Outlaws & Gunfights
Outlaws & Gunfights
Outlaw Tiburcio Vasquez guilty...
Item #602910
January 11, 1875
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 11, 1875
* Tiburcio Vasquez guilty
* Los Angeles, California
* Stage coach robbery
The last column of the front page has a small heading: "Vasquez, The Bandit, Found Guilty" A small item here but still a first report nonetheless.
Other news of the day. Complete in 10 pages, light browning, a little margin wear, otherwise good. Should be handled with c... See More
Indian dance illustration... Mormon illustration...
Item #173892
January 02, 1875
HARPER'S WEEKLY Jan. 2, 1875 The full fron page is a print: "Alone with the Dying Year" showing a small child in a snow storm.
Full page print: "Bringing Home the Fifth Wife--A Sketch in Mormondom" also includes a small article. Nice doublepage centerfold: "Indian Sun Dance - Young Bucks Proving Their Endurance by Self-torture". Full page Thomas Nast: "The O... See More
Daring train robbery......
Item #603111
November 18, 1874
* Train robbery
* Great Western railway
* Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
The front page have one column headings: "Daring Train Robbery" "The Baggageman and Expressman Bound and Gagged by Masked Men" See images for text here.
Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout. Larger than normal issue measur... See More
The California bandit is finally captured...
Item #661005
May 15, 1874
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 15, 1874
* Tiburcio Vasquez - the Californio bandido
* Los Angeles area outlaw
The front page has a report of the capture of the infamous bandit Tiburcio Vasquez. Vasquez was a Mexican bandit who was active in California from as early as 1857 until his capture. The Vasquez Rocks, the steep, sloped rocks about 40 miles north of Los Angeles, were one of his many ... See More
The California bandit is finally captured...
Item #687369
May 15, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, May 15, 1874
* Tiburcio Vasquez captured
* California bandido
* Los Angeles outlaw
The front page has a report of the capture of the infamous bandit Tiburcio Vasquez. Vasquez was a Mexican bandit who was active in California from as early as 1857 until his capture. The Vasquez Rocks, the steep, sloped rocks about 40 miles north of Los Angeles, were one of his many hid... See More
Stagecoach robbery... The new king of Hawaii...
Item #693032
April 09, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, April 9, 1874 The front page has: "A Highway Robbery In Texas--Passengers of a Stage-Coach Robbed" which is a classic report from the Old West.
Page 4 has an interesting article: "Ten Hours, or Eight?" which is a detailed report--taking over half a column--on the debate as to whether a work day should be 8 or 10 hours.
Page 5 hs: "the Expedition Aga... See More
Much detail on Vasquez and his stagecoach robbery...
Item #693009
March 21, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, March 21, 1874
* California outlaw Tiburcio Vasquez
Page 4 has over half a column taken up with: "California Bandits" "Two Men Capture A Regular Station, Receive & Plunder the Stage, and Corral the Passengers".
The article begins: "... gives the subjoined account of the recent robbery of a stage by the notorious Vasquez and one other man..... See More
Younger brothers gang in a shootout...
Item #648308
March 19, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, March 19, 1874
* The Younger Brothers gang
* Shootout with lawmen
Page 5 has a small, one column heading: "Desperate Conflict Between Detectives And Robbers" See the photo for text on a shootout between the Youngers and lawmen in which John Younger was killed. Rare to find articles regarding this infamous outlaw gang.
Eight pages, very nice condition.... See More
The outlaw Vasquez... The Temperance crusade...
Item #605635
March 04, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, March 4, 1874 The front page includes: "California" "The Vasquez Band of Robbers Heard From--The Apaches" which begins: "The notorious Vasquez & his gang of outlaws have again been heard from..." concerning the robbery of a stagecoach (see).
Page 5 has: "The Temperance Crusade--Enthusiastic Meeting in Brooklyn Last Evening" "A... See More
Deer camp in Michigan...
Item #173802
February 21, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, February 21, 1874 Full ftpg: "The Foster Mother" shows a young girl caring for new born chicks. Nice fullpg. with 11 vignettes of: "Scenes in the Life of a Wrecker" & nice fullpg: "Running the rapids of New River, Va." Halfpg: "Pickerel Fishing thru the Ice" and "A Deer Camp in the Michigan Woods"
Complete in sixteen pages... See More
Quincy, Illinois bank robbery...
Item #602644
February 16, 1874
EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL, Indiana, February 16, 1874
* Quincy, Illinois bank robbery
This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.
The front page has one column headings: "Quincy, Ill." "The Heavy Quincy, Ill., Bank Robbery--Over a Quarter Million Dollars Stolen" See image for brief text here.
Complete in 8 pages, irregular along the s... See More
Seeking the $15,000 reward for the capture of Vasquez...
Item #619707
January 28, 1874
EVENING EXPRESS, Los Angeles, California, Jan. 28, 1874
* Rare Old West title
* Tiburcio Vasquez
The front page has a bring article: "After The Reward" concerning hopes of earning the $15,000 reward for the capture of the noted outlaw Vasquez (see).
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, very nice condition.... See More
Thomas Nast print...
Item #173786
December 27, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 27, 1873 Front page illustration: 'Bond and Free'; Fullpage Thomas Nast illustration: 'The World's Grown Honest: Then Is Doomsday Near.'; Full page illustration: 'Salmon-Marking on the Tweed'; Doublepage centerfold: 'The United Services - Scene on the Deck of an English Troop-Ship'; Half-page illus... See More
Thomas Nast print...
Item #173776
November 22, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 22, 1873 The front page has portrait of "The Right Hon. John Bright, M.P." which spans 2/3 of a page. Additionally, a full page illustration pertaining to "Annexed to New York-Scenes in Westchester County." can be found.
Three 1/6 page portraits of "The Hon. Abraham R. Lawrence, The Hon. Claudius L. Monell, and The Hon. Gilber... See More
Financial panic of 1873...
Item #173766
October 18, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 18, 1873 Perhaps the most famous print in this well known illustrated periodical is the full front page work by famed artist Thomas Nast captioned: "Out Of the Ruins" which shows President U.S. Grant as a policeman helping the Liberty figure out of the ruins of the buildings of Wall Street. The financial panic of 1873 was one of the more... See More
Many prints... Atlantic City beach...
Item #173752
August 30, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 30, 1873 (Supplement not included) This issue contains many prints, including: Full front page: "The First Love Letter"; Full page cartoon: "The Public School Question"; Full page: "The Newsboy's Picnic--Tumbling Into the Water"; Nice full page: "The Beach at Atlantic City"; 2/3 double page c... See More
Tichborne trial...
Item #173738
July 12, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 12, 1873 Comical full ftpg: 'Looking into the Lawn Globe and What They Saw There'. Halfpg: 'Washington's Head-Quarters at Newburgh, New York'. Halfpg: 'Underground Life in New York - Health Officers Clearing Out a 'Dive' '. The doublepage centerfold 'The Trial of the Tichborne Claimant - General View of the Court Dur... See More
Susan B. Anthony...
Item #173736
July 05, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 5, 1873 The front page illustration is entitled "Prepared for the Campaign - a Reverie of the Coming Summer." Inside is a small, one column illustration of "Susan B. Anthony" plus an article headed: "Susan B. Anthony's Vote", talking of her being arrested for voting in Rochester. Rare to find prints of her.
An article ent... See More
Cornell University... The Yosemite Valley...
Item #173732
June 21, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 21, 1873 Great full front page: 'The Yosemite Valley, Calif., Showing the Great Grizzly Bear Fall' is displayable; Doublepage centerfold: ' Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.'; Full page: 'Picture from the Lava Beds' shows 5 Modoc Indian scenes from during the Modoc War, with text; Nearly a full page illustration "... See More
Early San Francisco...
Item #684647
May 31, 1873
DAILY EVENING POST, San Francisco, California, May 31, 1873 Among the various articles are: "The Female Detective" "Cave In A Mine" "Two Men Covered Up Nearly Eight Hours and Rescued Alive" "A Fight With a Lunatic" "Crime In Texas" and so much more.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, some foxing, nice condition.
Yellow Stone...
Item #173710
April 05, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 5, 1873 The front page features a fullpage illustration: "The Right Hon. William Evart Gladstone, Premier of England". One-quarter page: "The Church of St. Augustine, Kalamazoo, Michigan". Halfpage: "Patrick Bunbury at Home" shows two boys playing baseball: one boy with a bat and the other pitching to him; this also features ... See More
Charles Goodrich murder.... Lizzie Lloyd King....
Item #710259
March 23, 1873
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 23, 1873
* Charles Goodrich murder
* Lizzie Lloyd King
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "THE BROOKLYN MYSTERY" with subhead. (see images) Coverage on the murder of Charles Goodrich in Brooklyn. Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Lloyd King would eventually be found guilty of the crime.
Other news of the day. Complete with all 8 pages, nic... See More
Thomas Nast...
Item #173704
March 15, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 15, 1873 A full front page illustration: 'The Doubtful Bank Note' shows a merchant questioning one given in payment. Full page: 'An Irish Wake'. An article entitled "Jesuit Defeats" with a half-page illustration 'The Unseen Signal of the Jesuits.' Nice Thomas Nast doublepage centerfold 'Every Public Question With A Ey... See More
Charles Goodrich murder.... Lizzie Lloyd King....
Item #671644
March 12, 1873
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 12, 1873
* Charles Goodrich murder solved ?
* Lizzie Lloyd King (Kate Stoddard)
The top of page 3 has one column headings: "LIGHT AT LAST" "The Goodrich Murder Mystery Solved" "Confession Of Kate Stoddard" "The Story of a Discarded Woman" and more. Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Lloyd King would eventually be found guilty of... See More
Exploration and discovery...
Item #541732
December 13, 1872
THE SUN, New York City, New York, December 13, 1872
* Early Polar expedition...
* Arctic ice...
The back page has an interesting report: "A Valley Of Mastodons" "Discovery of a Great Polar Continent--Exploring a Mine of Ivory--A Mountain of Ice One Thousand Feet High." Concerned dispatches received by the ship Cadmus from the captain of a whaler in the vicinity of Wrang... See More
Mary Ann Cotton....
Item #583317
October 19, 1872
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 19, 1872
* Mary Ann Cotton arrested
* English serial killer
The front page has a very interesting article with the headings: "A Female Poisoner", "An Extraordinary Story of Crime" which tell of the recent arrest of famous English serial killer, Mary Ann Cotton. See photos for text here.
Other news of the day throughout with a page 6 notice ... See More
Wickedness of Concert Saloons in 1872...
Item #668474
August 11, 1872
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Aug.. 11, 1872
* Criminality of Concert Saloons
* Alcoholism and crime
Page 5 has an article headed: "CONCERT SALOONS" "The Interiors of the Dens and How They Are Conducted" "Terrible Depravity in the Heart of a Great City" and more. (see) Text takes up about 1 1/2 columns.
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, a little irreg... See More
Queen Victoria...
Item #173608
April 13, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 13, 1872 Full front pg. Nast illus. of "The Republic is Not Ungrateful." Inside is a front pg. illus. of "The Cincinnati Convention in a Pickwickian Sense." 1/3 pg. portrait of "Edward C. Greene-Another Victim of Roman Catholic Persecution."
Doublepage centerfold of "Queen Victoria." 1/2 pg. illus. of "O... See More
Outlaw Sam Perris escapes from the local jail...
Item #604793
April 08, 1872
WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Worcester, Massachusetts, April 8, 1872
* Samuel 'Worcester Sam' Perris
* burglar, safe cracker and bank robber
Page 2 has a half column article headed: "Local Matters" "THE ESCAPE OF SAM. PERRIS" "The Condition of the Jail-Other Escapes". This is the notorious bank robbery 'Worcester' Sam Perris, who was called ... See More
Outlaw Sam Perris escapes from the local jail...
Item #702872
April 06, 1872
WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Massachusetts, April 6, 1872
* Samuel 'Worcester Sam' Perris
* burglar, safe cracker and bank robber
* Jail escape - best title to have
Page 2 has a half column article headed: "Local Matters" "A DARING ESCAPE" "Sam Perris at Liberty" "How He Broke Jail". This is the notorious bank robbery 'Worcester' ... See More
Wagga-Wagga, Australia...
Item #173602
March 23, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1872 Front full pg. Nast illus. entitled "Much Ado About Nothing." Inside: A 1/6 pg. illus. of "Between Decks." 1/4 pg. illus. of "Landing at Havana." Two small illus. entitled "Sugar Making" and "Auction of the Sick and Lame." 2/3 pg. illus. of "New Academy of the Brooklyn Art Association." ... See More
Grand Central Depot in New York City...
Item #173588
February 03, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 3, 1872 Front 1/3 pg. illus. of "The Rev. Father Stack." Inside is a full pg. illus. containing five portraits of "The Geneva Conference - The American Arbitrator and Counsel." 1/3 pg. portrait of "The Rev. T. De Witt Talmage." Two full pg. illus. of "Grand Central Depot, New York" including both an "Interio... See More
Saratoga Lake racing... Mormon Tabernacle... Nast political cartoons...
Item #173552
September 30, 1871
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 30, 1871 The frontpage has the very famous Thomas Nast print: 'TOO THIN!' which is displayable. Inside is a fullpage illustration 'International Boat Race On Saratoga Lake' along with the an illustration of the "The Ward Brothers, Winners of the Saratoga International Regatta". A halfpage 'The Union Torpedo Explosion In Beekman... See More
KKK gang arrest... Baseball... train robbery...
Item #598355
August 15, 1871
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 15, 1871
* Ku Klux Klan - KKK
* Missouri train robbery
Page 5 has: "The KuKlux" "Arrest of a Gang with their Disguises in North Carolina..."
Also: "An Express Robbery" "How it Was Done..."
Page 3 has: "Base-Ball--Athletic vs. Atlantic'
This issue contains other news of the day. It is complete in 8 pages, an... See More
California end of the Central Pacific...
Item #173506
April 22, 1871
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 22, 1871 Fullpg: 'The Banishment of Winter'. Fullpg. Nast cartoon with an Indian getting turned down to vote. 1/3 pg: 'California Terminus of the Central Pacific Railroad'.
Coverage from Paris...
Item #173468
December 10, 1870
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 10, 1870 Full front page illustration of "Inside Paris-Volunteers on Guard Duty at a Postern Gate." Inside the issue is a full page illustration entitled "Inside Paris-Waiting to Buy Meat at a Butchers Shop." A 1/2 pg. illus. of "The Ruins of St. Cloud." A 1/2 page illustration of "The Old Town of Trarbach, on the Moselle.&... See More
Funeral Obsequies for Farragut...
Item #173452
October 15, 1870
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 15, 1870 The front page features a full page illustration 'The Farragut Obsequies--The Funeral Procession Passing up Broadway'. "The Surrender of Sedan" includes two large illustrations. A full page illustrations 'Masterless' shows a horse without its rider and has an accompanying poem. Many prints on the war in Europe. Nearly ... See More
The Temptation" is that of Jesus...
Item #173402
April 23, 1870
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 23, 1870 The front cover features a 2/3 pg. illustration of "The Funeral of General Thomas-Depositing the Remains in Oakwood Cemetery, Troy" and has a related article. A small portrait of "The Duke De Montpensier" and a 2/3 page illustration of "Irish Turf Carriers" with related articles are on one page. One-quart... See More
Indians Gambling... Departing for Colorado...
Item #173394
March 26, 1870
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 26, 1870 The front page features "Captain Williams, of the 'Oneida'" with a related article. A three-quarter page illustration "Wild-Boar" also includes an article. Full page illustrations include "Scenes on the Mississippi" shows a paddlewheeler, and "Whisky Peddler on the Plains" and "Interior of Male... See More
St. Patrick's Cathedral... Blacks operating the first cotton gin...
Item #173366
December 18, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 18, 1869 The front page features a large illustration of "Reynard's Breakfast". A full page of "Egypt Awakened" is comprised of three illustrations. "Mr. Peabody's Funeral" article features a large illustration of him along with a fullpage illustration of the funeral. A nice fullpage illustration of 'St. ... See More
The champion bat presented to the Cincinnati Red Stockings baseball team...
Item #173324
July 24, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 24, 1869 Fullpg. includes 5 scenes of Gettysburg, most re. the battlefield. Great doublepage centerfold: 'The Lobby Of the House Of Commons', nearly halfpg. illus: 'Presentation of a Champion Bat to the 'Red Stocking' Base-Ball Club, Cincinnati' with the bat being about 20 ft. long.
Complete in sixteen pages.
Item #539149
July 03, 1869
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, New York City, New York, July 3, 1869
* Missouri outlaw and guerrilla Sam Hildebrand...
* Original post civil war reading...
Page 5 has: "Sam Hildebrand The Outlaw of the Southeast--A Reward of Ten Thousand Dollars for His Head. Includes a report that describes Hildebrand as a daring and ruthless bushwhacker, plus talk about the attempts t... See More
Execution of Hiram Miller...
Item #558084
June 26, 1869
NEW YORK HERALD, from New York, New York, dated June 26, 1869
* Post civil war execution
* Hanging- detailed report
Page 4 has report:
* The Scaffold
* Execution of Hiram Miller, in Vermont
* Particulars of the Crime, Trial & Conviction
* Condition & Appearance of the Condemned
* He Dies Protesting His Innocence
Text takes most of four columns.Other news of the day throu... See More
View of Washington D.C....
Item #173286
March 13, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 13, 1869 The front page is a full page entitled 'Hurrah for Grant!'. Inside a full page by Thomas Nast: 'The Political Death of Bogus Caesar'. The doublepage centerfold is a nice view of "Washington City, D.C." A full page illustration is "Landing Arms for the Patriot Forces on the Coast of Cuba". A page features two articles... See More
Winter illustrations...
Item #173272
January 23, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1869 The full front page is a print of: "The Harp Girl." Inside is a one-third page print of: "Hon. William Claflin, Governor of Massachusetts" plus a half page print: "The Fur Trapper"; a quarter page print of: "Hon. John W. Menard, Colored Congressman from Louisiana" with a small accompanying article.
... See More
Train robbery by the Reno Gang...
Item #628014
May 25, 1868
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, May 25, 1868
* Reno Brothers Gang train robbery
* Marshfield, Scott County, Indiana
* Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad
On the front page under "The Jeffersonville Railroad Express Robbery" is a report datelined "Louisville, May 23" that states in part: "...the men who seized the express car last night on the Jeffersonville R... See More
Andrew Johnson Impeachment Trial 1868....
Item #215536
March 14, 1868
WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, Madison, March 14, 1868.
* President Andrew Johnson Impeachment trial
* President Andrew Johnson Impeachment trial
* 1868
Front page has: Impeachment Meeting of the Senate as Court House Of Representatives Present Johnson's Counsel Appear Asks Postponements For Forty Days The Senate Grants Ten Days The Trial Set for the 23d of March.
Other news of the day includes: "Heavy R
... See More
Other news of the day includes: "Heavy R
New York Knickerbockers - both ancient and modern...
Item #173160
January 04, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 4, 1868 Front 1/3 page illustration of "The Sisters of Mercy", which is of a Man in Prison. Inside is a full page illustration of "Funeral of Chief Engineer Lyle of Philadelphia." 1/4 page illustration of "Tenement House Fire in Second Avenue, N.Y." 1/2 page illustration of "Railroad Disaster Near Northfield, Vermont.&... See More
Very historic Nast print: "The First Vote" of African-Americans in the reconstructed South...
Item #173146
November 16, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 16, 1867 Historic & significant full front page Thomas Nast illustration: "The First Vote" shows an African-American man voting. During the Reconstruction South voting rights for free Blacks came slowly with obstacles such as poll taxes, literacy requirements, etc. This very historic print shows a proud African-American--with others in line b... See More
"The Landlord & the Tenant"... "The Races At Saratoga"...
Item #173122
August 24, 1867
HARPER'S WEEKLY, August 24, 1867 The front cover features a full page "The Mother and Her Babe". Inside is a nice full page: 'The Beach at Long Branch--Wreck of the Dora Baker'. An article "Death of Miss Sedgwick" includes a small illustration of this author. The full page 'The Races At Saratoga' shows 4 scenes. A full page has 2 scenes: 'The Landl... See More
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