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Early baseball...

Item #549989

October 02, 1865

NEW-YORK TIMES, October 2, 1865 

* Early baseball 

* Post civil war reporting 

On the front page under "Connecticut" is a report: "Yale versus Wesleyan--Base Ball Match between the Two Colleges--Fine Game--Success of Yale--Remarks & Observations"

Includes a summary and the box score. Summary also talks about the success of Yale, exclusive of spor... See More  

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The Wirz Trial...

Item #583163

October 03, 1865

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 3, 1865 

* Captain Henry Wirz trial

* Andersonville Georgia prison

* American Indians

In the bottom half of the front page is a one-third column taken up with: "The Trial of Capt. Wirz" "Witnesses for the Defence--Negative Testimony--What Certain Persons Didn't see" (see photos). This is followed by: "Indian Affairs" "Gen... See More  

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Trial of the Andersonville prison warden...

Item #679994

October 03, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 3, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The front page has: "Andersonville" "The Wirz Trial Yesterday--Gen. Bragg Relieve from Duty as a Member of the Commission--Obstreperous Conduct of Counsel Baker". Inside has: "Alabama on the Negro".

Eight pages, uncut and untrimmed, a little light foxing, generally very nice.... See More  

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Trial on the Andersonville Prison horrors...

Item #671743

October 05, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 5, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

Among the front page first column heads are: "ANDERSONVILLE" "The Wirz Trial Yesterday" "Testimony of the Prisoner's Clerk" "Counsel Baker Rebuked by the Court" "Extraordinary Statements of a Spy" "The 'Camp' A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey&quo... See More  

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Odd Fellows... Fort Smith, Arkansas...

Item #698064

October 07, 1865

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 7, 1865  A nice foldout centerfold: "Grand Celebration of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows & Dedication of the Monument...Founder of the Order...In America, at Baltimore...".

Other prints include: "Fort Smith, Indian Territory, Arkansas..." "Camp Russell, New Haven, Conn..." "The Ruins of Jackson, Missi... See More  

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Farming related newspaper....

Item #220711

October 07, 1865



* 1865 farming related periodical

Described in the masthead as: A Journal Devoted toAgriculture, Horticulture, Art, Science, Some Literature, Markets & Current News. Back page lecture by Henry Ward Beecher: On Hell & Future Punishment. Tabloid-size, 8 pages, good condition. Uncut.
... See More  

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The dead at Andersonville...

Item #172926

October 07, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 7, 1865  The front page shows: "The Naval Festival at Portsmouth, England - Arrival of the French Fleet--The 'Solferino' Saluting the English Flag". Other prints within include: "Genberal H. W. Slocum" "General Francis C. Barlow" "The Late Thomas Wildey, P.G." "Monument Erected September 20, 1865 in Ho... See More  

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The horrors of the Andersonville Prison Camp...

Item #671498

October 09, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 9, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The front page has nice heads concerning the horrendous Andersonville prison camp from the Civil War: "ANDERSONVILLE" "The Wirz Trial on Saturday" "Gen. Lee and Other Leading Rebels Not Allowed to Testify" "They are Co-conspirators with the Accused" "Expensive Witnesse... See More  

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Baseball in 1865...

Item #212983

October 10, 1865

NEW-YORK TIMES, Oct. 10, 1865  Page 5 has the summary and line score of a baseball match played on the Presidents grounds in Washington mentioning that the Excelsiors had no uniforms because the club chest failed to arrive. The back page has the summaries and box scores of three baseball matches. Lite damp staining in the upper left corner, printing crease in the first item and one in
... See More  

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Confederate leaders paroled....

Item #215638

October 12, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 12, 1865

* Post Civil War Confederate Leaders on Parole
The front page has: Washington Important Executive Order Alexander H. Stephens, John A. Campbell, John H. Reagan, George A. Trenholm and Charles Clark Released on Parole The Members of the South Carolina Convention Pardoned. Executive order granting parole with the possibility of a pardon is s
... See More  

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Ulysses S. Grant, 1865...

Item #219416

October 13, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 13, 1865.


* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Military Reorganization

The front page has: "The Army Important Order From General Grant Reduction & Reorganization of the Military Forces of the Republic Colored Troops to Garrison all but Two of the Southern Ports". Other news of the day includes: "Martial Law No Longer in Force in Kentucky
... See More  

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Kentucky Martial Law ends...

Item #555916

October 13, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, New York, NY, October 13, 1865

* Post civil war Kentucky

The front page has: "Washington" "Martial Law No Longer in Force in Kentucky" "The President's Proclamation" "The Status Of Kentucky". Proclamation concerning martial law in Kentucky is signed in type: Andrew Johnson.

Other news of the day throughout this 8 page issue. Mino... See More  

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Reduction of Army... Colored Troops...

Item #649858

October 13, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, October 13, 1865  First column heads include: "Orders for the Reduction of the Army" "Nearly All the White Volunteers East of the Mississippi to be Mustered Out" "Most of the Southern Seaboard Forts to be Garrisoned by Colored Troops" "All Colored Troops Not Needed to be Dismissed" and more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

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Alfred Lloyd Tennyson... Central Park...

Item #172928

October 14, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 14, 1865  The front page shows: "President Johnson Pardoning Rebels at the White House" & "Andrew Johnson's Tailor-Shop in Greenville, Tenn.'.

Inside has several full page prints including: "Guerrilla Fighting in Mexico--Death of Pueblita, One of the Liberal Chiefs at Uruopan" and "Gathering Corn" and "Ce... See More  

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The trial of the demon jailer of Andersonville Prison Camp...

Item #672408

October 14, 1865

THE DAILY CLEVELAND HERALD, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1865  The top of a front page column has a stack of heads: "The Virginia Congressmen" "THE WIRZ TRIAL" "News From California" "Davis Intercession" "Letters From Mrs. Davis" and more.

Four pages, large folio size, good condition. The folder note is for the issue folded in half.

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Andersonville Prison Trial... Captain Wirz...

Item #668810

October 16, 1865


* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The top of the front page has one column headings: "ANDERSONVILLE" "The Wirz Trial On Saturday" "Evidence Closed On Both Sides" and more. (see) Text takes up over 1 1/2 columns.

Complete with 8 pages, uncut and unbound (uncommon), nice condition.... See More  

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Trial of Captain Wirz... Discovery of Dr. Mudd...

Item #172930

October 21, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 21, 1865  The front page has a print showing: "Lieut. Tappan Discovering Dr. Mudd in the Hold of the Steamer 'Thomas A. Scott' " with a related article. Also a halfpg. print of the: "Trial of Captain Wirz, the Andersonville Jailer, in the Court of Claims, Washington, D.C."

Inside has full page prints: "The Embassy From T... See More  

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Early oil in Pennsylvania...

Item #638849

October 24, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, October 24, 1865 

* Pithole, Pennsylvania & more

The back page begins with: "THE PETROLEUM FIELDS" "Survey of the Venango Region" "Personnel of the Excursion" "At Corry" "Down to Oil Creek" "Pithole" and more, the reporting taking 1 1/3 columns. Also within: "THE FENIAN CONGRESS" "The
... See More  

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Henry Wirz trial comes to an end...

Item #588728

October 26, 1865

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 26, 1865 

* Trial of Captain Henry Wirz

* Andersonville Civil War prison - Georgia

The top of page 5 has; "Washington" "the Findings & Verdict of the Wirz Military Commission Submitted to the President" "Intercession of Wirz's Counsel in Behalf of His Client".

Eight pages, nice condition. ... See More  

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Focused on the Internal Revenue & Customs offices...

Item #686186

October 28, 1865

THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD & CUSTOMS JOURNAL, New York, Oct. 28, 1865  A rather uncommon title with content as the title would suggest.

Eight pages, 9 1/2 by 12 inches, four small binding holes at the blank spine, great condition. 

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Much on the Dakota Territory...

Item #172932

October 28, 1865

HARPER'S WEEKLY New York, October 28, 1865  The front page has a print: "Seizure of 'The Irish People' Newspaper in Dublin and of Deadly Weapons in Cork, Belonging to the Fenians." The balance of the front page is an article titled: "The Fenians".

Prints inside include: "Dacotah Territory - Fort Thompson on the Upper Missouri River, built for the Sioux an... See More  

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1st Post-Civil War Thanksgiving Proclamation... Steamer St. John disaster....

Item #699538

October 30, 1865

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 30, 1865

* President Andrew Johnson

* 1st post-war Thanksgiving proclamation

*Albany steamer St. John disaster on the Hudson River

Page 5 has coverage of the noteworthy/historic Thanksgiving Proclamation by President Andrew Johnson. The article is headed "A Really National Thanksgiving", and while it only includes highlights of the proclamation, the expl... See More  

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Famous post Civil War 1865 baseball game

Item #592756

October 31, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, October 31, 1865 

* Brooklyn Atlantics

* Philadelphia Athletics

* Famous post civil war Baseball game

On page 5 under "The National Game" is a report: "The Great Match Between the Atlantics And Athletics In Philadelphia--The Atlantics The Victors."

Has a summary of the game which mentions that: "...The Atlantics were skunked once, and the ... See More  

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1865 Atlantics vs. Athletics Baseball Game...

Item #201429

October 31, 1865

NEW-YORK TIMES, Oct. 31, 1865 Pg. 5 has the summary and box score of the game featured in the above print. Mentions in part that "The Atlantics made eleven fly-catches and two home runs, and the Athletics eight fly-catches and one home run. The Atlantics were skunked once, and the Athletics four times." A great companion item to the above print! Occasional foxing, otherwise nice.

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Two issue set reporting the same baseball game, one illustrated...

Item #683730

October 31, 1865

Two issue set: NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 31, 1865 and HARPER'S WEEKLY, November 18, 1865, the first a textual report of a baseball game, and the latter an illustration of that very game.

* 1865 Philadelphia Baseball Game

The back page of the Tribune has: "BASE BALL MATCH" "The Atlantics Versus Athletics" "Success of the Former in the First Game" with the variou... See More  

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