India and Ghandi
Shop our selection of original historic newspapers with coverage of items of Indian interest, particularly Ghandi.India and Ghandi
Shop our selection of original historic newspapers with coverage of items of Indian interest, particularly Ghandi.
Gandhi starts 1930 Salt March...
Item #712213
March 13, 1930
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 13, 1930
* Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma)
* Salt march (salt satyagraha) begins
* Dandi, India
The top of page 10 has one column headings: "GANDHI ON MARCH CHALLENGES ARREST" "Upper India Demonstrates as Nationalists Open Campaign for Independence" "British Troops On Alert" and more. (see) 1st report cove... See More
1982 U.S. premiere of the film "Gandhi" ad...
Item #712046
December 07, 1982
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Dec. 7, 1982
* "Gandhi" film - movie advertisement
* Grand opening day American premiere
* Epic biographical film on Mahatma Gandhi
* Indian Independence movement from UK
* Actor Ben Kingsley in the title role
Page 50 has a nice full advertisement for the U.S. opening day of the film "GANDHI" This film won... See More
1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed...
Item #711843
March 04, 1931
* Gandhi-Irwin Pact reached (early 1st report)
* Mahatma Gandhi & Lord Irwin - India
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "MAHATMA GANDHI AND IRWIN SIGN TRUCE IN INDIA" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with all 20 pages, light toning at the margins, irregular along the spine, otherwise in good condition.
... See More
1984 Bhopal gas disaster.. India...
Item #711091
December 05, 1984
SUN TIMES, Chicago, Dec. 5, 1984
* Bhopal gas disaster - tragedy
* Union Carbide India Unlimited (UCIL)
* World's worst industrial disaster
* Chemical gas methyl isocyanate
The front page has a report headed: "Fumes turn Indian city into a tomb" More on page 14 with related photo. (see images)
Complete with all 128 pages, tabloid size, nice condition.... See More
1942 Easter Sunday Raid... WWII Ceylon...
Item #710957
April 06, 1942
* Easter Sunday Raid
* Imperial Japanese Navy
* Indian Ocean - Ceylon
* World War II - WWII
The front page has a nice banner headline: "JAPS CARRY WAR TO INDIA, ATTACK SHIPS, BOMB PORTS" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. Also reporting on the Battle of Bataan which was coming to a close just before the infamous "death march... See More
1984 Bhopal gas disaster.. India...
Item #710637
December 04, 1984
SUN TIMES, Chicago, Dec. 4, 1984
* Bhopal gas disaster - tragedy
* Union Carbide India Unlimited (UCIL)
* World's worst industrial disaster
* Chemical gas methyl isocyanate
Page 3 has a report headed: "Gas leak kills 410 in India" with small related map. (see images)
Complete with all 96 pages, tabloid size, nice condition.... See More
Pirates in the Caribbean... U.S. coins... Banking...
Item #709689
June 12, 1819
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 12, 1819 Much on "Banks and Banking" and over 4 pages on: "Regulation of Coins - Important Report".
The back page has a small item: "Piracies, frequently accompanied by murder, are frequent in the West India seas--and patriots also deal in slaves. We are disgusted with the abuses of the South American flags."
Sixteen... See More
The Mormon murders... "Mormon & English Polygamists...
Item #708513
December 23, 1871
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 23, 1871 Page 4 has over a column dedicated to: "THE MORMON MURDERS. - THE ASSASSINATION OF DR. ROBINSON IN 1866", which provides considerable details regarding the murder and related initial "shame investigation" surrounding the murder of Dr. J. K. Robinson. Another Mormon-related article is found on page six: "MORMON AND ENGLISH POLYGAMISTS&q... See More
The Beatles & Maharishi in 1967...
Item #708220
November 09, 1967
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Nov. 9, 1967
* Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - The Beatles guru
* Post "More popular than Jesus" remark
* John Lennon - Paul McCartney
* Transcendental Mediation Swami
* New religious movement
The front page has a heading: "What's New in America? Maharishi & Mediation" with related photo. (see images) Lengthy t... See More
Eric Sevaraid rescued in 1943 Burma...
Item #707750
August 28, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 28, 1943
* Eric Sevareid - news journalist & author
* Saved in Burma jungle - Naga headhunters
* World War II - WWII - John Paton Davies Jr.
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "HEADHUNTERS SAVE AIRMEN IN BURMA" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 24 pages, rag edition in nice condition.
wikipedia notes: In 1943, Sevareid was on boar... See More
Isaac Newton Lewis death... gun inventor...
Item #707395
November 10, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 10, 1931
* Isaac Newton Lewis death
* Lewis Gun inventor - WWI era
* Osman Ali Khan & Mahatma Gandhi
Page 25 has a one column heading: "COL. LEWIS, FAMOUS INVENTOR, DEAD" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on the death of Isaac Newton Lewis, United States Army officer and the invenotr of the Lewis Gun.
Other news, sports and adv... See More
The HMS Bounty prepares for its fateful trip... A slave ship burns...
Item #704521
August 28, 1787
* Captain William Bligh prepares for voyage
* HMS Bounty - merchant ship - mutiny fame
* Fateful South Pacific Ocean expedition
The back page has an inconspicuous report noting "The ship which has been engaged by the Admiralty to make a voyage to the Society Islands for the bread-fruit which is to be transported to our West India settlement,... See More
Frederick Douglass gives a speech celebrating emancipation...
Item #704408
August 02, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 2, 1865
* Frederick Douglass speech
* Emancipation of Southern slaves
Page 5 begins with column heads: "THE NEGRO" "Celebration of the Thirty0-first Anniversary of West Indian Emancipation" "Great Gathering of Colored People at Myrtle Avenue Park" "Stirring Speeches by Prof. W. Howard Day and Fred. Douglas" "Interesti... See More
Hitler drafts Jews for work... Gandhi weakens during his fast...
Item #702548
March 06, 1939
NEW YORK TIMES, March 6, 1939
* Mahatma Gandhi - "Fast Unto Death"
* Jews and Aryans - separated at work
Two notable front-page reports, the first with two column heads: "Germany Drafts Jews for Work; Sets Them Apart from 'Aryans' " "Aim Is to Meet Pledge Made to Rublee and to Free 'Germans' for 'State-Political' Jobs---'100-a-... See More
Map of the Hudson River region... Franklin on the exchange of prisoners...
Item #701099
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1778 * Rare Revolutionary War New York map
* Benjamin Franklin letter - Ethan Allen
Of great significance is the very nice foldout map headed: "Map of Hudson's River with the Adjacent Country", which shows from Crown Point & Ticonderoga, south to Philadelphia, & also from Long Island to Lake Ontario with consi... See More
A World War II base newspaper from India...
Item #700958
February 10, 1945
C.B.I. ROUNDUP, Delhi, India, Feb. 10, 1944
* United States military camp
A World War II "camp" newspaper printed for the men of the U.S. forces in the China-Burma-India theater of war. It began on Sept. 17, 1942 & continued for 188 issues. Content came from soldier correspondents, professional news agencies & Army & War Dept. news services. It was widely recogniz... See More
Gandhi's Salt March in protest of British rule...
Item #699329
April 07, 1930
* Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma)
* Salt march (salt satyagraha) ends - Dandi, India
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "GANDHI'S SALT REVOLT STIRS UP RIOTS IN INDIA" with subhead. Two related photos are on the back page. (see images)
This was the "Salt March" of 1930 in India, an act of civil disobedience led... See More
Election of Patrick Henry sets the stage for his famous speech... So much more...
Item #699033
March 17, 1775
THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE (with Supplement), Williamsburg, Mar. 17, 1775
* Very rare Colonial Virginia publication
* Election of Patrick Henry
This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.
The entire front page is a terrific letter: "T... See More
Mahatma Gandhi released from jail...
Item #699006
May 06, 1944
NEW YORK TIMES, May 6, 1944
* Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
* The Mahatma jail release
This 30 page newspaper has a 2 column headline on the front page: "Gandhi Freed Unconditionally; British Act on Health Grounds"
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day with much on World War II. Very nice condition.... See More
The Mormon War...
Item #698895
May 29, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 29, 1858 The front page features a print of: "Hon. William M Gwin, of California".
Other prints within include: "'Travel Notes in Bible Lands" includes a print of: "Plain and Ruins of Sardis".
"The Great Bell Crevasse' is just above New Orleans and shows 3 scenes. Nice full page illustrations of the: "... See More
A great illustration showing Eskimos hunting for Polar-Bear...
Item #698806
October 11, 1890
HARPER'S WEEKLY October 11, 1890 (Supplement included) The most desired illustration is the double-page print captioned: "Esquimaux Hunters Capturing A Polar-Bear", which is found in the Supplement.
Also included is the entire regular issue which features another great double-page print: ""A Tiger Hunt in India", as well as the full pg. illus. of "The ... See More
Mahatma Gandhi arrested...
Item #698496
August 01, 1933
* Mahatma Gandhi arrested
* Civil disobedience movement
* Ahmedabad, India
The front page has a one column heading: "Britain Seizes Gandhi as New Revolt Flares" (see images)
Complete in 32 pages, rag edition, minor wear with a few small binding holes along the spine, nice condition.... See More
New York elevated railroad...
Item #698446
September 07, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 7, 1878 The full front page is a print of: "The New York Elevated Railroad - View in Franklin Square."
Inside prints include a half page: "A Skirmish with an Unwelcome Intruder"; half page: "Locusts in South India - Driving Them From the Fields"; full page: "The Highlands of the Hudson, From Anthony's Nose, Look... See More
Broadside “extra” from before the Civil War...
Item #698102
May 21, 1842
NEW YORK HERALD, EXTRA, May 21, 1842 A broadside "issue, being single sheet & printed on one side only. The front page has at the top: “Arrival Of The Steamship Acadia”, plus an engraving of a steamship “15 Days Later From Europe”, bringing news from China & India, Algiers, Spain & France, and “Miscellaneous Items” as well.
Evenly t... See More
1943 Gandhi's fast ends...
Item #697824
March 03, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 3, 1943
* Mohandas Gandhi - The Mahatma
* 21 day fasting - hunger strike ends
* British detention without charges protest
* World War II - WWII era
The top of page 10 has a one column heading: "GANDHI FAST ENDS; AIM NOT ACHIEVED" with subheads. (see images)
Much on World War II events of the day. Complete with 42 pages rag edition in great condit... See More
1966 death of Lal Bahadur Shastri...
Item #696985
January 11, 1966
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., Jan. 11, 1966
* Lal Bahadur Shastri death (1st report)
* Second Prime Minister of India
* End of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "Prime Minister of India, 61, Dies of Heart Attack" with subhead and two related photos. (see images)
Complete with 36 pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition... See More
Mahatma Gandhi jail release... fast unto death...
Item #693966
August 24, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 24, 1933
* Mahatma Gandhi jail release
* Campaign against untouchability
* Fast unto death ends
Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Fast Wins Gandhi Unconditional Release; A Week Without Food, He Weighs 90 Pounds" (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 34 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was... See More
Preparing for the Dog Show - 1941 displayable cover...
Item #692685
February 08, 1941
LIBERTY magazine, New York, Feb. 8, 1941 The color cover has a full color illustration of a young boy giving his dog a bath in preparation for an upcoming Dog Show.
Also present are several color ads for products of the day. See images for details.
Among the various articles are: "Through Hell on Wings - The Diary of a R.A.F. Pilot" and "What Jesus Mean To Me" by M... See More
re. Gandhi-Irwin Pact w/ photo...
Item #692663
November 15, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 15, 1931
* Second Round Table Conference
* re. Gandhi-Irwin Pact - London
* Mahatma Gandhi & Lord Irwin
* w/ Sarojini Naidu photo
Page 22 has a two column photo with heading: "Gandhi's Formal Robes For Call On His Emperor" with article. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with all 34 pages, light toning at the margins, nic... See More
1995 Dabwali fire accident...
Item #691726
December 24, 1995
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Dec. 24, 1995
* Indian school function fire disaster
* Mandi Dabwali, Sirsa District, Haryana, India
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "365 Die as Fire Engulfs School Party in N. India" with subhead. First report coverage continues on page 6 with a related small map. (see)
Complete 1st section only with 24 pages, nice condition.... See More
1935 Quetta earthquake...
Item #691396
June 01, 1935
* Quetta Earthquake (1st report)
* Baluchistan, British Raj (Pakistan)
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "20,000 KILLED BY INDIA QUAKE; CITY SHATTERED" with subhead. (see)
Complete with 32 pages, rag edition in great condition. A few small binding holes along the spine.... See More
A Nazi newspaper from a British island...
Item #691295
December 24, 1941
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 24, 1941
* From shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "A Disastrous Week For the British Empire - India Is Now Directly Threatened" "Heavy... See More
A Nazi newspaper from a British island...
Item #691293
December 22, 1941
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 22, 1941
* Rare German occupation title
* World War II - WWII
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "Russians Suffer Heavy Losses in Leningrad Encirclement" "Axis Forces in North Af... See More
Gandhi starts hunger strike...
Item #690888
September 19, 1932
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 19, 1932
* Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
* The Mahatma food strike begins (eve)
The front page has a one column heading: "Gandhi Tapers Diet; Girds for Hunger Death" with small photo. (see) Coverage on the eve on the 6-day hunger strike beginning. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Complete with 2... See More
Trans-Jordan seeks peace following the U.S.' formal recognition of the State of Israel...
Item #690136
February 02, 1949
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 2, 1949
* De Jure recognition of Israel
Although the state of Israel was formally created in May, 1948, the United States and Trans-Jordan (current-day Jordan) did not formalize their recognition until much later.
On January 31st, 1849 the U.S. did so, and although Jordan did not formally do so until 1994, this issue reports that on the day following Israel's... See More
Gandhi hunger strike... Lou Gehrig record...
Item #690124
August 16, 1933
THE DETROIT NEWS, August 16, 1933
* Mahatma Gandhi fast until death starts
The front page has a one column heading: "Gandhi Starts Fast In Prison In Poona" with subhead. (see)
Complete with 32 pages, rag edition in nice condition.
1900 Indian magic...
Item #690123
June 08, 1900
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 8, 1900
* Indian magic - India - fake ?
The top of page 7 has a two column heading: "CURIOUS INDIAN MAGIC QUEER FEATS OF FAKIRS" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper.
Complete with 8 pages, 19 x 14 ... See More
Mahatma Gandhi returns to India....
Item #689309
December 29, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 29, 1931
* Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
* The Mahatma returns to India
* Round Table Conference in London
The front page has a one column heading: "GANDHI WARNS INDIA TO BE READY TO FIGHT" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Mahatma Gandhi's return to India from the Gandhi-Irwin Pact negotiations in London.
Other news, sports and advertis... See More
Maps of Jamaica and Havana, Cuba...
Item #689163
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762 Although typically missing from most issues, this magazine still contains the full page plate titled: "A Map Of the Island of Jamaica" which shows much detail. Accompanying this map is a nice and detailed article on Jamaica which describes it geographically, gives a bit of history on how it was settled, and some text on its economy.... See More
Jamaica, Cuba & the Caribbean... Early electricity...
Item #689162
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762 This magazine is missing the plates of "A Map Of the Island of Jamaica" and "Plan of the City and Harbour of the Havanna", Cuba, but there is a report near the back which relates to it, beginning: "Porto Rico is a large Spanish island, well fortified; and Hispaniola belonging to both France & Spain is much larger ... See More
Creating the town of Castine... Benedict Arnold...
Item #688796
March 02, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 2, 1796 The front page has a full column on the creation of the town of Castine, Maine, being an Act of the Massachusetts Legislature reading: "An ACT to divide the town of Penobscot into two distinct towns; and to incorporate the southerly part thereof into a town by the name of Castine." with the lengthy text, signed in type: Samuel Adams.
Keep ... See More
Mahatma Gandhi visits East End of London....
Item #684364
September 13, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 13, 1931
* Mahatma Gandhi visits London
* Round Table Conferences (India)
The front page has one column headings that include: "GANDHI IS IN ENGLAND 'FOR DUMB MILLIONS'" "His Scanty Attire Starties Londoners, Braving Drenching Rain to See Him" "Says Peace Is His Mission" and more. First report coverage on Mahatma Gandhi'... See More
1946 Royal Indian Navy mutiny...
Item #683407
February 24, 1946
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 24, 1946
* Royal Indian Navy mutiny
* Bombay, India - Mahatma Gandhi
The to of the front page has a three column headline: "BOMBAY FIGHTING RENEWED AT NIGHT, DEATH TOLL SOARS; MOST OF CITY UNEASILY CALM" with subheads. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Complete 1st section only with 46 pages, rag edit... See More
Payments to Loyalists... Death of Tippoo...
Item #683375
June 27, 1786
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 27, 1786 Inside has: "American Loyalists" which notes: "On the report of the bill for granting the sum of 55,000 pounds as a temporary relief to the American Loyalists...desired to know...whether it was intended to allow such Loyalists as were in England during the times of the troubles in America the same as those actually on the spot... See More
Poona Act agreement... Mahatma Gandhi...
Item #681436
September 27, 1932
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 27, 1932
* Poona Act agreement settled - India
* Mohandas Gandhi - The Mahatma
* Six day fasting - hunger strike ends
The front page has a five column heading: "India Celebrates Gandhi's Victory" with subheads. (see)
Complete with 30 pages, rag edition in very nice condition. A few small binding holes along the spine.... See More
Direct Action Day in 1946 Calcutta, India....
Item #681239
August 17, 1946
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 17, 1946
* Direct Action Day
* Great Calcutta Killings
* Hindus and Muslims riot
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "90 Die, 900 Hurt in Calcutta As Moslems and Hindus Riot" (see) First report coverage on the Riots in Calcutta known as Direct Action Day. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publica... See More
Oliver Twist and Fagin the Jew...
Item #678986
March 02, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, March 2, 1872 Two front 1/4 pg. portraits of "The Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler" and "Miss Sarah F. Smiley, the Quakeress Preacher."
Inside is a 2/3 pg. illus. of: "The British Exlipse Expedition in India-Incident at Bakul"; one-third pg. illus. of: "Entrance to the Ancient Jewish Catacombs at Rome"; small portrait of "Pa-Ha-Uzah-T... See More
Gandhi arrested for sedition...
Item #678500
March 11, 1922
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., March 11, 1922
* Mahatma Gandhi arrested
The front page has a one column heading: "Gandhi, Arrested, Urges Friends On" See image for brief text here.
Sixteen pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, generally nice.
Edward VII becomes king in 1901...
Item #678316
January 24, 1901
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 24, 1901
* Edward VII begins reign
* King of the United Kingdom
* Ireland - Emperor of India
The top of the front page has two column headline: "IN POMP OF SPLENDOR KING IS PROCLAIMED" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragi... See More
Mahatma Gandhi starts salt march to Dandi...
Item #677341
March 12, 1930
* Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma)
* Fight for India independence
* New Satyagraha against tax on salt
* Famous salt march to Dandi begins (1st report)
The top of page 5 has a one column photo of a younger Gandhi with heading: "Begins March" (see)
Complete with 46 pages, rag edition in nice condition. A few small binding holes along the... See More
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