

Web Results (1831)



Taking of Chinese forts...

Item #172028

March 07, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 7, 1857  A volume 1 issue with a limited number of illustrations, including a few scenes of 'The Wild Huntsman'. An article entitled "How We Took the Chinese Forts" with illustrations 'Barrier Forts' 'Attack of the Portsmouth and Levant Upon the Forts' and 'Fort Tung-Un, after the Complete in 16 pages, in good conditio... See More  

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William Walker... Charles Goodyear...

Item #172036

April 04, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 4, 1857  The front page features an article entitled "After Walker, What Next?" Inside: 'The Story of India Rubber' includes an illustration of 'Charles Goodyear, the American Inventor' and illustrations of 'Tapping the Rubber Tree'. "An Albany Dutchman in Holland" which features several small illustrations.

Com... See More  

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General Warren's monument.. The Bible lands...

Item #172058

June 20, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 20, 1857  The full front page features "Prince Frederic William of Prussia, and the Princess Royal of England" which also has an inside accompanying article.

"Travel Notes in Bible Lands" features nearly half page illustration of: 'Bethlehem' and a smaller print of: 'Grotto of Christ's Birth' & 'Church of the... See More  

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Life in the Washington Territory...

Item #172076

August 22, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1857  The front page features the article "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" and features three small illustrations plus a half page illustration "Tyre From the Isthmus".  One page has 4 illustrations of 'Frontier Life In Washington Territory'. 'A Trip to the White Mountains' includes 8 comic illustrations. Full pag... See More  

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George Washington...

Item #172094

October 24, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 24,1857  The front page features 1/2 page illustration of "Militia-Day" with accompanying article. Inside illustration of "Sreenath alias Nena Sahib" and "The Latest Paris Fall Fashions" (dresses). Inside almost double page map of "A Chart in Relief of British India" with the accompanying article "History of t... See More  

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Meeting of Congress...

Item #172108

December 12, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 12, 1857  The front page features 'Our Mayors' and the half-page illustrations of 'Hon. Fernado Wood, Mayor of New York' and 'Hon. Daniel F. Tiemann, Mayor-Elect'. An article "Rev. William R. Williams, D.D. - Pastor of Amity Street Baptist Church, NY' also features a small illustration of him. 'Travel Notes in Bible ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Brigham Young's Proclamation... The Great Eastern...

Item #172134

March 06, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 6, 1858  A full page illustration: 'Sleighing In Broadway' is very displayable. An article "Skating, From a Lady's Point of View" features a half page illustration 'Skating In New England' and "Skating in the North of Europe'. "Hon. Henry Wilson, U.S. Senator of Massachusetts" is featured on the front page. ... See More  

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Dr. John W. Francis...

Item #172174

July 24, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 24, 1858  The front page article is "Dr. John W. Francis" with an accompanying illustration of the same. "The Horse In City and Country" features two illustrations. "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" features a halfpage illustration. "Old Church of St. John, at Pergamos". Two pages on 'Nicholas Longworth of Cincinnati,... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


Inventor's & Inventions Collection III

The Two Century Set

Item #180182
Inventors & Inventions Collection III The Two Century Set - $38 (lot #80182) Each set contains 5 issues of Scientific American Magazine, one each from 1850s-1860s, 1870s-1880s, 1890s-1900s, 1910s-1920s, and 1930s -1940s. Follow nearly a century of technological and scientific progress, as seen through the eyes of the experts of the day.

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Rope-making machine...

Item #581120

March 05, 1859

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 5, 1859  The front page of the issue features a large illustration of "Adam's Rope-Making Machine" with an associated article. Within the issue is "Hildreth & Bailey's Slitting Machine" and other various articles and advertisements.

This is complete in eight pages, unbound and uncut, with a small piece missing at the bottom of th... See More  

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"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens... Ballooning...

Item #172268

June 18, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 18, 1859 Two front 1/4 page illustrations of "General Garibaldi" and "Garibaldi's Chasseurs of the Alps." are featured on the front page. Inside pertaining to "The War in Europe" including "The French Army Marching Through a Sardinian Fortified Place Toward the Austrian Lines" and "The Emperor of Austria and His G... See More  

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First issue of the new format...

Item #613731

July 02, 1859

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 2, 1859  This is the first issue of the new format, or "New Series" as described in the dateline. This was previously a folio-size newspaper. The front page has an illustration of "Nystrom's Improved Hydraulic Pontoon Dock". Inside the issue is "Baird's Car Seat and Reclining Chair"; "Crumbie & Brigg's Impr... See More  

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Fifth Avenue Hotel, Madison Square, New York...

Item #172298

October 01, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 1, 1859. A nearly halfpage illustration of the 'Statue of Webster, at Boston'. A fullpage illustration is of a 'Dining-Room of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, on Madison Square' as well as two half-page illustrations "Ladies' Drawing-room in the Fifth Avenue Hotel" and "Exterior of the Fifth Avenue Hotel on Madison Square, New York.... See More  

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Cigar Making Machine...

Item #204127

October 15, 1859

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, N.Y., Oct. 15, 1859 Front page illustration shows a worker seated at a machine: "Beauches Cigar-Making Machine", and an article: "Improved Machine For Making Cigars". A volume I issue of the "New Series". Soft horizontal fold crease. 16 pages.

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John Brown... Paul Du Chaillu's discovery of gorillas...

Item #172310

November 12, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 12, 1859  Two ftpg. prints show: "The Prisoner (John) Brown & His Boston Counsel" and another showing John Brown at "The Arraignment" plus an article: "Will John Brown be Hanged?"

Inside has a very nice fullpg. scene: "The Trial of John Brown for Treason & Murder" plus a lengthy related article.  The... See More  

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Republican Convention in Chicago...

Item #172364

May 19, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, May 19, 1860  Front page illustrations of the two Union Candidates for President & Vice Pres: 'John Bell, of Tenn.' and 'Ed. Everett, of Mass.' Full page with 6 illus. of: 'Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church'. Nice doublepage centerfold: 'The Republicans in Nominating Convention in their Wigwam at Chicago, May, 1860', wherein Lin... See More  

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Central Park in New York City...

Item #172372

June 16, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 16, 1860 Very fine dblpgctrfld. showing a: 'General View of the Central Park, N.Y.' being a nice overview of it. Also a related article. The ftpg. includes a nearly halfpg. illus. of swans in Central Park. Complete in 16 pages.... See More  

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Early inventions...

Item #634367

November 24, 1860

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, November 24, 1860  The front cover has "Christman's Improved Brick Elevator" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Lyman's Improved Protracting Trigonometer"; "Cook's Improved Veneer Cutter"; "Sutton's Improved Sleigh Coupling"; "Improved Skate and Ankle Brace"; and more article... See More  

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Winslow Homer... Thanksgiving Day...

Item #172420

December 01, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Dec. 1, 1860 Ftpg: 'Charleston Scenes' includes 'Palmetto Tree & Old Custom House at Charleston' & 'Ft. Sumter From Sullivan's Is.'. Inside illus. of: 'Entrance to Bonaventure Cemetary, Savannah, Ga.' & 'Bonaventure Cemetary, Savannah' 'The New State House at Columbia, S.C.' Winslow Homer dblpgctrfld: 'Thanksg... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Abraham Lincoln the inventor - a buoying apparatus...

Item #704122

December 01, 1860


* Invention by Abraham Lincoln

* Buoying vessels over shoals

Page 4 has a great article headed: "The President Elect's Mode of Buoying Vessels" which also includes a nice illustration of the device captioned: "Abraham Lincoln's Apparatus For Buoying Vessels." (see).

The text, taking most of a column, ... See More  

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Largest hotel, the Lindell House...

Item #634327

December 22, 1860

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, December 22, 1860  The front cover has "Huntington's Improved Snow Power" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Largest Hotel in the World" which was the Lindell House in St. Louis, Missouri. This was destroyed by fire in 1867 as reported in the Harper's Weekly issue dated April 20, 1867; "Crandall's Hydraul... See More  

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The Alabama delegation secedes from the Union...

Item #172440

February 09, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 9, 1861  The full front page is a print of: "The Seceding Alabama Delegation In Congress" showing nine men. Text on the men takes over half of page 2.

Other prints within include: "Captain J. G. Foster, Engineer Corps U.S.A., On Duty at Fort Sumter" "Arrival of the United States Steam Sloop 'Niagara' At Jeddo, Japan, with t... See More  

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Vassar Female College...

Item #172454

March 30, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 30, 1861  The full front page is a print titled: "April Fool's Day In New York, Opposite the Astor House". Inside has a page with prints of New Orleans: "View In French Quarter" & "The Crescent City" from the docks; and "The Levee" and 2 scenes of: "Lafayette Square". Also inside are a two-thirds pr... See More  

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Military scenes in Florida: preparing for the Civil War...

Item #172456

April 06, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 6, 1861  The full front page is a print of: "Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary Of State" taken from a Brady photograph. Inside includes a two-thirds page vertical print of: "The United States Gun-boat 'Wyandotte' Firing a Salute on Washington's Birthday in Pensacola Harbor", plus a nearly half page of: "The Flag-Staff B... See More  

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Troops encamped in the nation's capital... Jefferson Davis...

Item #172472

June 01, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 1, 1861 The front page is entirely taken up with a print of: "Major-General Benjamin F. Butler, U.S.A." along with a biography of him. Inside has a full page print of: "The Cabinet of the Confederate States at Montgomery" including Jefferson Davis & Alexander Stephens. Smaller prints show: "Luther C. Ladd, A Mass. Vol. Killed at Balt... See More  

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Winslow Homer front page Christmas print...

Item #172534

January 04, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 4, 1862  The full front page is a notable Winslow Homer print: "Christmas Boxes in Camp, 1861", which does show some mild margin wear as this was the first page in the volume.

Among the prints inside are a full page with 4 scenes of a: "General view of Ship Island, showing the Landing of General Phelps's Brigade"; a full page: &q... See More  

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Nearly full page Civil War map...

Item #669628

February 22, 1862

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Feb. 22, 1862  Almost the entirety of page 3 is taken up with a great & very detailed Civil War map captioned: "Map of Kentucky And Part of Tennessee" with the balance of the page being text concerning it.

Also, over half of page2 is taken up with various military reports from the Civil War.

Sixteen pages, very nice condition.... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Nice front page Civil War print...

Item #669643

March 08, 1862

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 8, 1862  The front page is dominated by a great war-related print captioned: "Hopkins's Improved Mode Of Mounting Cannon" with a related article as well.  Six soldiers are shown operating it.

Most of page 2 is taken up with: "Notes of Military & Naval Affairs" reporting on the Civil War. There is even a paragraph headed: &... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Battle of Pea Ridge, and much more...

Item #172558

March 29, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 29, 1862  The full front page shows: "A Thrilling Scene in East Tennessee --Colonel Fry and the Union Men Swearing by the Flag". Other prints inside include a dramatic fullpg: "The Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas--the Final Advance of Our Troops" and "Columbus, Kentucky, After the Rebel Evacuation" and "Fort Clinch, Fernand... See More  

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Lincoln's famous letter to Greeley... Homer centerfold...

Item #172604

September 06, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 6, 1862  Of special note is the pg. 3 (563) historic letter headed: "The President On the Negro Question". This was one of the more famous letters from Abraham Lincoln, being his reply to Horace Greeley's editorial of August 20, "A Prayer of Twenty Millions", which urged emancipation. Lincoln replies in his letter with his famo... See More  

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Battle of Antietam... Evacuating Louisville...

Item #689084

October 18, 1862

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 18, 1862  The front page print shows: "Maryland & Penna. Farmers Visiting the Battlefield of Antietam While National Troops were burying the Dead...".

Prints within include a full page: "Battle of Antietam...Burying the Rebel Dead..." & smaller prints: "Rebel Hospital Near Sharpsburg, Maryland" "the Tow... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Early ice skate patent...

Item #140804

November 15, 1862

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, November 15, 1862  This 16 page issue is in nice condition and contains illustrations and/or photos of the latest inventions of the day including the following: Farm Cultivator - Rotary Pump - Early Ice Skates & more. These illustrations also have related text.

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Five issues with a Civil War-related print...

Item #683511

November 22, 1862

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York  A nice lot of 5 different issues from 1863 & 1864, each contains within a print related to the Civil War as well as a wealth of other prints not war-related.

Additionally there are news items from the war.

Each issue complete in 16 pages and in nice condition.

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Five issues with a Civil War-related print...

Item #689583

November 22, 1862

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York  A nice lot of 5 different issues from 1863 & 1864, each contains within a print related to the Civil War as well as a wealth of other prints not war-related.

Additionally there are news items from the war.

Each issue complete in 16 pages and in nice condition.

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Five issues with a Civil War-related print...

Item #690298

November 22, 1862

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York  A nice lot of 5 different issues from 1862, each contains within a print related to the Civil War as well as a wealth of other prints not war-related.

Additionally there are news reports from the war, typically found on page 2 but some reports may be further within.

Each issue complete in 16 pages and in very nice condition.

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Six issues with a Civil War-related print...

Item #669856

November 23, 1862

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York  A nice lot of 6 different issues from 1863, 1864 & 1865, each contains within a print related to the Civil War as well as a wealth of other prints not war-related.

Additionally there are news items from the war.

Each issue complete in 16 pages and in nice condition.

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Nine issues with Civil War-related content...

Item #683795

December 27, 1862

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York  A nice lot of 9 different issues from 1862, each contains within reports on military events from the Civil War, or reports of developments and improvements of military equipment.

Each issue complete in 16 pages and in nice condition.

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Patent cow-milker... publication on inventions...

Item #657502

January 24, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, January 24, 1863  The front cover has an illustration entitled "The Celebrated Patent Cow-Milker" and "Colvin's Breast Pump" with an accompanying article. Within the issue are: "Lane's Patent Potato-Digger"; "Swift's Patent Chimney-Fastener"; "Drake's Patent Churn Power" and additional articles an... See More  

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Nine issues of Scientific American: latest inventions of the day...

Item #673770

January 24, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York  A nice lot of 9 different issues from 1863, 1864 & 1865, each during the Civil War & each containing a wealth of articles and many illustrations of the latest improvements & inventions of the day. Some fascinating reports on 19th century ingenuity during the Civil War.

Each issue is complete in 16 pages and in very nice condition.... See More  

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Civil War projectile prints on the front page...

Item #669741

April 04, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 4, 1863  The front page is mostly taken up with several prints of: "The Celebrated Stafford Projectiles" accompanied by a related article: "Improved Projectiles". Nice to have this Civil War related print on the front page of this scientific periodical.

Sixteen pages, nice condition.

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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The historic American Watch Company...

Item #669735

April 11, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 11, 1863  The front page has a large print of: "The Factory of the American Watch Company" in Waltham, Massachusetts. The balance of the front page is taken up with an article on it carrying over to take all of page 2 & a bit of page 3.

This site remains today as an historic district.

Sixteen pages, nice condition.... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Early refrigerator patent, a hay fork & Hay rack, CW reports...

Item #670961

April 25, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 25, 1863  The front page of this issue has an illustration and supporting text re: the "Bartlett's Patent Refrigerator". The inside pages has: "Cobb's Patent Hay Rack", "Raymond's Patent Hay Fork", "Johnson's Patent Piston-Rod Packing, and more. There are also two Civil War reports - one "The attack o... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Civil War projectile prints... Thimbles...

Item #669740

May 30, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 30, 1863  The front page is mostly taken up with several prints of: "Smith's Patent Sub-caliber Projectiles" accompanied by a related article. Nice to have this Civil War related print on the front page of this scientific periodical.

Page 2 has an illustrated article on: "Thimbles".

Sixteen pages, nice condition.

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Rare Confederate title...

Item #697641

June 19, 1863

WESTERN SENTINEL, Winston, North Carolina, June 19, 1863 

* Rare Confederate publication during the Civil War

 The front page contains a first-column report headed: "Dismissal of the British Consul at Richmond" which concerns President Jefferson Davis revoking George Moore's duties as an agent for the Confederacy in England.

This is followed by a related document hea... See More  

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Revolving shield gun carriage...

Item #140814

August 01, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, August 1, 1863  This 16 page issue is in nice condition and contains illustrations of the latest inventions of the day. These illustrations also have related text.

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A Civil War cannon print on the front page...

Item #669738

August 01, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Aug. 1, 1863  The front page is mostly taken up with three prints of: "De Mey's Revolving Shield Gun Carriage with a related article as well.

Nice to have a Civil War themed print on the front page of this scientific publication.

Inside pages have some war-related articles as well.

Sixteen pages, nice condition.

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Coon's breech-loading cannon...

Item #669736

October 31, 1863

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Oct. 31, 1863  The front page features two prints of: "Coon's Breech-Loading Cannon" which has an accompanying article. Nice to have a war-related illustration & article on the front page of this scientific publication.

A few war-related articles inside.

Complete in 16 pages, nice condition.

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Report on the Gettysburg Address...

Item #172734

December 05, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 5, 1863  The entire front page shows: "The President's Hymn--Give Thanks, All Ye People". However, the most notable content is likely the detailed report of Abraham Lincoln's address at Gettysburg. While the actual address is not provided, considerable details and the rarity of reports make this worthy of interest (see image). The article ... See More  

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How to better armor ships...

Item #669696

January 02, 1864

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Jan. 2, 1864  The entire front page is taken up with a nice graphic and article: "Improved System For Armored Ships".

The graphics show how damage to a ship differs when a steel/wood shall is constructed differently. A nice graphic from the Civil War and a logical item for a scientific publication. The article continues on to page 2 where is another g... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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A machine to rifle gun barrels...

Item #669700

February 20, 1864

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Feb. 20, 1864  The front page features a nice illustration of: "Powers's Machine For Rifling Gun Barrels" with a related article.

Inside has a print and article on: "M'Kibbin's Improved Gun-Sight".

Complete in 16 pages, minor foxing, nice condition.

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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