Confederate Civil War
Authentic newspapers from the Civil War South are extremely rare in comparison to their Northern counterparts. They were often printed under extreme conditions with limited supplies. Please enjoy.Confederate Civil War
Authentic newspapers from the Civil War South are extremely rare in comparison to their Northern counterparts. They were often printed under extreme conditions with limited supplies. Please enjoy.
Jeff Davis' inaugural address: in a Confederate newspaper...
Item #666370
February 25, 1862
THE DAILY SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, Columbia, South Carolina, Feb. 25, 1862
* Jefferson Davis inaugural address
* Rare Confederate publication
A rather rare title and great that it has the word “Southern”.
Certainly the most notable content begins page 2 being: "President Jefferson Davis's Inaugural address, delivered in Richmond, February 22, 1862" which takes ove... See More
The Civil War from a Confederate perspective...
Item #656562
March 10, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 10, 1863
* Rare rebel title
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page items on the Civil War are: "From Gloucester" "The Situation at Fredericksburg" "Officers' Horses & Mules" "Latest News From the North" "City Intelligence" "Bombardment of Vicksburg... See More
Confederate Act of Congress to organize a military...
Item #656034
March 04, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 4, 1864
* Confederate Act of Congress
* Organizing a rebel military
A very nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. Among the front page items are: "The Enemy Around Richmond--Butler's Advance Up the Peninsula" which takes over a column; "City Intelligence" "Blockade Runner Blocked"... See More
The Civil War from a Confederate perspective...
Item #654626
March 25, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 25, 1862
* From the capital of the Confederacy
The entire front page is taken up with ads, with much war news on pages 2 & 3 including: "Movements & Spirit of the War" "Important Advices From Tennessee--A Crisis" "The State of the Country--The President's Message" "Good News From the Army of the She... See More
Gordonsville and Yorktown...
Item #654254
August 15, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Aug. 15, 1862
* Rare rebel publication
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy, with war reports from the Confederate perspective. The front page includes: "Movements of the Enemy On James River" "From Gordonsville" 'From Yorktown" "Summary Of News". There are also many Acts from the Confederate Cong... See More
From the Confederate capital...The Death of Major Burroughs...
Item #652612
February 16, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 16, 1864
* From the capital of the Confederacy
* The Death of Major Edgar Burroughs
Among the front page items are: "The Death of Major Edgar Burroughs" "City Intelligence" "The Escaped Yankee Officers" "Telegraphic" and several Acts from the Confederate Congress.
The back page has an editorial concerning... See More
From the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #652068
August 21, 1861
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Aug. 21, 1861
* From the Confederate capital
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Much of the front page is taken up with: "Finances Of Confederate Government" taking over 2 1/2 columns. Also on the ftpg: "The Call for Militia", "Hessian Deviltry at Harper's Ferry, Va." and "A Call Upon the Ladi... See More
The nomination of General McClellan...
Item #651771
September 03, 1864
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 3, 1864
* General George McClellan
* Presidential nomination
* Rare Confederate title
Not only a very nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but from its capital as well. The ftpg. has: "The War News with several subheads from various fields of operation: "From Atlanta" "From Mobile" "From Louisiana" and "From C... See More
Day 2 reports of the 1st official Memorial Day...
Item #651767
June 01, 1868
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 1, 1868 Page 5 has, under the heading "Our Dead Heroes," multiple, day 2 reports regarding the 1st official Memorial Day celebrations from throughout the country. Locations include Jersey City, Newark, Nashville, Providence, Hartford, Portland, St. Louis, Dayton, and more. Nice to have these early reports. Other news of the day is found throughout.
Complet... See More
From the Confederacy...
Item #651715
March 11, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 11, 1864
* Rare rebel publication
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "The War News--Engagement At Suffolk & Repulse of the Enemy" "The Grab Game" "Escape from the Penitentiary" and some other items, in addition to many advertisements and notic... See More
From Charleston during the Civil War...
Item #648519
June 25, 1864
CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, June 25, 1864 This is one of just a few newspapers which printed: "Confederate States of America" in their dateline at the top of the front page (see photos). Among the front page reports are: "From General Johnston's Army" "Enemy Again Repulsed With Severe Loss" "Losses In Hooker's Corps" "The Mur... See More
From New Orleans from the earliest days of Butler's occupation... Fort Donelson...
Item #647349
February 15, 1862
THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Louisiana, Feb. 15, 1862
* Rare Confederate title from the deep South
Among the front page item are: "The Federal Raid Up the Tennessee River--Gen. Johnston's Order Disregarded" "What the Morning Journals Say" "Fort Donelson" "The 'Sinews of The War' -- Troubles of the Federal Treasury". There are also 14... See More
Beauregard's official report on the Battle of Manassas... in a Confederate newspaper...
Item #646929
February 04, 1862
THE DAILY EXPRESS, Petersburg, Virginia, February 4, 1862
* P.G.T. Beauregard official report
* Battle of Bull Run - Manassas
Certainly one of the less common titles from the Confederacy. Most of the front page is taken up with: "The War--Its Movements! Official Report of Gen. Beauregard Of The Battle of Manassas" which has tremendous detail. At the end it notes: "To be... See More
Great wealth of Civil War reporting...
Item #646476
October 16, 1861
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Oct. 16, 1861 A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page reports are those headed: "From the Northwest--The Enemy Inactive--Extracts from a Letter from Phillippi" "Gen. Fremont's Prospects in the West" which takes over half a column; "Secession Tricks in Europe" "Captain Todd &... See More
The Siege of Charleston... The Averill Raid...
Item #646447
December 22, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Dec. 22, 1863
* Charleston SC South Carolina siege
* General William W. Averell raid
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. Among the front page items are: "The Averill Raid" "From Northern Virginia" "From East Tennessee--From Northern Georgia--The Siege of Charleston" and other smaller i... See More
From the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #646442
March 09, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 9, 1863
* Rare rebel publication
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. Among the front page items are: "Bombardment of Fort McAllister" "Reported Fight at Gloucester Point" "A Rumour From the Rappahannock" "Effects of the War at the North" "The Virginia Legislature&qu... See More
The raid on Petersburg, from the Confederacy...
Item #646440
June 11, 1864
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 11, 1864
* From the capital of the Confederacy
* Siege of Petersburg, Virginia begins
Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate States. And this issue is from late in the Civil War. Among the front page items are: "The War News" "From Bottom's Bridge" "The Raid On Petersburg" w... See More
Much on the battle in Kentucky...
Item #646428
February 04, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 4, 1862
* Battle of Mill Springs, Kentucky
* In a Confederate title
Not only a newspaper from the Confederate States, but from the capital of the Confederacy. Among the front page items are: "The Coin Of The Confederate States" "A Virginia Mother's Appeal To the Soldiers" which is stirring (see images). Also much reportin... See More
Rare title from the Confederacy...
Item #646034
April 11, 1861
THE WILMINGTON DAILY HERALD, North Carolina, April 11, 1861
* Civil War beginning
* Jefferson Davis proclamation
* Rare Confederate publication
Wilmington was a major Atlantic Ocean port city for the Confederacy during the Civil War, and was one of the last ports to fall to Union forces in 1865. It ranked equal in size to Atlanta according to the 1860 census, and was a major point of... See More
From the Confederate Congress...
Item #645701
January 27, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 27, 1862
* From the Confederate capital
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate states with the front page taken up various advertisements and news, including; "The Northern Congress" "The Emancipation Question" "The Only Compromise With the Rebels" as well as "Notes Of The War".
The inside pa... See More
Reports from the Confederacy...
Item #639394
February 03, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, February 3, 1864
* Rare rebel title
A newspaper from the capital of the Confederate states, the city through which all news reports flowed during the Civil War. The front page has much on the war with items headed: "From the Blackwater Region" "The Enemy at New Bern, North Carolina" "From Charleston" "Arrest of Ex-Se... See More
The Yankees are growing tired of the war...
Item #637928
January 30, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 30, 1863 A nice newspaper from not only the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate states. Among the front page reports are: "The War In the East" "City Intelligence" "the White Flag" "Castle Thunder Items" "What the Yankee Soldiers Say & Think of the War--Growing Sick of the Job of Crus... See More
News from the Confederacy...
Item #629922
September 30, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 30, 1863
* Rare rebel publication
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "From the Army of Northern Virginia" "Promotions In The Army" "The Raid on Southwestern Virginia" "From Bragg's Army" and more.
A single sheet issue with a full banner masthead, very nice c... See More
Confederates concerned about 600,000 more Yankee soldiers...
Item #629830
August 30, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Aug. 30, 1862
* Rare rebel publication
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "From The Seat of War" "A Cavalry Dash in the Valley" "Additional From the North" "Address From General Floyd" "A Brush at City Point" "Supplies For the Hospitals" and more.
... See More
Where the last battle of the Civil War was fought...
Item #618261
August 07, 1862
DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Aug. 7, 1862
* Very rare Confederate publication
* General John Hunt Morgan
Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.
Among the various reports inside are: "How Morgan Used the Telegraph" which includes 3 dispatches each signed in type... See More
Morgan's raid into Kentucky, in his own words...
Item #618243
August 05, 1862
DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Aug. 5, 1862
* Very rare Confederate publication
* General John H Morgan's Kentucky raid
Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.
Over one-third of page 2 is taken up with the very lengthy & detailed: "Official Report of Col. John... See More
Lengthy letter from the Vice President of the Confederacy...
Item #618228
September 30, 1862
DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Sept. 30, 1862
* Very rare Confederate publication
* Rebel V.P. Alexander H. Stephens
Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.
Various reports inside include: "From Col. Crawford's Cavalry" "From J.T.S. at Montgomery" ... See More
John Hunt Morgan returns to Columbus...
Item #618220
August 01, 1862
DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, August 1, 1862 Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.
Among the various reports inside are: "The Penalty of Death for Passing Counterfeit Confederate Notes" "Lincoln's 300,000" both of which are editorials, the latter on the ... See More
Detailed report on the Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas...
Item #587782
August 09, 1861
LOUISVILLE DAILY COURIER, Louisville, Kentucky, Aug. 9, 1861
* First Battle of Bull Run - Manassas VA Virginia
* Detailed report in a uncommon title
Louisville is difficult to categorize as Union or Confederate during the Civil War as, depending on the time, there were factions within the city supporting both. To placate both sides the two leading newspapers took their stands: the &qu... See More
Reports from the Civil War, in a newspaper from the Confederate capital...
Item #586632
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, 1862 Not only is this a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but it is from the capital of the Confederate States at the time, the city through which all news reports would be sure to flow.This issue has various war reports on the inside pages, typically with a very anti-North bias, as would be expected. Page 2 also has an interesting editorial which was ... See More
A Memphis Confederate newspaper printed in Atlanta...
Item #586631
THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Atlanta, Georgia, 1863 If the title and city of publication seem to be in conflict, they are not. This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War.Memphis was a Confederate stronghold up through the Battle of Memphis on June 6, 1862, at which time the Yankees moved in and it became a Yankee city. The "Memphis Daily Appeal", dedicated to the ... See More
Confederate newspaper... Court cases involving slaves...
Item #563764
July 11, 1864
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1864 Various Civil War news with a Confederate bias, making for interesting reading as such. Among the front page items are: "The War News" which has several subheads including: "From Petersburg" & "Burnside's Movements". Other war news include: "Latest News From the North--Our Army in Maryland--Capture of Martinsburg... See More
"Confederate States Of America"...
Item #202911
CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, 1862-1864 *Confederate newspaper
*rare in dateline "Confederate States Of America"
A famous singlesheet issue from the Confederacy which has printed in the dateline: "Confederate States Of America" which is rarely found in issues from the south. The issue has rubbing, minor staining and slightly irregular margins, b... See More
Unique "Yankee" & "Confederate" pair of the same date...
Item #202443
Here is a unique opportunity for a pair of issues--one Yankee and the other Confederate--of the identical date in 1862-1864, one from the prestigious New York Times, Herald, or Tribune (Yankee) and the other from the Confederate capital of Richmond, titled the Daily Richmond Examiner (Confederate), providing a perspective of how the news was reported with all the "spin" & biases that
... See More
Winslow Homer... Fire-works...
Item #173216
July 11, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 11, 1868 The front page features a full page 'New Tammany Hall, East Fourteenth Street, New York City'. Nearly a half page illustration: 'The 'Little Western' of Chicago Capsizing in Lake Michigan'.and "Vestibule of the Manhattan Club-house, New York - Delegates to the Convention Visiting the Club." Thomas Nast political c... See More
Women's rights convention of 1859...
Item #172266
June 11, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 11, 1859 The front page shows: 'The Talking Fish' and 'The Fighting Tiger of King of Oude'. A full page illustration of 'Ye May Session of Ye Woman's Rights Convention' [Mozart Hall in New York City]. Several illustrations regarding the war in Europe. Text and 3 illustrations on 'The Floating Hospital in the Lower Bay' [... See More
Confederate Newspaper from Columbus, Ohio...
Item #140775
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, 1861-1864* Pro-Confederate Paper
This 8-page newspaper contains news of the day and interesting advertisements throughout. Interesting in that this is a rather rare pro-Confederate newspaper from the North with pro-rebel news. Good condition. Great reading. The image shown is an example of what you will receive. The actual issue will be in equal or better conditi... See More
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