Native American Interest

Native American Interest

Web Results (1425)



The Molly McGuires...

Item #173796

January 31, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Jan. 31, 1874 Nice fullpg. print: "Cattle Raid on the Texas Border" is displayable. Fullpg. with 2 prints: "Life on the Ocean--From Liverpool to New York". Fullpg: "Hard Coal For the Poor" & fullpg: "The Strike in the Coal Mines--Meeting the Molly McGuire Men"

Complete in sixteen pages.

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Hang those who sell whisky to Indians...

Item #691739

February 05, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 5, 1874

* General William S. Harney

* American Indian Wars

The top of page 5 has an article: "WASHINGTON NOTES" "Gen. Harney On Indians - He Suggests Hanging Or Shooting Sellers of Whisky to Savages--Army Officers More Efficient in Managing Them".

Eight pages, light toning at the margins, four binding holes near the spine affect unrelated text, nic... See More  

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The Great Sioux War of 1876 prediction ?...wins...

Item #668901

February 16, 1874

THE NEW YORK HERALD, February 16, 1874 

* Great Sioux War of 1876 prediction ?

* Native Americans - Indians

The top of page 10 has one column headings: "THE INDIAN QUESTION" "Will There Be a General War with the Savage Tribes ?" "Ravages In The Red River Region" and more. (see) Text takes over 1 1/2 columns.

Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pag... See More  

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A victory for women... Indian troubles...

Item #691741

February 20, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 20, 1874  The front page has: "A Victory For Women - The Supreme Court of Massachusetts Declare Them Eligible For Election to the School Board" with much detail. 

Page 3 has: "The Indians - Recapitulation Of Recent Reported Outrages" noting near the beginning: "...that there will be a severe struggle between the Indians and the soldiers...a ... See More  

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Temperance crusade... Mormon family...

Item #173810

March 21, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Mar. 21, 1874 Great fullpg. Frenzeny & Tavernier illus: 'An Oasis Along the Track'. Halfpg: 'The Temperance Crusade in New York' fullpg: 'Sketches in Rag Pickers' Row' halfpg: 'Sport on the Plains' shows men shooting buffalo, & 'A Mormon Family Driving to Conference Meeting'

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Stagecoach robbery... The new king of Hawaii...

Item #693032

April 09, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, April 9, 1874  The front page has: "A Highway Robbery In Texas--Passengers of a Stage-Coach Robbed" which is a classic report from the Old West.

Page 4 has an interesting article: "Ten Hours, or Eight?" which is a detailed report--taking over half a column--on the debate as to whether a work day should be 8 or 10 hours.

Page 5 hs: "the Expedition Aga... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The Navy at Key West...

Item #173816

April 11, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Apr. 11, 1874 Dblpgctrfld: 'The Naval Review at Key West--Torpedo Practice'. 3/4 pg: 'Driven from their Homes--Flying from an Indian Raid'. Fullpg: 'Sketches in the Far West' shows a view of Ophir City, Utah, and a stagecoach. Ftpg "The Cradle of Liberty in Danger" by Nast; Halfpg "Settler's Cabin on the Side of Bald Mountain" an... See More  

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Descriptive of California... Much on the Indians...

Item #693031

April 13, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, April 13, 1874  The front page has: "The Indians' "The Situation at Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Agencies--Insolence of the Savages" which is an interesting report datelined from Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory.

Also on the front page is: "Triple 'Execution" "Three Indians Hanged at Fort Smith, Arkansas" about which much can be found on th... See More  

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'Indian Boys Breaking a Pony'... Thomas Nast's, "Robbing the Grave..."...

Item #173822

May 02, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, May 2, 1874 Halfpg: 'Monaco--the Fashionable Gambling Town of Italy'. Fullpg. Nast cartoon "Robbing the Grave, and Shielding Themselves Behind the Tombstone. Fullpg: 'Indian Boys Breaking a Pony'. Ftpg "A Home Missionary"; Fullpg "The First of May in New York"

Complete in sixteen pages.

Note: Upon request we are happy to include the... See More  

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The Lowry Gang...

Item #693014

May 04, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, May 4, 1874  

* Lowry War

The bottom of page 2 has: "The Lower Gang" with the report noting in part: " the following account of the murderous doings of another of the Lower gang: 'Bryan Oxendine shot his wife...under the following circumstances:..." with much more.

The Lowry War was a conflict in Robeson County, North Carolina, from 1864 ... See More  

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Thomas Nast prints..

Item #173828

May 23, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, May 23, 1874  Full front page Thomas Nast political cartoon, showing Uncle Sam with the Democratic Donkey  'The Next Thing In Order'; Half page: 'An Indian Grave on the Yellowstone River' and 'Antelope Hunting In The West'; Another fullpage Thomas Nast shows Grant 'Public Opinion - April 22, 1874'; Doublepage Centerfold ... See More  

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Mining in Colorado...

Item #173830

May 30, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 30, 1874  Full ftpg. is a Nast political cartoon, showing Uncle Sam among others "There is Nothing Mean About us". Great doublepage centerfold : 'Smelting Ore In Colorado' shows 9 scenes. Nice for display. Nice fullpg: 'A Prairie Windstorm' shows a family in a covered wagon fighting the storm. 3/4 pg "In a Strange Land -- Askin... See More  

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Death of Cochise, the Apache Indian chief...

Item #613975

June 15, 1874

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 15, 1874

* Tribal Chief Cochise death (1st report)

* Chiricahua Apaches - Indians

The very bottom of the front page has a very brief report headed: "Death Of The Indian Chief Cochise" with the text reading simply: "Cochise, the famous Apache chief, died on the 9th of June." (see)

Eight pages, browned at the margins, a little margin wear, should ... See More  

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Death of Cochise, the Apache Indian chief...

Item #697384

June 15, 1874

NEW YORK HERALD, June 15, 1874 

* Tribal Chief Cochise death (1st report)

* Chiricahua Apaches - Indians

Page 7 has a report on the death of Cochise with column heads: "COCHISE DEAD" "The Famous Apache Chief Departs for the 'Happy Hunting Ground'" "The Defunct Chief" with details.

On the same page is a very brief item headed: "Fatal Shooting ... See More  

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American Indians...

Item #173836

June 20, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 20, 1874  Nice ftpg: 'Irrigation In Colorado--Letting Water Into a Side Sluice-Way' Two halfpg: 'Indians Offering Gifts To The Dead' & 'Indian Canoe Race' Fullpg. Nast cartoon "The Greatest Joke of the Century". 3/4 pg "Italian Acrobats".

Doublepage centerfold "The Czar of Russia in England -- the Debark... See More  

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Early newspaper from Portland, Oregon...

Item #690690

August 12, 1874

DAILY EVENING NEWS, Portland, Oregon, Aug. 12, 1874  

* Rare publication

* Wild Old West era

An early newspaper from Portland with a wide range of news reports, various tidbits, and a wealth of ads. Page 2 has: "An Indian War" and "General Hardie on the Modoc War" among other items.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Winslow Homer print: "On The Beach at Long Branch--The Children's Hour"...

Item #173852

August 15, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York,  August 15, 1874 The front page features a print: "Scandal" with a related article.

The prime print in this issue is certainly the very nice full page by noted artist Winslow Homer, titled: "On The Beach at Long Branch--The Children's Hour". But other prints within this issue include a half page: "A Negro Fight In South America"... See More  

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The famous Winslow Homer print "Waiting for a Bite"...

Item #173854

August 22, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1874  Certainly the most notable print in this issue is the very nice full page by Winslow Homer titled: "Waiting for a Bite."

Other prints in this issue are a full ftpg. illus. "The Little Vagrant." Inside is a 1/2 pg. map of "The Gold Regions of the Black Hills, Explored by General Custer's Expedition."; a halfpg. ... See More  

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General George Custer.. Black Hills' gold expedition...

Item #698640

August 22, 1874

RICHMOND DAILY WHIG, Virginia, Aug. 22, 1874

* General George Armstrong Custer

* Black Hills gold - South Dakota expedition

* Tensions with the Native Americans - Indians

Page 2 has an article with a small one column heading: "General Custar (sic) And The Indians" (see images) A printing flaw slightly affects the text here.

Complete with 4 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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The famous Winslow Homer print "Waiting for a Bite"...

Item #698672

August 22, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1874  Certainly the most notable print in this issue is the very nice full page by Winslow Homer titled: "Waiting for a Bite." It is in great condition.

Other prints in this issue are a full ftpg. illus. "The Little Vagrant." Inside is a 1/2 pg. map of "The Gold Regions of the Black Hills, Explored by General Custer's Exp... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Gibson County, Tennessee Negroes massacre...

Item #603297

August 26, 1874

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Worcester, Massachusetts, August 26, 1874

* Trenton, Gibson County, Tennessee

* Negroes massacred

* General George Custer expedition

Page 2 has one column headings: "Tennessee" "Shocking Affair at Trenton" "Four Colored Men Lynched" "The Indians" "Severe Fighting near Fort Sill"

Page 3 has: "The Indians"... See More  

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General George Custer.. Black Hills' gold...

Item #689018

September 01, 1874

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 1, 1874

* General George Armstrong Custer

* Black Hills gold - South Dakota expedition ENDS

The front page has a few related article headed: "Return Of the Black Hills Expedition" with subheads. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.

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Black Hills gold expedition....

Item #603135

September 01, 1874


* General George Custer

* Black Hills - South Dakota expedition

Page 2 has one column headings: "The Black Hills" "Gold Seekers Eager to Enter the New Eldorado" See image for text here.

Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout. Larger than normal issue measures 26 x 20 inches, complete in 4 pag... See More  

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Homer's "Seesaw--Gloucester... American baseball in London...

Item #173860

September 12, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 12, 1874  Although there are many very nice prints within, the most desired is the full page print by Winslow Homer: "Seesaw--Gloucester, Massachusetts".  

Also within is a full page: "The American Baseball Players in England--Match between the Red Stockings and the Athletics..." plus a half page baseball print captioned: &quo... See More  

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Famous Winslow Homer print...

Item #646904

September 19, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 19, 1874 (with Supplement) 

* Famous Winslow Homer Illustration - print

* "Flirting on the Sea-Shore and the Meadow"

Although there are many very nice prints within this complete, 16 page issue, by far the most desired is the very nice full page print by Winslow Homer titled: "Flirting on the Sea-Shore, and on the Meadow" which i... See More  

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Famous Homer print: "Flirting on the Sea-Shore, and on the Meadow"...

Item #173862

September 19, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 19, 1874 (with Supplement)  Although there are many very nice prints within this complete, 16 page issue, by far the most desired is the very nice full page print by Winslow Homer titled: "Flirting on the Sea-Shore, and on the Meadow". 

Also included in this issue is a nice full front page by Frank Church: "A Village Public School-... See More  

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Brigham Young's wives at the Mormon Tabernacle...

Item #173864

September 26, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 26, 1874  Fullpg. Th. Nast cartoon shows a black man "The Commandments in South Carolina". Nearly fullpg. with 2 illustrations, plus text: 'Brigham Young's Wives in the Great Mormon Tabernacle' & 'Mormon at the Communion Table'.

Doublepage centerfold: 'Emigrants Leaving Queenstown for New York' at the dock. The fr... See More  

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The pyramids of Egypt... The KKK vs. slavery...

Item #173872

October 24, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Oct. 24, 1874 Full ftpg. Nast: 'A Burden He Has To Shoulder' shows U.S. Grant being overburdened. Fullpg. Nast: 'The Hobby In The Kinder-Garten' halfpg. of white men looking at an Indian family & their children. Less than qtr pg. Nast: "Worse than Slavery," which is a political cartoon with an illustration of the White League and the Ku Klux Klan ... See More  

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Thomas Nast's first Republican elephant print... Homer print...

Item #173876

November 07, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 7, 1874  The full front page is a Thomas Nast political cartoon: "A Tammany Rat", but certainly the most significant print in this issue is another full page Thomas Nast political cartoon titled: 'The 3rd term Panic' which shows the Republican elephant for the first time. Thomas Nast was the creator of both the Republican elephant and the ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at:

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Early and rare newspaper from Tucson...

Item #688912

November 14, 1874

ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Pima County, A.T. (Arizona Territory), Nov. 14, 1874

* Very rare territorial publication

 A very early & rare title from Southern Arizona published 38 years before Arizona would become a state.

Among the articles: "The Indian Question" "Tonto Creek & Basin--Old Ruins" "Pima County Officers" and more.

Four pages, water stai... See More  

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Indian dance illustration... Mormon illustration...

Item #697444

January 02, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY Jan. 2, 1875 The full fron page is a print: "Alone with the Dying Year" showing a small child in a snow storm.

Full page print: "Bringing Home the Fifth Wife--A Sketch in Mormondom" also includes a small article. Nice, tipped-in (no binding holes), doublepage centerfold: "Indian Sun Dance - Young Bucks Proving Their Endurance by Self-torture" with... See More  

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Indian dance illustration... Mormon illustration...

Item #173892

January 02, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY Jan. 2, 1875 The full fron page is a print: "Alone with the Dying Year" showing a small child in a snow storm.

Full page print: "Bringing Home the Fifth Wife--A Sketch in Mormondom" also includes a small article. Nice doublepage centerfold: "Indian Sun Dance - Young Bucks Proving Their Endurance by Self-torture". Full page Thomas Nast: "The O... See More  

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Broadside supplement...

Item #609255

January 11, 1875


* Rare title for the Midwest

A broadside (one sheet, printed on one side only) half of which is taken up with an advertisement headed like a news report: "Terrible

Slaughter!" "Hundreds thrown Away". There are news items in the 1st & last columns.

Measures 11 by 15 1/2 inches, a bit irregular at the top margin, s... See More  

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Nast political ccartoon...

Item #173896

January 16, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York,  Jan. 16, 1875  Full front pg. illus. of "Compulsory Education-The Safeguard of Free Institutions." Inside is a 1/4 pg. portrait of "The Late Gerrit Smith." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Waiting." Full pg. illus. of "Christmas on an Ice Floe-An Incident of the Austrian Polar Expedition."

Full pg. Nast illus. of "Amphitheat... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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From the Arizona Territory...

Item #697875

February 27, 1875

ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Arizona Territory, Feb. 27, 1875  Many years ago we had a reasonable inventory of this title, but today this issue is among our last.

A nice assortment of news articles including: "Loss By Indians--Claims for Depredations by Indians..." "Local Mining Affairs" "Pueblo Viejo Valley" "Texas and Pacific Bill" and more.

Four pages,... See More  

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Chief Stone Calf, Cheyenne Indians....

Item #594383

February 27, 1875

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 27, 1875

* Chief Stone Calf

* Cheyenne Indians

The front page as small one column heading on 6th column: "Surrender Of Indian Tribe" and "Stone Calf And 1,600 Cheyennes With Their German Women Captives Surrender". See photo for brief text here.

This issue contains other news of the day throughout. Complete in 12 pages, it has light brownin... See More  

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Submarine warfare...

Item #173912

March 13, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 13, 1875  Full front page Nast illus. entitled Under Parole of Honor-The Ex-Officers of the Ex-Confederate Army in Congress." Inside is a full pg. Nast illus. of "A Legitimate Question About Home Rule."

Doublepage centerfold of "The Return Home." Also, three 1/3 pg. illus. pertaining to "the Ice Blockade-A Taste of Arctic Wea... See More  

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Florida 'crackers'...

Item #173914

March 20, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Mar. 20, 1875 Nice halfpg: 'Florida Crackers Going to Church' & 'Antelope Stamping a Rattlesnake to Death'. Halfpg: 'Indian Sledge Journey' & 'Chinese Fishermen in San Francisco Bay'. Nearly fullpg. Nast print.

Complete in sixteen pages.

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The Italian school on Leonard Street...

Item #173922

April 17, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 17, 1875  Two front 1/4 pg. illus. pertaining to the story "The Fair Critic." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "Required to Live Under a New Order of Things."

Doublepage centerfold of "The Great Revival in England-A Service of Messrs. Moody and Sankey at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, London." 2/3 pg. illus. entitled "Th... See More  

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Uncle Sam... Indian territory at Fort Gibson...

Item #173930

May 15, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Nwew York, May 15, 1875  Full ftpg. political cartoon by Nast: 'The Next Pardon in the Reform Farce'. Fullpg. with 6 scenes: 'In Indian Territory' showing Indians & a scene of Fort Gibson, etc. Fullpg. Nast political cartoon shows Uncle Sam, among others.

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Great baseball report... After the Comanche Indians...

Item #650930

May 22, 1875

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, May 22, 1875  Near the top of the back pagte is; "THREE  TO ONE" "Western Muscle Yields to Red Stocking Skill" "Sweazy's Pony Team Achieves a Brilliant Victory" which is a quite lengthy & detailed baseball game report taking an entire column. 

Also on the bkpg: "After the Comanches" "Lt. Bullis in the Fi... See More  

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From the Arizona Territory...

Item #698545

June 05, 1875

ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Arizona Territory, June 5, 1875  Many years ago we had a reasonable inventory of this title, but today this issue is among our last.

A nice assortment of news articles and ads including: "Letter from Col. Hodge" "Mining Summary" Ostrich Mine" "Territorial Prison" "Our First Law Suit" "Telegraphic News" "Minu... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Visit of the Sioux Indian chiefs...

Item #674677

June 14, 1875

THE DAILY GRAPHIC, New York, June 14, 1875  The full ftpg. has a patriotic political cartoon featuring Uncle Sam & Miss Liberty as well as the bald eagle: "A Sad Case of Constitutional Coat" drawn by the famed A. B. Frost.

Inside has a nearly half page print of: "The Visit of the Black Hills Braves---Portraits of the Leading Sioux Chiefs". Other prints as well.

Eight... See More  

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The Arctic Expedition...

Item #173940

June 19, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 19, 1875  Front full pg. Nast illus. entitled "News In Washington." Inside is a 1/2 pg. Nast illus. entitled "We Are Not Proud." 2/3 pg. illus. of "A Warm Reception-A School of Whales Driven into Shallow Water."

Doublepage centerfold of "An Ice Nip in Melville Bay, off the Devil's Thumb." 2/3 pg. illus. of "... See More  

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Hot air balloon ascension...

Item #173954

August 07, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 7, 1875  Full ftpg. Nast political cartoon, and another fullpg. by him inside. Halfpg. shows a balloon ascension. Nearly fullpg: 'The Austro-Hungarian Arctic Expedition' shows much hardship.

Complete in sixteen pages.

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A Western flag station...

Item #173962

September 04, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 4, 1875 Front full pg. illus. of "The Postmaster's Daughter-Sketch at a Western Flag Station." Inside is a full pg. Nast illus. of "That Irredeemable Rag Baby." Two 1/4 pg. portraits of "General William Farrar Smith, Police Commissioner" and "Hon. John C. New." 1/2 pg. illus. showing many poor children. Dblpgctrfld. of "Li... See More  

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A Cheyenne wants a dead commissioner...

Item #652873

September 17, 1875

MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Tennessee, Sept. 17, 1875  The top of a ftpg. middle column has heads: "THE INDIANS" "Progress f the Work o the Commissioners at Red Cloud Agency--Reward for Gallant Service" "A Cheyenne Wants a Dead Commissioner--The Threat Creates Considerable Excitement". The text takes nearly an entire column.

Four pages, rejoined at the spine and a sma... See More  

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Manitou Springs, Colordo...

Item #173970

October 02, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Oct. 2, 1875 Full ftpg. cartoon themed on inflation shows Uncle Sam. Fullpg. pictorial: 'Manitou Springs and Vicinity, Colorado'. Fullpg: 'The Newsboys' Excursion'. Fullpg. suppl. pictorial of trout fishing.

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Indian troubles...

Item #652396

October 20, 1875

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Tennessee, Oct. 20, 1875  the ftpg. has: "Indian Affairs - Recommendations of the Commissioners Charged with the Investigation of the Red Cloud Agency". Also: "Holly Springs, Miss." "Speech by General West--Able Review of the Situation--Negroes Joining the Conservative Club...".

Four pages, rejoined at the spine, very nice condition. Fo... See More  

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Republican elephant... Moody and Sankey...

Item #173980

November 06, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Nov. 6, 1875 Full ftpg. Nast: 'It Sounds Well!--Prologue Before the Farce' on the Democratic platform. Fullpg. by Nast includes a great print of the Republican elephant. Dblpgctrfld: 'The Revivalists in Brooklyn--Opening Service of Messrs. Moody & Sankey'. Halfpg: 'Exodus from the Black Hills' shows a large crowd of miners.

Complete in sixteen page... See More  

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