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Trial of Jefferson Davis...

Item #173098

June 01, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 1, 1867 Full ftpg: 'Jeff Davis Leaving the Court House at Richmond--Demonstration of the Rebel Citizens'. Great fullpg: 'Trial of Jeff Davis--Mr. O'Connor Moving for his Release on Bail'

Complete in sixteen pages.

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David Livingston... false report of death...

Item #667274

June 03, 1867

NEW YORK HERALD, June 3, 1867

* Dr. David Livingstone death ?

* African explorer

Page 5 under: "Dr. Livingstone's Funeral" "Account of His Death and the Burial of His Body" is an erroneous account on the death of Dr. David Livingstone, the famous explorer. Livingstone actually died in 1873. The report suggests he was killed by African savages.

Complete with 8 pages,... See More  

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Westward expansion confronts the Native American tribes...

Item #675659

June 05, 1867

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, June 5, 1867  The years following the Civil War were years of expansion west, causing the inevitable conflict with the Native American tribes. Such reports were not uncommon in period newspapers. This is one such issue.

The front page has: "The Indian War" which takes close to half a column with some fine content. It begins: "A Fort Kearney dispatch...... See More  

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Fort Larned... Honolulu...

Item #173100

June 08, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 8, 1867 Fullpg. with 4 illustrations of 'The Indian War', including 'Ft. Larned, Kansas' and 'Burning the Cheyenne Village near Ft. Larned' plus illus. of the chiefs of the Kiowas and Arapahoes. Fullpg. on: 'New Regulation Uniform of the U.S. Artillery' One-third pg: 'King Kamehamehla V Laying the Cornerstone of the Bishop's Church ... See More  

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Building the Mormon Temple in 1867...

Item #684629

June 08, 1867

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 8, 1867  

* The Great Mormon Tabernacle at Salt Lake City, Utah

The prime print and article is the nearly half page captioned: "The Great Mormon Tabernacle At Salt Lake" with a related article of the same title. The print shows the famous Temple in the early stages of construction.

Sixteen pages, rejoined at the spine, very nice condit... See More  

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Themed on hunting, sports, fire departments, etc...

Item #613485

June 08, 1867

CALIFORNIA SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, San Francisco, June 8, 1867  The masthead has a sporting them, plus in the masthead is: "A Weekly Chronicle Devoted to the Turf, Field Sports, Regattas, Hunting, Angling, Cricket...Fire Department & General News of California." The content is just that.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, great condition.

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Little girl and blindman illustration...

Item #567972

June 08, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 8, 1867 (print only) This is a single leaf full page print taken from this issue entitled "The Blindman's Darling" which shows a little girl reading the Bible to a blind man. This is a genuine leaf from the issue--not a reprint measuring approximately 10.25 x 15.5 inches and is in good condition.

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Westward expansion confronts the Native American tribes...

Item #675658

June 12, 1867

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, June 12, 1867  The years following the Civil War were years of expansion west, causing the inevitable conflict with the Native American tribes. Such reports were not uncommon in period newspapers. This is one such issue.

The front page has: "The Indian War" which takes half a column with some fine content.

Page 7 has: "Colorado" "Mining In C... See More  

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1867 John Surratt trial...

Item #699196

June 13, 1867

THE NEW YORK HERALD, June 13, 1867 

* John H. Surratt trial 

* re. Lincoln's Assassination

The back page has an article headed: "TRIAL OF JOHN H. SURRATT" and more. (see images) Text takes up over 1 1/2 columns. A few printing flaws affect the report here.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, generally nice.... See More  

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General Hancock... Kansas Pacific Railroad...

Item #173102

June 15, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 15, 1867  Includes a map showing scene of Gen. Hancock's operations in the Indian country; "Valley of Spring Creek, Kansas Pacific Railroad" "Cave on Mulberry Creek, Kansas Pacific Railroad" "Look's Ranche, Kansas Pacific Railroad" "Pulpit Rock on Alum Creek, Kansas Pacific Railroad" "Maguire & Risley's Jap... See More  

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The post Civil War Era...

The influence of newspapers???

Item #573958

June 17, 1867

BETHLEHEM DAILY TIMES, Bethlehem, PA, dated in 1867  This is an original post-Civil War 19th century issues from Bethlehem, PA. 

*Editorial comment on the influence of newspapers

Page one has an interesting article on the influence of newspaper editors upon their readership. Additionally, the issue contains post-war/reconstruction era reporting and is loaded with period advertise... See More  

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Indians disrupting work on the transcontinental railroad...

Item #669956

June 20, 1867

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, June 20, 1867  Page 3 begins with an interesting report: "Union Pacific Railroad" which comments on the construction efforts of the transcontinental railroad, including: "...work would have to be abandoned on the Union Pacific Railroad unless more protection was furnished against Indians...the track continues to be laid at the rate of two m... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Trouble with the Indians...

Item #669957

June 21, 1867

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, June 21, 1867  Page 3 has a report headed: "Barbarities and Indian Outrages" which reports just that, one bit noting: "...A battle was fought at Oflan's Station...between 60 whites...en route for Fort Phil Kearney, and from 100 to 150 Indians..." with more.

Four pages, archival repair at the blank spine, nice condition.... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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President announces the purchase of Alaska from Russia had been formalized...

Item #690139

June 21, 1867

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, June 21, 1867 

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

Near the bottom of page 2 is a brief yet very notable report on "Seward's Folly" headed: "The Russian Bargain Completed" which includes in part: "The president issued a proclamation on Thursday announcing the ratification treaty wi... See More  

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United States-Russian Treaty: "Seward's Folly"...

Item #698786

June 21, 1867

NEW-YORK HERALD, June 21, 1867  The top of page ten has: "Washington" "Proclamation by the President--Ratification of the Treaty With Russia"  which formalized the controversial purchase of Alaska.

The proclamation states in part: "Whereas, The Treaty between the United States...and His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias...is word for word as follows: 'T... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1867...

Item #567371

June 22, 1867

BETHLEHEM DAILY TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, June 22, 1867

* From the Indian Wars era

* 19th century Bethlehem, Pennsylvania original

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day. Several interesting advertisements tell the way life was back then.

Made of rag paper, this issue is in very nice condition.

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Steinway Hall... Cooper Institute...

Item #564519

June 22, 1867

LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, from New York, dated June 22, 1867 The full frontpage has nine portraits: "Mr. L. F. Harrison & the Conductors Of The Grand Festival Concerts Given At Steinway Hall, N.Y." Fullpages inside: "Modeling Room Of The Female Pupils Of The School Of Design Cooper Institute, N.Y." and "Grand Musical Festival, Given Under The Direction Of L. F. Harrison, a... See More  

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Life of a convict at Sing Sing... Election in Washington...

Item #173104

June 22, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 22, 1867  Ftpg. shows: 'Portrait of Queen Victoria in a very ornate frame. Fullpg: 'Constitutional Convention at Albany'. Nice dblpgctrfld: 'The Life of a Convict at Sing Sing Prison, New York' shows 16 scenes. Nice quarterpg. illus: 'Significant Election Scene at Washington' shows blacks voting, with text mentioning: '...the... See More  

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Indian murders on the Plains... Santa Anna...

Item #684864

June 22, 1867

THE TIMES, San Francisco, California, June 22, 1867  The top of page 3 has column heads including: "The Surratt Trial" "Santa Anna Back in Mexico" "More Indian Murders on the Plains" and more.

Four pages, very large size, never bound nor trimmed, minimal fold wear, minor fold foxing. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

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America now owns Alaska...

Item #684865

June 23, 1867

THE TIMES, San Francisco, California, June 23, 1867  

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

The top of the front page has column heads including; "Formal Ratification of the Russian Treaty" which refers to the purchase of Alaska from Russia, or known as "Seward's Folly".

The report is very brief, just noting: "The final exchan... See More  

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Trouble with the Indians...

Item #669958

June 25, 1867

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, June 25, 1867  Page 3 has a report headed: "Indian Depredations" concerning their interrupting  the construction of a railroad: "...says the Indians have driven the railroad grading parties into Fort Hooker...a considerable amount of stock had been driven off...is feared all will leave unless they are better protected..." and more... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Westward expansion confronts the Native American tribes...

Item #675655

June 26, 1867

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, June 26, 1867  The years following the Civil War were years of expansion west, causing the inevitable conflict with the Native American tribes. Such reports were not uncommon in period newspapers. This is one such issue.

The front page has: "The Indian War" which takes close to half a column.

Page 7 has: "Colorado" "The Indians--Climate--Agr... See More  

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Franz Joseph I of Austria 1867 coronation...

Item #667319

June 27, 1867

NEW YORK HERALD, June 27, 1867

* Franz Joseph I of Austria

* King of Hungary coronation

The top of page 5 has one column headings that include: "THE HUNGARIAN CORONATION" "Hungary Receiving Her King" "Francis Joseph and the Empress of Austria as King and Queen" and more. Text takes up about 3 1/2 columns.

Complete with 8 pages, a little irregular along the sp... See More  

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Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1867...

Item #565734

June 29, 1867

BETHLEHEM DAILY TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, June 29, 1867

* From the Indian Wars era

* 19th century Bethlehem, Pennsylvania original

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day. Several interesting advertisements tell the way life was back then.

Made of rag paper, this issue is in nice condition.

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Custer's scouts... Croquet... Paul Revere's Ride with Poem...

Item #173106

June 29, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 29, 1867  Half of the ftpg. is a print of: "Religion In Intolerant Rome--Priestly Absolution From Sin at St.Peter's" with a related article.

Perhaps the best print is the very nice full page captioned: "The New Game of Martelle--The Queen of the Lawn" which looks very much croquet (see). Thee is also a one-third pg. print: "Arapahoe Indi... See More  

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