includes the box score. Also post civil war news such... See More
1840 William Henry Harrison...
Item #211218
October 21, 1840
THE CORRECTOR, Sag Harbor, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1840 Taking most of pg. 2 is: Gen. Harrison's Speech, At The Dayton Convention, Held 10th September, 1840. Pg. 3 has an endorsement for the Harrison-Tyler ticket, plus a list of the electors, and the various state and local candidates. Other news of the day includes: "Petrified Tress In Texas" "Farther Particulars of the Whale ship Erie" and more. Sev... See More
1843 Philip Barton Key...
Item #210996
September 08, 1843
PENNSYLVANIA INQUIRER AND NATIONAL GAZETTE, Phila., Sept. 8, 1843 On page 2 under An Expected Duel is a report about the attempts by officials to prevent the duel between Philip Barton Key (son of Francis Scott Key) and Capt. May. Some details about the exchange between the two men which led to the challenge. Other news of the day includes: "Robbers In Louisville" "From Yucatan" "Mexico And T... See More
New Bern NC 1863 Civil War...
Item #210752
January 28, 1863
SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN from Massachusetts and dated January 28, 1863. This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes reports on: Berwick Bay Louisiana (LA), New Bern North Carolina (... See More
Item #177193
March 14, 1903
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 14, 1903
"Great Expectations" Collection V...
Item #206675
May 11, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 11, 1861 through June 15, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 5) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.
This set would look great displayed in one of our 17 inch by 14 inch display cases which can be viewed ... See More
"Great Expectations" Collection IV
Item #206671
March 30, 1861
Harper's Weekly, March 30, 1861 through May 4, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 4) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.
This set would look great displayed in one of our 17 inch by 14 inch display cases which can be viewed at www.rar... See More
"Great Expectations" Collection III - 6 issues...
Item #206668
February 16, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, February 16, 1861 through March 23, 1861. This is a six-issue set (part 3) of Harper's Weekly containing the Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" in serialization format. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually.
The individual issues are described as:
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Feb. 16, 1861 Full ftpg. is an extremely d... See More
Mark Twain on Christian Science...
Item #177180
December 27, 1902
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 27, 1902 Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow, Robert H. McCurdy; The Fate of Trust Legislation; fullpage illustration The Keystone of the Venezuelan Situation; First American Cable Across the Pacific; fullpage illustration "Dr. Lorenze in the New York Hopitals" by Ranson; New York's Museum of Art with photos; fullpage illustration "... See More
New York Number... Mark Twain's self obituary and portrait...
Item #177174
November 15, 1902
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 15, 1902 Colored front cover. Frontpage photo: "Americans of To-Morrow, J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr.", "The Beginnings of the St. Louis World;s Fair", "The West's Painter-Laureate", fullpage illustration "Dead Sure - A Bad Man to Stop", "St. Pierre, Miquelon, Destroyed by Fire" with photos, "Newfoun... See More
Brashear City Louisiana...
Item #205823
October 10, 1862
NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE from New York, NY and dated October 10, 1863. This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following headlines: "LATER FROM NEW ORLEANS" "STEADY ADVANCE OF THE TEXA... See More
Published by Charles Dickens... a 6 issue set...
A White Hand and a Black Thumb...
Item #205271
January 23, 1864
Harper's WEEKLY, January 23 - March 5, 1864 This is a six issue set of Harper's Weekly issues containing all 6 installments of "A White Hand and a Black Thumb", by Henry Spicer, originally published by Charles Dickens' in All the Year Round. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually. The individual issues are described... See More
Mustang Island Texas...
Item #205115
December 07, 1863
THE NEW YORK HERALD from New York, NY and dated December 7, 1863. This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes the following headlines: "THE TEXAS EXPEDITION" "CAPTURE OF MUSTANG ISLAND"... See More
Christmas prints...
Item #177126
December 14, 1901
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 14, 1901, from New York. The issue contains a fullpage illustration "The Awaking of Santa Claus" by Keller; full page "Making Up For The Part" by Rogers; full page "St. Nicholas in Russia" by Verbeck; full page colored illustration "After the Upset" by Frost; several full page and a doublepage centerfold colored illust... See More
Item #177111
August 24, 1901
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 24, 1901 Frontpage "The Social Side of Yachting" by de Thulstrup; fullpage "The Floating Roof Garden - A Phase of Summer Life in New York" by Torpriz; New York's Vacation Schools; The American Invasion of Asia; doublepage centerfold "A Midsummer Morning in Madison Square" by Stevens; The English Cup Challenger; and other ... See More
Item #177106
July 20, 1901
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 20, 1901 Front page photo Cup-Defender Candidates; illustration "A Hot Day on Broadway" by Glackens; The Paris-Berlin Automobile-Races; The Horse Show at Atlantic City; fullpage illustration "Friday Morning in the New York Ghetto" by Toaspern; doublepage centerfold "An Interrupted Picnic" by Ransom; Tar-Burning in the South; J... See More
"America" Flagship of the Balwin-Ziegler Polar Expedition...
Item #177102
June 22, 1901
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 22, 1901 Photo "First Dip of the Season"; The Oil Boom in Texas; The International Jubilee Convention of the Y.M.C.A. at Boston; Valley Forge and the Nation; doublepage centerfold "The Viaduct at One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Street" by Peters; Features of the Russian Army; The American Steel Industry; "America" Flagship of the ... See More
The Awakening of Coney Island...
Item #177095
May 04, 1901
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1901 The Long Island Automobile Club's 100-Mile Endurance Test; The Cuban Situation; The Political Outlook in Mexico; doublepage centerfold "The American Steel Industry: Pressing Armor-Plate In The Homestead Mills" by Peters; The Awakening of Coney Island; Colonel Alfred H. Belo; and other news of the day.
"Bay Snipe Shooting" by Frost...
Item #177041
April 28, 1900
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 28, 1900 Doublepage centerfold: "Bay Snipe Shooting" by Frost. The Paris Exposition; Racing Automobiles; Breaking of the Colorado River Dam at Austin, Texas; and other news articles of the day. See photos for full details.
The Civil War in Texas... The Alamo...
Item #172452
March 23, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1861 The front page is taken up with: "Major Anderson's Command at Fort Sumter" which includes 9 officers, one of whom is "Capt. A. Doubleday".
Other prints inside include: "Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina" "Surrender of Ex-General Twiggs, Late of the United States Army, to the Texan Troops in the... See More
Thomas Nast political montage on Andrew Johnson... Texas...
Item #173036
October 27, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 27, 1866 Half of ftpg. shows: 'Lady Lobbyists at the White House'. 'Sinking of the Daniel Webster' & 'Sinking of the Evening Star'. Nice dblpgctrfld. by Thomas Nast is a montage of political cartoons on Andrew Johnson. A fullpg. of four nice scenes in Texas, including Houston and Galveston. Halfpg; 'Faneuil Hall, Boston. Bkpg. pol... See More
Many city views...
Item #175292
May 19, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 19, 1888 Fullpg: 'Roger Q. Mills, of Texas, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee'. Nice fullpg: 'The Centennial of the Organization of the Presbyterian Church of the U.S.' "Lester Wallack and His Most celebrated Impersonations" is a full page with 9 prints of him in various costumes.
Another full page shows: "The Floods... See More
Lincoln's inauguration... Winslow Homer print...
Item #172450
March 16, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 16, 1861 The entire front page shows: "The Inaugural Procession at Washington Passing the Gate of the Capitol Grounds" which shows Abraham Lincoln & James Buchanan in the carriage.
Inside has a nearly half page print showing: "Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln Entering the Senate Chamber Before The Inauguration" with related text he... See More
Pueblo, Colorado... Austin, Texas...
Item #175290
May 12, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 12, 1888 Front page print: "Hon. Chauncey Mitchell Depew". Inside has a great fullpg. illus. of: 'Pueblo, Colorado' with 6 scenes, including a nice town view. Doublepage centerfold: 'The Cavalry School at West Point'. Halfpg. Charles Russell print: 'Caught in the Act' shows Indians. 'The New State Capitol, Austin, Texas... See More
Opening Race Jerome Park (of Belmont Stakes fame)...
Item #173212
June 27, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 27, 1868 Front 2/3 page illustration by Thomas Nast is of "The Political Niagara." Inside is a 1/3 page illustration of "Duel Between Colored Men Near Savannah, Georgia" which features an accompanying article. A 2/3 page illustration of "King Theodore, as He Lay Dead at Magala, April 13, 1868." A doublepage centerfold containi... See More
Texas cattle... Charles Sumner...
Item #173812
March 28, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Mar. 28, 1874 Full ftpg. illus. of: 'Charles Sumner' who recently died. Nice fullpg. with 2 prints & some text: 'The Texas Cattle Trade--Guarding the Herd' & 'Calling the Night Guard'. Fullpg. Nast political cartoon: 'Between Two Evils'. Fullpg "What's the Matter? -- A Temperance Lesson".
Complete in sixteen pages.
Brownsville, Texas... Carriages in Centrral Park...
Item #172946
December 16, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 16, 1865 Most of the front page is a print: "The Bible and the Monk" with a related article. The most intriguing print would be the very nice doublepage centerfold: "Central Park, New York City--The Grand Drive".
Other prints within include: "A Visit to the Gallery of Bones" in Paris, and "The Catacombs of Pa... See More
The Molly McGuires...
Item #173796
January 31, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Jan. 31, 1874 Nice fullpg. print: "Cattle Raid on the Texas Border" is displayable. Fullpg. with 2 prints: "Life on the Ocean--From Liverpool to New York". Fullpg: "Hard Coal For the Poor" & fullpg: "The Strike in the Coal Mines--Meeting the Molly McGuire Men"
Complete in sixteen pages.
'Indian Boys Breaking a Pony'... Thomas Nast's, "Robbing the Grave..."...
Item #173822
May 02, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, May 2, 1874 Halfpg: 'Monaco--the Fashionable Gambling Town of Italy'. Fullpg. Nast cartoon "Robbing the Grave, and Shielding Themselves Behind the Tombstone. Fullpg: 'Indian Boys Breaking a Pony'. Ftpg "A Home Missionary"; Fullpg "The First of May in New York"
Complete in sixteen pages.
Note: Upon request we are happy to include the... See More
Great view of Chattanooga during the Civil War...
Item #172732
November 28, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 28, 1863 The front page has two prints: "The Army of the Cumberland--Bridging the Tennessee Under Rebel Fire from Lookout Mountain" and: "Landing of General Banks's Expedition on Brazos Santiago, Texas, On November 2, 1863."
Inside has a dramatic full page: "The Army of the Cumberland--Capture of Rebel Rifle-pits in Lookou... See More
Sherman's march through the South...
Item #172864
March 04, 1865
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 4, 1865 The full front page is a print: "Sherman's March Through South Carolina--Road at the Swamp Crossings." which also has a nice page 2 editorial: "Sherman's True Victory.
Other prints inside include: "Camp Ford, Texas" "The Double-ender 'Pontiac' Descending the Savannah River" "Charleston &... See More
Sentencing Mr. Edward Ketchum in the Court...
Item #172956
January 20, 1866
Harper's WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 20, 1866 Ftpg. shows the : 'Funeral of German Patriots at Comfort, Texas'. Inside fullpg: 'Winter' & 'Types of American Beauty' & 'Sentencing Mr. Edward Ketchum in the Court'
Complete in 16 pages.
Elon Musk & his Hyperloop idea is just a re-invention...
Item #173138
October 19, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY Oct. 19, 1867 Front 1/3 illus. of "Joseph Garibaldi, the Italian Patriot." Also, there is a one-third page illustration of a: "Model of the Pneumatic Railway on Exhibition at the American Institute, New York." This is a much earlier version of what Elon Musk invisions with his "Hyperloop" concept, a revolutionary transportation system for the futur... See More
Baseball... Remington's "Dragging A Bull's Hide Over a Prairie Fire...
Item #175338
October 27, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 27, 1888 Although this issue has a wealth of fine prints, perhaps the most notable is the very nice doublepage print in the "Supplement" titled: "Dragging A Bull's Hide Over A Prairie Fire In Northern Texas" which was done by Frederic Remington".
Front full pg. illus. of "The Effect of 'Negative Gravity'."... See More
Cairo and the pyramids...
Item #175828
July 08, 1893
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 8, 1893 Full ftpg. shows the 'Indian Building, Columbian Exposition'. Nice halfpg. photo of the new: 'Great Ferris Wheel' at the Col. Expo. F Wing. with 4 photos of: 'A Day with the 7th Reg. in Camp at Peekskill'. Fullpg. with 6 scenes of: 'Cairo as a Show Place' including the Pyramids. Fullpg: 'Harvard Class Day'. T... See More
United States Naval Torpedo Station, New Port, Harbor, Rhode Island...
Item #176088
January 04, 1896
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 4, 1896 Front 1/2 pg. illus. pertaining to the story "The Gray Man." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "The new Armory for Squadron A, N.G.N.Y." Small portrait of "Mr. John Hare." Full pg. illus. of "The United States Naval Torpedo Station, Newport Harbor, Rhode Island." Full pg. illus. of "The Crowning Feature o... See More
Murder of Ellsworth... Events in Virginia & Florida...
Item #172476
June 15, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 15, 1861 Most of the front page is a three-part print captioned: "Secessionist Prisoner Captured at Alexandria--The Marshall House at Alexandria" with some front page text headed: "The Murder of Ellsworth".
Three-quarters of a page shows: "Company of Secession Cavalry Surrendering to Colonel Wilcox of the First Michigan Regiment, ... See More
Uncommon Texas issue...
Item #150079
January 01, 1893
HOUSTON DAILY POST, Texas, 1893 Unusual to find 19th century newspapers from this, the largest city in Texas. Some expected browning and a few margin tears, but generally in good condition.
Preparations for Civil War...
Item #172458
April 13, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 13, 1861 The front page has a print of: "Mrs. General Gaines" as well as a view of "Point Isabella, Texas, with the 'Daniel Webster' sailing with U.S. Troops on Board". The doublepage centerfold shows six "American Home Scenes", which includes prints of "The Applecut" "The Dance" "Quilting&quo... See More
Prints on the Civil War...
Item #172754
February 13, 1864
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 13, 1864 The full front page is a print: "Our Flag Is There!" with a related article inside. Other prints within include: "The Confederates Evacuating Brownsville, Texas" with a related article; "The Lindell Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri" "Guard Boat on Picket Duty Off Mobile" "The United States Steamer 'Kennebec... See More
Winslow Homer print... Mount Vernon
Item #173804
February 28, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY February 28, 1874. Front full pg. illus. of "The New York Tribune's 'Disclosure'." Inside are two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Fighting the Fire" and "'Busted!' - A Deserted Railroad Town in Kansas." Two 1/2 pg. illus. of "The State Homeopathic Asylum for the Insane, Middletown, Orange County, New York" and "Hudson River St... See More
Red River Texas...
Item #173820
April 25, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Apr. 25, 1874 Halfpg; 'The Slave Ship--Sighting an English Cruiser' 'Western Sketches--Arkansas Pilgrims in Camp' 'A Freshet in the Red River, Texas' Full ftpg. Th. Nast. "The Grand Occasion of the Century". Fullpg "Rags for Our Working-Men -- Specie for the Foreigners". Dblpgctrfld "The Carnival in the Bavarian Alps".
Com... See More
American Indians...
Item #173836
June 20, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 20, 1874 Nice ftpg: 'Irrigation In Colorado--Letting Water Into a Side Sluice-Way' Two halfpg: 'Indians Offering Gifts To The Dead' & 'Indian Canoe Race' Fullpg. Nast cartoon "The Greatest Joke of the Century". 3/4 pg "Italian Acrobats".
Doublepage centerfold "The Czar of Russia in England -- the Debark... See More
Frederic Remington print...
Item #175294
May 26, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 26, 1888 Front page print: "General Russell A. Alger, Of Michigan". Full page print: "The Islands of the Venetian Lagoon" shows 5 scenes. Two full page prints: "The New Armored Cruiser 'Maine'" and "Will He Enlist?" Very nice halfpg. illus. by Frederic Remington: "An Ox Train In The Mountains". Fullp... See More
Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church...
Item #175604
May 16, 1891
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 16, 1891 Fullpg. view of the Columbian World's Fair. Nice doublepage centerfold: 'The Tandem Parade, Central Park, N.Y.C.' 1/4pg. illus: 'M. Tschaikowsky, The Composer' nice doublepage centerfold: 'Board Of Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church' shows them all.
Complete in sixteen pages.
The Brooklyn Navy Yard... Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh...
Item #175678
January 30, 1892
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 30, 1892 Half page: 'Design for the Carnegie Library at Pittsburg, Pa.' Full page: 'At the Brooklyn Navy Yard'.
Great doublepage centerfold: 'Some of the Ships of the U.S. Navy' is displayable. Nice Remington full page: 'Garza Revolutionists in the Texas Chaparral'
Mission San Jose, near San Antonio, Texas...
Item #176422
March 18, 1899
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 18, 1899 Full front page illus. of "The Second Invasion of Cuba - Tourists form the 'Paris' at Morro Castle, Santiago." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "At the Sportsman's Show in Madison Square Garden, New York City." Seven small portraits of "New Puerto Rican Cabinet, Appointed by General Guy V. Henry."
Full pg.... See More
Vassar Female College...
Item #172454
March 30, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 30, 1861 The full front page is a print titled: "April Fool's Day In New York, Opposite the Astor House". Inside has a page with prints of New Orleans: "View In French Quarter" & "The Crescent City" from the docks; and "The Levee" and 2 scenes of: "Lafayette Square". Also inside are a two-thirds pr... See More
Modoc Indian War...
Item #173722
May 17, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 17, 1873 The front page features a fullp age illustration 'The Spring Campaign - Led as a Lamb to the Slaughter.' A 3/4 page illustration 'The Bank of England Forgeries - Bidwell's Examination.' Nice full page has 2 Indian illustrations: 'Young Bucks on the War Path' and 'Young Bucks Returning With Spoils' shows one holdi... See More
San Antonio, Texas...
Item #175148
January 01, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 1, 1887 Full ftpg. shows: "John Ericsson", the creator of the iron-clad from the Civil War. Nice fullpg. view: "San Antonio, Texas" shows 7 scenes. The double page centerfold: "Hospital Sunday In New York--Christian Work Among The Poor" shows 7 scenes. 2/3 page Thomas Nast print: "The President's New-Year Messenger... See More
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