Vietnam War Era
Shop our selection of authentic original newspapers printed during the Vietnam War era and featuring coverage of the overseas conflict.Vietnam War Era
Shop our selection of authentic original newspapers printed during the Vietnam War era and featuring coverage of the overseas conflict.
Joseph Kittinger record parachute jump....
Item #592166
August 17, 1960
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, August 17, 1960
* Joseph Kittinger parachute jump
* Excelsior III (1st report)
This 32 page newspaper has a two column photo of "Air Force Capt. Joseph Kittinger stands beside the open balloon gondola" with small caption: "Makes Record Leap".
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Ve... See More
1962 Flying Tiger 923 airplane crash...
Item #677970
March 16, 1962
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., March 16, 1962
* Flying Tiger Line - Constellation
* Flight 739 airplane mystery - Pacific
The front page has a banner headline: "Plane, 107 Abroad, Vanishes In Pacific" with subhead, related photo and map. First report coverage on the Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 airplane disappearance in the Western Pacific.
Complete with 16 pages, light toning at the... See More
1963 South Vietnamese coup d'état...
Item #709647
November 02, 1963
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 2, 1963
* 1963 South Vietnamese coup d'état
* President Ngo Dinh Diem assassination
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "COUP IN VIETNAM DEPOSES DIEM; HE AND NHU SEIZED BY MILITARY" with subheads, related map and 2 photos. (see images) Much more on the followings pages, loads of text.
Complete with 40 pages, minor margin wear,... See More
Student protest newspaper by the "May 2nd Movement"...
Item #698536
January 01, 1965
FREE STUDENT, New York City, issue number 1 There is no date printed anywhere in this issue, but from the content and what is available online, it would appear to have been printed around 1965. It does state that it is "published by the May 2nd Movement". At least two issues of this title were published.
The May 2nd Movement was formed to fight against a politics of defau
... See More
1965 U.S. Embassy bombing in Saigon...
Item #672438
March 30, 1965
THE DETROIT NEWS, March 30, 1965
* U.S. Embassy bombing
* Saigon - Ho Chi Minh City
* Vietnam War - conflict
The front page has a nice banner headline: "Bomb Kills 13, Injures 183 at U.S. Saigon Embassy" with subheads and related photo. (see) Nice for display.
Complete with 40+ pages, small library stamp within masthead, small binding holes along the spine, generally very nice.... See More
Saigon Floating Restaurant bombed in 1965....
Item #221500
June 26, 1965
DETROIT FREE PRESS, MI, June 26, 1965.
* My Canh floating restaurant bombing...
* Saigon...
* Airplane crash...
This 30+ page newspaper has a three line, two column headline on the front page: "Cafe Bomb In Saigon Fatal to 31" Tells of the My Canh floating restaurant bombing in Saigon Vietnam. Other news of the day including a nice headline on a airplane crash on t
... See More
* My Canh floating restaurant bombing...
* Saigon...
* Airplane crash...
This 30+ page newspaper has a three line, two column headline on the front page: "Cafe Bomb In Saigon Fatal to 31" Tells of the My Canh floating restaurant bombing in Saigon Vietnam. Other news of the day including a nice headline on a airplane crash on t
1965 Vietnam War draft announcement...
Item #696157
July 28, 1965
* President Lyndon B. Johnson
* Vietnam War draft announcement
* United States military forces
The front page has a headline announcing: "LBJ DOUBLES THE DRAFT" with subheads. (see)
Complete with 40+ pages, tiny binding holes along the spine, nice condition.
New Year's Eve... 1965...
Item #627808
December 31, 1965
DETROIT FREE PRESS, December 31, 1965
* Reporting from New Year's Eve in the mid-sixties
* Sean Connery, James Bond, Jackie Kennedy, Edward W. Brooke, Gemini, Vietnam, Peanuts, Billy Graham, etc.
What was life like on New Year's Eve, 1965? This issue does a wonderful job of depicting the turning of the years during this formative time in world history.
Other news, sports an
1966 Allen Ginsberg poem release...
Item #704217
April 28, 1966
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, April 28, 1966
* American poet & writer Allen Ginsberg release
* "Wichita Vortex Sutra" anti- Vietnam war poem
Starting on page 17 is the release of a poem by Allen Ginsberg titled: "Wichita Vortex Sutra" with lengthy text continuing on 2 other pages.
wikipedia notes: "Wichita Vortex Sutra" is an ant... See More
"The Beatles" press conference in 1966 NYC...
Item #703877
August 25, 1966
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Aug. 25, 1966
* The Beatles press conference at Warwick Hotel - NYC
* Liverpool, England rock band - counterculture music
* The Beatles' 1966 US tour - Shea Stadium
* John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & George Harrison
Starting on the front page with a heading: "John, Paul, George, Ringo: Cool Duel with the Press... See More
Anti-American propaganda newspaper from the Vietnam War...
Item #698531
December 05, 1966
VIETNAM COURIER, Hanoi, Dec. 5, 1966 A quite rare, communist propaganda newspaper whose purpose was to rid Vietnam of the "American imperialists". Note above the masthead: "Independence and Peace for the Vietnamese People!" "Yankee Go Home!"
All 8 pages are printed in English the obvious audience was the American soldier with the issue filled with anti-American... See More
Lawrence Joel Receives Medal of Honor...
Item #216775
March 10, 1967
LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, March 10, 1967.
* Lawrence Joel
* African American Medic
* Congessional Medal of Honor
This 12 page newspaper has a two column photo on the front page of President Lyndon Johnson giving Lawrence Joel, medical corpsman the medal of honor (see photo). Other news of the day with ads throughout. Small binding holes, otherwise in good condition.
... See More
* Lawrence Joel
* African American Medic
* Congessional Medal of Honor
This 12 page newspaper has a two column photo on the front page of President Lyndon Johnson giving Lawrence Joel, medical corpsman the medal of honor (see photo). Other news of the day with ads throughout. Small binding holes, otherwise in good condition.
Muhammad Ali is stripped of his boxing crown...
Item #674758
April 29, 1967
THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, April 28 & 29, 1967
* Cassius Clay changes name to Muhammad Ali
* Stripped of the Heavyweight boxing title belt
* For avoiding Vietnam War military draft
The April 28th issue has a one column heading on the front page: "Clay Refuses to Take Oath After Passing Exams" (see) The April 29th issue has a one column heading on page 4: "Cla... See More
Battle of Khe Sanh begins... Vietnam War...
Item #597627
January 22, 1968
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, January 22, 1968
* Battle of Khe Sanh begins
* Vietnam War
The front page has one column headlines: "Foe's Toll Heavy In Attacks", "Enemy Troops Melt Into Jungle After Assaults on Outposts" 1st report coverage on the initial start of the battle of Khe Sanh during the Vietnam War.
Other news, sports and advert... See More
1969 be-in at Central Park ad... Nat Hentoff column...
Item #700674
April 04, 1968
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York, April 4, 1968
* Columnist Nat Hentoff - NYC police
* Be-in at Central Park advertisement
* Protest to End the War in Vietnam
* Date Martin Luther King jr. was killed
Page 11 has a column by columnist Nat Hentoff titled: "Keeping the Cops From Riotijng"
Page 29 has a 9 1/2 x 6 inch advertisement for a Anti-Vietnam War be-in at She... See More
1968 Democratic National Convention protests...
Item #703474
September 05, 1968
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Sept. 5, 1968
* 1968 Democratic National Convention protests
* United States involvement in the Vietnam War
* Far left-wing Democrats riot in Chicago, Illinois
* Support for presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey
The front page has three related photos with brief text. (see images) Much more on pages 23 through 29 with loads of... See More
1969 Anti-Vietnam War & Led Zeppelin II Ads...
Item #711659
October 16, 1969
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Oct. 16, 1969
* Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam
* March on Washington D.C. advertisements
* Massive demonstration - teach-in
* Led Zeppelin II album release & "The Who" concert
Page 19 has a full page advertisement for the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam.
Page 36 has a nice ad for the release of "... See More
Rare advertisements for the antiwar march on Washington D.C...
Item #700439
November 13, 1969
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York, Nov. 13, 1969
* Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam
* March on Washington D.C. advertisements
* Massive demonstration - teach-in
Page 29 has a full page advertisement for the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam. Page 31 has a similar advertisement for this massive demonstration.
The Village Voice was an American counterculture newsp... See More
Anti-Vietnam War march on Washington D.C...
Item #700979
November 20, 1969
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York, Nov. 20, 1969
* Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam
* March on Washington D.C.
* Massive demonstration - teach-in
The front page has a heading: "A Half Million March For an Audience of One" with 3 related photos. (see images) First report coverage on the March on Washington D.C. to End the War in Vietnam. I suspect this to b... See More
Desecration of the schools in the South... My Lai massacare probe...
Item #590046
January 14, 1970
JACKSONVILLE JOURNAL, Jacksonville, Florida, January 14, 1970 The front page of the issue contains bold headlines "Pupil Integration Ordered By Feb. 1" and "Teachers Get Integration Notices". The desecration would take place in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Also on the front page is a report "GI List Growing In My Lai Probe" deals with the Army... See More
1970 verdict of the "Chicago Seven" trial...
Item #712774
February 19, 1970
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass. Feb. 19, 1970
* "Chicago Seven" trial verdict w/ convictions
* Conspiracy to incite Anti-Vietnam War riots
The front page has a four column headline: "'Chicago Seven' Lawyer Raps 'Compromise Verdict'" with subhead. (see images) First report coverage continues on page 2 with pictorial of the convicted persons involved.
Comple... See More
Jackson State University killings...
Item #596465
May 16, 1970
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, May 16, 1970
* Jackson State University
* Vietnam War student protests
The front page has a one column heading: "2 Negroes Killed on Miss. Campus". 1st report coverage on the Jackson State University killings, which involved student protesters against the Vietnam War being shot at by police. This was shortly after the Kent St... See More
1969 Vietnam War Washington D.C. protest...
Item #711325
April 25, 1971
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 25, 1971
* Vietnam anti-war protest
* March on Washington D.C.
* Largest in U.S. history (500,000)
The top of the front page has a four column photo with heading: "200,000 Rally in Capital to End War" (see images) More on page 34 with another related photo. First report coverage on largest single anti-war protest in U.S. history.
Complete 1s... See More
1971 veterans march on Washington D.C...
Item #708316
April 29, 1971
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, April 29, 1971
* Vietnam Veterans Against the War
* "Operation Dewey Canyon III"
* March on Washington D.C. w/ photos
* Alice Cooper rock singer and songwriter
* "Love It to Death" album tour - I'm Eighteen
* Manhattan concert advertisement
The front page has a seven photo pictorial with small heading: &quo... See More
Pentagon Papers exposed in 1971....
Item #674259
June 17, 1971
DAILY WORLD, New York City, June 17, 1971
* Pentagon Papers 1st made public
* Vietnam War - Lyndon Johnson
* Angela Davis in jail for gun violations
An uncommon title, being a tabloid-size newspaper with an editorial policy which reflects the views of the Communist party. This newspaper was previously known as the "Daily Worker".
The front page has a nice banner headline that r... See More
1972 Women's abortion movement... Vietnam War protest...
Item #706485
April 27, 1972
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, April 27, 1972
* Woman's right to choose movement
* Women's abortion rights Demonstration
* During the Roe v. Wade landmark argument
* Anti-Vietnam War campaign rally
Page 39 has a full page notice for: "EMERGENCY DEMONSTRATION to DEFEND the RIGHT to ABORTION in N.Y." at Union Square in Manhattan. (see images) Thi... See More
The early Seventies - Watergate, Nixon resigns, Vietnam Peace Agreement signed, and more...
Item #696462
(7) SNAPSHOT OF THE EARLY 70's - A set of seven authentic front pages (in some cases more) with headlines covering: Richard Nixon's 2nd Election, Watergate, Spiro Agnew's resignation, Nixon's resignation, Gerald Ford's appointment, Nelson Rockefeller's, and the the signing of the Vietnam War Peace Agreement - all illustrating the whirlwind of events covering the early part ... See More
U.S. involvement in Vietnam War ends in 1973....
Item #706655
January 24, 1973
WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS, Texas, January 24, 1973
* Vietnam War cease-fire accord
* United States involvement ends
The front page has a banner headline: "Agreement Reached To End War" with subheads and related photo. (see images)
Front leaf only (pages 1 & 2), nice for display as such.
Note: Vietnam reports continue on page 2, so all related content is ... See More
On the Roe vs. Wade decision... End of America's involvement in Vietnam...
Item #699502
January 24, 1973
NEW YORK TIMES, January 24, 1973
* Abortion made legal
* Roe v. Wade decision
* U.S. Supreme Court
This issue contains coverage on the landmark Supreme Court decision concerning abortion. Although first reported in the previous day's issue, page 14 has a four column head: "Questions Left Unanswered by Ruling on Abortion" This is on the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decisio... See More
Paris Peace Accords signed...
Item #575711
January 27, 1973
THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Russell, Kansas, January 27, 1973
* Paris Peace Accords signed
* Vietnam War ends for U.S.
* Early same day report
This 6 page newspaper has a four column headline on the front page: "Cease-Fire Agreement Is Signed"
This tells of the Paris Peace Accrods being signed which ending direct U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War.
Other news, sports... See More
Last U.S. soldier leaves Vietnam in 1973...
Item #680758
March 29, 1973
THE TIMES-UNION, March 29, 1973
* Last American soldier to leave Vietnam
* Master Sergeant Max Bielke photo
The front page has a nice banner headline: "After 12 Years, We Leave Vietnam" with subheads and related photo showing Master Sergeant Max Bielke leaving in a transport helicopter. Bielke is considered the last U.S. soldier to leave Saigon after the war.
Complete 1sat secti... See More
An underground newspaper from Columbus, Ohio...
Item #668293
October 16, 1973
* Rare hippies publication
This is an alternative journal published since 1970. Founded as an underground newspaper centered on anti-war and student activist issues, after the winding down of the Vietnam War it successfully made the transition to the alternative weekly format focusing on lifestyles, alternative culture, and inv... See More
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