U.S. Founding Fathers - 19th Century
Many of the Founding Fathers of the United States continued to have direct and/or indirect impact well beyond the end of the Revolutionary War... their influence extending far into the early 19th century. The following issues, while dated post-1799, have references to these historic figures from American History.U.S. Founding Fathers - 19th Century
Many of the Founding Fathers of the United States continued to have direct and/or indirect impact well beyond the end of the Revolutionary War... their influence extending far into the early 19th century. The following issues, while dated post-1799, have references to these historic figures from American History.
Thomas Jefferson letter... Creating the University of Virginia...
Item #710345
December 15, 1821
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 15, 1821
* Thomas Jefferson on the founding the University of Virginia
Perhaps the best item in this issue is the nice & lengthy letter under the heading: "University of Virginia", signed by him in type: Th. Jefferson, as Rector of the University of Virginia. It was this letter that sets out the founding of this institution by ... See More
Paul Revere's son in the bell foundry business...
Item #710244
February 21, 1822
BOSTON DAILY ADVERTISER, Feb. 21, 1822 The front page has an illustrated ad for "Joseph W. Revere..."Factory and ship Bells..." with a bit more.
Joseph was the 3rd Paul Revere's 8 children, taking over the bell foundry business from his father in 1811.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, good condition.... See More
The Jew Bill... Jefferson, Adams & Madison lend their support...
Item #708732
February 20, 1819
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 20, 1819 (with the "Supplement To Volume XV")
* Re: The Jew Bill
* Thomas Jefferson provides opinion
* Historically significant
Certainly the best content in this issue is in the lengthy "Supplement" to the volume, with an article headed: "Legislature Of Maryland - The Jew Bill--From A Correspondent" which takes near... See More
Jefferson falling out of favor in Virginia...
Item #706377
April 06, 1802
THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, April 6, 1802
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Losing popularity in Virginia ?
Over a full page is taken up with an interesting letter: "To my Fellow Citizens of Richmond" signed by: James Rind. It is prefaced with: "Mr. Jefferson is said to be losing his popularity in Virginia as fast as he acquired it, and the fo... See More
Celebrating the 4th of July... John Paul Jones... A "cure for hard times"...
Item #705358
July 01, 1820
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 1, 1820 The entire front page is an editorial headed: "Independence" concerning the upcoming anniversary of the 4th of July.
Some great reading, with one paragraph beginning: "Nearly all the great actors in 1776 have made their exit to another & a better world, but some venerable men yet remain to bless our land with their prese... See More
Capitol Pediment artwork of Luigi Persico is completed and unveiled...
Item #705029
November 08, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 8, 1828 Page 4 has a very detailed article on the completion of the carved artwork of Luigi Persico, the artist who created the "Genius of America" pediment which fronts the Capitol building in Washington. It was work in progress from 1825 - 1828 and this report describes the work, beginning: "The scaffolding and shed whic... See More
Deaths & funerals of Jefferson and Adams...
Item #704305
July 29, 1826
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 29, 1826
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
* Presidents deaths and funerals
The front page has some editorial comment concerning the recent deaths of both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson on the 50th anniversary of the 4th of July, taking over half of the page. Additional items are on the inside pages headed: "Adams and Jefferson"... See More
Politics... War of 1812...
Item #704090
March 10, 1814
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, March 10, 1814 The front page has two Acts of Congress each signed in type by the President: James Madison. Also a nice engraving of a ship used as a political devise in an election for governor.
Page 2 has some items on the War of 1812 including: "Army And Militia" & "Naval Bills".
Four pages, archival repair at the blank spine,... See More
Jefferson's first inaugural address...
Item #703939
March 18, 1801
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 18, 1801 The front page has nearly two columns taken up with: "President Jefferson's Speech, at his Inauguration at Washington, March 4, 1801" which is signed by him in italic type: Thomas Jefferson.
Also on the front page are three Acts of Congress signed in italic type by the then President: John Adams, one for erecting a light house on Mart... See More
Victory at New Orleans... The War of 1812 is over...
Item #703926
February 18, 1815
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, February 18, 1815
* Battle of New Orleans is won by Andy Jackson
* The War of 1812 is over : text of the Treaty of Peace
The front page announces not one but two very significant developments in the War of 1812.
Topped with an engraving of a heraldic eagle (rare for this title) is an announcement headed: "Glorious News ! " "Orlea... See More
Battle of Talladega... Andy Jackson & Wm. H. Harrison...
Item #703064
January 11, 1814
THE WAR, New York, Jan. 11, 1814
* Battle of Talladega - Alabama
* General Andrew Jackson
* Red Sticks - Creek Indians
* William Henry Harrison
On the front page under "Battle Of Talledega" is a dispatch about this battle, signed in type: Andrew Jackson. Included is a list of the killed and wounded. The balance of the front page is filled with war-rel
... See More
* Battle of Talladega - Alabama
* General Andrew Jackson
* Red Sticks - Creek Indians
* William Henry Harrison
On the front page under "Battle Of Talledega" is a dispatch about this battle, signed in type: Andrew Jackson. Included is a list of the killed and wounded. The balance of the front page is filled with war-rel
You know of Molly Pitcher. Do you know of Betsy Doyle?
Item #702993
December 19, 1812
THE WAR, New York, Dec. 19, 1812 Most of the front page is taken up with a: "Official Report, to Brigadier General Smyth with much war reporting, signed in type: Geo. McFeeley, Lt. Col. Commanding Fort Niagara.
Within McFeeley's report is: "...An instance of extraordinary bravery in a female (the wife of one Doyle, a private in the United States Artillery, made a pr... See More
The First Barbary War...
Item #702755
February 05, 1806
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Feb. 5, 1806
* First Barbary War - Tripolitan
* President Thomas Jefferson
The front page, and page 2 contain a great wealth of information & reporting concerning the First Barbary War, which includes a; "Message" signed by the President: Th. Jefferson.
Four pages, nice condition.... See More
Thomas Jefferson... Thoughts of abolishing the Navy?
Item #702743
March 20, 1802
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 20, 1802
* President Thomas Jefferson
* United States Navy ?
The front page begins with an Act of Congress signed in script type by the President: Th. Jefferson, and in block type by the Vice Pres. Aaron Burr.
Page 2 has another Act concerning the organization of the courts of the United States, signed in script: Th. Jefferson. There is also a brief ... See More
Thomas Jefferson's inaugural address...
Item #702705
March 14, 1805
BOSTON GAZETTE, March 14, 1805
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Inauguration - inaugural address
Page 2 has the lengthy: "President Jefferson's Speech" which is his inaugural address, introduced with: "This day, at 12 o'clock, Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, took the oath of office & delivered the following Inaugural Speech..." which tak... See More
Paul Revere as President of the Board of Health...
Item #702656
July 16, 1800
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 16, 1800
* Paul Revere
* Board of Health
The top of page 3 has a detailed report from the: "Health Office" which is signed in type by its President: P. Revere.
Four pages, a bit irregular at the margins, scattered foxing.... See More
Thanks to Jefferson for his service...
Item #702642
November 14, 1809
NEW-HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT, Concord, Nov. 14, 1809
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Richmond visit w/ signed letter
The front page has: "Tribute of Respect" concerning a visit by Jefferson to Richmond, "...his native state...the citizens, being apprized of his arrival...resolutions expressive of the high sense of his services to his country & his distinguished patriotism... See More
Rhode Island congratulates the President on his inauguration...
Item #702637
June 23, 1801
NEW-ENGLAND PALLADIUM, Boston, June 23, 1801 Page 2 contains a fine letter: "To Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States" from the legislature of Rhode Island, congratulating him on being inaugurated as President.
This is followed by: "The President's Answer" signed in type: T. Jefferson.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Did Thomas Jefferson die in 1800?
Item #702636
July 09, 1800
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 9, 1800 Page 2 has an interesting report concerning the possible death of Thomas Jefferson. Headed: 'Of Mr. Jefferson", it begins: "The papers by the three last southern mails have brought account & contradictions of accounts of the death of Mr. Jefferson at his seat at Monticello..." followed by details of the reports. In reality, he w... See More
On the Lewis & Clark Expedition, reported on the front page...
Item #702570
March 05, 1806
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 5, 1806
* Thomas Jefferson message to U.S. Congress
* First published information on Lewis and Clark
The front page has a nice "Message" to the Congress signed in type by the President: Th. Jefferson, with much concerning the Lewis & Clark Expedition, including: "...Capt. Meriwether Lewis...was appointed, with a party of men, to ex... See More
Jefferson is (finally) elected President...
Item #702568
March 13, 1801
MIDDLESEX GAZETTE, Middletown, Connecticut, March 13, 1801
* Thomas Jefferson finally wins
* Controversial election of 1800
Page 2 has a notable report on the election of Jefferson, beginning: "At 12 o'clock the 35th ballot was taken, the result the same with that of the preceding ballot. At one o'clock the 36th ballot was taken which issued in the election of THOMAS JEFF... See More
Acknowledging the end of the War of 1812...
Item #701343
April 22, 1815
NEW YORK HERALD, April 22, 1815 Page 3 has a letter from Major General Andrew Jackson to the Secretary of War, dated at New Orleans, acknowledging: "...the receipt of your letter advising of the ratification of the treaty of peace between G. Britain and the United States..." and that he would parole his soldiers. It is signed in type: Andrew Jackson.
This is followed by his: "... See More
Encouraging Jefferson to run again for President...
Item #701023
October 31, 1806
REPUBLICAN WATCH-TOWER, New York, Oct. 31, 1806 Both page 1 and page 3 have notes concerning: "Resolved, that a sub-committee, to consist of one member of each ward be appointed to draft aa respectful address to Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, requesting him to consent to be a candidate at the next election for that important office...".
Four pages, good conditio... See More
Documents signed by Madison, Monroe, Napoleon... The War of 1812...
Item #701019
July 23, 1813
THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, July 23, 1813 Pages 1 & 2 have a lengthy report from the Secretary of State, signed in type: James Monroe, & prefaced with a brief note signed by the President: James Madison. Inside has 2 more letters signed by James Monroe, plus one signed by: Napoleon.
A few reports on the War of 1812: "Alarm at Washington" "Blockade of New Londo... See More
Five Acts of Congress, one for punishing piracy...
Item #701005
May 27, 1820
* President James Madison
* United States Congress
* Five acts w/ piracy - pirates
The back page has a full column taken up with 4 Acts of Congress, one for: "...punishing the crime of piracy" and another for: "...continuing the work upon the center building of the Capitol...", plus one on page 2 as well. E... See More
Signed by Henry Clay and James Monroe...
Item #701004
March 26, 1819
NEW YORK ADVERTISER, March 26, 1819 Page 3 has an Act of Congress signed in type by: H. Clay, Speaker of the House, and James Monroe, President.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, good condition.
Act of Congress on the front page... Andrew Jackson as a candidate for President...
Item #700948
June 09, 1824
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 9, 1824 The front page has an Act of Congress: "An Act Enabling the Claimants to lands Within the Limits of the State of Missouri and Territory of Arkansas in institute Proceedings to try the Validity of their Claims".
Also on the front page: "General Jackson" which concerns him running for President.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed,... See More
The Constitution captures the Java...
Item #700925
February 27, 1813
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 27, 1813
* USS Constitution - William Bainbridge
* HMS Java - Henry Lambert
Under "Naval Heroism" is a message from the President concerning Captain Bainbridge and his frigate Constitution on the capture of the British frigate Java, signed by him in type: James Madison.
There is much reporting under the heading: "Events of the... See More
Documents on the Tripolitan War... Ending the Quasi-War with France...
Item #700650
January 02, 1802
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 2, 1802 The front page has 3 letters concerning the Tripolitan War, or the First Barbary War, including a letter from the President to the Bey [governor] of Tripoli, signed in type: Thomas Jefferson as well as James Madison.
Page 2 has: "A Proclamation" signed by the President: Th. Jefferson, concerning a treaty with France to end the Quasi-War.
F... See More
On honoring the deaths of Jefferson & Adams...
Item #699139
July 22, 1826
NATIONAL JOURNAL, Washington, D.C., July 22, 1826
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
* re. deaths and funerals - honoring
Page 3 has a report noting in part: "The Committee appointed by the Common Council of Alexandria to make arrangements to testify the respect of the citizens for the memories of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, have selected..." with a bit more.
Both Je... See More
Treaty of Ghent ends of the War of 1812...
Item #698472
February 22, 1815
BOSTON PATRIOT Feb. 22, 1815
* Treaty of Ghent signed
* War of 1812 officially over
Page 2 has a very nice printing of the peace treaty which ended the War of 1812 with the complete text taking nearly three wide columns. At the end of the treaty are the signatures of the respective "Plenipotentiaries" and the concluding remarks of the President, in which he prevails upon all... See More
On George Washington's death & funeral... Front page report of his death...
Item #698070
January 08, 1800
* George Washington death and funeral
The front page has a nice account headed: "Washington's Last Illness" which begins: "Some time in the night of Friday, the 10th instant, having been exposed to a rain on the proceeding day, General Washington was attacked with an inflammatory affection of th... See More
Death of Martha Washington...
Item #698041
June 01, 1802
THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, June 1, 1802
* Martha Washington death
* Mount Vernon - Virginia
Inside under "The Knell" is a brief yet very notable death report: "At Mount Vernon, on the 22d ult. Mrs. Martha Washington, relict of the late illustrious Gen. George Washington."
Four pages, 9 1/2 by 11 inches, an old tape mend to an unrel... See More
Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...
Item #698008
July 19, 1828
UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, July 19, 1828
* Rare campaign periodical
* General Andrew Jackson
This is the volume 1, number 19 issue. This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.
It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy ... See More
5 issues from Thomas Jefferson's presidency... 1806-1807...
Item #697171
(5) BOSTON GAZETTE, dated 1806-1807 * President Thomas Jefferson administration era
A lot of five issues from the early 19th century when Thomas Jefferson was president. News and advertising of the day provide perspective on this formative period during the first decade of the 1800s. Multiple shipping ads are present as well. One is from 1806 and four are from 1807.
Comple... See More
Poem titled: "Slave Trade"... Unpulished Washington letter...
Item #697109
October 18, 1800
WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, Oct. 18, 1800 Somewhat of a literary title but other content as well including a poem titled: "Slave Trade". Also: "Horrid Murder" "Radnor Forest"; an interesting unpublished letter by George Washington dated Nov. 26, 1775; "Female Constancy" and more.
Four pages, 9 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, nice condition.
Charles Carroll & the Declaration of Independence...
Item #697005
July 19, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 19, 1828 The front page has: "Charles Carroll" which gives details of the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence presenting a copy of The Declaration to the mayor of New York City, along with a copy of a letter written in his own hand which states in part: "Grateful to Almighty God for the blessings which, through J... See More
Charles Carroll & the Declaration of Independence...
Item #697002
July 19, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 19, 1828
* Charles Carroll of Carrollton
* Declaration of Independence signer
The front page has: "Charles Carroll" which gives details of the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence presenting a copy of The Declaration to the mayor of New York City, along with a copy of a letter written in his own hand which state... See More
Charles Carroll & the Declaration of Independence...
Item #696996
July 19, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 19, 1828
* Charles Carroll of Carrollton
* Declaration of Independence signer
The front page has: "Charles Carroll" which gives details of the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence presenting a copy of The Declaration to the mayor of New York City, along with a copy of a letter written in his own hand which state... See More
Among Jefferson's last letters, to Henry Lee...
Item #696969
November 25, 1826
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 25, 1826
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Last letters to Henry Lee
Inside 2 1/2 pages taken up with: "The Late Mr. Jefferson" who passed away nearly 5 months earlier (July 4) which includes a lengthy letter signed: H. Lee. This is followed by a lengthier letter datelined: "Monticello, May 15, 1826" just 1 1/2 months befor... See More
Among Jefferson's last letters, to Henry Lee...
Item #696967
November 25, 1826
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 25, 1826
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Last letters to Henry Lee
Inside 2 1/2 pages taken up with: "The Late Mr. Jefferson" who passed away nearly 5 months earlier (July 4) which includes a lengthy letter signed: H. Lee. This is followed by a lengthier letter datelined: "Monticello, May 15, 1826" just 1 1/2 months befor... See More
Among Jefferson's last letters, to Henry Lee...
Item #696793
November 25, 1826
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 25, 1826
* President Thomas Jefferson
* Last letters to Henry Lee
Inside 2 1/2 pages taken up with: "The Late Mr. Jefferson" who passed away nearly 5 months earlier (July 4) which includes a lengthy letter signed: H. Lee. This is followed by a lengthier letter datelined: "Monticello, May 15, 1826" just 1 1/2 months befor... See More
Two letters signed by President Thomas Jefferson...
Item #696279
August 12, 1807
THE NATIONAL AEGIS, Worcester, Massachusetts, Aug. 12, 1807
* President Thomas Jefferson letters
The top of page 2 has: "By the President of the United States of America - A PROCLAMATION" calling for a special session of Congress, signed in type: Th. Jefferson.
And beginning on pg. 2 & ending on page 3 is a letter from the President to the King of Holland, signed in type... See More
James Monroe on the neutrality of the U.S... General Harrison... Thomas Jefferson...
Item #695612
February 01, 1817
THE NATIONAL REGISTER, Washington, Feb. 1, 1817 Inside has a letter datelined from Monticello, headed: "Delaplaine's Repository", signed in type: Thomas Jefferson. Also two letters on the: "Neutrality of the United States" each signed in type: James Monroe. This is followed by: General Harrison's Case".
An uncommon title that existed from March 2, 1816 thru ... See More
Andrew Jackson is tough on violators of Cherokee lands...
Item #695609
November 30, 1816
THE NATIONAL REGISTER, Washington, Nov. 30, 1816 Inside has a notice signed in type by: Andrew Jackson, Major General Com'fg. in which he notes: "All white men settling on the Cherokee lands...are hereby ordered to drive off their stock within 20 days and remove themselves and families within 30 days...All individuals not attending to this notification...will be prosecuted to the ex... See More
First of this title we have found...
Item #695446
April 08, 1805
COLUMBIAN GAZETTE, Utica, New York, April 8, 1805
* 18th century American publication
This is the first of this title we have encountered, and Brigham notes only two American institutions have this date.
Page 2 has a report of 3 slaves murdering their master. Also a report on the celebration of the anniversary of the election of Thomas Jefferson, as well as a report concerning the co... See More
The historic Embargo Act becomes law...
Item #695216
January 04, 1814
THE WAR, New York, Jan. 4, 1814
* The Embargo Act of 1813 signed into law
The front page is entirely taken up with "EMBARGO LAW - An Act Laying an Embargo on all ships & Vessels in the Ports & Harbors of the United States." with this historic document carrying over to take two-thirds of page 2 as well where it is signed in type by the President: James Madison.
This d... See More
Battle of Talladega... Andy Jackson & William H. Harrison...
Item #695212
January 11, 1814
THE WAR, New York, Jan. 11, 1814 On the front page under "Battle Of Talledega" is a dispatch about this battle, signed in type: Andrew Jackson. Included is a list of the killed and wounded. The balance of the front page is filled with war-related news.
Inside has a lengthy letter concerning murders committed by Indians, signed in type: Wm. H. Harrison; "Events O
... See More
Inside has a lengthy letter concerning murders committed by Indians, signed in type: Wm. H. Harrison; "Events O
Anger over the Trail of Tears...... Franklin quote...
Item #695078
August 01, 1829
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 1, 1829 The top of the ftpg. has a small bit about Martin Van Buren, Secretary of State at the time, being granted an honorary doctorate of law degree from Rutgers' College.
Inside has an article: "Slavery In Colombia" as well as: "Georgia And The Cherokees" being a letter from the brother of a chief and his anger at their ... See More
Lasted for less than a year...
Item #695056
October 14, 1828
THE DOVER ENQUIRER New Hampshire, Oct. 14, 1828
* Very rare, short lived publication
From information available it appears this newspaper existed under this title for less than one year. This is the volume 1, number 34 issue.
The first column has notices supporting John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson for President, and Richard Bush & John C. Calhoun for Vice President.
Four pa... See More
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