Daniel Sickles

Daniel Sickles

Web Results (59)



The Daniel Sickles case, with the verdict...

Item #605346

April 27, 1859

SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 27, 1859  This four page "Supplement" issue is almost entirely taken up with very detailed reports on: "The Sickles Trial" "Arguments & Speeches on Both Sides" "Verbatim Reports of the Addresses of Mr. Carlisle for the Prosecution & Mr. Stanton & Mr. Brady for the Defence" "The Prayers For Instruc... See More  

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Daniel Sickles Acquitted of murder....

Item #219308

April 27, 1859

THE NEW YORK HERALD, with reports about the sensational trial of Daniel Sickles, the murderer of Philip Barton Key (son of Francis Scott Key). In good condition, April 27, 1859.


* Daniel Sickles acquitted of murdering Philip Barton Key

Pg. 2 has: The Washington Tragedy Trial of Daniel E. Sickles for Killing Philip Barton Key Argument of Mr. Ould for the Prosecution and Judge Crawfo
... See More  

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On the Daniel Sickles verdict...

Item #636702

April 28, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 28, 1859 

* Daniel Edgar Sickles trial verdict

* Philip Barton Key murder

Page 6 has over 1 1/2 columns taken up with: "Comments On The Trial of Daniel E. Sickles" concerning his the controversial trial for the murder of Philip Barton Key, and was historic for being the first use of the temporarily insanity plea. One of the comments begins: "Whate... See More  

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Daniel Sickles verdict...

Item #633609

April 28, 1859

NEW YORK TIMES, April 28, 1859 

* Daniel Edgar Sickles trial verdict

* Philip Barton Key murder

Page 4 has over a full column editorial headed: "The Acquittal of Mr. Sickles", which is concerning the controversial Daniel Sickles trial for the murder of Philip Barton Key, and was historic for being the first use of the temporarily insanity plea. The editorial begins: "The... See More  

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On the Daniel Sickles verdict...

Item #576316

April 28, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 28, 1859

* Daniel Sickles murder trial verdict

* Philip Barton Key

Page 6 has over 1 1/2 columns taken up with: "Comments On The Trial of Daniel E.Sickles" concerning his the controversial trial for the murder of Philip Barton Key, and was historic for being the first use of the temporarily insanity plea. One of the comments begins: "Whatever may be al... See More  

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Daniel Sickles verdict...

Item #575061

April 28, 1859

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 28, 1859 

* Daniel Sickles murder trial verdict

* Philip Barton Key

Page 4 has over a full column editorial headed: "The Acquittal of Mr. Sickles", which is concerning the controversial Daniel Sickles trial for the murder of Philip Barton Key, and was historic for being the first use of the temporarily insanity plea. The editorial begins: "The ... See More  

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Trial of Daniel Sickles... Dickens "The Tale of Two Cities"...

Item #172256

May 07, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY,  New York, May 7, 1859   Includes the story "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens beginning on the first page. The front page also includes a small illustration of "The Figures of a Horse and Rider Came Slowly Through the Eddying Mist." Inside includes nine small illustrations pertaining to "Ye Pictorial Historie of Abner Howe's Journ... See More  

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Daniel Sickles....

Item #219307

July 20, 1859

THE NEW YORK HERALD, with reports about the sensational trial of Daniel Sickles, the murderer of Philip Barton Key (son of Francis Scott Key). In good condition, July 20, 1859.


* Daniel Sickles letter in 1859

* Post murder trial

The front page has: Letter from the Hon. Daniel E. Sickles. To The Editor Of The Herald. Letter has much to do with his reconciliation with his wife
... See More  

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Daniel Sickles letter... Battle of Solferino...

Item #172280

July 30, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 30, 1859  The front page features a half page illustration of "The Late Prince Metternich" with an accompanying article. Inside contains a full page map of "The Seat of War in Italy, Showing the Famous Austrian Quadrilateral." The continuation of "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. Two half page illustrations of "Th... See More  

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