The following comprise a collection of many of the best issues/items we've offered over the past 12 months, arranged in chronological order.Key-Issues-Past-12-Months
The following comprise a collection of many of the best issues/items we've offered over the past 12 months, arranged in chronological order.
General Lawrence O'Bryan Branch... The Confederate version of "Harper's Weekly"...
Item #698063
June 07, 1863
* General Lawrence O'Bryan Branch
* Very rare Confederate publication
A very rare publication from the Confederacy which seldom comes to the collector market. Although much of the content was literary in nature, there are news reports and a few illustrations.
The front page is entirely taken up with a nice illustration of: "G... See More
Very rare broadside issue of "The Daily Rebel" from Chattanooga...
Item #697376
June 18, 1863
THE DAILY REBEL, Chattanooga, Tennessee, June 18, 1863
* Very rare Confederate publication
* Second Battle of Winchester, Virginia
An extremely rare broadside newspaper and a great title for a Confederate newspaper.
This is the vol. 1 number 270 issue of a title that began August 1, 1862. This issue is dated from just prior to the Confederate invasion of the North and the Battle of Gettysb... See More
The Confederates on the Battle of Gettysburg...
Item #698576
July 11, 1863
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1863
* Battle of Gettysburg
* Rebel account
The front page includes: "Charleston" "Yankee Agents In England" "The Courts" "City Intelligence" "Prisoners" "Sale of Negroes in Georgia" with a list of names, ages and prices--fascinating; "Another Attack On Charleston" "... See More
Text and prints on the Battle of Gettysburg...
Item #698154
July 25, 1863
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 25, 1863
* Battle of Gettysburg conflict scenes
* General Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
The full front page is a nice portrait of: "Major-General Ulysses S. Grant ("Unconditional Surrender" Grant)". Inside has a full page: "The Siege of Vicksburg--View Upon the Extreme Right, Showing the Mississippi River Above and Belo... See More
From Houston during the Civil War...
Item #698268
November 09, 1864
* Very rare issue from the Southwest Confederacy
Newspapers from Texas are very uncommon, particularly from before or during the Civil War period. Here is an issue from the midst of the war, one of the earliest war-dated issues we have offered in recent years.
The front page has over 2 columns taken up with a terrific speech given by Jeff... See More
Very early Idaho newspaper, shortly after creation of the Idaho Territory...
Item #698048
November 12, 1864
IDAHO TRI-WEEKLY STATESMAN, Boise City, Nov. 12, 1864
* Very rare territorial title
* American Civil War era
A very early and rare newspaper from just 18 months after the Idaho Territory was created, and some 26 years before Idaho statehood.
This is the volume 1, number 48 issue. The front page is filled with ads with pages 2 & 3 containing various news of the day. Mostly ads on ... See More
Wild Bill Hickok...
Item #704224
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, (New York), February, 1867 * Wild Bill Hickok
* Folklore hero of Old West
* Gunfighter & scout
Featured on the front page is a great full-figure print of "Wild Bill" Hickok, one of the most notable names from the Old West who was very much a legend in his own time.
Such a print of him is rarely found in newspapers or magazines, and in... See More
Ulysses S. Grant clarifies his infamous "Jew Order"....
Item #698331
November 30, 1868
NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 30, 1868
* General Ulysses S. Grant
* General Order No. 11 - Jews
Page 2 has a very significant Judaica item headed: "Gen. Grant's Jew Order" "Why It Was Issued--A Statement of the Circumstances of the Case."
This relates to Ulysses S. Grant's General Order #11 from during the Civil War, known as the infamous "Jew O
... See More
* General Ulysses S. Grant
* General Order No. 11 - Jews
Page 2 has a very significant Judaica item headed: "Gen. Grant's Jew Order" "Why It Was Issued--A Statement of the Circumstances of the Case."
This relates to Ulysses S. Grant's General Order #11 from during the Civil War, known as the infamous "Jew O
Ulysses S. Grant clarifies his infamous "Jew Order"....
Item #698506
November 30, 1868
NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 30, 1868
* General Ulysses S. Grant
* General Order No. 11 - Jews
Page 5 has a very significant Judaica item headed: "Letter From General Grant on the Hebrew Question."
This relates to Ulysses S. Grant's General Order #11 from during the Civil War, known as the infamous "Jew Order". A website has further details on Grant
... See More
* General Ulysses S. Grant
* General Order No. 11 - Jews
Page 5 has a very significant Judaica item headed: "Letter From General Grant on the Hebrew Question."
This relates to Ulysses S. Grant's General Order #11 from during the Civil War, known as the infamous "Jew Order". A website has further details on Grant
Perhaps our best issue on the Chicago Fire...
Item #698614
October 10, 1871
* Great Chicago fire disaster
* From the same city (very rare)
This is perhaps the very best Chicago Fire issue we have offered. Not only is it from Chicago, but it is a day earlier than any other report we have offered from Chicago.
Most of the first column is taken up with heads including; "CHICAGO IN FLAMES" "An All-Night ... See More
Great Chicago Fire issue in a Chicago newspaper...
Item #704514
October 18, 1871
THE CHICAGO TIMES, Oct. 18, 1871 A terrific issue from shortly after the disastrous fire which destroyed much of the city, and while it was beginning to recover.
The first column heads include: "THE FIRE" "A Resume of the Great Calamity" "Detailed Account of Its Origin and Progress" "The Destructive Advance of the Flames Through the City" "Scenes... See More
The famous Winslow Homer print "Waiting for a Bite"...
Item #698672
August 22, 1874
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1874 Certainly the most notable print in this issue is the very nice full page by Winslow Homer titled: "Waiting for a Bite." It is in great condition.
Other prints in this issue are a full ftpg. illus. "The Little Vagrant." Inside is a 1/2 pg. map of "The Gold Regions of the Black Hills, Explored by General Custer's Exp... See More
Great Tombstone newspaper printed 3 months before the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral...
Item #704222
July 26, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Cochise County, Arizona, July 26, 1881
* Best Old West title to be had
* Pre Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept... See More
The most famous newspaper from the Old West...
Item #698453
January 06, 1882
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Tombstone, Arizona, Cochise County, January 6, 1882
* Best Old West title to be had
* Post Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral... See More
From rough & tumble Deadwood, Dakota Territory...
Item #704229
June 20, 1882
BLACK HILLS DAILY PIONEER, Deadwood City, Black Hills, Nov. 24, 1878
* Rare publication
* Famous wild West town
* "Wild Bill" Hickok fame
This city would arguably be--along with Tombstone & Dodge City--one of the more famous of all the towns from the rough & tumble days of the Old West, and only rarely do such issues come to light.
This issue is from the "hey... See More
Rare and very early from the "Alaska Territory"...
Item #698596
June 04, 1887
THE ALASKAN, Sitka, Alaska Territory, June 4, 1887
* Very rare Alaska Territorial issue
Rarely are newspapers from Alaska found from before the Klondike Gold Rush of 1897 when interest grew dramatically. This newspaper pre-dates the gold rush by ten years.
The format of the newspaper is much like other newspapers of the day, being four pages of small folio size (measures 13 by 20 in.)... See More
Rare 19th century Alaska newspaper: first we have seen...
Item #697341
September 26, 1892
THE ALASKA HERALD, Sitka, Sept. 26, 1892 A quite rare newspaper from Alaska which existed for just over two years, from June 27, 1892 thru Sept. 23, 1894. This is the volume 1, number 14 issue.
This is the first of this title we have encountered in our 47+ years.
Four pages, 11 by 16 inches, printed on high-quality newsprint, pages 2 & 3 have several older tape mends causing no loss of... See More
Best San Francisco earthquake issue to be had...
Item #682249
April 19, 1906
THE CALL-CHRONICLE-EXAMINER, San Francisco, California, April 19, 1906
* Best San Francisco earthquake issue to be had
This newspaper is destined to be--if not already--one of the premiere issues of the early 20th century.
See the photos for the great headlines and reports found not only on the front page but on all four pages.
Due to the destruction of the presses in San Francisco,... See More
Newspaper of the 'African Methodist Episcopal Church'...
Item #698480
April 06, 1922
WESTERN CHRISTIAN RECORDER, Kansas City, Kansas, April 6, 1922 The masthead notes that this is: "The Official Organ of the African Methodist Episcopal Church". As the title would suggest, primarily religious news and reports.
Four pages, folio size, toned, good condition.
First use of the popular term "Ivy League"...
Item #698511
February 07, 1935
* Very 1st use of the term "Ivy League"
* Collegiate athletic conference
* Harvard, Yale, Brown, Princeton, etc.
* One of a kind item here ?
Page 6 contains a rather mundane, one-column article headed: "Brown Seems to Have Been Taken Into 'Ivy League' " but it is significant for being the very first use of the... See More
Terrific issue on the Hindenburg tragedy...
Item #698116
May 07, 1937
* Hindenburg airship disaster
* Lakehurst NJ New Jersey
* Great headline for display
One of the very best, dramatic banner headlines we have offered on this historic catastrophe: "DIRIGIBLE HINDENBURG EXPLODES, 90 KILLED". A large front page photo shows the Hindenburg over the New York skyline, headed: "Giant Airliner That Fe... See More
Hometown newspaper reports: Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak begins, is established, and ends...
Item #698562
July 18, 1941
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, a trio of issues for May 16, July 17 and 18, 1941
* Joe DiMaggio's famous hitting streak
* It begins - breaks record - and ending
* New York Yankees - MLB baseball
* 3 issue lot from his hometown publication
The sports page of May 16 has a report on the game with the Chicago White Sox, noting a 13-1 defeat, but also including the box score which shows Jo... See More
Terrific Honolulu newspaper, one day after Pearl Harbor...
Item #698121
December 08, 1941
* Attack on Pearl Harbor
* U.S. to enter World War II
* Best publication to be had
Fully one-third of the newspaper, above the masthead, is taken up with a dramatic three line banner headline: "SABOTEURS LAND HERE ! Britain, Australia Declare War ! " with various related subheads as well including: "Raiders Return In Dawn A... See More
Japanese newspaper reporting the bombing of Pearl Harbor...
Item #695783
December 09, 1941
Attack on Pearl Harbor in a Japanese publication
A newspaper from Kyushu, Japan, reporting on the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The only information we have is the penciled notations at the top of one of the pages, noting "Kyushu Nipp_o name of the paper December 9th edition". We cannot verify any of the content as it is totally in Japanese. Unknown if complete in the two leav... See More
An opportunity for a newspaper that never existed...
Item #695785
October 01, 1943
THE EDITOR'S DREAM, 'September 31"
* Fake publication w/ a futuristic headline
As the title of the newspaper implies, this is not a legitimate newspaper but rather a "dream" headline any publisher would love to print.
In large type is: “NAZIS QUIT ! ” “Hitler Seized in Mountain Hideout: Nazi Chiefs Nabbed“ with a photo showing Hitler behind bar... See More
The six issue set on the life of Bob Dylan...
Item #698556
March 20, 1969
THE VILLAGE VOICE, New York A six issue set of issues containing the entire series of six articles on the life & career of Bob Dylan. The dates are March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17 and 24, 1969.
All are authored by Toby Thompson when he traveled to Dylan's hometown of Hibbing, Minnesota. Each of the articles have a subtitle: "A Good Family Boy" "Join the Elvis Rebellion&... See More
The 1969 Stonewall Uprising: watershed event for the LGBQT movement...
Item #700539
July 03, 1969
VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York City, July 3, 1969
* Stonewall riots - uprising - rebellion
* LGBT - gay community protests
* Birth of the gay pride civil rights movement
* The best issue to be had (very rare)
The Stonewall Riots, also called the Stonewall Uprising, began in the early hours of June 28, 1969 when New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club l... See More
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