Founding Fathers (U.S.)

Founding Fathers (U.S.)

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Last signer of the Declaration of Independence dies... Jackson re-elected...

Item #680468

November 17, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 17, 1832

* Andrew Jackson re-elected President

* Death of Charles Carroll : signer of the Declaration of Independence

The front page has a lengthy editorial which begins:

"The presidential election has so far proceeded as to render the result certain, that "Andrew Jackson of Tennessee" will be re-elected president, and 'Martin ... See More  

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1832 Andrew Jackson...

Item #212969

December 03, 1832



* Andrew Jackson

* 1832 Election

The back page has a poem about Andrew Jackson: The Patriot President. Tune-- Whall be King but Charley.

News of the day includes: "Louisiana Election" "Presidential Election" "Federal Calculation" and much more. 8 pages in nice condition.
... See More  

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Jackson's state-of-the-union address, from the nation's capital...

Item #697383

December 06, 1832

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 6, 1832 

* President Andrew Jackson

* State of the Union Address

* From our nation's capitol

Almost the entire front page is taken up with the annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type at its conclusion by: Andrew Jackson. As was typical with this annual tradition, President Jackson reviewed the events of the year addressing ... See More  

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Andrew Jackson's state-of-the-union address to the people...

Item #686278

December 08, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 8, 1832  

* President Andrew Jackson

* State of the Union Address

Nearly 5 1/2 pages are taken up with the: "President's Message" being the annual state-of-the-union address of the President to Congress, and the people.

This was an annual tradition begun by George Washington which continues to this day. The address recounts the... See More  

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President Andrew Jackson... type signature...

Item #552566

December 08, 1832

EVENING POST, New York, NY, December 8, 1832.

* President Andrew Jackson...

* Early 19th century original reading

Page 2 has a message from the President to the Senate explaining why he returned a bill that provided for "...the settlement of claims of States, for interest on advance to the United States...", signed in type: Andrew Jackson.

Other news of the day with many ads.

... See More  

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Andrew Jackson's state-of-the-union address to the people...

Item #638713

December 08, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 8, 1832  Nearly 5 1/2 pages are taken up with the: "President's Message" being the annual state-of-the-union address of the President to Congress, and the people.

This was an annual tradition begun by George Washington which continues to this day. The address recounts the major events of the year and gives some discussion to the futur... See More  

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Jackson's Nullification Proclamation...

Item #688226

December 11, 1832

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 11, 1832  

* President Andrew Jackson

* Nullification proclamation

* People of South Carolina

A very historic issue as almost all of page 2 is taken up with the: "PROCLAMATION By Andrew Jackson, President of the United States." There is also an editorial on page 3 concerning the Proclamation.

This was his historic Nullification... See More  

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Andrew Jackson... Nullication Proclamation...

Item #657338

December 15, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, December 15, 1832  The key and historically significant content within this issue is the entire text of President Andrew Jackson's Nullification Proclamation, starting on page 12, and ending with his signature, Andrew Jackson on the back page.

The Nullification Proclamation disputed a state's right to nullify a federal law, an issue in South Car... See More  

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Jackson's defining document in the Nullification Crisis...

Item #696642

January 18, 1833


* Nullification Crisis w/ Andrew Jackson

An interesting single sheet printed on tissue paper-quality newsprint; very thin.

Save for a few ads on the back side the entire issue is taken up with the: "MESSAGE Of the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, transmitting copies of the Ordinanc... See More  

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The Tariff Bill of 1833... Jackson's Force Bill...

Item #620151

March 16, 1833

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 16, 1833  Among the articles is: "The New Tariff Law" which is discussion of it taking 2 pages, with several reports, and includes: "...The great objects are to abolish the protective policy, and to reduce the revenue to the legitimate wants of the government. Both of these objects will be accomplished by this measure..." and al... See More  

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Andrew Jackson...

Item #545615

March 19, 1833

EVENING POST, New York City, New York, March 19, 1833

* Andrew Jackson... 

* re:
invitation to visit Hartford, Connecticut...

Page 2 has a reply from the President concerning an invitation from the citizens of Hartford, stating he would visit there soon when his schedule would permit, signed in type: Andrew Jackson.

Other news of the day with ads. 4 pages in nice condition.... See More  

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Treasury Building destroyed by fire: reports & an investigation...

Item #668152

April 16, 1833

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 16, 1833 

* Treasury Building (Washington, D.C.)

* Arson fire disaster

Most of page 2 and even a vbit of page 3 are taken up with a wealth of reporting and details on this burning of the Treasury Building. Included is: "Note of the President Directing an Investigation in Relation to the Fire" signed in type: Andrew Jackson.

The... See More  

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Item #668160

May 28, 1833

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 28, 1833  One-third of the front page is taken up with the historic treaty of commerce and navigation with Russia, containing all 13 Articles and appropriate signatures in type, including: Andrew Jackson as President.

The back page begins with: "A New Plan For the Public Buildings In Washington" which has considerable detail, taking mos... See More  

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Abolishment of slavery, and the backlash from Jamaica...

Item #667090

June 15, 1833

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 15, 1833  has over half a page headed: "Slavery in the British West Indies" which reports on the: "...deputation in favor off the immediate emancipation of negro slavery within the British dominions..." which includes the full text on the 5 "Resolutions", signed in type by: Samuel Gurney as the chairman. The same page h... See More  

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Andrew Jackson New York City visit...

Item #553006

June 18, 1833

EVENING POST, New York, NY, June 18, 1833

* Andrew Jackson New York City visit

* 19th century original reading

On page 2 under "Progress of the President" is a detailed report about Andrew Jackson's visit to New York City. Parts of the report describe his appearance and more.

Other news of the day throughout.

4 page in good condition.... See More  

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Princeton College in 1833....

Item #219375

November 16, 1833

EVENING POST, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1833.


* Andrew Jackson

* Princeton university

An item on page 2 says: President Jackson has presented to Princeton College, for its museum, a collection of insects from South America, which is...very valuable, and as adding considerably to the interest of the entomological department. Other news of the day includes: "Italian Opera" "Latest From M
... See More  

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Jackson's state-of-the-union address, from the nation's capital...

Item #696649

December 05, 1833

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 5, 1833 

* President Andrew Jackson

* State of the Union Address

* Best publication to be had

Almost the entire back page is taken up with the President's annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type at its conclusion by: Andrew Jackson. It is headed: "MESSAGE From The President of the United States to Both Houses...".

... See More  

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On the death of LaFayette...

Item #656914

June 28, 1834

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 28, 1834

* In memory of LaFayette : on LaFayette's death

The very top of the front page has an. item which includes: "...senate appointed a committee of 13 & the house of representatives a committee of 24 to consider & report what token of affection ought to be paid to the memory of Lafayette..." with just a bit more.

An inte... See More  

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Death of Zebulon Pike... New gold coins described...

Item #585699

August 09, 1834

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, August 9, 1834  Page 2 reports on "The new coinage..." describing the new gold coins being produced: "On the face the new coins will be readily distinguished by a head of  liberty, disencumbered of a cap. On the reverse the surplus motto "E pluribus unum", which for many years has occupied a portion of the disk above the eag... See More  

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President Jackson's state-of-the-union address...

Item #693181

December 06, 1834

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 6, 1834 

* President Andrew Jackson

* State of the Union Address

The prime content would be the annual state-of-the-union address, contained in full on seven pages & signed in type by the President: Andrew Jackson.

An extremely lengthy address, it touches upon a wide variety of topics & events in the process of reviewing the year 183... See More  

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1834 Andrew Jackson Annual Message....

Item #212023

December 10, 1834

THE CORRECTOR, from Sag-Harbor, N.Y., dated December 10, 1834

* President Jackson Annual Address

* Shipwreck article

* Suicide article

The annual Message of the President to the Senate takes all of the front and second pages, and three columns on page 3 where it is signed in type: Andrew Jackson. Other news of the day includes: "Shipwreck and Loss of Lives" "Suicide" a... See More  

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More on the assassination attempt upon Andrew Jackson...

Item #644841

February 14, 1835

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 14, 1835  Inside has two items concerning the attempted assassination of President Andrew Jackson, with: "Case of Richard Lawrence", the assassin, followed by: "The Attempted Assassination" with has various particulars.

Elsewhere is a letter to the House of Representatives signed in type by: Andrew Jackson.

Sixteen pages, 6 by ... See More  

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Andrew Jackson's annual message...

Item #680088

December 12, 1835

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 12, 1835  

* President Andrew Jackson

* State of the Union Address

The prime content is the very lengthy annual state-of-the-union address of the President, taking eight pages and signed by him in type: Andrew Jackson. A very detailed review of the events of 1835.

Also within this issue is a letter signed in type: W. H. Harrison; a letter si... See More  

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Davy Crockett heads for Texas...

Item #680787

December 26, 1835

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 26, 1835 

* Rare Davy Crockett report

The front page includes: "The emigration to Arkansas is very great--'with large droves of negroes'...exclusive of those who are about to join the people of Texas. Col. Crocket has left Little Rock, with his followers, for Texas. Many others had the same destination."  Just over 2 mon... See More  

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War begins in Texas... Creating the Smithsonian Institution...

Item #657686

January 02, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 2, 1836  The front page includes a report prefaced in part by: "...A provisional government has been completely organized & a bill of rights adopted which will be found below..." and what follows is the: "Declaration of the People of Texas in General Convention Assembled" followed by the 8 posts of the Bill of Rights, includi... See More  

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Andrew Jackson Extends Missouri...

Item #203546

June 20, 1836

NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT AND STATE GAZETTE, Concord, June 20, 1836 On the front page under a woodcut of an eagle is "AN ACT to extend the western boundary of Missouri to the Missouri River", signed in type: Andrew Jackson. This created what is now the northwest boundary of Missouri. Has a non-archival mend to a tear in the outer margin, occasional foxing.

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A Treaty...

Item #577610

August 22, 1836

New Hampshire Patriot And State Gazette, Concord, New Hampshire, August 22, 1836 

* President Andrew Jackson

* U.S. - Republic of Venezuela treaty

On the front page under an engraving of an eagle grasping arrows in its talons.

"A Proclamation" announcing: "Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Navigation, and Commerce between the United States of America and the Republic of... See More  

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Death report of Nathan Mayer Rothschild - English branch of the Family...

Item #698115

September 10, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 10, 1836  

* Death of Nathan Mayer Rothschild

* Established English Branch of the Rothschild family

* President Jackson and others discuss the U.S. surplus

The front page has a brief (but historic) report on the death of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the English branch of the Rothschild family legacy and influence. A portion of th... See More  

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Lee, Magruder, Meade & others, well before the Civil War.

Item #683192

October 22, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1836  Inside includes "General Order" signed by President Andrew Jackson, concerning the assignment of various military officers. Among the list are various names which would become more famous during the Civil War including Lt. Meade, Lt. Lee, Lt. Magruder, and various others.

Also two charts of: "Popular Statistics", one n... See More  

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Lee, Magruder, Meade, & others well before the Civil War.

Item #683194

October 22, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1836 

* Robert E. Lee

* John B. Magruder

Inside includes "General Order" signed by President Andrew Jackson, concerning the assignment of various military officers. Among the list are various names which would become more famous during the Civil War including Lt. Meade, Lt. Lee, Lt. Magruder, and various others.

Also two charts... See More  

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Lee, Magruder, Meade, & others, well before the Civil War...

Item #683195

October 22, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1836  Inside includes "General Order" signed by President Andrew Jackson, concerning the assignment of various military officers. Among the list are various names which would become more famous during the Civil War including Lt. Meade, Lt. Lee, Lt. Magruder, and various others.

Also two charts of: "Popular Statistics", one n... See More  

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Lee, Magruder, Meade, & others well before the Civil War... Coins...

Item #683196

October 22, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1836  Inside includes "General Order" signed by President Andrew Jackson, concerning the assignment of various military officers. Among the list are various names which would become more famous during the Civil War including Lt. Meade, Lt. Lee, Lt. Magruder, and various others.

Also two charts of: "Popular Statistics", one n... See More  

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President Jackson to Congress...

Item #604531

December 10, 1836

NATIONAL GAZETTE & LITERARY REGISTER, Philadelphia, Dec. 10, 1836  Page 2 has a letter "to the Senate & House of Representatives" signed in type by the President: Andrew Jackson.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, light browning at some of the folds, mostly good.

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Jackson's annual message... The new Gobrecht half dollar coin...

Item #647789

December 10, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 10, 1836  Over four pages inside are taken up with: "The Annual Message" being the  President's  state-of-the-union address, signed in type: Andrew  Jackson. This lengthy address is an excellent overview of the events of 1836.

For coin collectors, a rare report on the new Gobrecht half dollar about to be issued, he... See More  

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Texas to join the Union? Jackson's state-of-the-union address...

Item #698465

December 13, 1836


* President Andrew Jackson

* State of the Union Address

* Texas statehood ? Joining Union ?

Page 2 has; "Interesting From Texas" concerning whether to release Santa Anna (they do not), and also: "...prospects of Texas, accompanied by resolutions, empowering the treat with the government of the U.S., for the admission o... See More  

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Letters by Dolly Madison... The new silver dollar...

Item #647788

December 17, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 17, 1836  The front page has a nice descriptive article on the new seated liberty silver dollar by Gobrecht, which will: "...soon make its appearance. The face of the coin represents a full length figure of Liberty seated on a rock with the classic emblem of the pileus or liberty cap surmounting a spear held in the left hand..." with ... See More  

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President Andrew Jackson on the independence of Texas...

Item #671432

December 31, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 31, 1836 

* Texas Revolution - Independence

* President Andrew Jackson message

Pages 3 & 4 contain a message from the President to Congress headed: "United States And Texas" in which he reviews the situation in Texas and its independence. A few bits include: "...No steps have been taken by the executive towards the acknowle... See More  

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Andrew Jackson on the Mexican situation...

Item #605495

February 14, 1837

VERMONT GAZETTE, Bennington, Feb. 14, 1837  Page 2 has: "Message Of The President Upon Mexican Affairs" which is signed in type: Andrew Jackson, & takes over half a column.

Four pages, rejoined at the spine, tape mends on pgs. 2 & 4 otherwise nice.

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1837 Andrew Jackson Message...

Item #211600

February 18, 1837

THE CORRECTOR, Sag-Harbor, Feb. 18, 1837 Pg. 2 has: Message Of The President To The Senate, Upon Mexican Affairs, signed in type: Andrew Jackson. Also, under Whale Fisheries is a statement about the importation of oils and whalebone into the U.S. for the past year. Other news of the day includes: "Ship Diamond" "Murder" "Election Of President Martin Van Buren" and much more. Several interesting ad... See More  

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Jackson's farewell, and Van Buren's inauguration...

Item #687900

March 11, 1837

NEW YORK OBSERVER, March 11, 1837

* Martin Van Buren inauguration

* Andrew Jackson farewell address

 Pages 2 and 3 contain the lengthy: "Farewell Address of Andrew Jackson" signed by him in type at its conclusion: Andrew Jackson. In it he reiterated his policies one final time. He appeal to the different regions of the country to place their loyalty to the Union above all els... See More  

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Andrew Jackson's lengthy farewell... Van Buren's inaugural address...

Item #693487

March 16, 1837

VERMONT CHRONICLE, Windsor, March 16, 1837  

* Martin Van Buren inauguration

* Andrew Jackson farewell address

Half of page 2 and most of page 3 are taken up with the: "Farewell Address Of Andrew Jackson, to the People of the United States" in which he reiterates his policies one final time. He appeals to the different regions of the country to place their loyalty to the Unio... See More  

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Acts of Congress: the Indians... changing titles in the U.S. Navy...

Item #619645

August 02, 1837

WORCESTER REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Aug. 2, 1837  The masthead features an engraving of Thomas Jefferson. The back page has nearly 2 1/2 columns taken up with "An Act Making Appropriations for the Current Expenses of the Indian Department..." signed in type by the President: Andrew Jackson. Also "An Act to Change the Titles of Certain Officers in the Navy" (see).

Four pa... See More  

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Two lengthy letters from Andrew Jackson...

Item #685003

September 08, 1840

THE DAILY REGISTER, New Bedford, Massachusetts, Sept. 8, 1840  The front page has not one but two lengthy letters signed in the by: Andrew Jackson under the heading: "Gen. Jackson and Mr. Clay". The letters relate to political issues between the two.

Four pages, nice condition.

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Harrison wins the Presidential election...

Item #688512

February 03, 1841

KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., Feb. 3, 1841 

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential election victory

The back page has a chart noting the: "Official - Popular Vote For President" for both Harrison and Van Buren, listed by state, showing a close election: 11,268,752 vs. 1,123,057.

This was an uncommon title which lasted but 4 years. The prospectus (not here) note... See More  

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Inauguration of President William H. Harrison, in a Washington newspaper...

Item #688275

March 17, 1841

KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., March 17, 1841

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential inauguration

This was an uncommon title which lasted but 4 years. The prospectus (not here) notes it was a semi-weekly devoted to "...the security of the right of suffrage by additional laws to punish bribery & exposure of abuses & corruptions in government..." and ... See More  

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Death of President William H. Harrison, in a Washington newspaper...

Item #686317

April 07, 1841

KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., April 7, 1841

* President William H. Harrison

* Washington D.C. death - John Tyler

 This was an uncommon title which lasted but 4 years. The prospectus (not here) notes it was a semi-weekly devoted to "...the security of the right of suffrage by additional laws to punish bribery & exposure of abuses & corruptions in gov... See More  

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On aiding slaves to reach Canada...

Item #688499

June 16, 1841

KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., June 16, 1841

* Southern slavery - slaves

* Underground Railroad ?

* Escaping to Canada case

 The back page has a report noting: "In the circuit court for Mason, Co., Kentucky, a verdict has been obtained by William Greathouse against the Rev. Jno. B. Mahan for $1600 as the value of two negroes whom Mahan enticed to run away & aided ... See More  

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Webster... Ashburton Treaty...

Item #201733

September 02, 1842

MANCHESTER REPRESENTATIVE, Manchester, N.H., Sept. 2, 1842 On pg. 2 under "A Treaty" is the text of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, signed in type: Ashburton & Daniel Webster. Treaty settled various disputes between the U.S. and Great Britain, including the northeastern boundary with Canada. Three areas of lite to moderate foxing, with a bit in the text of the treaty.

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An early newspaper mention of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #676110

December 22, 1843


* Very early Abraham Lincoln

* Springfield, Illinois convention

The top of page 2 has a report headed: "Advice From Illinois" being an account of activities in the state Whig Convention in Springfield, mentioning in part: "...The following gentlemen constitute the Electoral ticket: Electors at Large--ABRAHAM LINCOLN of Sangamon Cou... See More  

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Results of the presidential election...

Item #689429

November 23, 1844

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 23, 1844  The top of the first column of the front page has the results of the Presidential election, headed: "Presidential" with a count by state for Henry Clay and James K. Polk. Much more on the results of the election on inside pages.

Page 2 has a letter from President Tyler to H. M. Kamehameha III, king of Hawaii.

Also inside: &qu... See More  

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