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1859 Pike's Peak Gold Mining as a marketing ploy...
Item #698426
March 22, 1859
THE NORWALK EXPERIMENT, Huron County, Ohio, March 22, 1859
* Pike's Peak Gold Mining as an advertising hook
* Who should go to Pike's Peak
* Easier for negros in Massachusetts than foreigners (?)
The back page has a bold ad which appears to be seeking workers for the Pike Peak Gold Mines, but upon further inspection, the ad is actually for A. H. ROSE & CO's Store. However, ... See More
Prophetic word (?) from Lord Stanley... Reverend Henry Ward Beecher..
Item #698412
March 22, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, March 22, 1858
* Lord Stanley predicts the greatness of Russia and America
* Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and The Great Awakening
Page 2 has an interesting article headed: "Lord Stanley on the Future Greatness of America and Russia", which time would prove to be prophetic. Page 4 has: "The Great Awakening - The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher at Burton's", which i... See More
Niles' eight essays on the "Mitigation of Slavery"...
Item #698392
May 08, 1819
NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore (8-issue set)
* The "Mitigation of Slavery" - 8 issues
* Serialized essay by Hezekiah Niles'
* His plan to abolish slavery in America
A set of 8 issues which contain all eight essays by publisher Hezekiah Niles titled the: "Mitigation of Slavery" in which he puts forth five propositions to that end.* His plan to abolish slavery in America
The issues ar... See More
Celebrating Robert Burns, the renowned Scotish poet...
Item #698358
January 29, 1859
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Jan. 29, 1859 The issue has several illustrations related to Robert Burns (Rabbie Burns), the notable Scottish poet and lyricist. In this regard, the front page has: "The Burns Centenary, 'Alloway's Auld Kirk'". The inside has: "The Burns - Centenary - Burns In The Plough-Field Composing His Poem 'To A Mountain Daisy'"... See More
Gold Rush items in a South Carolina newspaper...
Item #698344
February 21, 1849
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, Columbia, South Carolina, Feb. 21, 1849
* Rare antebellum publication
* California Gold Rush report
Not only a rather rare antebellum title, but page 2 has California Gold Rush content with a letter headed: "California" which questions the consequences of the "gold excitement" and people & goods heading west. Another brief article: "C... See More
Fascinating slave case...
Item #698335
April 09, 1856
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 9, 1856 Page 5 has: "An Interesting Slave Case" concerning: "...a young colored woman & her children claimed as slaves..." and what follows are the details of a very fascinating case.
Eight pages, very nice condition.
California gold...
Item #698327
July 11, 1849
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C.,July 11, 1849 Page 3 has a relatively short article: "California Gold" noting in part: "...that the amount of the precious metal from the 'diggings' already deposited at the Mint for coinage is within a small fraction of two millions of dollars...". and more.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Jackson's state-of-the-union address & the Indian Removal Act... The "Trail of Tears"...
Item #698326
December 15, 1830
HAMPSHIRE GAZETTE, Northampton, Massachusetts, Dec. 15, 1830
* President Andrew Jackson
* State of the Union Address
* Indian Removal Act
Over half of the front page is taken up with: "Present State of the Indian Question" which is the controversial "Trail of Tears".
Inside has the: "President's Message" being Jackson's state-of-the-union addr... See More
Scenes of Java... From the first year of publication...
Item #698245
April 12, 1856
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, April 12, 1856 The front page is a nice print of: "Edward Everett". Prints inside include several: "Scenes in the Island of Java" which take two pages with descriptive text; prints of: "Napoleon III & Eugenie" and the tragic: "Destruction Of The Packet-Ship 'John Rutledge' By An Iceberg".
This is a... See More
Battle of Tippecanoe... Little Belt Affair...
Item #698232
November 30, 1811
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 30, 1811
* Battle of Tippecanoe
* The Little Belt Affair
* Census w/ "Slaves" column
The prime content is a report on the Battle of Tippecanoe, which is actually 3 separate reports headed: "Battle With The Indians" with a dateline of Vincennes, November 12.
Taking over half a page it begins: "This day we have just receiv... See More
From Red River County in Texas...
Item #698194
July 07, 1887
THE STANDARD, Clarksville, Red River County, Texas, July 7, 1887
* Rare 19th century Southwest publication
Rarely do we find newspapers from this part of Texas, north east of Dallas and not far from the Arkansas border. Various news and ads of the day. This issue includes a single sheet "Supplement" of smaller size.
Four pages, large folio size, small binding holes at the b... See More
Published by P.T. Barnum... Much on Franklin Pierce...
Item #698181
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Feb. 12, 1853 Phineas T. Barnum was the co-owner of this early illustrated newspaper which preceded both "Leslie's Illustrated" and "Harper's Weekly", the latter two becoming immensely more successful. This effort by Barnum and the Beach brothers would last for only 48 issues, or less than one year.Among the prints are: "Capt. Er... See More
Two Winslow Homer winter-themed prints...
Item #698155
January 14, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 14, 1860 Inside has two very nice, full-page & displayable prints: "The Sleighing Season--The Upset" and "A Snow Slide in the City", both by famed artist Winslow Homer.
Another full page shows: "The Emperor and Empress of France Hunting at Compiegne". The back page has two cartoon illustrations.
Complete in 16 pages, goo... See More
Brigham Young's Proclamation... The Great Eastern...
Item #698152
March 06, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 6, 1858 A full page illustration: 'Sleighing In Broadway' is very displayable. An article: "Skating, From a Lady's Point of View" features a half page illustration 'Skating In New England' and "Skating in the North of Europe'. "Hon. Henry Wilson, U.S. Senator of Massachusetts" is featured on the front page.... See More
Early mention of Abraham Lincoln in a national newspaper...
Item #698145
December 27, 1843
* Very early Abraham Lincoln
* Springfield, Illinois
The top of page 3 has a report headed: "Illinois" being an account of activities in the state Whig Convention in Springfield, mentioning in part: "...The following gentlemen were chosen as the Whig candidates for Presidential Electors: ABRAHAM LINCOLN: S. LISLE SMITH of Coo... See More
Great, early California Gold Rush report...
Item #698142
December 12, 1848
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 1848 The top of the back page has a column head: "Further Of The Gold Mines" which is an early report on the California Gold Rush. It is primarily a lengthy letter datelined "Monterey, California, August 29, 1848".
A few bits include: "The gold discoveries still continue--every day brings some new deposits to light.... See More
Early article on horse racing in America...
Item #698141
July 04, 1818
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 4, 1818 The front page has not only an unusually lengthy article headed: "Horse-Racing" but a very early one as well, as horse racing in the States did not become popular until many years later.
Four pages, several foxing spots, generally nice condition.
People deserting to follow the trail to the gold fields...
Item #698137
November 04, 1848
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 1848 The front page has news on the Gold Rush headed: "From California", beginning: "In Upper California the gold excitement is on the increase..." with more.
Four pages, very nice condition.
German language newspaper from 1833 Harrisburg...
Item #698133
July 18, 1833
HARRISBURGER MORGENROTHE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, July 18, 1833
* Rare publication
* German language newspaper
A quite scarce newspaper for the German speaking community in the Harrisburg area, printed entirely in the German language. Gregory's "Union List of American Newspapers" notes that only the Pennsylvania State Library has a reasonable run of this title, two oth... See More
A wealth of content on the John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry...
Item #698120
November 22, 1859
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 22, 1859
* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid
* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia - John E. Cook
The front page has some nice coverage of the Harper's Ferry insurrection led by John Brown. Column heads include: "New Trial for Brown Refused" "Harper's Ferry Alarms & Rumors" "Special to the Alex... See More
Death report of Nathan Mayer Rothschild - English branch of the Family...
Item #698115
September 10, 1836
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 10, 1836
* Death of Nathan Mayer Rothschild
* Established English Branch of the Rothschild family
* President Jackson and others discuss the U.S. surplus
The front page has a brief (but historic) report on the death of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the English branch of the Rothschild family legacy and influence. A portion of th... See More
Beware of the infatuation for gold...
Item #698111
December 21, 1848
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 1848
* California gold rush fever
Page 3 has an article: "Gold" which includes: "...all that has been reported of the gold regions of California to be true...rather a misfortune than a source of congratulation. Visions of golden sands...are filling...the minds of thousands, & if the epidemic continues we may expect t... See More
Capture of a slave ship...
Item #698110
January 12, 1854
DAILY OHIO STATESMAN, Columbus, Jan. 12, 1854
* H.N. Ganbrill schooner
* Slaver - slave ship captured
* USS Constitution's last prize
Page 3 has: "The Slaver Gambrill--The Recent Seizure of a Slaver on the Coast of Africa" which includes: "...it was found that the slave deck had all been laid...a large quantity of water & slave provisions, sufficient to s... See More
Broadside “extra” from before the Civil War...
Item #698102
May 21, 1842
NEW YORK HERALD, EXTRA, May 21, 1842 A broadside "issue, being single sheet & printed on one side only. The front page has at the top: “Arrival Of The Steamship Acadia”, plus an engraving of a steamship “15 Days Later From Europe”, bringing news from China & India, Algiers, Spain & France, and “Miscellaneous Items” as well.
Evenly t... See More
Early and rare from Florida...
Item #698095
July 01, 1848
THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, July 1, 1848
* Rare antebellum publication
* Pre Civil War South
Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, three years before the Civil War.
The ftpg. has literary & other items including: "Biographical Sketch of General W... See More
Leaning Tower of Pisa has crashed to the ground... The Mexican War...
Item #698094
August 14, 1847
THE DAILY UNION, City of Washington, Aug. 14, 1847
* Leaning Tower of Pisa fell ?
* Campanile bell tower hoax
Inside has content on the Mexican War with the top of page 3 headed: "Army And Navy Intelligence" with many subheads. Also on page 2: "From Vera Cruz" and "Still Later from Vera Cruz". Also of interest is a page 2 article: "Fall of the Leaning Tow... See More
Death of Martha Washington...
Item #698041
June 01, 1802
THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, June 1, 1802
* Martha Washington death
* Mount Vernon - Virginia
Inside under "The Knell" is a brief yet very notable death report: "At Mount Vernon, on the 22d ult. Mrs. Martha Washington, relict of the late illustrious Gen. George Washington."
Four pages, 9 1/2 by 11 inches, an old tape mend to an unrel... See More
Magazine in the Welsh language...
Item #698010
May 01, 1838
SEREN GOMER, Carmarthen, Wales, May, 1838 A quite uncommon magazine from Wales, totally in the Welsh language. Although commonly spoken in the 19th century, its use had diminished in the 20th century. Efforts are being made to bring it back today.
Complete in 32 pages, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, very nice condition.
Complete in 32 pages, 5 1/4 by 8 1/4 inches, very nice condition.
Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...
Item #698008
July 19, 1828
UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, July 19, 1828
* Rare campaign periodical
* General Andrew Jackson
This is the volume 1, number 19 issue. This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.
It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy ... See More
Buchanan's state-of-the-union address... Latest from the "Mormon country"...
Item #697950
December 28, 1859
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 28, 1859 Page 3 has most of a column headed: "From The Mormon Country" datelined at "Great Salt Lake City" which provides a rather inclusive update on the events in Utah in recent months. Also on page 3: "The Purchase of Mount Vernon" by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, with the details.
Over an entire page, spread on very ... See More
St. Paul from before the Civil War...
Item #697918
October 01, 1858
* Rare pre Civil War title
* Ramsey County
A wide variety of news reports of the day and a great wealth of advertisements from before the Civil War. Uncommon from this Northern city.
Four pages, large folio size, nice condition.... See More
Difficulty in capturing Santa Anna...
Item #697908
October 29, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 29, 1847
* Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
* Mexican-Amercian War
Inside has some great content on the Mexican War including nearly a full column letter: "Dispatches From Major Downing" on the situation from near the end of the war. It includes a letter from him to President Polk which begins: "I've done my best, acc... See More
President Andrew Jackson's response to the citizens of Charleston....
Item #697903
July 16, 1831
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 16, 1831 The front page has considerable details from Charleston, Soth Carolina regarding their fourth of July celebration. This included a letter being read which was then forwarded on to President Andrew Jackson with a request for a response. The article was followed by his response, and signed, ANDREW JACKSON. The subject of both centered around Nullificat... See More
Gold in California, and getting there...
Item #697894
December 28, 1849
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 28, 1849 The top of page 3 has a column headed: "Additional From California" which has much concerning the growth of the territory. One bit includes: "The immigrants by the overland route were continuing to arrive...It is said that numbers are now coming by the northern trail...The emigrants think that much of the suffering ... See More
The Maryland "Jew Bill" is finally passed...
Item #697877
March 19, 1825
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 19, 1825
* Maryland Jew Bill becomes law - passes
The prime content in this issue is the page 2 report from "Maryland" noting three acts that have passed the legislature, the first & most significant being the Jew Bill, which for many years had been attempted before finally being approved in 1825.
The text of the bill includes: "... See More
Proclamation by Napoleon...
Item #697857
August 23, 1808
SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Aug. 23, 1808 Among the items is a page 2: "Proclamation" signed in type: Napoleon, noting in part: "...We guarantee to the King of Spain the independence and integrity of his States in Europe..." followed by a response "Proclamation" by the King of Spain.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some wear at the margins with some foxi... See More
The famous--or infamous--trial of Hiram Cole...
Item #697852
March 10, 1858
CLEVELAND WEEKLY PLAIN DEALER, Ohio, March 10, 1858 About half of the front page, a portion of page 2, and most of page 3 are taken up with the very extensive coverage of an infamous court trial: "A Full Report Of the Trial of HIRAM COLE, Indicted for Poisoning his Wife, Adele Cole, on the 8th and 9th days of September, 1857".
There is an engraving of Hiram Cole at the top of both... See More
The Mormons' new home... Gold in California...
Item #697823
March 22, 1849
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 22, 1849
* California gold rush - 49ers
* Mormons at Salt Lake City
* Mormonism - emigration
Two-thirds of a column on page 3 is taken up with: "The Mormons" which notes in part: "...Seven thousand of them have found a resting place in the most remarkable spot on the American continent...to follow after a new Jerusalem ... See More
Mormon attack... Brigham Young on the Indians & U.S. forces...
Item #697822
November 17, 1857
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 17, 1857 This issue has multiple reports regarding the Mormon tensions of mid-late 1857. Page 2 begins with a full column article headed: "A Reply to Brigham Young" which kicks off with Young's detailed letter on how to handle the Indians, followed by the response of J.W. Denver, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Both letters d... See More
Should an atheist's oath "under God" be disqualified in court?
Item #697761
July 02, 1839
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 2, 1839 Page 2 has: "Religious Belief of Witnesses", which tells of a court case in Boston in which the defendant argued that a potential witness should be disqualified since the required oath "to tell the truth... so help me God" with their hand on a Bible would be meaningless to them. It is interesting to note this te... See More
"The North Star" becomes "Frederick Douglass' Paper"...
Item #697755
May 20, 1852
FREDERICK DOUGLASS' PAPER, Rochester, New York, May 20, 1852
* Extremely rare publication
We are pleased to offer this exceedingly rare--and highly desirable--newspaper by the famed Frederick Douglass. This weekly title is the continuation of his newspaper "North Star" which began in 1847.
Much of page 2 is taken up with: "The Annual Meeting of the American Anti-Sl... See More
Horace Greeley's first successful publication...
Item #697731
April 13, 1839
THE NEW-YORKER, New York, April 13, 1839 This title was published by the famed Horace Greeley, begun some seven years before his more famous 'New York Tribune' would print its first issue. Although he would work at several newspapers prior to the 'New Yorker' this would be his first successful venture eventually reaching a circulation of 9,000.
Long active in politics, Gr
... See More
Print of the Mormon city of Nauvoo...
Item #697683
July 22, 1854
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, Boston, July 22, 1854
* Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois view
* The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
* Mormons - Mormonism &n... See More
Much detail on General Scott entering Mexico City...
Item #697657
October 26, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 26, 1847
* Occupation of Mexico City
* General Winfield Scott
* Mexican-American War
Page 3 has a a full column letter concerning the Mexican War.
Also, most of a column is taken up with some fine reports on the war in a letter prefaced in part with: "...from a high source of military information...that every word of it may ... See More
Rare mention of the 'Mormon Battalion' during the Mexican War...
Item #697647
March 20, 1847
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 20, 1847 Near the top of an inside page has a brief yet notable report: "Letters received also state that Col. Cook and the Mormon battalion were 350 miles beyond Santa Fe. They were generally in good health and progressing slowly."
This is a very rare mention of the 'Mormon Battalion', which was the only religious unit in U.S... See More
Billy Bowlegs... Uncle Tom's Cabin... Declaration Signers...
Item #697532
July 12, 1853
DAILY OHIO STATESMAN, Columbus, July 12, 1853 The 3rd column on page 2 has 2 short paragraphs mentioning Billy Bowlegs (Billy Bolek), Chief Holata Micco of the Florida Seminoles. An article above it breaks down various characteristics of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. An ad on the adjoining page is for: "Panorama of Uncle Tom's Cabin". Yet another article provi... See More
Early Ulysses S. Grant well before he was famous... Assaults upon the Mormons...
Item #697530
July 20, 1839
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, July 20, 1839
* Very early Ulysses S. Grant
* West Point cadet admission
* Mormons in Nauvoo, Illinois
A fascinating and extremely early mention of Ulysses S. Grant, as the front page contains a "...list of cadets admitted into the institution in June last:..." and what follows are those admitted from each of the states amo
... See More
* Very early Ulysses S. Grant
* West Point cadet admission
* Mormons in Nauvoo, Illinois
A fascinating and extremely early mention of Ulysses S. Grant, as the front page contains a "...list of cadets admitted into the institution in June last:..." and what follows are those admitted from each of the states amo
Item #697455
June 13, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 13, 1857 The front page features a quarter-page print of "Sir E. Bulwer Lytton" with an accompanying article.
Inside prints include: "Rembrandt Peale"; many illustrations of "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" including: "Modern Gaza" "Ruins of Askelon" "Plain of Ashdad" "Ludd (ancient Lydda)"... See More
Jackson's state-of-the-union address, from the nation's capital...
Item #697383
December 06, 1832
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 6, 1832
* President Andrew Jackson
* State of the Union Address
* From our nation's capitol
Almost the entire front page is taken up with the annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type at its conclusion by: Andrew Jackson. As was typical with this annual tradition, President Jackson reviewed the events of the year addressing ... See More
California Gold Rush. amd it's growing population...
Item #697382
August 15, 1849
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 15, 1849 Page 3 has an interesting article: "Population Of California" noting that the entire "country" has about 60,000 people, broken down by country of origin. It also notes: "...Of the population already in the country, it is supposed that one-half...are engaged in various business pursuits, and the other half ... See More
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