Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Ice making machine...
Item #202366
December 01, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, December 1, 1877 This 16 page issue is in nice condition and contains illustrations of the latest inventions of the day including the following inventions: ICE MAKING MACHINE - SUGAR CANE GRINDING MILL - FOLDING BOOK CASE - TRICYCLE & more, including related text.
Uncommon woman suffrage paper from Toledo...
Item #701530
December 01, 1877
THE BALLOT BOX, Toledo, Ohio, December, 1877
* Rare Woman's suffrage publication
A quite rare women's suffrage newspaper which lasted just two years under this title. It is mentioned in Mott's History of American Magazines.
Mott notes that this publication was financed in part by Susan B. Anthony, and that having failed with "The Woman's Campaign" she: "... See More
Item #211447
December 04, 1877
THE DAILY GRAPHIC, New York, December 4, 1877. A great issue for framing and displaying! "The Exhibition of the Society of Decorative Art" "The Huron Disaster" "The New Chapel of St. Augustine" "A Visit of Condolence" "Philadelphia's Farewell to Minister Welsh" "The Paris Exposition of 1878"
Item #211445
December 07, 1877
THE DAILY GRAPHIC, New York, December 7, 1877. A great issue for framing and displaying! "Trial of Dr. Lambert, President of the American Popular Life Insurance Company, for Perjury" "Thirty-Fifth Semi-Annual Exhibition of the Brooklyn Art Association" "Dante" "An Irreparable Misfortune"
Front page print of Sitting Bull...
Item #174198
December 08, 1877
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 8, 1877 Very nice full front page: 'Sitting Bull & the United States Commission' shows 6 scenes including an inset of Sitting Bull & one of White Eagle. Inside is a fullpg: "The 'Small Breeds' Thanksgiving - Return of the First Born from College" which shows a Black family. Two fullpg. Thomas Nast cartoons titled: "Thanksgi... See More
Item #211456
December 12, 1877
THE DAILY GRAPHIC, New York, December 12, 1877. A great issue for framing and displaying! "Cartoons on Current Topics" "The Turco-Russian War" "What Might Have Been Expected"
Artificial chicken hatching...
Item #174200
December 15, 1877
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 15, 1877 Front full pg. Nast illus. of "C. O. D." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Artificial Chicken Hatching." 1/3 pg. illus. of "Breakfast for the Prisoners." 2/3 of a doublepage centerfold of "Rainy Weather." 2/3 pg. illus. of "The Last Purchase." Two 1/4 pg. portraits of "M. Jules Grevy, ... See More
The electric chair long before it would be formalized...
Item #601673
December 18, 1877
* Electrocution as a means of execution ?
Page 3 has an interesting article: "Public Executions - Electricity as a Substitute for the Rope", which is a letter suggesting electricity come be used as a more humane method of execution. Various details are offered by the writer (see).
Eight pages, very nice condition.... See More
Henry Ward Beecher sermon...
Item #601764
December 19, 1877
THE CLEVELAND HERALD, Cleveland, Ohio, December 19, 1877
* Henry Ward Beecher sermon
* Existence of Hell?
This uncommon 8 page issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.
Page 6 has one column headings: "Henry Ward Beecher" "The Plymouth Pastor's Unorthodox Sermon"
Complete and in nice condition.... See More
The masquerade ball...
Item #174202
December 22, 1877
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 22, 1877 Front full pg. Nast illus. of "More Pacification." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "Farewell Reception to Minister Welsh at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts." 1/3 pg. portrait of "Osman Pasha." 1/4 pg. illus. of "Victor Hugo in Auguste's Wine Shop." 2/3 of a doublepage centerfold of "An Old-F... See More
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph...
Item #701605
December 22, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Dec. 22, 1877
* Inventor Thomas Edison
* The phonograph invented
* Best title to have this in ?
Page 2 has an extremely significant article headed: The Talking Phonograph" which begins: "Mr. Thomas Edison recently came into our office, placed a little machine on our desk, turned a crank, and the machine inquired as to our health, asked how we ... See More
Art Of Scroll Sawing...
Item #204058
December 28, 1877
DAILY GRAPHIC, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1877 Inside has a full page report: "Scroll-Sawing" "Rapid Development Of a Beautiful Art--Some Practical Suggestions For The Amateur". Has several illustration examples of this artwork. Has an archival mend at the bottom of the second and third leaf.
Virginia City, Nevada...
Item #174204
December 29, 1877
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 29, 1877 Front full pg. illus. of "The Christmas Baby." Inside is a full pg. Nast illus. entitled "Death on Economy." Full pg. illus. of "Chinese Quarters, Virginia City, Nevada."
Doublepage centerfold containing many illus. pertaining to "The Story of a Giant." Full pg. illus. of "Annual Dinner of the St. ... See More
Item #211450
December 29, 1877
THE DAILY GRAPHIC, New York, December 29, 1877. A great issue for framing and displaying! "Holiday Sketches" "The Paris Exposition of 1878" "The China Tea Trade" "Winter --- Reynard Blockaded by Snow"
Map shows El Paso & the Rio Grande...
Item #648123
December 29, 1877
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 29, 1877 The ftpg. has a column wide map headed: "El Paso and The Rio Grande" with text, including: "...shows the scene of operations in El Paso County, Texas, and the course of the Rio Grande as far as Laredo...The cattle raids...were made upon the stock ranches at least 150 miles below Laredo...".
Eight pages, slightly browned, good conditi... See More
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