<img src="/images/cathead_harpersweekly.gif" alt="Harper's Weekly" />
Popular F.S. Church Christmas print (with two others)...
Item #709881
December 17, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 17, 1887
* Frederick Stuart Church
The double page centerfold is by A.B. Frost: "Lost Their Way", and the "Supplement" issue has the sought after F.S. Church print: "Great Expectations", showing the bears preparing a holiday feast for fellow animals (see). Also another fullpg: "The Call to Dinner in a Logging Camp&q... See More
Buffalo Soldier... "Saddle Up!" Frederic Remington on the front page... Polo at Newport...
Item #704810
September 04, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 4, 1886 The full front page is a very nice (and famous) Frederic Remington print: "Abandoned" which has a Western theme. There is a related article on an inside page: "Our Soldiers In the Southwest" which also has a Remington print titled: "Saddle Up", which includes two buffalo soldiers (black soldiers). Also within the ... See More
The desired F. S. Church centerfold featuring his bears...
Item #704733
November 27, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 27, 1886 Nice full front page illus. of: "Chester Alan Arthur" with text inside. Doublepg. centerfold: "The Return of the Native". A half page print shows two views of: "The New Statue of Washington for Philadelphia". A near full page print by Thomas Nast: "What the Colored Race Have To Be Thankful For".
But certain... See More
Baseball players...
Item #704723
October 27, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 27, 1888 Perhaps the most desired print would be the two quarter-page portraits of: "Two Popular Players of the St. Louis Baseball Team" being "Charles Comiskey" and "W. A. Latham." There is a related article on a following page: "The Ball Players" with much detail.
Two inconsequential leave are lacking from near... See More
Marking out Santa's route from the North Pole, by Thomas Nast...
Item #704562
December 19, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 19, 1885
* Thomas Nast
* Christmas - X-Mas
* re. Santa Claus
Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the great Thomas Nast double page print: 'Santa Claus's Route' showing two children marking out his route from the North Pole. Very displayable.
Other prints as well, several shown in the photos.
The complete issue, never bound n... See More
Getting ready for Christmas...
Item #704558
December 16, 1882
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 16, 1882 The front page is taken up with a nice print: "Getting Ready for Christmas".
Prints inside include a fullpg: "Character Sketches in Germany"; a double page centerfold: "'Merry Christmas To You, Old Barebones!'" a halfpg. print by A.B. Frost: "Dis Ain't Nuthin' Short of Murder, It Ain't.&q... See More
Christmas Eve and Christmas shopping...
Item #704557
December 23, 1882
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 23, 1882 The full front page is a poem with 3 Christmas-themed prints.
Inside has a nice full page print: "Quincy Market, Boston"; a half page: "Testing the Roof of the Bergen Tunnel"; a full page: "Christmas-Eve" and full page: "Christmas Shopping'" shows a busy street scene.
Another full page print: "... See More
Prospect Park, Brooklyn... Doublepage of the capital...
Item #703246
March 07, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 7, 1885 The full front page is a Thomas Nast political cartoon: "The Compliments of the Season - March 4."
Prints inside include a full page: "Sham Battle at Prospect Park, Brooklyn, on Washington's Birthday."; quarter-page portrait of: "The Late William C. Kingsley."
The feature print is the great, tipped (no binding h... See More
Animals in the Adirondacks... Logging in Wisconsin...
Item #703245
February 28, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 28, 1885 The front page shows a horse-drawn sleigh in the snow.
Among prints inside are a fullpg: 'The Storm on Coney Island'; very nice fullpg: 'Evicted Tenants of the Adirondacks' showing a moose, wolverine, beaver, panther, wolf & elk, and is displayable.
Also a fullpg: 'Logging in Northern Wisconsin'; nice fullpg: '... See More
Turkey hunting... The New Orleans Exposition...
Item #703242
January 10, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 10, 1885 The front page features a very nice dockside scene: 'The New Orleans Exposition--Arrivals At The Levee'. Plus there are two additional full page prints on the New Orleans Exposition.
Half page print: "'Yelping' Up Wild Turkeys" and: "Studies of Mr. Crowley - The Chimpanzee in the Central Park Menagerie".
Al... See More
Early print of the New York Stock Exchange...
Item #701736
September 10, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 10, 1881 The full front page is a print by W. A. Rogers: "An Anxious Night in the Cabinet Room".
Inside includes a full page print: "Excursion of Five Points Children and Their Mothers". A nice full page print of the inside of "The New York Stock Exchange".
Doublepage centerfold has ten prints of: "The Exportation of C... See More
Death of President Garfield...
Item #701735
October 01, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 1, 1881
* President James A. Garfield
* Prints - illustrations re. death
The entire front page is a Thomas Nast print showing the Liberty figure weeping over a memorial to President James Garfield.
A three-quarters page print: 'President Arthur Taking the Oath at his Private Residence".
Other prints include a full page: "Last Hono... See More
A baseball team in uniform...
Item #701733
May 14, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 14, 1881
* Early baseball team illustration
The full front page is a Thomas Nast political cartoon: "Is There To Be A Power Behind The Throne?"
But the most significant print would be the very nice half page baseball print: "The Princeton college Base-Ball Nine" showing them in uniform and with bats, a ball, and two catcher's ... See More
Great Thomas Nast Santa Claus print...
Item #701732
December 24, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 24, 1881
* Thomas Nast Santa Claus wood block engraving
The full front page is a great Santa Claus print by the famed artist Thomas Nast: "Caught!" showing Santa with a child's arms around him.
Thomas Nast is credited with creating the modern version of Santa Claus. The doublepage centerfold is also a nice Thomas Nast Christmas pri... See More
Displayable football print...
Item #701731
November 05, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 5, 1881 The prime print in this issue is the doublepage centerfold, which is one of the best football centerfolds of the19th century to be had.
The doublepage is captioned: "A Game of Foot-Ball---A 'Scrummage' at the Close" which was drawn by the famed artist A. B. Frost. Very displayable as such. This print has 3 small binding holes dow... See More
Best of all Nast Santa Claus prints!
Item #701728
January 01, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 1, 1881
* Best of all Thomas Nast illustrations - prints
* Christmas - Santa Claus - Kris Kringle - Saint Nick
The full front page is a Thomas Nast illustration: "The Dear Little Boy That Thought Christmas Came Oftener." This print is somewhat compromised by the browning and mild margin wear, including the darker strip at the left side.... See More
Lacrosse... Yellowstone National Park... Mining in Colorado...
Item #700001
November 10, 1883
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 10, 1883 The entire front page is a nice portrait of: "Lieut. General Philip Henry Sheridan".
Inside has a very nice, full page print by A. B. Frost captioned: "Still-Hunting The Moose" and another full page: "The Geysers of the Upper Basin, Yellowstone National Park" which includes 11 vignettes, each captioned. A half page s... See More
Very desirable Frederic Remington print showing Geronimo... W.A. Rogers print...
Item #699363
August 18, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 18, 1888 Perhaps the most desired print in this issue is the very nice full page by Frederic Remington, captioned: "Geronimo and His Band Returning From a Raid Into Mexico", which is one of the more sought-after of the Remington prints in this title.
Other prints include the full front page W. A. Rogers political cartoon: "Make Way For The ... See More
Cornwallis Surrenders... The 100th anniversary celebration at Yorktown...
Item #698153
October 22, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 22, 1881 (includes the Yorktown Supplement) While there are multiple nice prints regarding the 100th anniversary celebration of Cornwallis' surrender at Yorktown, most issues do not include the supplemental print: "The Surrender Of Cornwallis", by Howard Pile; however, this issue does!
Also present are the related prints: "The C... See More
Displayable football print...
Item #698068
November 05, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 5, 1881
* 19th century football game
* A. B. Frost illustration
The prime print in this issue is the doublepage centerfold, which is one of the best football centerfolds of the19th century to be had.
The double page is captioned: "A Game of Foot-Ball---A 'Scrummage' at the Close" which was drawn by the famed artist A. B. Frost. Ve... See More
Nast Santa.... "Another Stocking to fill"...
Item #697509
January 03, 1880
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 3, 1880 The entire ftpg. is a Thomas Nast print captioned: "A Merry Christmas" showing Santa Claus dancing with Mother Goose (see). The doublepage centerfold is a very nice Thomas Nast Christmas print captioned: "Another Stocking to Fill" showing Santa Claus leaning over a sleeping baby (see). A full page shows: "Bringing Home C... See More
Gettysburg... Picket's Charge... Little Round Top - 25 years later...
Item #696995
July 07, 1888
Harper's WEEKLY, July 7, 1888 Perhaps the best feature of this issue is the Gettysburg 25th Anniversary Supplement which includes "An Address Before The Veterans Of The Army Of The Potomac And The Army Of Northern Virginia, Delivered At Gettysburg July 3, 1888, On The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Of The Battle", "From Behind Seminary Ridge", and "The Field Of Gettysburg As... See More
New York's Metropolitan baseball team portrait...
Item #683404
August 05, 1882
HARPERS WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 5, 1882 Inside has a nice, nearly half page portrait of: The Metropolitan Base-Ball Nine, with each player identified by name and position. There is a related article headed: "The Metropolitan Nine" which discusses the team, with details about the eleven players who comprise the team.
Complete in 16 pages, very nice, clean condition.
Baseball champions...
Item #683394
May 16, 1885
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 16, 1885 The entire ftpg. shows: 'Vesuvius In Eruption'. The prime print would be the full page captioned: "Champion Baseball Players" showing portraits of twelve players from various baseball teams, including James O'Rourke, John Ward, Joseph Hornung, William Ewing, and others.
Among other prints in the issue are: "The Twelfth R... See More
One of the very best baseball prints...
Item #683393
September 10, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 10, 1887
* Great 19th century baseball illustration
The full front page is a Zogbaum print: "Mars & Venus at Fortress Monroe". A full page has many scenes of Castine captioned: "An Old Maine; Seaport". Another full page has 6 prints of: "The Annual Meet of the American Canoe Association".
But by far the best p... See More
Two baseball Hall of Famers...
Item #683392
October 20, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 20, 1888
* 1888 Baseball Players Prints
* Hall of Fame inductees
* Other Illustrations
Inside has full-length portraits of Timothy J. Keefe, Pitcher & Williams Ewing captioned: "The Winning Battery Of The New York Base-Ball Team." Each portrait measures 6 3/4 by 4 1/4 inches. Both players are members of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Ther... See More
Two baseball Hall of Famers...
Item #682888
October 20, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 20, 1888 Inside has full-length portraits of Timothy J. Keefe, Pitcher & Williams Ewing captioned: "The Winning Battery Of The New York Base-Ball Team." Each portrait measures 6 3/4 by 4 1/4 inches. Both players are members of the Baseball Hall of Fame. There is also a companion article: "The Base-Ball Season".
There is a wealth of... See More
Terrific & displayable baseball print...
Item #678716
May 08, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 8, 1886
* Collectible 19th century baseball print
The full ftpg. shows: "Some Setters & Pointers at the Dog Show" with a related article inside. Other prints include: "The Canoe Exhibition", a Thomas Nast political cartoon: "The Root Of The Matter"; a doublepage centerfold of: "Trinity Church, Boston"; and a... See More
Baseball... Great view of Salt Lake City... The redwood forest...
Item #671721
October 30, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 30, 1886 A full page has 5 prints of: "Puffin-Catching Off the Irish Coast"; small print of Commodore Gherardi, U.S.N."; halfpg: "The Slater Memorial Building at Norwich, Connecticut"; one-quarter page cartoonish print: "Baseball at Crowtown".
The doublepage centerfold is a very nice print: "Felling the Redwood T... See More
Tennis on Staten Island... Death of Garfield, with an additional print...
Item #664188
September 24, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 24, 1881 Although we have offered this issue many times, we have not seen before the foldout print: "President James A. Garfield After Death" which is tipped on to the front leaf. See the photo for this print, slightly smaller in dimension than the issue.
As for the balance of the issue: the front page is taken up with a print captioned; &q
... See More
As for the balance of the issue: the front page is taken up with a print captioned; &q
Nice collection of Thomas Nast political cartoons...
Item #636875
(7) HARPER'S WEEKLY lot of 7 issues of the 1860's-1880's each with a full front page Thomas Nast political cartoon, and other Nast or non-Nast prints inside. A blend of 1st rate and better than 2nd rate issues. A great lot for a dealer or anyone wishing to begin a collection.Additional lots are available--inquire if multiple sets are wanted.
This item is not eligible for free shipping.
Dozens of displayable 19th century prints...
Item #631673
(10) HARPER'S WEEKLY! Ten 2nd-rate issues (NOT damaged) from 1866 thru 1890. This is a nice lot of 10 different dates, in 2nd-rate condition, with a variety of prints in each issue for which this paper is so famous. The set contains issues which range from 1866 thru 1890. A great lot for resale, or for someone wishing to begin a collection. The images shown are representative... See More
University of Michigan prints from 1887...
Item #616767
July 09, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 9, 1887
* University of Michigan - U-M
* Ann Arbor buildings prints
Nice, tipped-in double page centerfold: "The University Of Michigan, At Ann Arbor" features 9 illustrations of the notable buildings on the campus, including: "The Library" "The Museum" "The Medical School" "The School Of Dentistry"... See More
The "Special Edition" on the death of President Garfield...
Item #576833
July 23, 1881
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 23, 1881 This is the "Special Edition" of Harper's on the death of President James Garfield, and is entirely different from the "regular" edition of the same date as found as item 174580 on our website.
This "Special Edition" is considerably more rare, seldom found in sets of Harper's Weekly when the become available.... See More
Columbia-Harvard Boat Race...
Item #554948
July 10, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, July 10, 1886 (print only as shown)
This print as a large illustration of "The Columbia-Harvard Boat Race, June 26" by Charles Graham and three smaller prints of "Columbia Cottage"; "The Mascots" and Coaching a Crew". In good condition.
Item #552498
March 06, 1880
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 6, 1880.
Front full page illustration of "The Carnival in Havana - General Grant in the Procession."
Inside are three 1/3 pg. illus. pertaining to "General Grant in Cuba - The Trip to San Diego." Full page Thomas Nast illustration entitled "Let Him Roar, Mr. Speaker." Full pg. illus. of "The Carnival in Central America.&qu... See More
Baseball... Great view of Salt Lake City... The redwood forest...
Item #175130
October 30, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 30, 1886 A full page has 5 prints of: "Puffin-Catching Off the Irish Coast"; small print of Commodore Gherardi, U.S.N."; halfpg: "The Slater Memorial Building at Norwich, Connecticut"; one-quarter page cartoonish print: "Baseball at Crowtown".
The doublepage centerfold is a very nice print: "Felling the Redwood T... See More
The Ice Carnival at St. Paul...
Item #175158
February 05, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 5, 1887 Front full pg. illus. of "A Query for Congress--Are We In A Position To Twist The Lion's Tail?" by W. A. Rogers. Inside are two small portraits of "Algernon S. Paddock" and "William B. Bate." Four illus. pertaining to "The Ice Carnival at St. Paul." Doublepage centerfold of "Suspicious Guests.&qu... See More
Statue of Liberty...
Item #175132
November 06, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 6, 1886 Fullpg. of: 'The Bartholdi Statue of Liberty' shows illustration of 'Frederic A. Bartholdi, R.M.Hunt, Architect of the Pedestal, and Gen. C.P.Stone, Engineer of the Pedestal'. This issue features a great doublepage centerfold of 'Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty--the Illumination of N.Y. Harbor' at night, with fireworks... See More
Thomas Nast cartoon with Tammany Tiger...
Item #175134
November 13, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 13, 1886 Full ftpg. Nast cartoon includes the Tammany Tiger: "Now Let Mayor Hewitt Prove The Power Of Man Over Beast". Nice fullpg: 'The Modern Ship of the Plains' shows the interior of a train. Nice dblpbctrfld. of: 'A Glimpse of Guanajuato, Mexico' . Fullpg: 'The Salt Works at Syracuse, N.Y.' & a fullpg. showing ... See More
Colorado Springs... Colorado...
Item #175136
November 20, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 20, 1886 Very nice full ftpg: "The Antlers (hotel), Colorado Springs" is decorative. Full page print: "'The Acharnians' of Aristophanes at the Academy of Music". Fullpg: "Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Harvard" & "Irrigation In Colorado" shows 4 scenes and is very decorative. Full page shows 4 s... See More
Chester Alan Arthur...
Item #175138
November 27, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 27, 1886 Nice full ftpg. ilus. of: "Chester Alan Arthur", with text inside. Doublepg. centerfold: "The Return of the Native". A half page print shows two views of "The New Statue of Washington for Philadelphia". A near full page print by Thomas Nast: "What the Colored Race Have To Be Thankful For".
Other news an... See More
Funeral of Ex-President Arthur...
Item #175140
December 04, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 4, 1886 Front page print: "Edwin A. Abbey". 1/4 page print: "The Wreck of the 'Robert Wallace,' at Marquette, Michigan". 2/3 page Thomas Nast print: "Well May The 'Wild West' Ask, Is This The Civilized East?" showing several Indians.
Doublepage centerfold: "The Funeral of Ex-President Arthur" sho... See More
Glen Canyon on the Colorado... Lick Observatory...
Item #175142
December 11, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 11, 1886 Front page print: "The Tables of the Law". Nice full ftpg: 'Scene In Glen Canon, On the Colorado River of the West' shows a man photographing an Indian child among the cliffs. Fullpg: 'Maryland--Club Life In Baltimore' fullpg: 'A Blizzard In Dakota' shows a train caught in snowdrifts. Small illus of 'The L... See More
Several western-themed prints... Richmond's cigarette factories...
Item #175152
January 15, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 15, 1887 Front full pg. illus. pertaining to the poem "Crotalus", along with the entire text of the poem. Inside is a full pg. illus. of "The Old Bone Man of the Plains." Full pg. illus. of "Pima Indians Convoying a Silver Train in Mexico."
Doublepage centerfold of "Promenade Concert on New Year's Eve at the Produ... See More
Remington... Graphophone...
Item #175100
July 17, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 17, 1886 Full ftpg: "American Fishermen Laying in Ice at Sea". Halfpg: "Signaling the Main Command" is by Remington. Very nice doublepage centerfold: "Wheeling on Riverside Drive". Fullpg. article on "The Graphophone" shows 3 illus., & begins "One of the most brilliant conceptions of Mr. Thomas Edison was...... See More
Baths of Monterey, California...
Item #175156
January 29, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 29, 1887 Full ftpg:"The Baths at Monterey, California". Halfpg: "Cutting Ice on the Hudson". Double page centerfold: "Leaving the Opera". Several view of athletic clubs in the suburbs. Half page print: "The Boston Post-Office" plus much more.
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. Complete in 16 p... See More
Natural Gas in Pittsburgh...
Item #175154
January 22, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 22, 1887 Front full pg. illus. of "The Wreck of the "Elizabeth"-Loss of the Rescuing Crew." Inside are three small portraits of "Matthew S. Quay," "John Roach," and "Charles B. Farwell." 1/3 pg. Nast illus. of "Shake Sharp Next."
Doublepage centerfold of "A Snow Storm in New York-Clearing... See More
San Antonio, Texas...
Item #175148
January 01, 1887
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 1, 1887 Full ftpg. shows: "John Ericsson", the creator of the iron-clad from the Civil War. Nice fullpg. view: "San Antonio, Texas" shows 7 scenes. The double page centerfold: "Hospital Sunday In New York--Christian Work Among The Poor" shows 7 scenes. 2/3 page Thomas Nast print: "The President's New-Year Messenger... See More
Thomas Nast Santa Claus...
Item #175146
December 25, 1886
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 25, 1886 Thomas Nast is credited with creating the modern version of Santa Claus, as well as being a well-known political cartoonist. The entire front page is a print by Nast captioned: " 'Twas The Night Before Christmas..." which includes a partial scene of Santa Claus in a framed picture.
Other prints in this issue include a full page ... See More
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