Web Results (217)



The Shays' Rebellion... Benjamin Franklin re-elected... Two plates...

Item #677333
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, November, 1786  

* Benjamin Franklin

* Daniel Shay's Rebellion

The issue begins with: "A Description of Bones Found Near the River Ohio" which includes a foldout plate as well (repair to the reverse). 

Also within the issue: "A Short Description of the Crotalus Horridus, or Rattlesnake" "A Short Dissertation on Ec... See More  

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Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President: a day after report...

Item #686699

May 26, 1787


* Constitutional Convention begins

* George Washington elected president

An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention--terrific to have in a newspaper from the city where these notable proceedings were held.

As such, this is likely the ... See More  

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Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President...

Item #686742

June 01, 1787


* Constitutional Convention begins

* George Washington elected president

 An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention.

Page 2 has a report from Philadelphia datelined May 26 with the historic report: "Yesterday, at the State House in this city, seven states were ful... See More  

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Very early report of Washington's inaugural address, plus his election as well...

Item #702876

April 01, 1789

THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, April, 1789 

* President George Washington

* Election victory & inauguration

 Certainly the most notable content is found in "The Chronicle" section near the back where the latest news was reported, which covers the election & inauguration of President George Washington.

The full text is shown in the photos, however some ite... See More  

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First inauguration of George Washington...

Item #679892

July 16, 1789

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 16, 1789 

* President George Washington

* First inauguration (historic)

Certainly one of the more desirable events to have in a period newspaper is the first inauguration of George Washington. American issues with such content are virtually unobtainable today, and reports in any newspapers worldwide are extremely uncommon.

Here is a nice report of t... See More  

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George Washington is elected President of the United States...

Item #677063

February 20, 1793

NATIONAL GAZETTE, Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1793

* President George Washington

* Historic 2nd election victory

Nearly three-quarters of the front page is taken up with an address: "To ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Secretary of the Treasury of he United States". This is followed, on page 2, with a second analysis of America's financial situation.

But by far the most significant ite
... See More  

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Sam Adams is elected governor...

Item #698113

May 11, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 11, 1796  

* Samuel Adams, Massachusetts governor

* 18th century American original

Page 2 has a very brief report: "His Excellency Samuel Adams is re-elected Governor of this Commonwealth, for the year ensuing: by a majority of about 2000 votes."

Four pages, foxing and light damp staining, a bit irregular at the right margin.... See More  

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Federal election reports...

Item #636120

November 09, 1796

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Nov. 9, 1796  The front page is taken up with various reports from Europe, with further reports on pages 2 & 3. Page 3 also has reports headed: "Federal Election".

The back page has: "Anecdote of Gen. Buonaparte" and various ads, including one headed: "75 Dollars Reward--Stop Thief and Runaway" with much d... See More  

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John Adams is elected President of the United States...

Item #676792

February 01, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

The most notable report is the announcement that John Adams has been elected President of the United States.

A report near the back notes in part: "Yesterday, agreeable to a provision of the Constitution...the members...assembled...to count the votes ... See More  

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Details on the Presidential election of 1796...

Item #677066

February 22, 1797


* John Adams presidential election

* Thomas Jefferson as vice president

Page 2 has a report from the "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress" concerning the process for tallying votes for President & Vice President: "...that the two Houses shall assemble in the chamber of the House of Represen... See More  

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Adams's inauguration: the peaceful transfer of power...

Item #682538

March 13, 1797

THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, March 13, 1797

* John Adams inauguration

* Thomas Jefferson

A very historic issue as it reports the true test of the great American republic: the peaceful transfer of power. 

Page 2 has a report noting in part: "On Saturday at twelve o'clock...soon after his election, JOHN ADAMS as President of the United States attended in the Chamber of th... See More  

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Results of the election for governor... Naval news...

Item #645101

June 02, 1798

THE WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, June 2, 1798  Page 3 has results of the: "Election" for Governor, showing a majority for Livingstone over John Jay. Also: "An Act More Effectually to Protect the Commerce & Coasts of the United States".

Four pages, 9 1/2 by 11 3/4 inches.

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Jefferson's response upon being notified of being elected President...

Item #667545

March 11, 1801

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, March 11, 1801  Page 3 has, under: "President Elect" a report: "The Committee instructed on the 18th instant to wait the President Elect and notify him of his election, REPORT--that they have, according to order performed that service, and addressed the President elect in the following words, to wit: 'The committee beg le... See More  

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Thomas Jefferson's inaugural address...

Item #702705

March 14, 1805

BOSTON GAZETTE, March 14, 1805 

* President Thomas Jefferson

* Inauguration - inaugural address

Page 2 has the lengthy: "President Jefferson's Speech" which is his inaugural address, introduced with: "This day, at 12 o'clock, Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, took the oath of office & delivered the following Inaugural Speech..." which tak... See More  

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James Monroe leads in the election... Navy seeks a depot in the Chesapeake...

Item #673062

February 15, 1817

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 15, 1817  Featured is a chart showing that James Monroe is in the lead for Presidency of the United States. Another report has much detail on: "Cleopatra's Barge".

Five pages are taken up with considerable detail on: "Naval Depot" "Report of the Secretary of the Navy...Information Relating to the Selection of a Site for... See More  

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Monroe wins the Presidential election...

Item #622032

February 19, 1817

NEW YORK SPECTATOR, Feb. 19, 1817  The top of the front page as an announcing: "According to the provisions of the constitution the votes...for President and Vice President were yesterday counted...was officially proclaimed by the President of the Senate that JAMES MONROE is elected President...and DANIEL D. TOMPKINS is elected Vice President..." (see).

Four pages, never-trimmed ma... See More  

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Bounty land for military veterans... On Monroe's inauguration...

Item #681522

April 12, 1817

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., April 12, 1817  The front page has: "The Late Inauguration" with talk on some details of James Monroe's inauguration.

Page 3 has a reward ad for a runaway slave, and a report from the "War Department" concerning those entitled to bounty lands for serves in the military during the War of 1812.

Four pages, some period doodling a... See More  

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Bounty land for military veterans... On Monroe's inauguration...

Item #682468

June 24, 1817

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., June 24, 1817  The front page has a report of the travels of the President on the steam boat Fulton, landing at Staten Island & his visits to the fort at Harlem Heights. Also to runaway reward ads. Page 3 has a runaway reward ad as well.

Four pages, nice condition.

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James Monroe's inaugural address...

Item #672155

March 10, 1821

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 10, 1821  Beginning at the bottom of the front page is: "Inaugural Speech", which has a prefacing paragraph which includes: "On Monday last, the 5th of March, in the great hall of the house of representatives...chief justice Marshall administered the oath of office to Mr. Monroe, previous to his entering upon the duties of his second... See More  

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James Monroe's inaugural address...

Item #680641

March 10, 1821

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 10, 1821 

* President James Monroe

* Inauguration - inaugural address

Beginning at the bottom of the front page is: "Inaugural Speech", which has a prefacing paragraph which includes: "On Monday last, the 5th of March, in the great hall of the house of representatives...chief justice Marshall administered the oath of office to... See More  

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Latest results on the presidential election...

Item #689415

November 27, 1824

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 27, 1824  The front page features a chart headed: "Presidential Election - Returns so far as they are known" showing votes for Adams, Clay, Crawford, and Jackson, with Adams having a commanding lead. Much related text as well carrying over to pages 2, 3, 4 & 5 with additional charts.

Inside has a fine letter signed in type: Bolivar&nb... See More  

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The Presidential election... American Indians: Choctaw, Osage, Creeks...

Item #672083

December 04, 1824

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 4, 1824  Among the articles are: "Presidential Election" which has a chart showing states and votes for each, plus another report of the Alabama votes for President by county.

Also inside: "LaFayette & the Sons of the Forest" being an emotional heart-felt meeting of Choctaw Indian chiefs and General LaFayette, which is ironi... See More  

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Andrew Jackson is elected President...

Item #680056

January 01, 1825

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 1, 1825 

* General Andrew Jackson elected president

The first article at the top of page 1 has a small head: "Presidential Election" with the report noting: "It being ascertained that Louisiana has given three votes to gen. Jackson & two to Mr. Adams, as president--(and an undivided vote for Mr. Calhoun as vice president), w... See More  

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The Maryland "Jew Bill" finally passes... Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams...

Item #682592

March 05, 1825

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 5, 1825 

* Inaugural address of John Quincy Adams 

* Approval of the Maryland "Jew Bill"

Without question the most notable content is the page 3 report headed: "Maryland" which states in part: "The legislature of this state adjourned on Saturday last. The 'Jew bill', as it is called--or a bill to alter t... See More  

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First Jews elected in Maryland...

Item #690294

October 14, 1826

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 14, 1826 

* First Jews elected in Maryland

* Judaica - Jewish

* Andrew Jackson

One of the reports within has a small head: "The Jews" with the text including: "...that at the last election for members of our city council, two gentlemen of the Jewish persuasion were chosen by the suffrages of a large part of the citizens...Messrs. S. ... See More  

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Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...

Item #698008

July 19, 1828

UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, July 19, 1828  

* Rare campaign periodical

* General Andrew Jackson

This is the volume 1, number 19 issue. This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.

It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy ... See More  

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Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...

Item #644853

July 26, 1828

UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, July 26, 1828  This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead. It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy of Andrew Jackson. Mott says, "Green proved to be of the hard-hitting politician type of editor... See More  

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Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...

Item #689737

August 02, 1828

UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, Aug. 2, 1828  

* Rare campaign periodical

* General Andrew Jackson

This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.

It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy of Andrew Jackson. Mott says: "Gree... See More  

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Election of Andrew Jackson... Cherokee Indians & land troubles...

Item #686281

November 22, 1828

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 22, 1828

* President Andrew Jackson election

* Cherokee Indians Nation

 One of the front page reports has a small head: "The Election" which begins: "The most anxious & ardent, as well as the most rude & ruthless political contest that ever took place in the United States, is now decided in the election of a large major... See More  

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Election of Andrew Jackson... Cherokee Indians & land troubles...

Item #644278

November 22, 1828

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 22, 1828  One of the front page reports has a small head: "The Election" which begins: "The most anxious & ardent, as well as the most rude & ruthless political contest that ever took place in the United States, is now decided in the election of a large majority of electors pledged to the support of gen. Andrew Jackson for the... See More  

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Last signer of the Declaration of Independence dies... Jackson re-elected...

Item #680468

November 17, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 17, 1832

* Andrew Jackson re-elected President

* Death of Charles Carroll : signer of the Declaration of Independence

The front page has a lengthy editorial which begins:

"The presidential election has so far proceeded as to render the result certain, that "Andrew Jackson of Tennessee" will be re-elected president, and 'Martin ... See More  

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Election returns... Runaway ad...

Item #570754

November 22, 1836

HANOVER HERALD, Hanover, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1836. Page 3 features the Official Returns for President and Vice President for Pennsylvania along with the Electoral Election results.  The front page of the issue contains a $25.00 Reward for a runaway apprentice. This contains other news and advertisements of the day. This is complete in four pages with scattered lite foxing, otherwise in... See More  

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Martin Van Buren is elected President of the United States...

Item #649931

February 11, 1837

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 11, 1837  Near the back is a report from Congress which includes, in part, a report of the formal election of Martin Van Buren as President, evidenced by a chart of the electoral vote by state.

The text reads in part: "...the return of electoral votes from each state was opened, read & recorded...After the counting of the votes was complet... See More  

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Inaugural address of Martin Van Buren...

Item #686301

March 11, 1837

THE NEW-YORKER, March 11, 1837  

* President Martin Van Buren inauguration

This newspaper was published by Horace Greeley before his more famous New York Tribune. Inside includes the: "Inaugural Address" which carries over to the following page where it is signed in type: Martin Van Buren.

Included as well are comments on: "The Farewell Address of President Jackson"... See More  

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Jackson's farewell, and Van Buren's inauguration...

Item #687900

March 11, 1837

NEW YORK OBSERVER, March 11, 1837

* Martin Van Buren inauguration

* Andrew Jackson farewell address

 Pages 2 and 3 contain the lengthy: "Farewell Address of Andrew Jackson" signed by him in type at its conclusion: Andrew Jackson. In it he reiterated his policies one final time. He appeal to the different regions of the country to place their loyalty to the Union above all els... See More  

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Andrew Jackson's lengthy farewell... Van Buren's inaugural address...

Item #693487

March 16, 1837

VERMONT CHRONICLE, Windsor, March 16, 1837  

* Martin Van Buren inauguration

* Andrew Jackson farewell address

Half of page 2 and most of page 3 are taken up with the: "Farewell Address Of Andrew Jackson, to the People of the United States" in which he reiterates his policies one final time. He appeals to the different regions of the country to place their loyalty to the Unio... See More  

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Harrison wins the election: in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...

Item #687962

November 09, 1840

THE GLOBE, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1840

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential election victory

Perhaps there can be no better newspaper to report a Presidential election than one from the nation's capital.

Page 3 begins with: "The Election" "It becomes our duty to announce to the public that we have received returns of the elections in a sufficient number of the stat... See More  

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William H. Harrison is elected President...

Item #671429

November 14, 1840

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 14, 1840 

* William Henry Harrison

* 1840 election victory

Page 2 has a report headed: "Presidential Election" which begins: "Sufficient returns are received to place the result beyond all question. It is now certain that William Henry Harrison will be elected president, and John Tyler, vice president of the United States...... See More  

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Harrison wins the Presidential election...

Item #688512

February 03, 1841

KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., Feb. 3, 1841 

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential election victory

The back page has a chart noting the: "Official - Popular Vote For President" for both Harrison and Van Buren, listed by state, showing a close election: 11,268,752 vs. 1,123,057.

This was an uncommon title which lasted but 4 years. The prospectus (not here) note... See More  

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William Henry Harrison wins the presidential election...

Item #644898

February 19, 1841


* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential election victory

Page 3 has: "Presidential Vote" which is the official chart of the electoral votes certified by the tellers and announced by the Vice President to the Congress. It shows 234 votes for Harrison and 60 for Van Buren. Also a detailed report: "Arrival Of ... See More  

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Detailed plans for Harrison's inaugural...

Item #666634

March 03, 1841

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 3, 1841 

* President William Henry Harrison

* Eve of his inauguration - inaugural

* From the city where it happened - rare

A terrific newspaper for the content found on page 3, which has considerable detail on the plans for the inauguration of William Henry Harrison which happened on the following day.

The first 1 1/2 columns ar... See More  

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Rare same-day report of Harrison's inauguration...

Item #687963

March 04, 1841

THE GLOBE, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1841  

* President William Henry Harrison inauguration

* Very rare same-day report from nation's capital

A terrific & very desirable newspaper as this has a same-day report on the inauguration of President Wm. H. Harrison.

Such a report is likely only to be found in a newspaper from the nation's capital, however we have had several iss... See More  

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Perhaps the best newspaper to be had for Harrison's inauguration...

Item #685222

March 05, 1841

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 5, 1841  

* President William Henry Harrison inauguration

* Inaugural address - best title to be had (rare)

Perhaps the best newspaper to be had on the inauguration of William Henry Harrison as the nation's ninth President, this being the premier newspaper from the nation's capital. 

Most of page 2 is taken up with: &q... See More  

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President Harrison's inaugural address...

Item #683189

March 06, 1841

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 6, 1841

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential inauguration

 Taking most of the front page, all of pgs. 2 & 3 & half of page 4 is: "The Inaugural Address" of Gen. William Henry Harrison, March 4, 1841...", which was obviously very lengthy, so lengthy & delivered outdoors on a very cold & wet day that he caug... See More  

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President Harrison's inaugural address...

Item #683191

March 06, 1841

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 6, 1841

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential inauguration

* Inaugural address

Taking most of the front page, all of pgs. 2 & 3 & half of page 4 is: "The Inaugural Address" of Gen. William Henry Harrison, March 4, 1841...", which was obviously very lengthy, so lengthy & delivered outdoors on a very cold & wet d... See More  

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"Extra" edition with Harrison's inaugural address...

Item #687945

March 06, 1841

COURANT--EXTRA, Hartford, Connecticut, March 6, (1841)  

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential inauguration

* Inaugural address

An uncommon single sheet "Extra" broadsheet with most of the front page taken up with the: "Inaugural Address or President Harrison" carrying over to page 2.

William Henry Harrison has the dubious distinction of being the first Presiden... See More  

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Inauguration of President William H. Harrison, in a Washington newspaper...

Item #688275

March 17, 1841

KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., March 17, 1841

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential inauguration

This was an uncommon title which lasted but 4 years. The prospectus (not here) notes it was a semi-weekly devoted to "...the security of the right of suffrage by additional laws to punish bribery & fraud...an exposure of abuses & corruptions in government..." and ... See More  

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Results of the presidential election...

Item #689429

November 23, 1844

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 23, 1844  The top of the first column of the front page has the results of the Presidential election, headed: "Presidential" with a count by state for Henry Clay and James K. Polk. Much more on the results of the election on inside pages.

Page 2 has a letter from President Tyler to H. M. Kamehameha III, king of Hawaii.

Also inside: &qu... See More  

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James. K. Polk elected as President...

Item #684790

November 26, 1844

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., Nov. 26, 1844 

* James K. Polk

* Presidential election

* From our nation's capital

Page 3 begins with a detailed report/editorial headed: "The Presidential Election".

The text starts off: "It is now certain at the late election held for Electors of President &Vice-President of the United States....James K. Polk, of Tenne... See More  

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Death of John Murrell, the famous "land pirate"... Complaints of election fraud...

Item #684787

November 29, 1844

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., Nov. 29, 1844 

* John Murrell death - "land pirate"

* Mississippi River outlaw

A front page report about the "Death Of Murrell" says: "The Chattanooga Gazette of the 16th announces the death, at Pikeville, Tennessee, of the notorious John A. Morrell, whose name as 'land pirate' figured so frequently in the press... See More  

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The tragedies of dividing slave families...Zachary Taylor elected president...

Item #583417

November 15, 1848

NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, November 15, 1848 Page three contains an article entitled "The Slave Trade" which deals with the tragedies which occur when families foresee that they may possible be separated. This includes inducing their own bodily harm and even their to the point of their own death instead of being separated. "That was a most merciful attempt that was made in the la... See More  

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How to manage the land gained in the Mexican War... Taylor's inauguration...

Item #686936

March 01, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 1, 1849  Half of the front page, all of page 2 and much of page 3 are taken up with an interesting discussion in the Senate on: "The New Territories" which were gained in the treaty ending the war with Mexico, including New Mexico and California.

The back page has half a column giving the "Order of Procession" of: &quo... See More  

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Abe Lincoln is on the inaugural ball committee for Z. Taylor...

Item #686937

March 03, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 3, 1849  

* Early Abraham Lincoln

* 12 years prior to presidency

The back page has a list of the "Managers" for the "Grand Inauguration Ball" to be held March 5 in honor of incoming President Zachary Taylor, and among them is: "Hon. Abraham Lincoln, Ill." The bkpg. also has a similar list of the "... See More  

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Discussing Taylor's inaugural address...

Item #686941

March 09, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 9, 1849 The first column of page 7 has the reviews of six newspapers on "The Inaugural Address" of President Taylor, with many diverse comments.

Also on page 7 is a lengthy: "List of Cadet Appointments for 1849" listed by state, and includes "John Hood" from Kentucky, who would become a famous Confederate general, ... See More  

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Discussion Taylor's inaugural address...

Item #596980

March 10, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 10, 1849 

* President Zachary Taylor

* John Bell Hood at West Point

The first column of the front page has the reviews of six newspapers on "The Inaugural Address" of President Taylor, with many diverse comments (see photos). Also on the ftpg. is a lengthy: "List of Cadet Appointments for 1849" listed by state, and inc... See More  

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Discussion Taylor's inaugural address...

Item #598609

March 10, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 10, 1849 

* President Zachary Taylor

* John Bell Hood

The first column of the front page has the reviews of six newspapers on "The Inaugural Address" of President Taylor, with many diverse comments (see). Also on the ftpg. is a lengthy: "List of Cadet Appointments for 1849" listed by state, and includes "John Hood... See More  

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Zachary Taylor's inaugural address on the front page...

Item #687915

March 13, 1849

THE TIOGA BANNER, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, March 13, 1849

* President Zachary Taylor

* Inauguration - inaugural

Not just a very uncommon title from this small, Northern Pennsylvania town, but the front page has: "President Taylor's Inaugural Address" which takes over a full column. Also on the front page: "The Inauguration" with much on the ceremonies.

Four pages, ... See More  

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On Taylor's inauguration... From California...

Item #686942

March 15, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 15, 1849  Page 3 has: "The Voice of The West" which has a report on the inaugural of President Taylor. Also: "From California" which includes a report concerning the establishment of a government.

Also: "Official - Appointments By the President" with a list.

Four pages, nice condition.

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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On Taylor's inauguration...

Item #595664

March 16, 1849

HANOVER SPECTATOR, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1849 

* Zachary Taylor 

* Henry Clay

The front page has 2 columns of: "Important Letter from Mr. Clay" dated at New Orleans & carrying over to pg. 2 where it is signed: H. Clay. Also: "The Inauguration Balls" for President Zachary Taylor (see photos).

Four pages, never bound, small wear holes near center are... See More  

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Death of President Taylor, inauguration of Fillmore...

Item #687991

July 13, 1850

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, July 13, 1850  The front page begins with: "Two Weeks Later From California - Battles With The Indians - Troubles with the Foreign Miners" which has some nice content concerning the situation in California. The ftpg also has: "Slave Cases in California".

Inside has: "Slavery And Freedom" as well as an editorial: "Death Of the Presid... See More  

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Early election results for President: Pierce would win...

Item #693462

November 04, 1852

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 1852  

* President Franklin Pierce winning

Most of page 2 is taken up with results--and speculation--concerning the 1852 Presidential election which Franklin Pierce would win.

Early indications reflect this: "The Triumph and Its Teaching" begins: " It is now clear that the national democratic party has swept the country & th... See More  

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The inaugural ceremonies for Franklin Pierce...

Item #685770

March 04, 1853

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1853  As would be expected in this newspaper which was essentially the "mouthpiece" of the federal government, page 3 has over a full column taken up with all the details of the inauguration of President Franklin Pierce, which happened on the day of this publication. 

Four pages, some binding indents at the blank spine, ... See More  

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On the inauguration of Franklin Pierce...

Item #687940

March 07, 1853

EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL, Indiana, March 7, 1853  

* President Franklin Pierce inauguration

Page 3 has a half column report headed: "The Inauguration" which has much own the inaugural parade and some inaugural details including: "...Mr. Pierce stood erect, bowing gracefully in acknowledgment of the repeated cheers which greeted him...Mr. Pierce stepped forward on the fron... See More  

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Early reports on the Presidential election...

Item #693471

November 06, 1856

NEW YORK OBSERVER--Secular Department, Nov. 6, 1856  Page 2 begins with a report which takes most of the first column: "The Presidential Election" with various reports from cities and states. The text begins: "The election is over, and although at this moment the returns are not yet received from the whole country, it is conceded on all hands, in this city, that Fremont is not ... See More  

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Plans for Buchanan's inauguration...

Item #666653

February 04, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 4, 1857  Page 3 has much detail on planks for the inaugural ceremonies of James Buchanan, who would be inaugurated on March 4.

The report is headed: "the Inaugurations of the President Elect" and the details take over a full column.

Four pages, good condition. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

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Inauguration & inaugural ceremonies of President Buchanan, in a Washington newspaper...

Item #689660

March 05, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 5, 1857 

* President James Buchanan

* Inauguration - inaugural address

* Best title to be had (rare as such)

A terrific issue in which to find the inauguration and inaugural address of President James Buchanan.

Almost the entirety of the first two columns on page 3 are taken up with the: "Inaugural Address". If is prefac... See More  

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Inaugural address of President James Buchanan...

Item #687937

March 11, 1857


* President James Buchanan

* Inauguration - inaugural address

 Page 3 has nearly 1 1/2 columns taken up with the printing of the: "Inaugural Address" signed at its conclusion by: James Buchanan.

Four pages, disbinding indents at the blank spine, good condition.... See More  

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Inauguration of President Buchanan... Dred Scott Decision...

Item #172030

March 14, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 14, 1857  A vol. 1 issue. Inside has 8 illustrations regarding 'Our 18th Inauguration Day', including an illustration of George Washington, Mount Vernon, & James Buchanan & John Adams. But the prime content here is the text of the Dred Scott decision given by Chief Justice Taney. Very significant.

Also featured is an article on A Nutmeg Pl... See More  

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Mormon election results...

Item #683650

September 10, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 10, 1858  Page 3 has: "Utah" which reports on the territorial elections and other news items from Utah.

Four pages, small piece from the top margin of the back leaf, nice condition. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Print of a beardless Abraham Lincoln, pre-election...

Item #172362

May 12, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 12, 1860  The front page has a print of: "The Republican Wigwam At Chicago, Illinois, In Which the Republican Convention Will Be Held, May 16, 1860".  This was the event at which Abraham Lincoln would go from near obscurity to a position of prominence in American history.

The doublepage centerfold is a terrific print captioned: "Prominen... See More  

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Much on the Presidential election of 1860... The Pony Express...

Item #693435

August 25, 1860

THE WORLD, New York, Aug. 25, 1860  Page 4 has a lengthy list of news items under: "THE PONY EXPRESS" with a dateline of St. Joseph, Missouri.

Over half of page 7 is taken up with much on the: "Political War" which has much commentary on the coming Presidential election, presented state-by-state, with much mention of Abraham Lincoln as well.

Eight pages, slightly irregul... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln wins the Presidential election...

Item #688054

November 07, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, November 7, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election victory

The entire front page is taken up with reports of the election, with first column heads including: "THE RESULT" "End Of The Great National Contest" "Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, Elected President" "And Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, Vice President of the United States" &q... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683568

November 07, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election

* Best publication to be had ?

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "The Presidential Election" which begins: "As it has been currently supposed within the last few weeks... See More  

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Nice headlines on Lincoln's first election...

Item #691442

November 08, 1860

THE LITCHFIELD ENQUIRER, Connecticut, Nov. 8, 1860

* Abraham Lincoln elected president

* America about to change

Page 2 begins with one of the nicest stack of column heads on Lincoln's first election we have seen. They included: "VICTORY ! VICTORY !! " "Great Republican Victory!" " 'Old Abe' the Next President!!" "Secession And Fusion Simmered... See More  

Available Now


First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683570

November 08, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln elected

* Presidential election

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "The Presidential Election" which notes: "From the telegraphic reports of the Presidential election received since our ... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683569

November 09, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln is elected President

* From our nation's capital

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 2 has a report headed: "The Presidential Contest" which begins: "Abraham Lincoln is the next President of the United Stat... See More  

Available Now


First election of Abraham Lincoln... The definitive report...

Item #683571

November 10, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 10, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election

* From the Nation's capital (best)

* The definitive report

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "Result of the Presidential Election" which gives the definitive report t... See More  

Available Now


Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the United States...

Item #692531

November 10, 1860

HARTFORD WEEKLY TIMES, Connecticut, Nov. 10, 1860 

* President Abraham Lincoln

* First presidential election win

* Civil War on the horizon

The top of page 2 has a column headed: "The Presidential Contest" "Election Of Lincoln and Hamlin" "The North for Lincoln - The South Mostly For Breckinridge" "Lincoln Comes In With A Congress Against Him!"... See More  

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With Lincoln's election, the South takes action...

Item #683573

November 13, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 13, 1860 

* The South reacts to Abraham Lincoln's election

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Now that the election of Lincoln is assured, this issue has much on the plans of Southern states in secession discussions--particularly in South Carolina--and p... See More  

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Election of Abraham Lincoln as President...

Item #172416

November 17, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 17, 1860  The full front page shows: 'Gen. Guiseppe Garibaldi" who was considered the George Washington of Italy, the person most responsible for uniting the country. There is also a page two article on him.

Other prints include a nice full pg. of: "Fort Moultrie (Sullivan's Island), Charleston, South Carolina in the Distance", a... See More  

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Disunion & the national crisis... Mormons on Lincoln's election...

Item #691532

December 11, 1860

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 11, 1860  

* Pre-Civil War Southern tensions - secession ?

* Mormons on Abraham Lincoln's election

A great issue from several months before the outbreak of the Civil War, with ominous first column heads including; "THE NATIONAL CRISIS" "The Secession Question Before Congress" "Latest Reports From the South" and more. 

Also o... See More  

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War is on the horizon... Election results by Pony Express...

Item #692521

December 20, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 20, 1860 

* Pony Express re. Abraham Lincoln's election win

* Pre Civil War Southern tensions - secession ?

Considerable reporting on national events that would soon lead to the Civil War.

Inside page reports include one beginning: "The Pony Express passed Fort Kearney early on Tuesday...with later California news. The official result of the Presidentia... See More  

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President-elect on his way to his inauguration...

Item #688042

February 21, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 21, 1861  

* President elect Abraham Lincoln

* En route to Washington D.C.

* New York City visit - speech

The front page has among its column heads: "The Incoming Administration" "Mr. Lincoln In New York" "His Reception and Speech at the City Hall" "How Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Spent the Day and Evening"  and more.

Among t... See More  

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President-elect enroute to his inauguration...

Item #691179

February 22, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 22, 1861  

* President-Elect Abraham Lincoln heads to Washington D.C.

A great wealth of fine reporting on Lincoln's journey to Washington for his inauguration.

Among the front page column heads are: "THE INCOMING ADMINISTRATION" "Progress of the President Elect Towards Washington" "His Departure From New York" "Popular Ovation... See More  

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Early attempt to assassinate President-Elect Abe Lincoln...

Item #596826

February 27, 1861

THE NEW YORK HERALD, February 27, 1861 

* Lincoln's new administration 

The front page reports the ominous events that would lead to the outbreak of the Civil War in less than two months. Also content on the incoming administration of Abraham Lincoln with first column headlines including: "The Finale of the Peace Conference", "Movements of Mr. Lincoln", &quo... See More  

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President-Elect Abraham Lincoln's address from the Astor House balcony...

Item #172446

March 02, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 2, 1861  The full front page is a very nice illustration captioned: "Abraham Lincoln, The President Elect, Addressing The People From the Astor House Balcony". Inside has a full page with 3 scenes: "Fort Moultrie, As Seen From Fort Sumter" "Morris Island, As Seen From Fort Sumter" and "Fort Johnson, As Seen From Fort Sumt... See More  

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Lincoln's first inaugural address... "We are not enemies, but friends"...

Item #688044

March 08, 1861

KENNEBEC JOURNAL, Augusta, Maine, March 8, 1861

* President Abraham Lincoln

* Inauguration - inaugural address

* "We are not enemies, but friends"

 Page 3 begins with the: "Inaugural Address" which is signed in type at its conclusion: Abraham Lincoln. It takes nearly 2 columns.

Page 2 has a lengthy editorial on: "Lincoln's Inaugural". It includes in ... See More  

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President-Elect Abraham Lincoln en route...

Item #598469

March 12, 1861

THE VERMONT CHRONICLE, Windsor, March 12, 1861

* Abraham Lincoln

* post inauguration

Page 3 has the following one column headings: "The Cabinet" "The Confederation" "The Virginia Convention"

Nice reading here. Other news of the day. Complete in 4 pages, some tape mends along central fold, minor foxing, otherwise nice.... See More  

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Lincoln's inauguration... Winslow Homer print...

Item #172450

March 16, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 16, 1861  The entire front page shows: "The Inaugural Procession at Washington Passing the Gate of the Capitol Grounds" which shows Abraham Lincoln & James Buchanan in the carriage.

Inside has a nearly half page print showing: "Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln Entering the Senate Chamber Before The Inauguration" with related text he... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


Inaugural Address of President Jefferson Davis... The fall of Fort Donelson...

Item #688100

February 24, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, February 24, 1862 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* President Jefferson Davis inauguration

* Best publication to be had ? (very rare)

Not only is this a great Confederate newspaper, but it is from the capital of the Confederacy and as such contains a great wealth of the latest news and battle reports.

Certainly the most significant content i... See More  

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Jeff Davis' inaugural address: in a Confederate newspaper...

Item #666370

February 25, 1862

THE DAILY SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, Columbia, South Carolina, Feb. 25, 1862 

* Jefferson Davis inaugural address

* Rare Confederate publication

A rather rare title and great that it has the word “Southern”.

Certainly the most notable content begins page 2 being: "President Jefferson Davis's Inaugural address, delivered in Richmond, February 22, 1862" which takes ove... See More  

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Inaugural address of Jefferson Davis...

Item #691176

February 26, 1862

THE PRESS, Philadelphia, Feb. 26, 1862 

* Confederate president Jefferson Davis

* Inauguration - inaugural address

An historic issue as the top of the front page has: "The Rebellion" "Important Southern News" "INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF JEFF DAVIS" "Rebel Accounts of the Fort Donelson Battle" "The Burning of Winton, N..C." "News From the... See More  

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Broadside with election returns...

Item #643592

December 03, 1863

GENESEE VALLEY FREE PRESS--SUPPLEMENT, Wellsville, New York. A quite large broadside (printed on one side only, single sheet) mostly taken up with election returns. There is no date at the top but many dispatches are dated Dec. 3, 1863. Measures 20 by 27 12 inches. Folder size noted is for the item folded in half.

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Lincoln accepts the nomination for the Presidential election...

Item #698523

June 29, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln nomination

* 2nd term as president

* Civil War reporting

Page 4 has an historic report headed: "The Presidential Nomination" "Mr. Lincoln's Acceptance" with the text taking over a full column and signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.

Obviously this was the step necessary for him to be on the Republican ballot... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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If McClellan wins the election, the Civil War is over... Drafting VMI cadets...

Item #683388

October 07, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Oct. 7, 1864 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* re. George B. McClellan as president ?

The front page has: "The War News" which is a reflection upon the latest reports as received & includes as subheads "The Repulse of the Enemy on the Darbytown Road Last Saturday" and "Later From Sheridan". Also on the ftpg. are: &qu... See More  

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Early returns show Lincoln is doing well in the 1864 election..

Item #685219

November 08, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln's election (2nd)

* Original American Civil War reporting

In addition to much inside page reporting on the latest Civil War events, page 2 has items concerning the election. Final results would not be known until the next day, however various partial returns are noted here (see photos), almost all showing Abraham Lincoln looking... See More  

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Great column heads announcing Lincoln's election...

Item #694593

November 09, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln elected president (2nd term)

* 1st report plus Civil War reporting

Certainly the most notable content would be the back page column heads on the election of Lincoln as President.

The second column has perhaps the nicest stack of heads on the election we have seen in any newspaper. They include: "PRESIDENTIAL And State ELECT... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln's 1st speech upon being re-elected...

Item #689182

November 11, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 11, 1864 

* Abraham Lincoln address

* "In Response to a Serenade"

* Jefferson Davis & arming of slaves ?

Page five has column heads: "UNION REJOICES" "Serenading the President and Cabinet - Speeches of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Seward, and Others."

The article includes one of the most humble calls for unity given by Lincoln: "The P... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln is elected president...

Item #687250

November 12, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln elected president (2nd term)

* 1st report plus Civil War reporting

 Page 3 has a nice illustration headed: "Prison At Andersonville, Georgia" with related text with one column heads: "Rebel Cruelties To Prisoners" "The Horrors of Andersonville, of Libby Prison, and of Relic Isle" "Plunde
... See More  

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Lincoln election results... Jefferson Davis on arming slaves...

Item #679367

November 12, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 12, 1864  

* Abraham Lincoln election results

* Jefferson Davis message

Over two columns on the front page are taken up with reports headed: "The Election" and "The Result In New York" "Union Majority in the State Over Eight Thousand" plus it continues with some election results from six other states as well, some quite brief.

The re... See More  

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