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Seward's Folly: the Alaska Purchase...

Item #662786

April 02, 1867

THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, Indiana, April 2, 1867 

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

The front page has a one column heading: "Russian-American Treaty" See photo for brief text on the current negotiations.

Eight pages, irregular along the spine, some staining along folds, generally nice.... See More  

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St. Louis Hotel Fire...

Item #206709

April 02, 1867

UNION DEMOCRAT, Manchester, N.H., April 2, 1867 Brief but detailed report on page 2: "Great Fire In St. Louis" "The Largest Hotel in the World Destroyed by Fire". Bit of lite fold foxing on the front page.

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St. Patrick's Day...

Item #173082

April 06, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 6, 1867  Front 2/3 pg. illus. of "April Fool." Inside is a full pg. Nast illus. of "St. Patrick's Day 1867 - The Day We Celebrate." "Irish Riot, St. Patrick's Day 1867." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Winter Mail Service on Prince Edward Island."

doublepage centerfold of "The New Military Commanders in the Insurrec... See More  

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Ratifying "Seward's Folly"...

Item #702873

April 10, 1867

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, April 10, 1867 

* Alaska purchase - Seward's Folly

* William H. Seward - Russia

* Votes for ratification - success

Page 4 has a somewhat inconspicuous yet very historic report headed: "Washington" "Special Dispatch to the Republican" "The Purchase of Russia-America". The report mentions there were votes aga... See More  

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Black voting...

Item #173084

April 13, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 13, 1867  Ftpg: 'The New Horticultural Hall, Temont St., Boston'. Fullpg: 'George Peabody & the Board of Trustees of the Peabody Ed. Fund' includes U.S. Grant & David Farragut. Fullpg: 'The Fenian Uprising in Ireland--Attack on the Police at Tallaght'. 'Curious African Fashions'. Small back page political cartoon by ... See More  

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Military Reconstruction Act in the Supreme Court...

Item #571986

April 13, 1867

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, April 13, 1867  The front page begins the coverage of "MISSISSIPPI INJUNCTION CASE - The Constitutionality of the Military Reconstruction Act Contested in the Supreme Court" and then continues to the page 8 for a total text length of 5 1/2 columns. This is verbiage mostly between Mr. O'Conor, Mr. Sharkey and The Chief-Justice. Other news and adverti... See More  

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Seward's Folly... Purchase of Alaska...

Item #658707
THE CIRCULAR, Oneida NY April 15, 1867.

* Seward's Folly

* United States purchases Alaska

This 8 page newspaper is in very nice condition, contains news of the day and stories. The back page has a interesting report on the purchase by America of what we know now as Alaska from Russia.

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Lindell Hotel in Saint Louis...

Item #173086

April 20, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 20, 1867  Front full pg. Nast illus. entitled Ignis Fatuus. Inside are two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Burning of the Lindell Hotel, at Saint Louis, Missouri" and "Bedtime." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Launch of the Steamship 'Erie,' at Newburyport, Mass. Two 1/4 pg. illus. entitled "The wrong side of the stream" and Sweet Violets.... See More  

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General Custer in pursuit of the Cheyenne Indians...

Item #669920

April 22, 1867

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, April 22, 1867  

* General George A. Custer

* Indians - Native Americans

Page 3 has a report headed: "The Indians" which reports in part: "...met by over 300 chiefs & warriors who professed a desire for peace; but the same night the whole tribe abandoned their village...Gen. Custer's Cavalry were sent in pursuit...Indica... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Attack by the Cheyenne Indians...

Item #669919

April 23, 1867

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, April 23, 1867   Page 3 has a report headed: "Indian Outrage" which reports on an Indian attack, noting in part: "Lookout Station...was destroyed by the Cheyenne Indians...& three of the U.S. Express Co. were killed & scalped..." with more detail.

Four pages, nice condition.

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Negroes street car sit-in...

Item #600120

April 24, 1867

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 24, 1867

* Richmond street cars

* Negroes sit-in demonstration

The front page has a small one column heading: "Street-Car Difficulty in Richmond" Coverage on Richmond, Virginia street car sit-in by area Negroes.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, very minor spine wear, otherwise nice.

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1867 Manhattan, Kansas earthquake...

Item #616132

April 25, 1867

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 25, 1867

* Manhattan, Kansas

Page 5 has a very small and discrete heading: "Earthquake in Missouri" See image for very brief text. This was in fact the Manhattan, Kansas earthquake. A early report the day after it happened. Unfortunately for the short article here but still a 1st report in this venerable newspaper title. Of course technology was non existe... See More  

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Progress on the transcontinental railroad... Issues with the Sioux Indians...

Item #669918

April 26, 1867

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, April 26, 1867   Page 3 has: "Pacific Railroad--Indian Council" which reports on the progress of this historic transcontinental railroad project. Also that: "...from Gen. Sully, dated Fort Sedgwick...states he has ha a satisfactory council with the Ogallalla and Brute bands of the Sioux Indians..." with another report with details... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Abraham Lincoln and the drummer boy...

Item #173088

April 27, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 27, 1867  Ftpg. shows: 'Daniel Drew'. Great fullpg. by Th. Nast: 'Abraham Lincoln & the Drummer Boy'. Nice fullpg: 'U.S. Supreme Court Room, Washington' is a great scene of the interior. One-quarter pg: 'The Indian Expedition--Gen. Hancock's Encampment at Fort Harker, Kansas'.

Other news and advertisements of the da... See More  

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An impending Indian attack upon Fort Benton...

Item #669916

April 27, 1867

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, April 27, 1867   Page 3 has a report: "Indian War" which has news from Montana noting in part: "...large bodies of Crow, Black Feet and Sioux Indians massing in the vicinity of Fort Benton...that an attack upon the fort was intended..." with other details.

Four pages, nice condition.

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Much on the town of Corry, Pennsylvania...

Item #689105

April 27, 1867

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, April 27, 1867  The double page centerfold features  6 illustrations concerning the small town of Corry, Pennsylvania.

Th best is an expansive view of: "The City of Corry, Pennsylvania" being a great town overview. The other prints are of: "W. H. L. Smith, First Mayor of Corry" "Public School House at Corry, Pa." &q... See More  

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George A. Custer is pursuing the Cheyennes...

Item #606536

April 30, 1867

NEW YORK TIMES, April 30, 1867 

* 9 years prior to Custer's massacre

The front page has a brief article: "The War with the Indians" which mentions: "...at Fort Phil Kearny thinks the Crow Indians can be kept quiet by the presence of the large force of troops...Gen. Custer is still pursuing the Cheyennes, who have fled northward." (see).

Eight pages, the back lea... See More  

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